The BLTS Archive- Was It Worth It by Laura Jacquez Valentine ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom owns Star Trek. The Pet Shop Boys own _Was It Worth It?_. I love everyone and would never steal the toys, or break them either, but y'all know I own this "vid". ---- *fade in* --- Spock, dressed in a shimmery mesh t-shirt and a pair of slim-legged black pants, is standing in the Enterprise rec room. His body is still desert-hard from his time at Gol, but his eyes are bright. The floor has been cleared, and various crewmembers are standing around the sides of the room. Spock has his arms folded and a very faint smile on his lips. He is shaking his hips a little to the fast-paced music. The door swishes open, and Jim walks in. He stops dead when he sees Spock, who turns and walks towards him, extending an arm. Spock begins to sing: --- // Well I don't know why I was dreaming about you But I do know that I was dancing without you// --- Spock suddenly pulls Jim into his arms, then shrugs and lets him go. --- // Then you smiled, and I was lost You fall in love, why count the cost?// --- Scene from Mudd's Women: Spock leans against the doorframe of Jim's quarters, smiles, shrugs, turns and walks away. Spock is standing on a cliff near Gol, the desert winds tearing at his black robe. --- // All I gave to you All you made me do I react when I hear people ask// --- T'Sai walks up behind him. He turns around and raises his voice in challenge. --- // Was it worth it? Yes it's worth living for Was it worth it? Yes it's worth giving more// --- Spock walks around Jim, running his hands over the captain's shoulders. The lights are slowly dimming. --- //If I'd had my way this would have happened much sooner But until that day it was only a rumour// --- Spock presses a finger to his lips and raises an eyebrow, then leans in so that his lips brush Jim's ear. --- // All at once you changed my life And led me in to paradise// --- The desert winds blow around Spock. Amanda stands next to him, her hand on his arm. He turns and looks into her face and tries to explain... --- // Where I had to do What I wanted to I react when I hear people ask Was it worth it? Yes it's worth living for Was it worth it? Yes it's worth giving more// --- A faceless Vulcan crowd watches Spock, standing by himself in his shimmery clubbing outfit, in the center of a white room. A faceless crowd of Starfleet brass watches from the other side. He spins around, looks at the all, and sings out his defiance: --- //I reserve the right to live My life this way, and I don't give A damn when I hear people say I'll pay the price that others pay// --- Sarek steps forward from the crowd, and Spock walks towards him, eyes flashing. Sarek falters and falls back before his son's advance. --- //'Cause it's worth it Yes it's worth living for 'Cause it's worth it Yes it's worth living for// --- Jim and Spock are dancing in the rec room of the Enterprise. The lights are so dim that the faces of the gathered crew are invisible. --- // All I gave to you All you made me do I react when I hear people ask Was it worth it? Yes it's worth living for Was it worth it? Yes it's worth giving more// --- The faces of the crew in the rec room are lighted in the dark room. Spock stands in the middle, arms raised, spotlighted. The crew calls responses to his words. --- //And I reserve (what?) The right to live (where?) My life this way (how?) I couldn't give A damn when I (what?) Hear people say (who?) I'll pay the price That others pay// --- Spock takes Jim in his arms and they begin dancing again. Other couples join them, swirling through patterned lights. --- //'Cause it's worth it Yes it's worth living for 'Cause it's worth it Yes it's worth giving more And it's worth it I don't know why I never thought I'd fall in love...// --- Spock tilts Jim's face up, and bends to kiss him. The other dancers continue swirling about them. One of the couples moves past, and it is Sarek and Amanda, watching their son and his lover. She is smiling. --- *fade out* --- The End