The BLTS Archive- All Is Silence Trilogy #2: Bashier by T'Lin ( --- Feedback: Always appreciated. Warning: This story contains angst, and deals with m/m love ... again, no sex in this one. If the idea of two men possibly being in love with each other offends you, or if you are under 18, read no further. Disclaimer: Garak, Bashir and all things STAR TREK are owned by Paramount/Viacom ... I'm just borrowing them for a bit. No copyright infringement is intended ... I make no profit off of this story. March, 2000 --- Julian was sitting at his desk, finishing the mornings paperwork and contemplating another lunch, alone. He missed Garak terribly ... it seemed no matter how bad things had gotten around the station, he could always look forward to his lunches with Garak. That is, until he went away. At first it wasn't so bad ... Ezri had been there to fill the void ... but that, like all of his relationships, didn't last. Ezri was not Jadzia ... but then again, a relationship with Jadzia would not have lasted, either, he told himself. He was in love with Garak, and nothing would change that. Too bad he hadn't realized it ... or more accurately, admitted it ... while Garak was here. //I wonder how Garak would have reacted if I had told him?// he thought, as he tried to picture the scenario in his mind. *chirp* "Come," he said, looking up to see Jake Sisko coming into his office. The young man looked tired and worried. "What's up, Jake," he asked, as he motioned him to sit. "Doctor, have you had any word from Garak lately?" he asked as he sat. Before Julian could reply, he went on, saying, "I had a rather disturbing report from a Cardassian I've been in contact with since the end of the war." "No, I haven't heard from him for some time, now." Julian was reluctant to tell Jake how long ... or for that matter, to discuss the content of that last letter. "In what way was the 'report' disturbing?" "Well, for the most part, it had to do with the overall deterioration of the planet, and the lack of resources available ... actually pretty routine for what I've been getting out of there for months." Jake fidgeted, then went on in quite tones, "what I found disturbing was a small notation concerning the resignation of several key citizens from the rebuilding effort ... among those names was Garak." That caught Julian's attention. "Resigned? ... was there any indication as to why?" "No ... nor of where he was now." At Julian's look of bewilderment, he explained, "Garak had been living in government housing while working on the rebuilding of Cardassia ... he is no longer there." Jake held up his hand, forestalling any further questions on Julian's part, "before you ask ... I've already inquired ... there is no sign of him anywhere, nor is there any record of his leaving." Julian paced, //what could this mean?// he thought. After a moment to consider his options, he stopped, and faced Jake, "Are you sure?" "Yes ... I got as much information as I could find before I came to you with this ... I know how much you care about Garak, and knew you'd want to know everything ... I'm just sorry it couldn't be more." Jake stood, ready to take his leave of the Doctor. "It's better than nothing ... Thank you," said Julian, as he gave Jake a friendly embrace and pat on the back. "You're going to go find him, aren't you?" but with one look at Julian's face, he answered his own question, "of course you are ... good luck." and Jake was out the door. --- Within minutes of hearing the news of Garak's resignation and disappearance, Doctor Bashir was composing his request for temporary leave. He had been considering taking personal leave time, and transferring to the medical facilities on Cardassia Prime ever since Garak left. He was, however, concerned that Garak would not appreciate him being there ... after all, Garak didn't ask him to go with him, even though he knew the medical situation was critical. So be it! Within two days, all was set ... Starfleet was actually pleased to give him leave ... they even provided him with supplies and transportation. Apparently, until Cardassia asks for help from the Federation, they cannot offer it ... however, they can assist civilians who offer their aid. Loaded and ready to go, the medical transport left DS9 for Cardassia Prime. En route, Julian once again reread Garak's letters, looking for clues to his current whereabouts. In the first two months after his repatriation, Garak had written five times. Once a week for the first three weeks ... then two weeks went by without a letter ... then three weeks. Finally, there were no more. Reading them all at once, Julian noted how the tone changed from letter to letter. At first, Garak was full of enthusiasm, but with each subsequent letter, bitterness and despair colored the carefully chosen words. Not for the first time Julian was disappointed that Garak had chosen to write instead of tape messages to him ... but then, he always did prefer the written word over more 'modern' forms of communication. After reading all of the letters over and over, trying to find something to point him in the direction of where he could be, it finally hit him ... the one common theme in all of the letters had been the garden's outside the government residence where he was staying. At first, he talked about how beautiful they had been, and how he was looking forward to spending time bringing them back to their full potential. He described in detail the secluded walkways and hidden terraces ... the small gazebos and concealed pools. Then, he got nostalgic ... wishing they could look as they once did, but not knowing when they would get the time to do the much needed work. The overwhelming task of rebuilding the world was starting to take its toll on his creative needs. By the third letter, he talked about sitting alone in the ruined gardens, crying for the world he once knew. With the fourth, he despaired about ever having any beauty in his life again, and how it pained him to see the garden in such disrepair. Finally, he talked about all the death and decay around him ... and how he could not find solace anywhere, including in the ruins of the garden. Knowing Garak, and the way he reacts to depression, Julian knew he had to find him soon. After reading these letters, he concluded that he must be somewhere in or around the gardens. The question is, will he find him in time? --- As the medical transport settled, Julian made his final preparations. Once he found out exactly where they could set up their field hospital, he would go in search of Garak while the civilian volunteers who came with him offloaded the supplies. He vowed that, when he found Garak, he would tell him of his love ... regardless of the consequences. He just hoped it wasn't too late. --- Finding the government residence was not a problem ... nor was finding the gardens ... or should he say, what was left of them. The plants were all gray and shriveled, the pools and fountains dried up. Here and there you could see evidence that small buildings once stood, but for the most part, there was only rubble. As he searched, he was aware of another storm quickly approaching ... he had been warned not to stay out in the rain, but was determined to stick it out until he found Garak ... he knew he had to be here somewhere. As the lightning flashed and the thunder rolled, the wind swept the rain and whipped the branches around him. Visibility was practically zero, but he trudged on. Suddenly he came upon a small building that was mostly intact. Upon entering, he knew he had found Garak. He rushed to the huddled form in the corner, and was relieved to feel that there was a pulse, albeit a very weak and thready one. Leaning over the trembling form of his friend, he calls out to him, "Garak ... can you hear me? Please, Garak, wake up ... Elim, I need you to come back to me ... I love you ... please ... I need you," over and over, as he scanned him with his medical tricorder. Garak started to stir, his eyes opening, yet apparently unseeing ... then suddenly, he smiled. The most beautiful sight Julian had ever seen. As he bent to pick Garak up in preparation for transport, it looked as if he was trying to speak, then suddenly, his body went completely limp. With tricorder in hand, Julian did another quick scan, only to discover that Garak's heart had stopped beating. Not wasting any time, he hit his combadge, saying, "Bashir to medical transport OASIS, medical emergency ... two to transport to the field hospital." In an instant, they were no longer in the ruined garden ... but in the new hospital facility. Placing Garak's limp body on the newly installed biobed, he was able to determine the poison in his system, and prepared a hypo of antitoxin. He just hoped he wasn't too late. --- The End