The BLTS Archive- In The Fullness of Time #3: In The Light of Day by T'Lin ( --- Warning: This story is centered around a m/m relationship, and I aint talking friendship here! They are lovers, plain and simple ... if this offends you, or you are uncomfortable with the concept of same sex relationships, you're in the wrong place. Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom owns the characters and the STAR TREK universe. I just like to borrow them occasionally, and explore their lives in more intimate detail than we would ever see on TV. This is all in fun, I make no profit off of this, nor does anyone else. October, 1999 --- Julian walked into the sickbay nearly an hour late, but nobody seemed to notice. There were a few patients in the ward, but no one new in the past week. His staff was working efficiently, and apparently he hadn't been needed. This was a good thing as far as Julian was concerned. After the events of the night before, and his extreme lack of sleep, he had serious doubts about his ability to concentrate on anything other than Elim. When he awoke this morning, only to realize that it had not been a dream, he was elated! After all the endless nights of dreaming about making love to Garak, to finally have it true was almost too much to bear. His only regret was that he had to leave him in bed this morning. Their time together last night was much too brief for his liking ... not to mention clouded by his intake of alcohol earlier in the evening. They had made plans for lunch, as usual, but that would not alleviate the ache he felt upon leaving his side this morning. Funny, eating lunch with Garak used to be enough ... after all, Julian thought it was all he would ever have of the elusive tailor. However, now that he has had a taste (both figuratively and literally) of a more intimate relationship, the thought of settling for less wouldn't do any more. As Julian sat at his desk, contemplating plans for the future he envisioned with Garak, his intercom chirped. "Sisko to Bashir." "Bashir here... what can I do for you, Captain?" "Are you busy with a patient, Doctor?" "No... why do you ask?" "Well, you were supposed to be in the briefing room 10 minutes ago ... and I was just wondering why you were not here yet." Sisko replied, sounding very annoyed with his CMO. "I'm sorry, Captain." Julian quickly scanned his daily schedule to see what the briefing was about ... a planning session for the next major offensive ... it had totally slipped his mind. As he did, he informed the Captain, "I was going over some files, and lost track of the time ... I'll be right there". "Make it fast ...we have a lot to discuss today." said the Captain. "Aye, Sir ... Bashir out." As Julian gathered the necessary files for the briefing, he swore to himself ... damn! So much for spending some quality time with Garak ... I'll have to call and cancel lunch. He tried his own cabin first, thinking that Garak could still be there, but there was no reply. He then called Garak's quarters, but again, he wasn't there. Realizing that any further delay would only anger the Captain, he left a message on Garak's terminal ... it wasn't what he wanted to do, but he had no choice ... he hoped Garak would understand. ---- "Glad to see you could make it, Doctor", said the Captain as Bashir finally entered the briefing room. "Sorry, Sir" Bashir said, looking rather embarrassed, and taking the only empty seat in the room. Ezri looked at him out of the corner of her eye as he sat next to her. In a conspiratorial whisper, she asked "are you alright?" "Yes" he whispered back, only to see the Captain look their way with anger in his eyes. Both Julian and Ezri gave the Captain their undivided attention. "As I was saying ..." said the Captain, and continued with the briefing. Plans were discussed, contingency plans made, discussion on options and probabilities were tossed around. After all was said and done, the Captain announced "the DEFIANT will be leaving in two hours". Bashir was not happy. He'd have to let Garak know. // Damn ... why now! // he thought. // maybe I'll see him on the promenade ... if not, I'll have to call him again when I get onboard ... I hope I can actually talk to him about this// "Well, if there are no further questions ..." There were none, so he continued, "Let's get underway." The crew left the briefing room, and headed for the DEFIANT. As they walked through the Promenade, Julian hoped for a quick word with Garak, but his shop was closed, and there was no sign of him anywhere. Ezri, noticing him searching the crowds, asked "who are you looking for?" Startled, Julian stopped, and looking down at her replied "ummm ... nobody..." but he continued to look around the promenade. "What is it ... you seem very preoccupied today" Ezri commented with a smile, as she prompted him to start moving again. "Oh ... it's nothing ... I ... um ... didn't get much sleep last night." Before he could elaborate further, they were in the lift with the rest of the DEFIANT's crew, on their way to the docking ring. Ezri decided that this was not the best time to confront Julian about his lack