The BLTS Archive- Tears in The Rain One: A Moment in Time I by Laura Jacquez Valentine ( --- Paramount owns Star Trek. I own a computer, a couch, and a couple of kittycats. Also three rats and a Persian rug. ---- I was furious with him for hiding this--whatever it was. I stormed into his quarters, ready to push him down into his chair and hold him until he told me what the fuck was going on. But he moved like he'd lost control; jerky and abrupt, not at all like the Spock I knew. I almost--I don't know what I almost did. Hell, this was *Spock*. As vulnerable as if he's been stripped naked on the bridge--no, that wouldn't bother him like--whatever it was. He moved to put his stylus down, and I saw his hand shaking. Before I could think (we don't touch Vulcans, we don't touch Vulcans, they drilled it into me in the Academy, never touch Vulcans unless they touch you first, dear God in heaven, don't touch Vulcans...) I took his hand in mine. Felt it vibrate in my grip, at though moved by an unknown force running under his skin. Felt it burn my skin--he was so hot, but I couldn't tell if he was feverish--McCoy would have known at once-- --and he was inside my head, inside my body, all at once. Every part of me was suddenly part of him-- I let him go and became Captain James T. Kirk again, angry, strict. But I was no longer quite alone inside my head-- Dear God in heaven, what has happened to me? -- The End