the BLTS Archive - After Amok Time #2: The Healing Power of Plomik Soup by T'Lin ( --- FEEDBACK: YES ... praise, constructive criticisms, and your honest opinion would be appreciated ... flames are not ... I hope you know the difference. Send your feedback to ARCHIVING: Posted to my web site. Archive to ASC, ASCEM, BLTS and SpockandChristine List Archive. All others, please ask first. THE PREMISE: Spock has just returned to the ship after the Koon-ut- Kal-if-fee... and discovered the Captain alive and well. He tells Kirk and McCoy that the Pon Farr is over, the battle apparently purged his system. All is well, and they continue on their mission. The question I proposed to myself was this - what happened in the next few days when Spock discovered that he was still suffering from hormonal imbalances... not enough that he had to worry about dying, but he still suffered from uncontrollable urges and desires. If he were human, he could take the situation in hand, as it were, until he was satiated. However, for Vulcans, there are some things that cannot be handled alone. DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns all... I do not write this to infringe on any copyrights, I do it for fun and pleasure.... mine, yours, and the characters (after all, TPTB would never let them indulge in this kind of activity). ***The quote is from "AMOK TIME" by Theodore Sturgeon, as it was printed in "THE STAR TREK READER" by James Blish ©1976. The quote is for reference only, and not intended to infringe on the copyright.*** WARNING: This story has graphic descriptions of m/f sex ... if this isn't your thing, or if you're under age, READ NO FURTHER!!! If you like the concept of this story, but would prefer a slash twist (namely K/S), read my story QUENCHING THE FLAMES. June 2000 --- He came gradually back to consciousness in the sickbay. McCoy was bending over him, nearby was Spock, his hands over his face. His shoulders shaking. Nurse Christine came into his field of view, and turning Spock toward the Captain, gently pulled his hands away from his face. Kirk smiled weakly, and spoke in a faint but cheerful voice. "Mr. Spock -- I never thought I'd see the day..." "Captain!" Spock stared down at him, absolutely dazed with astonishment. Then, obviously realizing what his face and voice were revealing, he looked away. "Christine," McCoy said, "it might be a good idea for Mr. Spock to get some hot food in him. Why don't you feed him some of that awful plomik soup. Then bring him back here for me to run a physical on him. Go on, Spock. She'll explain it all to you." Christine led the First Officer toward the door. But just before he left, Spock said, "It is not awful plomik soup. It is very good plomik soup." --- Spock dutifully followed the Nurse out of sickbay and into the turbolift. He heard her tell the lift where to take them, but it was as if he were far away ... his mind refused to focus on anything around him. He knew, in the abstract, that he was in shock ... too much stimuli in too brief a time. He needed to clear his mind and meditate on what had happened to him in the past week. As the lift stopped, Christine motioned Spock to precede her out, but he held up his hand, saying, "Thank you, Nurse ... however, I find I am not hungry. If it is all the same to you, I will decline your offer of plomik soup, and return to my quarters to meditate." "Sorry Mr. Spock, but Doctor's orders." When she saw his raised eyebrow, she decided that a compromise was in order. "Look ... Len said I was to feed you ... he didn't specify exactly where or when ... why don't you go to your quarters and meditate, while I go to mine to make your soup. I can bring it to you whenever you're ready for it, or you can come to me ... either way is fine by me ... say in an hour or so ... after all, it takes almost that long to make it, anyway." "Very well, I will come to your quarters in, say, two hours." At her somewhat surprised expression, he continued, "after all, it would be foolish to make you carry a pot of hot soup through the corridors." Christine smiled, "I appreciate that ... I'll see you in two hours, then", and left the lift. Spock held the lift door a moment longer than necessary, watching Christine as she made her way to her quarters. If anyone had been in the corridor at that time, they would have seen the slight smile that was on the Vulcan's face, and the hunger in his eyes ... but at that moment, even he was not aware of them. --- Meditation was not proving to be as cathartic as he had hoped ... there were too many unanswered questions. First and foremost in his mind was why the Captain was still alive ... he had killed him ... held his lifeless body. He would have to ask Ms. Chapel, she undoubtedly knew. That was another thing ... why did the mere thought of Ms. Chapel ... no, Christine ... make his heart race? Oh, he had his moments of undeniable arousal around her while he was in the throws of the Pon Farr, but that was over ... he should not be responding to her like this now. //Of course// he thought, //I am no longer bonded, so I can think about her in that way ... //. He mentally shook himself, this train of thought was