The BLTS Archive - Predicament by T'Rhys) --- DISCLAIMER: This is an original work of amateur fiction not intended to infringe on the copyrights of Paramount or any other legal holders of Star Trek licenses. Author's copyright extends only to the story and those elements not owned by Paramount, et al. Originally published as 'Dilemma' in "Off the Wall", FireTrine Press 1991 Copyright 1997 by T'Rhys. Archiving permitted, no paper reprints or professional media display allowed without permission of the author. Please retain all headers and disclaimers intact. --- "It does not fit." "What do you mean, 'it doesn't fit'? I told you what size the opening was." "However, you apparently did not take into account the clearance required to... " "It's not something you need a lot of clearance for, for heaven's sake! It's supposed to be snug, you know." "Not to this extent." "Okay, okay. I suppose not. You could always force it in." "This is not a situation in which it is advisable to 'get a bigger hammer'." "Well, you think of something, then. Just hurry it up, will you? I'm getting tired here." "My apologies. Perhaps a suitable lubricant...?" "Would beeswax work? I know, let's ask Scotty for some of that super-duper stuff he's so proud of... Why not?" "That... 'super-duper stuff' is somewhat caustic, as well as having a generally unpleasant odor." "So let's hear a bright idea from you ... since I'm the one holding this up in mid-air!" "Unfortunately, my knowledge in this field is too limited to offer any solutions. Perhaps if you had used the butt gauge as the clerk in the store suggested..." "Oh, so now it's my fault? Okay, I've had it. From now on we stick to what we know and let Scotty install all the doors around here!" --- The End