The BLTS Archive- Roads #2: Along That Other Road by T'Lin ( --- Note: Written for Round II of the Femme Fuh-Q Fest Feedback: gladly accepted Archiving: YES ... ASC/EM, BLTS, TREKSLASH, The Femme Fuh-Q Fest, and my own web page... all others, please ask first. Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own all things TREK, I just borrow from their wonderful universe from time to time for my own enjoyment, and your reading pleasure. I mean no copyright infringement ... I make no money off of this. This original work of fanfiction by T'Lin is İMarch 2001. --- I knew this day would come ... when I had to pack it all up, and move on. I just didn't anticipate it would be so difficult. For years, I had told myself that I would not be leaving alone ... that by the time this day came, I would have convinced him that we belonged together ... that I was the one he needed to make his life complete. Little did I realize that he would find another to be his other half ... make him whole in a way that I never would be able to. I should have seen it coming ... the signs were all there. When they made their announcement this morning, as the crew assembled for the last time, I could see that I was not the only one surprised. Many had that look of disbelief on their faces as I looked around, gauging the reaction of the crew. Of course, there were also those who were not surprised in the least ... McCoy, with the look of 'its-about-time' on his face ... Sulu and Chekov, holding hands, and smiling at each other, happy in the knowledge that these two were finally able to admit their love for each other, as well. As I continued to scan the faces around the room, I came upon one, who like myself, had been affected by their announcement. It was no surprise that Carol Marcus and Jim Kirk had a past together ... the extent of which was not common knowledge, but from my point of view, had to be more than just a passing acquaintance. There was no denying the fact that Carol's son, David, was the spitting image of Jim Kirk. Seeing her sitting there, looking abandoned and alone, I resolved to spend some time with her ... if nothing else, we could exchange stories of lost love, and missed opportunities. It would not change anything, of course, but it would hopefully make us feel better. I was making my way over to her, when she looked in my direction. I could see the recognition in her eyes ... she had seen one who was suffering as much as she. She did not know the reason for my sense of loss, but she did recognize it. As I approached her, she stood, opening her arms to me in a friendly gesture of camaraderie ... there were tears in both our eyes when we stepped back. Embarrassed by my actions, I hastily wiped my eyes, and invited her to join me for dinner ... we needed to talk in private. She agreed, and thanked me, wiping the tears from her own eyes. The gathering was breaking up ... it was time to disembark, and make our way *home* ... not a prospect I was looking forward to, after all my years off-planet. I hastily gave Carol directions to the flat I was renting on the outskirts of San Francisco, then turned to leave. Just then, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock came over to us ... it was time to express congratulations to the happy couple. Lost for words, I stood silently, looking at my hands while Jim and Carol embraced ... suddenly, I felt the slight touch of a warm finger under my chin, urging me to lift my face to the man in front of me. 'I am sorry' he said, as he reached to wipe the tear from my cheek, 'I hope you understand'. I told him that I did, and wished him all the best. I know I mumbled some appropriate words to the Captain before I left the reception, but I do not recall what they were ... my own shattered dreams clouding my judgment ... threatening to make me say something I would later regret. I left hastily, making my way back to the protection of my cabin, and the packing of my belongings ... and the quiet contemplation of my lonely future. --- The hours seemed to drag by as I awaited Carol's arrival ... we had been seeing a great deal of each other in the month since the ENTERPRISE returned to Earth, and in the past week, it had been every night, as David was visiting his grandparents for a while. That first night, we simply sat and talked ... I had been correct in assuming that David was Kirk's son, but not in the details of the situation. I was admittedly surprised to learn that Jim Kirk was gay ... I mean, his reputation was legendary when it came to the ladies, so I had naturally assumed that he was bi when he and Spock made their announcement of their upcoming wedding. Of course, that would explain why McCoy had not been surprised by the news ... I mean, if anyone onboard knew that the Captain's reputation was only a front, it would be Leonard. What I found most surprising was that in the five years I served with him, I never suspected the truth. Nor had there been any indication from Spock that his preference was for men. Of course, where Spock is concerned, it may have just been that there was no indication of sexual desire for anyone ... period! As Carol and I talked about this that first night, I realized that this awareness made losing him just that much easier ... after all, it wasn't *me* that he rejected ... it was woman in general that he was not interested in. Carol and I were in the same situation when it came to the boys ... it wasn't anything personal, really. The other revelation that night was that Carol wasn't interested in men, either ... her interest in Jim was one of familiarity, companionship and shared interests ... and of course, their son. They had planned to marry many years ago, for convenience sake ... she wanted the comfort of family, while he wanted the 'respect' family life represented. But he was not willing to give up the adventure and glamour a career in STARFLEET offered him, just to be with her ... and she did not want to spend her life worrying that he would not return from space. They called off the wedding, and life went on. She, however, still wanted his child ... her decision caused a great deal of bitterness between them. She never told David who his father was. When they arrived on the ENTERPRISE, Carol and Jim had not spoken for nearly ten years. Carol decided to give it another chance ... she invited him to leave the fleet, marry her, and get to know his son ... but he declined, out of love for his Vulcan First Officer. That first night, we wound up in each others arms ... sharing our loss, and comforting one another. There was nothing sexual about it, that first night ... but each night since then, we have moved further along the path of being lovers. I was unsure at first ... I had never been with a woman before, never really thought about it ... but I have grown accustomed to the feel of her ... her warmth, as she spoons against me ... the gentle way she suckles my breasts, and