getting him nowhere. They were shipmates, it would be illogical to pursue a relationship with her ... if he did, and it didn't work out, it could make for a very difficult situation. //Besides ... Vulcan's do not engage in casual sex, and I doubt she would want to wait another seven years for it to be my time again//. Even as he thought this, he knew it was a lie ... Vulcan's were definitely capable of the act of sex whenever they wanted ... it was just rare for it to happen outside of the 'Time of Mating' for a bonded couple ... at least when both are Vulcan. He knew from personal experience that it was not always so ... his parents were a perfect example. //No//, he told himself //... best not to think about it//. As he knelt there, staring into the flame of his firepot, trying to clear his mind of images of a future he dare not think about, his stomach growled. Suddenly he realized that he had not eaten in almost a week ... at least not enough to make note of. He stood, and replaced the firepot on its shelf. Meditation would have to wait until later. Seeing that there was still almost an hour until he was scheduled to go to Christine's quarters, he decided to indulge himself with a real shower. As he stripped off his meditation robe, he noticed the slight flush of his skin, and his partial erection ... a condition that had first manifested itself in this manner about two weeks ago, and was easily remedied with a 'cold shower'. However, as his Pon Farr had progressed, so had his state of arousal, until it had gotten to the point where nothing he did would ease the intense pressure. Now, thinking about how engorged he had been over the past two days, he felt his erection start to grow ... he quickly stepped into the cold shower, he needed to stop this before it went to far. --- Showered, and in a fresh uniform, Spock left his quarters. He had been mostly successful with getting things under control ... now, if only they would stay that way. He had to find something to talk about with Christine that would keep his mind off of sex. --- Christine had gathered all the ingredients for the plomik soup, and it was now simmering on her small cooking surface. This was one luxury she permitted herself while on the ENTERPRISE ... the equipment to do her own cooking once in a while. She had also taken advantage of their brief time orbiting Vulcan to restock her supplies ... there were some food stuffs that just did not replicate well. As the soup simmered, she took a quick shower. It had been a long day for everyone, and she wanted to feel refreshed when Spock arrived. She had a lot to explain to him ... //not just about the Captain// she thought wistfully. //Will he be receptive to my proposition?// she thought, as she dried herself. //Well ... there's no use speculating//. With that final thought on the subject, she looked to her closet for something to wear. After a moment, she decided that it was best not to push Spock to quickly, so she donned a fresh uniform ... civies would have to wait until another time. Once again fully dressed, and her hair done in a simple style, Christine set the small table in the corner of her living area. Knowing that Spock did not care for alcohol, she had procured a bottle of Altair Water .. something she knew Spock was fond of. All was ready ... the soup was keeping warm on the burner, and the Altair Water was chilling in an old-fashioned ice bucket. She looked at her chronometer, and was surprised to see that Spock was one minute late ... very unlike him. However, just as this thought was registering, her door chimed ... "Come in," she said, as she made her way to the door. The door opened to reveal Spock, standing at attention, hands behind his back like always. She noted that he was looking more like himself, although still a bit tense. "Ms. Chapel," he said as he stepped into her room, "I apologize for my tardiness ..." Before he could go on she interrupted, "nonsense ... one minute is hardly 'late'." "None the less, I do apologize ..." and handing her a bottle, continued, "I thought you might find this wine appropriate as an accompaniment to the plomik soup." Seeing her look of amazement, and surprise, he added, "It is from my families vineyards ... I had several bottles beamed aboard before we left orbit. I am told it goes quite well with many Vulcan dishes." "Thank you," she said, as she rummaged in her makeshift kitchen for her cork screw. "I do hope you'll be joining me in a glass?" she asked, not sure if he would, but hoping. "Yes ... thank you," he answered somewhat absentmindedly. He was looking around her quarters, getting a feel for the place, and its occupant. He knew so little about Nurse Christine Chapel ... as he looked at her, pouring the wine, he realized that he wanted to get to know her better. He quickly looked away for fear of losing control once again. //Remember ... we are shipmates ... we cannot get involved romantically// he thought, as he regained control of his emotions. "Please ... sit down" she said as she motioned him to the table, "I'll be out with the soup in a moment." Spock sat, and watched her out of the corner of his eye. He would have to be very