of concentration, or the fact that he looked exhausted. After they were on their way, she would find the time to confront him privately. Until then, she would just have to keep her eye on him. She was worried about him. This morning, while she was eating breakfast with Quark in the replomat, he mentioned Julian's activities over that past few weeks. Quark wouldn't admit it, but he was worried about the doctor, and how much time he was spending alone. What really had him worried was his preference for alcohol ... he refused to let Quark give him synthehol, no matter how much he had to drink. After what Quark said, and Julian's behavior this morning, so was Ezri. As a Councilor, she knew (theoretically) what the signs of alcoholism were, and knew also that Julian fit the profile of a prime candidate for this condition. She hoped she was wrong, but she also vowed to do what she could to help him if she wasn't. Of course, rule number one in cases like this is ‘you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped'. Ezri hoped fervently that, if there was a problem, Julian wanted to be helped ... as far as she was concerned, there was no option. --- Garak arose to an empty bed. Although he had remained awake long after their brief lovemaking the night before, he had finally drifted off to sleep before Julian got up. Obviously, he had not been gone for long, as the bed was still warm. Looking at the chronometer, he realized that Julian must have gotten to sickbay late, he hoped there were no repercussions for his tardiness. Luckily, he had no such time restraints, for there was much he needed to do before tonight. After a quick shower, Garak left Julian's quarters to make plans for that night. He wanted everything to be perfect. Dinner, followed by the wonderful process of getting to know one another ... in body, mind and soul. Garak had spent a great deal of time learning all he could about human male sexuality ... especially as it pertained to one specific human male ... never dreaming he would ever get the chance to use this knowledge. But last night, just as he had given up any hope, his dreams had at last been fulfilled. True, they had only touched on the most superficial aspects of lovemaking, but tonight, and for the rest of his life, he wanted to explore them all. He was also eager to show Julian all the subtle ways there are to arouse a Cardassian ... and even the not so subtle ways. Garak smiled as he walked along the Promenade ... he had never looked so happy in his life. Several people, noticing him, did double takes ... and those who knew him well wondered what he was up to. After all, Cardassia was in league with the Dominion ... and Garak was an exile in 'enemy lands' as it were. What could he possibly be up to to make him so cheerful? Before he made any further plans, he had to stop by his shop to remove the sign he had left on his door the night before, and the data padd in his office. //thank the powers that I decided to confront Julian personally last night // he thought, as he deleted the message that he had left for the good doctor. That done, he made his way to his own quarters to make everything ready for that night. He resolved to keep Julian in the dark about his plans for the evening, other than to invite him for dinner. Julian had never been to Garak's quarters for a social visit, just as Garak had never been to Julian's before last night. Funny how neither one had ever made the invitation. Garak knew his reason for never inviting the Doctor ... and after last night, apparently Julian had had similar reasons for never inviting him. It had always been 'safer' to meet in neutral territory, where conversation was their only interaction. As Garak approached his quarters, he thought of meeting Julian for lunch, and started to laugh. //Guls... how am I going to control myself over lunch? The mere thought of being that close to him, unable to touch the soft skin or kiss those sensual lips would be agony// he thought. It had always been difficult, but thinking it was the only option made it bearable ... but now! He didn't think he could do it ... not today, at least. As he entered his security code, he decided to call and cancel lunch ... and tell Julian that he would make up for it over dinner in his quarters. He crossed the room, noticing that there was a message waiting for him. He keyed the comm, to hear Julian's voice: "Elim... I'm so sorry ... I must cancel lunch today. I forgot about a briefing that I must attend ... I know it will go through lunchtime. I'll talk to you when it's over ... perhaps we can get together later today." Garak smiled as he heard Julian's voice ... and the regret that was evident in it. //there is no 'perhaps' about it ... we will *definitely* get together later today!// Garak thought, as he mentally revised his plans for that night ... //Julian is going to be beat ... mentally if not physically ... Hmmm ... what can I do to relax him?