The BLTS Archive - Young Lovers #2: Playground of The Mind by T'Lin ( ) --- Note: This is the second story of my "YOUNG LOVERS" series. Archiving: FFF, ASC*, EntSTSlash, BLTS and my own web site -- -- all others, please ask first. Written for Round XI of the Femme Fuh-Q Fest. Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own the STAR TREK universe. I intend no copyright infringement, nor do I make any money off of my efforts ... this is purely for entertainment. This original work of fan fiction is the property of T'Lin, © 13 July, 2003 Feedback always appreciated -- publicly or privately. --- It had been a long day, and Beth was beat. By the time she made her way to her quarters, she had decided to call Hoshi, and cancel their date. Dinner and a movie was more than her exhausted body and mind could take tonight. What she really wanted was a long soak in a hot tub, and a massage ... unfortunately, a quick shower and bed would have to do. Hoshi was obviously disappointed, but understanding ... every new planet explored provided a great deal of work for Beth's department. Hoshi, herself, had similar exhausting days, but only when the planets in question were inhabited. In the end, it was decided that Hoshi would stop by Beth's quarters for a bit ... there was nothing she could do about the lack of a hot tub, but she *could* provide a massage. Ten minutes later, she arrived at Beth's door with a picnic basket full of goodies. Chef had provided a thermos full of hot soup, and two slices of the quiche that was left over from lunch. He had also given her a generous amount of the mixed fruit and cream he had made for dessert ... the mixture of exotic fruits had been found on the last planet they had explored. Hoshi had spread a blanket on the floor, in true picnic style, while Beth had taken a shower. When she emerged, she gasped at the romantic scene before here. The lights had been turned down low, and a single candle surrounded by flowers was the centerpiece of the 'table setting' on the floor. Beth smiled and kissed Hoshi, thanking her for such a lovely surprise, then sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. Hoshi knelt before her, pouring soup from the thermos into the large mugs that Chef provided. She handed one to Beth, as well as a slice of the cold quiche and then sat back her self. As they ate, Beth talked about the problems they had faced during the day ... just talking to Hoshi about it seemed to help ease some of the tension of the day. When they were finished eating, Hoshi packed all the dirty dishes back into the basket; she'd return them to the galley later. She then removed a small bottle from the basket, and approached Beth with it. They kissed, then Hoshi instructed Beth to remove her robe, and lie face down on the bed. Beth did as she was instructed, turning her head and smiling at Hoshi, as she heard the sound of a zipper lowering. Hoshi slipped out of her uniform, and got on the bed, straddling Beth's hips. Beth sighed, as the scent of sandalwood and citrus filled the air; gasped as the cold oil was dribbled down her spine. Hoshi's strong fingers began to ease away the tension of the day; loosening the knots along her spine, neck and shoulders. She could feel Beth relaxing and decided to try one more thing with her before sleep overcame her. She instructed Beth to roll over, and sit back against the headboard with her eyes closed. Hoshi sat opposite her, and in a soft voice, created an image of a steam-filled room, redolent with the scent of sandalwood and citrus. The scent was rising from the hot water that was caressing their bodies. Hoshi smiled as she saw Beth relax into the image she had created for her. Gently, she lifted one of Beth's feet, and began to massage. After a few minutes, she switched to the other one. When she had finished, she got off the bed, and knelt beside it, caressing Beth's cheek as she kissed her good night. Half asleep, Beth kissed her back, and thanked her, then rolled over, and snuggled into the covers Hoshi put over her. Quietly, Hoshi dressed, finished cleaning up, and shut out the lights. As she was about to leave, she looked back a Beth and smiled ... fighting her desire to join her lover for the night. But Beth needed the rest ... there was always tomorrow night, after all. As she walked to the galley to return the basket, she wondered what T'Pol would think of the use she made of the meditation exercises she had been taught ... and as more outrageous ideas popped into her head, decided T'Pol didn't need to know. --- The End