careful this evening ... he knew she had feelings for him, but did not want to give her false hope of a relationship ... it would not be fair to either of them. As she entered with the tureen full of soup, the smell hit him, and his stomach growled. "Excuse me," he said, rather embarrassed, "I must be hungrier than I realized." "No need to apologize," she said as she lifted the cover. Taking his bowl, she filled it with the aromatic soup, and handing it to him continued, "I hope you like it." "I am sure I will," he said, but did not try the soup just yet. After she had filled her own bowl, and sat down across the table from him, he raised his wine glass and motioned her to do the same. "To friendship," he said simply, and took a sip of the wine. Christine looked at him, and repeated his words, adding, "... and new beginnings," then sipped her own wine. It was a little sweet for her taste, but very refreshing. When she once again looked at Spock, she couldn't help but notice his raised eyebrow. Not sure of what to make of it, she decided to ignore it. "OK ... stop sitting there staring into space ... eat your soup!" she said with a smile. He obeyed without further comment. --- Keeping to Vulcan form, they ate in silence. Occasionally, Christine would glance at her dinner companion, only to catch him staring at her. Of course, he quickly averted his eyes, but she found it interesting, to say the least. //Perhaps he will be receptive to my proposal//, she thought. //After all, he will need the aid of someone ... whether he knows it now or not.// Christine smiled at Spock as she once again caught him staring at her. Noticing that his bowl was almost empty, she asked, "would you care for some more soup?" "Yes, please," he replied, then went on, "it is very good. May I ask where you learned to make it?" "I got the recipe from a friend," she said as she ladled more plomik soup into Spock's bowl. "I acquired a taste for it when I lived on Vulcan," she said while gauging Spock's reaction to this news, then continued, "I knew that the only way I would be able to enjoy it later was to make it myself." She smiled as she handed him his bowl. "Fascinating," he said with raised eyebrow. "I was not aware that you had lived on Vulcan." "Actually, I went to the Vulcan Science Academy for one year ... I was part of an exchange program that was set up for fourth year medical students who were specializing in alien biology and physiology." As she said this, she noticed that Spock was not eating, so she pointed to his bowl, saying, "please, finish your soup ... then we will talk." With a nod, he did as told. Christine sat, sipping her wine, watching him. --- As Spock finished his second bowl of soup, Christine left the dinning area to go make some tea. As he stood and started to clear the dishes, she said, "Please, Spock, go make yourself comfortable ... I'll be right with you." "No ... let me help ... it is the least I can do," he said, as he brought the nearly empty tureen into the small kitchen area. As she put the remains in a small container, he returned with the bowls. "There is a small amount of wine left ... may I pour you some?" "Only if you'll join me," she replied with a smile. "Of course ... it would be a shame to let it go to waste." Spock poured the final two glasses of wine, and followed Christine into the small living area. As she sat on the sofa, he handed her a glass, and looked at his seating options. // Interesting ... // he thought, // by sitting on the end of the sofa, she left it entirely up to me as to the intimacy of our conversation ... I have the option of the sofa, or the chair ... did she plan this, or is it coincidence? // After only a brief moment, he decided that it did not matter ... the chair would be best for this conversation. To cover his confusion, he sipped his wine, then realized that, although they had been together for over an hour, he had not asked about the Captain. "I thank you for a delicious dinner ... I was obviously more hungry than I realized." He took a moment to compose himself, placed his wine glass on the table and sat back. With some concern in his voice, he continued, "I should have asked you sooner ... why is the Captain still alive?" Christine smiled, "I was wondering when you'd get around to asking me that." She, too, sat back, and filled Spock in on the details of the Doctor's trick with the neural paralyzer. When she finished the tale, she noted the expression on Spock's face ... a mixture of incredulity and grudging respect for the Doctor's audacity. "He knew he was taking a chance ... but he couldn't bear the thought of losing either of you." Spock was desperately trying to maintain his control. Until this moment, he had been unaware of just how much he cared for these two men ... or, for that matter, how much they cared for him ... especially the Doctor. "I will have to thank him for all he has done. I must admit, I did not know how I was to go on without the Captain by my side." Realizing what he has said, and the emotions he has not been able to conceal, he looked away, saying, "forgive me ... I am not myself yet," and standing, continued, "I must take my leave of