// There were some items Garak would need to create the right atmosphere for his encounter with Julian tonight. He quickly made a list on his padd, then proceeded to the Promenade where there were a couple of specialty stores ... scented candles, massage oil, wine and food ... all designed to relax the good Doctor, and enhance their time together. --- When Garak returned to his cabin several hours later - his purchases made, and all his plans for the night set - there was another message ... it was also from Julian: "Garak, I'm so sorry, but another change of plans. The DEFIANT will be departing at 1500 hours. I'm not sure exactly when we will return, but I doubt we will be gone more than a couple of days." After a small pause, he continued, "I wanted to speak to you personally, but you weren't in your shop when we left, and I didn't have the time to find you. Now, I wish I had woken you up before I left this morning, to tell you how much I loved last night ... and how much I long to be with you again ..." another pause, then "I love you, Elim ..." Garak looked at the chronometer ... it was 1648, and the DEFIANT was long gone. Garak swore. The euphoria he had been feeling all day dissipated rapidly as he listened to Julian's message. As he sat down, trying to accept the sudden change of plans, he couldn't help but think of all the times he had said goodbye to someone, thinking they would return, and never seeing them again ... and even worse, all the times the goodbye's were never said to begin with. He tried to get this morbid thought out of his mind, but couldn't. After all, there was a war on, the DEFIANT was a warship ... and Garak had no idea where they were headed, or what their mission was. He sat, paralyzed by the fear of losing Julian, for many long minutes. How ironic it would be to finally admit their feelings, only to be denied each other's company. After what seemed like an eternity, but was in actuality only about 20 minutes, Garak pulled himself together. He must believe that the DEFIANT would once again come through it's mission safely, and return everyone to the station in a couple of days. In the mean time, he would have to revise his plans somewhat in preparation for Julian's homecoming. --- Julian was bored and depressed. The mission was routine, protect a convoy of medical supplies to the front lines. So far, they had been lucky ... no sign of Jem'Hadar or Cardassian ships. This was good, in that there were no casualties to care for, but it also left Julian with a lot of time on his hands to think. What he had to think about was Garak. Julian had been in love with Garak for a long time ... even if he hadn't admitted it to anyone, including himself. Apparently, the tailor had been hiding his feelings for the Doctor from the moment they had met. So, if this was the case, why had Garak come to his quarters last night? He must have had something on his mind other that what happened ... after all, Garak was quite surprised to discover that his feelings were reciprocated. This was something that had been bothering Julian all afternoon. The Doctor - someone who was usually capable of five tasks at once, without batting an eye - was completely lost in thought ... and the Captain was losing his patients. Suddenly, Julian felt a tap on his shoulder, and looked up to see Miles nodding his head in the Captain's direction. "Ummmm ... yes, Captain" he said, obviously puzzled. "I don't know where you were, Doctor, but I do hope you can spare us a moment of your time" said the Captain sarcastically. "I'm sorry, Captain. I was lost in thought ... it won't happen again." "See that it doesn't". Getting back to business, "Doctor, we need you to coordinate the transfer of these medical supplies, beam down to the planet and see that everything arrives safely ... Mr. O'Brien, would you go with him?" "On my way, Captain" he said, as he left the small bridge for the transporter room. Miles followed, with an "Aye", and a look of concern for his friend. After they left, the Captain asked no one in particular, "what's wrong with him today?" Ezri spoke up, albeit timidly, "He said he didn't get much sleep last night". "Well, keep an eye on him ... out here we can't afford to have anyone at anything less than there best ... it could be a matter of life or death". There was a chorus of "Aye's" and "Yes, Captain's" around the small bridge as they sat, waiting for the convoy to unload their supplies so that they could all head home. --- Miles and Julian materialized in the small dispatcher's office, where they were supposed to meet with the head of this little resistance group. Instead, there was a padd on the desk, with a handwritten note addressed to "Starfleet Personnel" attached. Julian opened the note, and read "Sorry, I've been called away for a brief time. Could you see to the off-loading and distribution of the medical supplies, and I will join you ASAP. A complete list of items, and their destinations is on the padd." "Rather odd, wouldn't you say" commented Miles, as he looked around the small office. "Yes ..." Julian looked around, too. He was definitely feeling a little uneasy, but there was no reason for it. "Come on, let's contact the ship, and get this started". Activating his communicator, he went on, "Bashir to DEFIANT ... please start transport