brings me fulfilment ... I follow her example, and find I love the taste of her, and the pleasure I know she feels at my touch. --- The door chime startled me out of my musing ... // it must be Carol // I thought as I made my way to the door. Waving it opened, I saw her standing there ... a vision of disheveled loveliness. With a wine bottle in one hand, and flowers in the other ... her hair in windblown disarray, as she tried to hold onto her briefcase under her arm and activate the door signal with her elbow. I would have been concerned over her condition, if it weren't for the smile that lit up her face. "Are you alright?" I asked, seeing that the briefcase was the most precarious of her belongings, I quickly grabbed it before it fell on the floor ... that's when I noticed that its strap had broken. "What happened?" I said, indicating the broken strap. "Oh ... nothing, really ..." she said as she hurried by, putting the wine and the flowers on the table. "I was running late ... running being the operative word here ... when the strap broke. Thank god I had the latch closed properly, or it really would have been a mess." She smiled as she said the last ... it wouldn't be the first time her briefcase had spilled all over the place. I watched her bustle around, apparently searching for just the right vase for the flowers ... Carol was a brilliant woman, but tended to be a bit flighty at times ... I learned quickly that it was best to leave her alone at times like this ... trying to help invariably made things worse. With the flowers finally in a vase, she removed her coat, and ran her fingers through her hair, effectively 'straightening' it out. It was now safe to approach her, and I did just that, giving her a hug and kiss, as I asked about the flowers and wine. "We are celebrating," she said, pulling me into a tight embrace. "My grant came through!" "Congratulations" I exclaimed, as she swung me around, dancing for joy. As we once again fell into each other's arms, I kissed her once again, saying, "you'll have to tell me all about it. Come on, lets have some of this wine while we wait for dinner to finish cooking." I managed to maneuver her to the sofa, and extracted myself from her embrace just long enough to pour a couple of glasses of wine, then joined her ... "To your future success," I said, as I raised my glass in a toast to her. "No ... to *our* future success." She clicked our glasses and took a sip, smiling at my look of utter bewilderment. "Well, you said it yourself just the other day ... your field of expertise is bioresearch, and you were talking about getting back into it." "Yes, but that was years ago ... I have no current experience ..." I started to protest. I knew that I was out of my depths here ... I tried to keep up to date on everything, but reading journals is not the same as practical experience. "Chris ... listen to me ..." she interrupted, taking the wine glass out of my hand, and placing them both on the table. She then turned to me, and took my hands in hers, as she continued, "I did some checking into your past work, and it was amazing! Your insights and theories were groundbreaking ... that's the kind of thinking I need on this project ... someone who can look outside the box, and find a solution in a way that someone else would never even dream of." I was speechless for a moment, as I contemplated her words. "Alright, I will consider your offer ... but first, I want to know what it is I'd be getting myself into. Why don't you tell me all about this project of yours, while we eat our dinner." I stood, pulling her up with me as I was still holding onto her hands. "I know you'll fall in love with this, once I tell you all about it," Carol said, as she followed Chris to the dinner table. As Chris served out helpings of the casserole, Carol refilled their wineglasses, and started to tell her about 'Project Genesis'. --- I was fascinated, to borrow one of Spock's favorite words. The idea of 'creating life from lifelessness', as Carol put it, was tempting ... to say the least. To hold that kind of power ... it was mind-boggling. As we cleared the dishes, I had to ask, "Carol ... what would happen if this were used on a 'populated' world?" "In theory? The exact same thing it does to a solid ball of rock ... transform it into the new matrix." Something must have registered on my face, because she turned pale, and continued, "Of course, it would never be used *anywhere* where there was even a single microbe living. I would never allow that to happen." "But how could you be sure? What if it got into the wrong hands ... do you see how this could be used as a weapon?" "Yes, I do ... that is why there will be no military involvement in this ... we will be conducting our experiments in private facilities ... top notch security ... the best money can buy." As she put the last dish away, she came over to me, and pulled me into her arms, saying, "Come ... let's go to bed ... I'll explain exactly what it is I want you to do for 'Project Genesis'." I kissed her passionately, then whispered in her ear, "I'd rather find out what it is I can do for the project manager ... the rest can wait until morning." She smiled, and we went to bed. --- Our lovemaking that night was the most wonderful experience of my life ... it was sweet, and tender, and very intense. We took turns bringing each other to fulfilment. Each time was like the first, and only made me crave more ... I could not get enough of her, nor she of me. In the wee hours of the morning, sated at last, she told me what my responsibilities would be before we fell asleep spooned against each other. I awoke with my right arm under her head, and my left draped over her hip. I gently ran my fingers over her hip and thigh in slow circles, my touch was feather-light. Ever so slowly, I made my way up her side, following the contour of her hip to her waist, along her ribs, and eventually to her breast. At my touch, she rolled onto her back, smiling up at me. "Good morning, my love ... did you sleep well?" "Hmmm ... what time is it?" she said, as she stretched and rubbed against me. "It's still early ... not quite 7," I said, as I bent down to kiss her. "By the way, I thought you'd like to know, I've decided to take you up on your offer ..." seeing the excitement in her eyes, I touched a finger to her lips, as I went on, "There is a condition, however ... I will only sign on for the preliminary phase. I am, after all, a theoretical bioresearcher ... when it comes to the testing phase, you leave my area of expertise." I looked at her seriously, trying to read her expression, without any luck. I finally asked, "does this work for you?" "Yes, my dear ... your conditions are perfectly acceptable ... and just think," she went on with a wink, "if things go the way they *usually* do with research, we could have a very happy relationship for the next ten years or so." "I'm counting on it." --- The End