The BLTS Archive - Fallout by T'lyr ( --- (c) January 1998 (CPSG 500 Word Challenge) Disclaimer: I do not own them: Paramount does, as well as all things Trek. I'm just borrowing Chakotay, Tom et al for awhile. Contains spoilers for "The Chute." --- After flying down that chute toting a phaser rifle and determined to blast her men out of that Akritirian prison if she had to, Janeway accompanied Tom and Harry to sickbay. When she finally returned to the bridge, the First Officer couldn't help but notice how she would not meet his eyes. His worse fears were confirmed. "They are in pretty bad shape, Chakotay," she softly told him. "You're going to have to give him time." Then, she gently added, "Take the rest of the day off." Chakotay was only half aware of thanking the Captain as he left the bridge as quickly as decorum would allow. He found Tom in his quarters alone and in seconds he had the younger man in his arms. Tom melted into those strong bronze arms, eyes closed firmly, surrendering to their strength and love and Chakotay wished they could stand just so forever. A gentle push from Tom caused Chakotay to loosen his embrace but he did not release the younger man. As he looked into Tom's eyes, Chakotay realized that the throbbing of every nerve in his own body was fear. "We need to talk, Cha." "Not now. Not until you're ready. You need to rest." "No. Now." As Chakotay stood there patiently, fighting the urge to hug Tom fiercely, Tom continued, "In that prison.... You can't imagine what it was like. I thought I was going to die. If it hadn't been for Harry.... "Before I was stabbed, well, we made a damn good team. We didn't know we were on a space station, had already started planning an escape." Tom fell silent and Chakotay didn't dare breathe, didn't dare move. "He's my best friend. We have always loved each other in a way but now.... I think I only understand now just what Harry means to me." "Tom, you need to rest, give yourself time. These feelings are only natural after an ordeal like this..." he cursed the desperation he heard in his own voice and could not suppress the panic as Tom shook his head. "I think it's more than that," Tom began and he pushed Chakotay a little harder, escaping the embrace that threatened to tighten again. Tom looked out on the stars moving lazily by and softly said, "You're probably right that I need some time. Maybe I do need to work out exactly what I feel for Harry. But I think I know and I think he has the same feelings for me." Were his lungs still working? How was it that his heart was still beating? Tom, Chakotay saw, expected a response but thought was impossible through the pain that wrapped itself around his soul. He whispered, "Tom, you know I...." "I know." When he heard the doors close behind the Commander, Tom sobbed quietly and in the corridors that led to his quarters, the few crew members Chakotay passed thought perhaps it was fatigue which left its mark on the First Officer's normally composed features. --- The End