The BLTS Archive- I'm Sorry by T'Reija ( --- Post/Archive: ASC, ASCEM(L), BLTS, R'Rain's, all others please ask first. Disclaimer: Paramount owns 'em, I'm just writing this for my personal entertainment and out of love for the characters. And about getting money for it have you actually *read* it?!? Note: This isn't really one of the stories I wanted to write, or one I'm happy with, but I was trying to write something and had no idea how to go on, so I started with this. Watching soaps while writing didn't exactly help to make it something worth reading. And I'm only posting it to get rid of it. Don't bother reading if you're averse to slush and/or a guy crying. 1999 --- "I'm sorry." The words were uttered quietly, painfully. "What for?" "You know why. I... I didn't want to... I mean, it's not... shit." "It doesn't matter. It's okay. It's not as if I'd never been been kissed before." "Dammit, I know that. I know it too well. So? This may not be a great affair to you, maybe you're amused, or what? Is it that funny? I don't think so! I just kissed my best friend, who, by the way, has a girlfriend whom he is, as far as I know, quite happy with, who has *never* given *any* indication that he feels about me in any other way than as a friend and colleague, and he says it doesn't matter? What am I supposed to do? Wave it off, say I didn't mean it like that, go on as if nothing had happened? I can't believe you, Tom!" "Sorry." He sat down beside the shrank form of his friend, laying one arm around the tense shoulders. Harry jerked away from him. "*Don't touch me!*" His head turned, and he looked at the wall as if it was extremely interesting. "Oh. Harry... look, there's nothing wrong with what you did. And about B'Elanna..." The younger man shuddered. Tom turned his head to face him, and was shocked to see tears running down his best friend's cheeks. His hand moved up to stroke the hair out of Harry's face. Slowly, he leaned towards him, gently pressing his lips to the other man's, who tried to turn away again, but was stopped by the sensation he'd waited so long to experience. Tom pulled back, slowly as to not disturb Harry. "B'Elanna and I broke up, without a fight. She knew I cared for her, and she loved me, but she helped me... she helped me realise a few things about myself. And then she let me go. When I came here this evening, I wanted to tell you how I feel for you, but I didn't think you could return these feelings." "She... she knows?" "Yeah. She's wonderful. No woman I've ever been with before could have done what she did... send me away, tell me to go to a man. She said she'd miss me, but couldn't stand being a stopgap. It's not that I ever thought of her like that. But that's what she said, and I guess, in some way, she's right." "You mean, you want to... want us to..." "Yeah." Together, they left the holodeck, not even noticing that the Sandrine program didn't stop, as it should when the last person left the location. From the small dark room next to the main place, a low sob could be heard. B'Elanna Torres sat there, alone, clenching her teeth with the effort not to cry. It was for the best. Tom would be happy with Harry, and Harry would be happy with Tom. And she cared for both, deeply. They deserved happiness. Even if it meant she was alone again. --- The End