The BLTS Archive- Merry Christmas, Jim! by T'Reija ( --- Archive/Post: ASC, ASCEM(L), BLTS, all others please ask first. Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, I'm just having a f*cking good time using 'em. Harb Tanzer - who is only mentioned by name - belongs to Diane Duane and, as everything else, is used without permission. His liking for 20th century Earth music is made up by me. "Last Christmas", from which I took a few lines, is by WHAM, and my very favourite x-mas song. Note: A little x-mas story, set after ST:TUC. I had the idea while... guess what... removing the snow from the drive! Why not make an annoying job more fun? Regard it as my personal present to all of you, although it didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to, mainly because I didn't plan that much before writing, something I normally do. And I was a little free with things like... canon. Anyway: Merry Christmas!! December 1998 --- "You know, you don't have to do that," Spock stated matter-of-factly, but with a hint of a smile in his eyes. His t'hy'la had gotten up early, put on his warm coat and went outside to remove snow from the drive and the pavement all around the small house in which they had settled after their careers in Starfleet had come to an end. Of course, he had tried to do it quietly... without much success. Surprised, former starship captain James T. Kirk turned around and grinned, cheeks bright red from the cold. "Spock! Of course I have to, can't just leave all the snow lie there. What if someone comes along and falls? And when I wait till it rains it'll turn to ice." "That's not what I meant. You could use a phaser, and the snow would melt away in no time." But Jim *did* look good like this, perspiration showing on his forehead despite the temperature, his breath condensing in the cold winter air, flushed and so adorable. "I know. But Spock, that's the fun of it. It's easy to pull the trigger on a phaser, but we're talking about *Christmas*. This is part of it. At least that's what my mom always used to say. Anyway, it's much to cold out here, for you anyway. Why don't you go inside and start decorating the tree? You know, we're having guests tomorrow." Jim was so happy that all of the Enterprise's former senior officers would come. Sulu had been able to take leave, the Excelsior was currently in Earth's orbit, and Chekov's ship would arrive a few hours later. How appropriate that the man who had come aboard as a young greenhorn ensign so long ago should now command the Enterprise. Uhura, who was head of Earth's communication centre and gave classes at the Starfleet Academy, had luckily been able to persuade Scotty to join her. Ah, Scotty... he had been reluctant to give up the Enterprise, true, but the challenge of building up the Utopia Planetia shipyards, designing new engines and whole new ships had been too much to resist. And of course there was Dr. McCoy... Bones had always called himself an "old country doctor". Now he had returned to Georgia and opened a practice there. He would come together with his wife, Eve. Even Janice Rand had gladly accepted the invitation and would join Hikaru. After all, she *was* his First Officer... "and a damn good one", as he emphasised. Spock showed his mate an almost-but-not-quite smile and went back inside as he'd been told. As a Vulcan, he found the low temperature very unpleasant. Jim was so excited about this time of year, especially Christmas. Spock had long given up the argument that 'celebrating a religious event one didn't even believe in' was illogical. Besides, it *was*... fun. Kirk continued to load the heavy snow on the shovel and tossed it to the side. As so often he reflected on his relationship with his former first officer, so much linked with this day... --- It was Christmas on the Enterprise. Most crewmembers were human, so it was a major event every time. Someone had organized a real tree for the recreation area, and Uhura and Sulu had decorated it. Even some false snow lay on the branches. The only one not affected by Christmas was probably Commander Spock. When he sat in the area nowadays, he didn't even glance in the direction of the tree. This evening, it would be Christmas Eve, and the pile of presents under the tree had grown rapidly in the last few days. At some point there were so many that the next room was used as a temporary store. "Not in the mood to join the others?" Spock turned around to find a grinning Captain Kirk behind him. "Captain," he greeted the younger man with a tilt of his head. I find it... highly illogical to celebrate a religious event one doesn't believe in, and most crewmembers do not, as far as I can tell." "Of course. But it's more the spirit of the season than the actual event we're celebrating. It's fun, and even you must agree that the crew need a little relaxation at the moment. And frankly, I think you could need some, too. Don't you have holidays like that on Vulcan?" "No. We do not, not in this sense." "Pity, you're missing something. You're the only one not joining in, you know. That's certainly your right, but it makes you excluded. Do me a favour? Come this evening, if only for a few minutes. You could call it... observation of human behaviour." Jim grinned from ear to ear, knowing the Vulcan's reply before the other even opened his mouth. "In that case, I will... observe." 'Sure you will, Spock,' the captain thought. --- When evening came and more and more crewmembers filed in, Kirk started to wonder if he had changed his mind. Spock was usually on time, and now he was nowhere to be seen. Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" sounded from the speakers. Harb Tanzer, the leader of the section, was a great admirer of 20th century Earth music, so a lot of the records played were from that time. Then Spock stood behind him, he knew without turning his head. Somehow, he could sense the Vulcans closeness, almost instinctively. "Captain." "Spock," James T. Kirk answered, a little amused but also a little annoyed. "We're here for fun. I didn't order you to come, so call me Jim." He was surprised to find his first officer in leisure clothes, all in black - wasn't that the colour for him? But where the hell did that thought come from? - and he didn't even look like it was too much of a burden. They sat down at one of the nearby tables together with Sulu and Chekov, who were chatting about past Christmas parties. It seemed Christmas was just an excuse in Russia, an excuse for drinking more Wodka than usual and having more fun with women... Sulu grinned to himself, knowing that half of the stories weren't true and those that were probably were quite embellished. So he quickly silenced his partner the best way possible, by kissing him on the mouth, hard, just when Uhura came to join them at the table, rolling her eyes at the sight. "You two can't get a hold of yourselves, now can you? Why, you probably didn't even notice your captain and first officer sitting right next to you." And, from the looks on their face, they hadn't. The communications officer was chuckling by now, enjoying their embarrassment enormously. "Ah... keptin..." Chekov stammered, his Russian accent growing with his nervousness. "Relax, gentlemen. As I said to Mister Spock before, we're all here for fun - obviously. you're doing just that," Jim grinned, thinking 'So that's why we've never seen either of them with women for some time.' It seemed to have worked, for they both relaxed again. Spock was visibly unaffected by them or anybody else around him. Obviously, he wanted to get the evening over with to return to his quarters, or his work (or both). "So, Mr. Spock," Uhura said with a twinkle in her eyes, "Have you been a good first officer this year? You know, Santa sees everything." By then, Sulu and Chekov had moved a little closer, knees touching, hands briefly stroking each other and parting again, grinning at their colleague. "This is highly improbable, Miss Uhura, as there is no such thing as Santa Claus." The black woman mimicked shock at this statement. "And if you want to know about my qualifications for my job, logic dictates that you should ask the captain." Only Kirk saw the little glitter in the Vulcan's eyes. In the last few years, he'd come to know this man, and knew, that he was far from detached and humourless as most tended to believe. "So, /Captain Kirk/," she continued, deliberately using his title although they called each other by first name for some time, at least off-duty, "has Mr. Spock been a good boy this year?" "Well..." he started, but was interrupted from behind. "Of course he wasn't, Uhura," spoken with a strong southern dialect, indicating several drinks from the bar had gone down the doctor's throat already, "just look at him. He isn't even having fun now." "Doctor, I'm curious, how would having fun influence my abilities as first officer on this ship?" McCoy rolled his eyes in frustration, mumbling something about Vulcans nobody understood. --- A few hours later, Spock seemed to start feeling uncomfortable, or so Kirk thought. He sat in his chair, fingers pressed together, eyes half closed as if it needed to endure something. And Jim made a surprising discovery. He knew he liked his first officer, really liked him. But right now, he seemed the most beautiful creature alive, exotic and alien, but still so familiar, so... so Spock. Some more seasonal music was playing, "Last Christmas", another 20th century one. //Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special...// And he realized he loved Spock, had done so for a very long time already. Could he imagine a life without Spock? Without his presence, his advise, his friendship? No, probably not. Suddenly he noticed that they were alone at the small table. His navigator and helmsman had left at least half an hour ago, and somehow, the others also had. In fact, he noticed the room was quite empty by now - empty in comparison to before - and most people left were from other shifts. "Spock? I believe we should go... I mean, get some sleep." The Vulcan got up at once, it seemed he had only waited for this. In companionable silence, they walked to their quarters which were in the same part of the ship, and again Jim had this strange feeling of oneness, as if they had stopped to be Kirk and Spock but one single new being. But it couldn't be - could it? - that Spock felt it too... or did he? He asked himself this question over and over, forgetting everything around him, until he was brought back to reality by something so unexpected, so real that he gasped and pulled back, almost missing the fact that he was in his old familiar room. Spock had... kissed him. "Wha..." he managed to bring out, then lost himself in those dark eyes, confused and yes, even a little shocked. "Jim. I am sorry. I thought I had percepted that you wished to... do this. I must have been wrong. I didn't try to read your thoughts, but I believed I had. If you will excuse me..." "Wait!" In mid-movement Spock halted, turning towards his captain again, patiently waiting. "I did want this. I mean, I do. It's just... you surprised me. I mean, I... I don't know, you could have..." What? Warned him? No. "I never knew. Have you felt like this before?" he finally asked. "Yes, often. And I sensed it in you before, in our mind melds." "But... you never said anything?!?" "I was not sure. As you weren't. Honestly, if I had told you you were in love with me while you didn't know yourself, what would have happened?" "You're right. I would have thought you crazy. Okay. So... what will we do now?" It was pathetic. He should know. He liked being in control. He was always in control in this kind of situation. But then, had he ever been in *this* situation? As it turned out, he was quite comfortable with giving Spock control after all... --- James T. Kirk, retired Starfleet admiral, smiled when he thought back to that first night with his beloved. So much passion, so much trust, and deep affection built over the years... yes, love it sure was. A love strong enough to last this long, to overcome even death. And still it hadn't lessened. It had grown, well, quieter. But it was just as strong. That evening, when they made love, he felt it burn as hot as the first time, and he knew he could consider himself a lucky man. The Enterprise would never have been his home without Spock, and now that they were together on Earth, she was only a ship among many others, something from the past. She had no place in this part of his life. Spock's warm breath touched his ear. "Merry Christmas, Jim!" he whispered. "Can't wait for New Year's Eve..." Jim replied, in this calm and gentle voice he reserved only for his mate, and they held each other close, savouring the afterglow of their lovemaking. --- The End