The BLTS Archive- He Loves Me... Not by T'Reija ( --- Post/Archive: ASC, ASCEM(L), BLTS, R'Rain's, all others please ask first. Disclaimer: At this point, I should be saying that Geordi and Data belong to Paramount, and that I humbly apologise for stealing their property. But, since slavery is forbidden, I feel no disgrace and refuse to say sorry ;). April 1999 --- I'm alone in my quarters, Thinking of him, The way he looks, The way he talks, The way he tries so hard to be like us... But he can't, He will never be able to, To laugh when he feels good, To cry when he feels bad, To fear when he is in danger... Or to love... How long have I longed for him, Wishing for only One kiss, One touch, One smile from his soul... But he can't, I know this, have always known it, Still it causes me pain anew Every single day that passes, Fills my heart with sorrow. For I love him so. And he loves me... not. --- The End