of the medical supplies". "They're on their way" said the technician on duty. As the supplies materialized, Julian checked them off of the list provided to him, and told Miles where they were intended to go. Miles, in turn, double checked this information against the ship's manifest, and then turned each shipment over to the work crews. Everything was going smoothly, leaving Miles and Julian a little time to talk. Eventually, Miles was able to maneuver the conversation to Julian's preoccupation of the morning. "You know, Julian, it's not like you to be late for meetings." Miles stopped what he was doing for a minute, and looking at his friend, gave a little chuckle, as he asked, "So ... where were you last night? Hot date or something?" Julian froze. What was he going to tell Miles? Of all the people on DS9, he would probably be the least likely to accept any relationship between Garak and himself, yet he was also his closest friend. If he couldn't bring himself to tell Miles, then everything he said to Garak last night about acceptance was a lie. "Well ... it didn't start out that way ... but I guess you could say it ended that way". Of course, this got O'Brien's attention. He stared at Julian for a moment, expecting him to come out with a name. When the Doctor was not forthcoming, Miles prompted, "Well ... who was she?" At this, Julian looked away ... not wanting to see Miles' reaction, "*He* was ... Garak". Silence ... Julian wasn't sure how to interpret that, so he finally turned to look at Miles, and was surprised to see him smiling. "Congratulations!!!" he said, and crossed the small space to slap him on the back. "It's about time you two got together". Bashir was stunned ... this was not the reaction he had expected, although it was the one he wished for. "You're not shocked ... or surprised?" "Not at all ... as a matter of fact, the two of you have been the subject of a pool for some time". He laughed, "you certainly took your time seeing what the rest of us saw years ago ... a couple of people actually gave up on you." He stopped, as if considering something, "you know, I'm not sure, but I think Jadzia may be the winner ... I guess that means Ezri gets to keep the winnings." "I don't know what to say". Bashir said, as he realized that their work was backing up on them. Pointing this out, he then went on to tell Miles about Garak's visit the night before, leaving out the graphic details of his 'return visit'. "What has me 'preoccupied', as you and Ezri so blatantly pointed out, is that I never found out why Garak came to my quarters in the first place last night". As the last shipment materialized, Miles said, "Look ... there's nothing you can do until you see him again." "I know ..." He shook his head, then continued, "I've gone out on the DEFIANT hundreds of times, and never once thought about anything happening to me ... until now. I've never 'left anyone behind' before, and I think the whole idea of leaving the station, without the chance to talk to him first, made me a little crazy". "It never gets easier" Miles said as he sent the last shipment on its way. "A little friendly advice for you ... never get too busy to say 'good morning' and 'good night' to your partner ... or let a day go by without an expression of love if it's possible". "I'll keep that in mind". After a moment, Julian continued, "by the way, Miles ... could you keep this to yourself for now? Garak's a little concerned about the reaction our relationship will get, and I think it would be best if we went slowly here". "If you want ... but you know as well as I do that nothing travels faster that WARP 10 like gossip about personal relationships on a ship or station". Julian smiled, "yeah ... I know there is no way this will remain a secret, but I would like the chance to make him more comfortable over it if possible". "Don't worry ... I won't say a word ..." Miles smiled, and gave Julian a friendly hug, "I know what it's like ... Keiko and I kept our relationship private at first, too." With this, they realized that they had finished, and there was still no sign of the rebel leader. Puzzled, but not overly concerned, they left a note for him on the padd, and prepared to leave. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance and the sound of phaser fire. Bashir contacted the ship as the door blew in, sending fragments in all directions. O'Brien was far enough from the door to avoid being hit, but the doctor was not so lucky. Already stunned by injuries from the blast, he tried to defend himself from the Jem'Hadar troops who swarmed through the blown out wall. He was severely outnumbered, and quickly overcome. Blackness descended ... --- Garak paced nervously in his office. It had been nearly four days since the DEFIANT left the station, and as far as he had been able to determine, there had been no word from them. In and of itself, this was not unusual ... after all, in a war zone, radio silence was the norm ... but that didn't matter to Garak. Four days was a long time. His fears were starting to overpower him, and the walls were starting to close in around him. If they didn't