you." Christine also stood, and not wanting to loose this opportunity, boldly walked up to Spock, and placed her hand on his chest, saying, "don't leave yet ... there is much we still need to discuss." At the physical contact, Spock gasped. All his senses had come alive, and he was instantly aroused. Numbly, he stepped away from her, and stumbled back until his legs came into contact with the sofa ... he sat heavily. "Spock! Are you all right?" Christine said as she approached him. As she knelt down in front of him, he tried to pull away, saying, "please ... do not touch me!" Christine sat back on her heals, looking up into Spock's face. He sat with his head in his hands, breathing heavily, obviously trying to maintain control. Looking him over, she couldn't help but notice his state of arousal ... and suddenly she knew what happened. With one simple touch, she had precipitated the very condition that she had wanted to discuss with him. With the premature onset, he was unprepared for what was to come. "Spock," she said, trying to get his attention, without touching him again, "Spock ... look at me.". She was afraid that if she pushed to hard, she would drive him away, and that was not what he needed at this time. "Please, Spock ... let me help you." Spock slowly removed his hands, and looked at Christine, "thank you ... but I must ... leave ... I cannot ..." "Yes you can!" she interrupted. "I know exactly what you are going through, and I know what you need." As she said this, Spock tried to get passed her, and stand up. As he started to move, she leaned forward and placed her hands lightly on his thighs, effectively stopping him from any and all movement. "I can help ... if you'll let me." Christine was in a position of complete control at that moment ... she knew, in his current state, all she had to do was move her hand to his cock, and it was all over ... he would be totally lost to his desire. But to force him in this way would not only be unethical, it would also be a betrayal of their brief friendship. She could not do that to him ... especially if she hoped for any kind of lasting relationship with him. They sat this way for several minutes, as Spock tried so desperately to control what was beyond his control. He was almost beyond thought, as he warred hopelessly with his desire for this woman, and his sense of duty. Finally, barely in control, he spoke, "Christine ... please ... I cannot ... do this ... I do not ... want ... to hurt ... you." Christine sighed ... for now, she had won. "Spock ... I'm not easily hurt." Slowly, she stood in front of him, and taking his hands, helped him rise. As their bodies pressed together, she felt his erection press against her abdomen, and knew that he would be hers, at least for tonight. "Come, Spock," she said as she led him into her bedroom. Spock followed her blindly, attracted to her for her strength. As she stripped him of his clothing, he was detached from reality ... he allowed her to take full control of the situation. His arousal was excruciating, and as she briefly touched him while removing his clothing, he felt the surge of desire increase, but his fear was still very intense, and the whirl of emotions left him virtually paralyzed. She was human, after all, and not as sturdy as a Vulcan female would be. Christine was surprised by Spock's passivity ... although she thought she knew where it was coming from. From her previous experience with the Vulcan male, she knew that they were under the impression that Human females were fragile ... hopefully, there would be plenty of opportunities to prove otherwise. For now, she had full control of the situation ... and had every intention of enjoying it to the fullest! As she finished removing the last of Spock's clothing, Christine stepped back slightly to get a better look. She was pleased with what she saw, and it added to her own arousal. She had been in love with him for so long. Even before they had found Roger, she had been attracted to him. //Funny how these things turn out// she thought. "Spock," she said, offering her right hand, two fingers extended in a ritual Vulcan embrace, to Spock. "Do you trust me?" Returning the gesture, he stated flatly, "yes." He ran his fingers along hers, up one side, then down the other. Although the only contact between the two was their fingers, Spock's whole body was tingling, as if her hands were caressing him all over. He shuddered, saying, "it is me I do not trust." "Well, I do trust you," she assured him, as she once again stepped back. "Relax, Spock ..." she said, as she led him to the bed. Encouraging him to lie down, she continued, "let yourself feel ... loose control for just a short while ..." and as she removed her own uniform, she smiled down at him, saying, "you'll feel better in the morning." Eyebrow raised, he took her in ... she could feel him caressing her with his eyes. Anticipation of this moment left her of two minds on how best to proceed. Ideally, she would love to prolong things as much as possible, savor every moment. Realistically, however, she knew this was not possible. Spock's need was too great ... and, let's face it, so was hers. She would