The BLTS Archive- Nightswimming by Trexphile ( --- DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns them and dresses them up in really unattractive swimwear. I've let them shed those confining suits and set them free as nature intended. Author's notes at the end. June 1999 --- Silvered and cool, the moonlight ripples across the water's surface. The trees stand guard, whispering their query, and the water answers softly against the bank. All is well. He lies alone and listens. With eyes shut, he can almost hear the trees and the water laughing as they talk of other nights like this -- nights when they bore witness to giggling modesty that eventually gave way to sensual recklessness in water. A louder rustling causes him to turn his head toward the closest trees, his gaze darting through the shadows. A pause, and then the unseen creature slips away. Unperturbed by the interruption, he closes his eyes again and breathes deeply. He is assailed by the scents that surround him, those that he so rarely experiences anymore. The clean smell of water, underscored by the ever-present odor of fish and mud. The fresh lilt of grass and flower underlying the primal deep richness of earth and things long hidden from the light. There is even the faintest hint nearby of wet ash accompanied by the remnants of cooking and coffee. He turns his head as a breeze brushes across his chest. The air has cooled somewhat, but the earth is still warm, and he can feel the rock and grass beneath his bare back, one irritating while the other soothes. The air around him caresses him lightly and he can barely tell anymore where his skin ends and the air begins. A cricket chirps nearby, and he opens his eyes, smiling at what he sees. Spots of light dance above him, flashing briefly, then flickering out. The fireflies coax his gaze ever upward until they are swallowed up by the stars. He loves seeing them like this -- softened by the atmosphere and the moon's dominance. The moon. He can't avoid its pull and he stares at it, lets it fill his vision as his surroundings fade away. They are replaced by sights and sounds from long ago and as he continues to drink in the full moon rising above him, he allows the memories to rise as well. He relaxes his focus and he sees two moons floating instead of one, quavering uncertainly side by side. Two moons circling the earth, just as he and Jack had circled her so many years ago. --- It was another night, much like this. Days consumed by work and study had finally given way to one night of leisure. Their friendship still new, the three of them had slipped away to this place where they could test the waters of their developing relationships. She had known of both men's desire for her. She had danced along the shores of their uncertainty, teasing each in turn until they finally followed her lead and joined her, leaving their inhibitions on the bank with their discarded clothing. They swam and played and all the while, the undercurrent of their shared desire had run stronger than the water that washed over their bodies. They both wanted her -- that was obvious. But the fact that she would even consider *him* -- a man so much older and dour than she -- was something he could barely allow himself to believe. He knew that she would make a choice and even as she flirted and teased, he could not allow himself to hope that she would choose him. She deserved more than he could give her. Jack could give her what she needed. When they'd finally left the water, he knew that she had made her decision. --- The images from the past fade away and when he blinks, he sees only one moon again. Only one. He hears a splash that breaks the rhythmic lapping against the shore. He sits up slowly and looks out across the water. There. A dark shape moves across the water, causing the moonlit ripples to shudder and dance as it passes. It approaches a large flat rock that lies dry and solid in the middle of the water, and as he watches, the shape takes on a familiar form as it moves atop the rock. The moon's light is slick on her skin, and she stands tall and naked and unashamed. She raises her arms toward the place of her birth and tilts her head back, and he hears her laughter tripping across the water. He laughs too, softly. He stands and moves to the water's edge to wait, glancing down at their clothing that lies tangled together like sated lovers. He watches as she slips once more into the water and swims toward him, her strokes strong and smooth. She rises from the water and he sighs, still overcome by her beauty, the beauty that still glows after so many years, shining brighter than the moon in the sky. She is radiant, and he realizes that it is her love for him that shines so brightly. He hopes that he shines the same for her. She walks from the water and reaches for him. He takes her hand and kisses the moonlight from her fingers. --- AUTHOR's NOTES: Inspired by REM's "Nightswimming." Gorgeous song. As always, Kate has given me the beta that I need. What would I do without you, gooah? And The Bevster -- your insight and support is invaluable. I want to thank Erin for her enthusiastic support and John for the fireflies. --- The End