return soon, he would have a major anxiety attack ... and without the good doctor here to help him, he didn't know what he would do. Suddenly, his comm chirped, making him jump. "Yes?" he said. "Thought you'd like to know ... the DEFIANT is returning ... will dock at 1340 hours," and the connection was broken. Garak's heart raced as he looked at his chronometer. It was now 1256 hours, less than an hour till Julian returns. There was nothing left to do but wait ... his quarters were all ready for an intimate evening with Julian, the Bajoran Spring Wine was chilling, and he had all the food programmed into the replicator waiting for his orders. He sat at his desk, contemplating whether or not to meet the DEFIANT at the dock, or wait for Julian to come to him here, at his shop. Julian had assured him that the crewmembers of this station would not find anything wrong with their relationship, but Garak was still insecure about openly showing his affection for the doctor. On Cardassia, he would be ostracized for his actions ... after all, a union with someone of another species, or of the same gender, was a crime ... and Elim Garak was guilty of both counts. Not trusting the reaction of the others, Garak decided to let Julian come to him. Besides, he wasn't supposed to know that the DEFIANT was coming back in the first place. As he had some new designs to work on, he pulled out his sketch pad and went to work. Later, when the shop door opened, he put down his pad, and scanned the chronometer ... nearly two hours had passed. He stood, and made his way out front expecting to see Julian standing in the doorway, only to discover it was Ezri. His face fell as he saw her. "What's wrong?" he said. "It's Julian ... he's in sickbay ... he wanted me to bring you there". "Is he alright?" he asked, as he followed her out the door, and quickly locked his shop. "He will be ... but he wouldn't rest until I promised to get you." "What happened?" Garak asked with great concern. "Jem'Hadar ... there was an ambush ... I don't know all the details ... we've been a little too busy on the return trip for me to ask him or Miles what happened". She finished, as they neared sickbay. As they entered, Garak took stock of the room, noticing that Julian was the only member of the DEFIANT's crew who was apparently injured ... his right hand was bandaged, as was his temple, and he had a black eye. Garak crossed the room to be at his side, and took his left hand in both of his. From this close, he could also see that the beautiful lips were swollen, and there was a cut on the corner of his mouth. At Garak's touch, Julian opened his eyes as best he could. "Did you miss me?" he said with a crooked smile which quickly turned into a grimace of pain. With a smile of his own, he replied, "where you gone?" As soon as he said it, he regretted his words ... the look in Julian's eyes was enough to make him want to pick him up and carry him off to a place where they could spend eternity together, safe from ever being hurt by words or actions again. Gently squeezing his lover's hand, and looking deep into the doctor's eyes, he said "my dear Doctor, of course I missed you!" Julian could see the love and concern in Garak's eyes, and was content. Pulling his hand out from Garak's, he caressed the ridges along the tailor's jaw line. "I love you, Elim" he said, then closed his eyes as his hand dropped from Garak's face. Garak looked around, and seeing nobody looking their way, he quickly bent to kiss Julian's forehead, and whispered "sleep well, my love". As he left Julian's side, he approached the Bajoran Doctor who was on duty. "How badly is he hurt?" "Nothing too serious ... mild concussion, a few bruises, nothing more ... he'll be much better after a few hours sleep", replied the doctor. After a moment he continued, "I'll be releasing him in the morning, and recommending to the Captain that he be given a few days off". "Thank you", and with that, Garak left sickbay. --- As Garak walked out of sickbay, his mind was a roil of confusion. He was relieved that Julian was going to be alright, but concerned. What had happened? Why had he been the only one hurt? Luckily, his curiosity was not as great as his desire to let the young man rest. There would be plenty of time to find out what happened in the morning. So lost in thought, he didn't at once realize that he was not alone. He stopped, and turned to look at Ezri, who had joined him as soon as he left sickbay. "Was there something I can do for you?" he asked. "Actually ... if you have a few minutes ... I'd like to ... ummm ... ask you ..." she stammered. Looking down at her feet, she seemed to compose herself, then continued, "look ... I know that something is bothering Julian .. and ... well ... since you and he are such close friends ... I ... ummm ... thought you might know what it is." "Bothering him, you say?" Garak said, curious as to what Ezri knew of the situation, if anything. "Well, I'm not sure if that's the correct term or not. Ummm ... do you mind if we go someplace less 'public' to talk about this?" "Of course not, my dear ... shall we go to my