The BLTS Archive- Forgive Me, My Love by T'Lin ( --- Notes: This is a drabble, in answer to the challenge from the SpockandChristine list: Write a story where Christine dies....either illness or accident. She and Spock can be friends, lovers, or married bondmates. How does she die, and how does Spock cope? Feedback: always appreciated Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things TREK, I just like to borrow the players from time to time. No copyright infringement intended. T'Lin -- June 2000 --- Spock sat, stunned. After all they had been through ... all the close calls and life or death situations ... to have her die like this was unfathomable. But there she was ... cold and lifeless. To think that such a tiny bug could be so deadly ... it was beyond his comprehension. As the Doctor and Captain approached, he took her in his arms for the first, and last time. "Forgive me, my love ... I always thought we would have more time." McCoy called the ship, "four to beam up," as the tears slid unacknowledged down Spock's cheek. --- The End