The BLTS Archive- Tears in The Rain Three: A Moment in Time III by Laura Jacquez Valentine ( --- Paramount owns Star Trek. I own a computer, a couch, and a couple of kittycats. Also three rats and a Persian rug. ---- Spock was coming home! It had been years since I had seen him, but last week I had sent him a picture of me at our Bonding, as is our custom. I did not wish to be his consort, but--it was a done thing. We would be married, and friends, and I would simply take a lover. I hoped Stonn would understand why I could not challenge my oldest friend, why I could not disgrace him so. Spock would understand, I was sure. I would explain it after the pon farr was resolved, and he would tweak my nose and tell me it was quite logical, as he used to do when we were children together. He was meditating upon my picture. I could feel him. I closed my eyes and concentrated, touching him in my mind-- Someone was with him. Someone he cared about a great deal. Perhaps someone he could take as a lover when this was over? That thought was comforting. I do not like to think of Spock alone in the universe. That someone touched him--I could feel the coolness of human skin against me as if it were my hand being touched-- No...oh no, Spock--No! I pulled back from his mind as though I had been burned. No. Spock wouldn't. We had been friends for years-- I waited hours for him to call me and tell me what had happened. He did not. So I called Stonn. What choice did I have, after that? -- The End