office?" "That would be fine." and the two went the rest of the way in silence. Garak was thinking about how much he should tell the young councilor. At the same time, Ezri was trying to decide if she should be doing this at all ... but as they entered Garak's shop, she realized that it was too late, she had approached him, and there was no going back. As they entered Garak's office, he motioned Ezri to a seat, and crossed to the replicator. "Can I get you something, Councilor?" he asked, hoping to keep this on a professional level by using her title. "Ummm ... yes, some Altair Water would be fine ... thanks". Placing the order, he soon joined her - Altair Water and Rocassa Juice in hand - "So ... you wanted to talk", he said, smiling solicitously ... and sat back to see what she had to say. "Yes ... actually, I hope you can help me". She took a sip of her water, as if using it as a means to compose her thoughts. Finally, she asked "before the DEFIANT went on this mission, had you seen a lot of Julian ... say in the past week or so?" Not sure where she was going with this, he answered cautiously "not really ... between one thing and another, we hadn't even had lunch together for over three weeks". Taking a sip of his juice, he decided that he could trust her with the truth, or at least partial truth. "I did see him briefly the night before you left ... and we had planned on having lunch the next day". "The night before ...." her voice trailed off as she repeated this. "I'll be honest with you ... Julian has not been himself lately. Late for his shift, distracted, forgetting meetings ... it's not like him. After hearing from Quark about all the nights he's spent alone, drinking ... I'm worried about his state of mind. If you don't mind ... could you tell me what you talked about?" quickly, she added, "I don't want to pry." Garak stood ... started to pace in the small office, trying to decide what he could tell Ezri that would relieve her concerns, and protect his privacy. After a moment of consideration, he decided that he could not tell her the truth ... not now ... after all, there had been over a day since the DEFIANT left, and when it had arrived at it's destination for Julian to tell Ezri about their assignation. Keeping this in mind, he turned to face Ezri, saying, "Our conversation was private ... and until we can *finish* that particular conversation, it will remain so". Seeing the look of disappointment on Ezri's face, he continued "be assured, Councilor, that you do not have to fear for his state of mind ... and I can almost promise you that his nights at Quark's, alone, are a thing of the past". Looking down at her, he asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Clearly noting that the interview was over, Ezri stood, saying, "No ... thank you ..." and left Garak's office. She smiled. With his *non-answers*, Garak conveyed more to her than he knew. There would be no further need to worry about Julian ... at least she hoped there wouldn't. --- Garak had spent a nearly sleepless night. His thoughts kept returning the Julian. Apparently, while he had been depressed, and contemplating leaving the station, Julian had been going through some tough times, too ... but he had been too wrapped-up in himself to even notice. By the end of the night, he had decided that he would do whatever was needed to help Julian through whatever it was that was bothering him. It was time to put someone else first in his life, and not always think of himself. Not sure of when Julian would be released, he called his room, and left a message. "My dear, I hope you are feeling better this morning. I will be in my shop all morning, but have no appointments this afternoon. The Doctor told me yesterday that he was recommending that you have a few days off ... I hope the Captain agrees ... Call me when you get the chance ... we have a lot to talk about". With that, he went to his shop. As soon as he opened, he was busy ... people picking up orders, getting fittings, and the occasional browser. The morning went quickly. Before he knew it, it was almost lunch time. Funny, Julian hadn't called him yet. As this thought crossed his mind, the door opened, revealing the Doctor, dressed in civies - a casual outfit of dark brown silk that Garak had designed just for him. The sight of him took Garak's breath away. His appearance was much improved over the day before - the bruises were gone, and his sensual lips had been repaired - the only sign that anything had been wrong was the sling his arm was in. Garak quickly crossed the room to the door, set the lock, and put the closed sign in the window. He then approached Julian, and tenderly took him in his arms. Their kiss was deep and loving, full of passion, but without the urgency he had anticipated. Julian was the first to pull away, not out of any desire to be separated from Garak, but out of a need to breathe. "I've missed you" he said, and stroking the side of Garak's face with his good hand, he resumed kissing him. After a few minutes, he pulled away again. "I was so worried that I would never see you again". "As was I". All the built up anxiety and desire from the past few days was starting to take it's toll. If he didn't do something soon, they would not be able to stop. And this was not the time or the place for what he wanted from the Doctor. With determination, Garak pulled away from Julian, eliciting a moan from those sensual lips. "Please ... not here" he said, as Julian looked at him with questioning eyes. After a few moments to compose himself, he went on, "I was going to invite you to lunch ... but I fear we would make a spectacle of ourselves". With a wicked grin, he continued, "no matter how *accepting* people may be, I don't think they're ready to see us *en flagrante*". Julian, very much aware of his arousal, and assuming that Garak was in a similar state, could only agree. "Well, if not lunch ... and not here ... what do you suggest?" he said, with a mischievous grin of his own. "My quarters ... if you could meet me there in about 15 minutes?" He would love to go there with Julian this instant, but didn't trust himself not to ravish him in the turbolift ... for now, it wasn't a good idea to be in public with the good Doctor. Julian, realizing that Garak was uncomfortable with being seen with him still, made for the door, saying, "I'll see you in 15 minutes". Just before he activated the lock, he added, "By the way ... don't let this sling fool you ... my arm is fine ... this is just for the Captain's benefit". And he left the shop. --- Garak closed up his shop and returned to his quarters in record time. All the preparations had been made for this encounter already, it was just a matter of removing the food from it's stasis field, and setting up the glasses for the Bajoran Spring Wine. The lights were dimmed, candles lit, cushions places just so, food laid out, and the wine properly chilled ... everything was perfect. Garak quickly removed his clothing, and put on something a little more casual ... lose fitting, silk pants, with a matching jacket, held closed by a sash. The silk was black, and the jacket was embroidered with an intricate pattern in gray and blue ... the color was subtle, but matched his skin and eyes perfectly. Garak was just turning on some soft music as the door chimed, "Come" he said. "Don't mind if I do", said Julian, with a grin. Realizing the double meaning of the word, Garak smiled in return, "all in good time, my dear". It took his eyes a moment to completely adjust to the candlelight, but he loved what he saw. He was impressed by Garak's quarters ... and the preparation that had obviously gone into this encounter. He was even more impressed with Garak ... he was beautiful, in a way that he had never been before. For the first time, Julian got a real good look at the Cardassian's body. The silk jacket and pants were loose fitting, but clung to every ridge and rippling muscle. For once, he was wearing something that didn't hide his physique ... or his arousal. Julian was very glad that he was not in uniform ... his own clothing was as comfortable, and revealing, as Garak's was. As they embraced, he wondered in Garak had envisioned such an encounter when he designed their respective outfits ... the feel of the silk against his flesh enhanced his arousal, and by the feel of things, was doing the same to Garak. This time when they kissed, they allowed the urgency they had both been feeling before to come to the surface. Julian's hands started to explore every inch of the Cardassian's body, just as Garak was doing the same to him. Julian removed the sash holding Garak's jacket closed, and slid it off of his shoulders. As the jacket hit the floor, Garak scooped Julian up and brought him over to the cushions. "Let me love you" he said, as he laid him gently down. Resting on one elbow, he started to caress the tight nubs on Julian's chest through the silk ... pinching one, and then the other ... each time applying more pressure, and getting a groan of pleasure from the doctor. Soon, Garak opened the shirt, and lifted Julian's shoulders enough to remove the garment. Quickly, his mouth replaced his fingers, making the nubs swell and harden each time he flicked his tongue over them. Garak was somewhat surprised that Julian was remaining passive, as he knew from his reading that human men did not usually take to the role of a *bottom* very well, but perhaps he had done some reading of his own. Most Cardassian's believed that the ultimate *gift* you can give a partner is unselfish love ... mutual gratification is nice, but if you bring your partner to fulfilment, without asking anything of them in return, it is the purest sign of your love for them. Gradually, he moved away from the nipples, and worked his way down the torso, sucking and nibbling along the rib cage ... his stomach ... everywhere his hands went, his mouth soon followed. As he moved lower, he couldn't help but notice the bulge in Julian's pants ... he ran his hands along the inside edge of waste band, immediately followed by his tongue. Not wanting this to end too soon, he didn't remove the pants, nor did he touch the doctors engorged flesh. That would come in time, but not now. Changing tactics, he removed Julian's boots, and started to caress his feet ... gently massaging them, and sucking on the toes. His hands moved up the legs, where the silk still covered him. As his hands caressed the insides of his thighs through the silk, Julian started to writhe with pleasure. Knowing he couldn't prolong this too much, but wanting to take him as close to the brink as possible before removing the wonderfully erect penis, he lightly touched the silk enshrouded shaft. Julian moaned, and tried to push his cock more fully into his hand. He could only imagine how this felt to the doctor, as he knew what his own engorged flesh felt like with the silk sliding against it. As soon as this thought registered, he pulled away - making them both moan with desire. "Oh, god ... let me come!" cried out Julian as he thrust his hips, trying to get Garak to bring him to his fulfilment. Garak was pleased to see that he didn't try to remove his pants, or bring himself to orgasm ... he knew his role well. "Shh ... I will ... but not just yet, my dear" he said, as he moved up to kiss Julian on the forehead. "I want you to relax for a moment", he kissed his earlobe, "then I'll remove your clothing", another light kiss, "and then we will see". Each kiss made Julian shudder, but he was no longer at the brink of oblivion. As his breathing slowed, Garak was aware of it, and soon deemed it safe to unfasten his slacks without causing him to come. As the fabric was parted, Garak was pleased to see that the good doctor, like himself, had dressed to take full advantage of the fine fabric. Silk was meant to be felt ... and there was nothing more sensuous that the feel of silk against sensitive skin. As Julian's cock was released from its silk confinement, he shivered. Garak deftly removed the slacks, and quickly grasped the pulsing shaft. Kneeling between the doctors parted legs, he ran his thumb across the tip of his cock, massaging in the drop of moisture that leaked out of the tip. Julian thrust his hips up, forcing more pressure on his throbbing cock. Garak grabbed the lower shaft in a firm grip, and took the balls in his other hand, then flicked his tongue around the head. More pre-cum leaked out, and Garak sucked it up greedily. He couldn't wait any longer - and neither could Julian. Opening his mouth wide, he took the magnificent shaft into his throat. Applying pressure with his lips, he drew it out, then back in again slowly. Julian quickly matched the rhythm, and almost instantly, his hot juices hit the back of Garak's throat. He swallowed convulsively, not wanting to lose an drop of the salty fluid. As the doctor lay there, spent, he realized that Garak had done nothing for himself. He reached out to caress his head as it lay on his stomach. "Give me a minute, and I'll take care of you" he said, but no sooner had the words come out of his mouth when felt strong hands roll him onto his stomach, and lift his hips in the air. Once again, his legs were parted, and he felt the tip of Garak's penis touch his tight opening. Ever so slowly, he felt him penetrate - it was maddening how slowly he entered him - each small thrust sending renewed pleasure, until the flat, wide shaft was deep inside, and the doctor was once again fully aroused. Garak's thrusts were matched by Julian's, each one harder and deeper than the one before, until Garak's seed burst out in a hot gush. With a shout of triumph, Julian also came. Soon, they collapsed onto the cushions, Garak spooned behind Julian, still deep inside of him. They remained like this for some time, the only sound in the room was their raged breathing. Finally, Julian broke the silence, "Elim ... I don't know what to say". He tried to turn slightly to face the Cardassian, but couldn't as long as he was still impaled on the glorious shaft. Sensing this, Garak reluctantly pulled out, allowing then to face each other. "There is no need to say anything" Garak said, and kissed his lover. "Let's get up and have something to eat" he said with a smile, "I don't know about you, but I'm famished". Then, he sat up, and looked at his lover, continuing in a more serious tone, "I believe we have much we need to talk about ... both our past, and our future". Julian agreed, "yes ... like why you came to see me the other night? You obviously had a reason". "Yes ... I suppose I do owe you an explanation about that". He stood up, and helped Julian to his feet. "I guess I can tell you that while you tell me why you had been spending all your nights in Quark's getting drunk", a pause, then, "after all, if we're going to be lovers, we had best start being honest with each other ... and ourselves". As Garak poured two glasses of wine, Julian went to freshen up a bit. When he came back, Garak had put on a silk robe, and there was a matching one draped over the back of a chair for him to wear. He quickly donned it, and sat next to Elim. Taking his glass in hand, he raised it in a toast, "To love ... may we never deny ourselves again!" They clicked glasses, and drank ... looking deep into each others eyes. "To the banishment of fear, and the fulfilment of desires" added Garak. --- The Beginning