do what needed to be done, and hope that there would be ample opportunities for teaching him the nuances of lovemaking in the future. Resting her head on her hand, she laid down beside him. She could feel the heat of his body next to hers, although they were not touching. Reaching out with her other hand, she lightly brushed her fingertips across his damp brow, to caress his cheek. Leaning over him, she lightly brushed her lips against his in a tentative kiss. Vulcan's do not kiss, as a general rule, but she instantly felt his body react to the intimate gesture. Rolling onto his side, he pressed his full length against her. As their tongues explored each other, she felt his hard shaft press into her belly, and the feather light touch of his hand along her hip. The duel sensations made her moan in anticipation of more. Gasping, Spock rolled back, gripping the sheets, whispering so softly that Christine did not know what he was saying. It didn't matter, however ... she knew what she had to do, even if he didn't. Kneeling beside him, she slowly moves down his body. Running her hand across his nipples, she feels they are already hard nubs. Her mouth follows the path her hand took, and she sucks on one, and then the other, as her hand moves down his abdomen, to rest just above his cock. She can feel his body responding ... and his attempts to control it. Knowing that he can take her weight without difficulty, she straddles him. His eyes are closed, and he is breathing heavily ... she can feel his heart beating wildly in his side ... and his cock straining to enter her. She has positioned herself so that all it will take is for her to sit back, and they will be one. Suddenly, Spock grabs Christine by the hips, and thrusts into her. She is surprised by his sudden move, and cries out at the sudden intrusion. Instantly, he stops his thrusts, and removes his hands from her hips. Panting heavily, he tries to talk, saying, "for ... give ... me ... I ..." Christine didn't let him continue. Leaning down to kiss him, thereby preventing any further words from leaving his mouth, she started to rock her hips in such a way that she knew he would not last long. Knowing that he was still afraid of hurting her, she said softly, "grab the headboard ... you're in for the ride of your life!" He did as he was told. Christine shifted slightly, so that she was now crouched over him while on her feet instead of her knees. Her head thrown back slightly, she was using one hand to stimulate herself, while she used the other for balance ... all the while, moving up and down on his shaft. The sensation was beyond his experience. Remembering what she had said about 'letting go', he tried to do just that. //think of nothing but this exquisite pleasure// he thought to himself. And as he did, something extraordinary happened. He could feel the pressure building in his loins ... and he knew the same was happening to her. As her inner muscles squeezed him tighter, he felt himself responding by thrusting deeper ... suddenly, he could take no more, and with one final thrust cried out "Now!" "YES!!!" she cried at the exact same time. He seemed to come in wave after wave ... his hot juices filling her completely. Once their mutual orgasms had subsided, she collapsed onto his chest, leaving his partially erect cock still inside her. It seemed they lay this way for hours ... neither one saying anything. Eventually, though, she knew they would have to move ... if not, she would end up very stiff in the morning. Noticing that he was still holding the headboard, she reached up and took hold of his hands, saying, "I think you can let go now," and then she moved off of him, once again resting on her elbow. Startled by her voice in his ear, he opened his eyes, and slowly removed his hands. Seeing her smile, he followed her gaze, and noticed the dents in her brass headboard. Eyebrow raised, he said, "so that is what happened." Puzzled, she asked, "what's what happened?" Smiling ever so slightly, he replied, "Since I was a child, I had noticed that my mothers brass headboard had dents in it ... I never knew how they got there." She laughed. "So, now that you know ... what do you think of the experience?" Once again raising his eyebrow, he simply said, "Fascinating!" --- When she awoke the next morning, Spock was not there. All her concerns about driving him away, or his inability to accept what had happened came crashing down on her. She feared his absence this morning was a sign ... he would probably never speak to her again. Trying to accept that possibility, and telling herself that it was worth it to know that he was still alive, she got up and went out to make some coffee. Moving into the kitchen, she noticed that there was a message waiting for her. "Christine ... I did not think it would be wise to spend the entire night in your quarters. It could have been quite awkward in the morning. I do not fully understand what happened, but I do appreciate all you have done for me. You were correct, I do feel better in the morning. I know that there was more you wished to say to me about this incident, and I look forward to our future conversations. As per Doctor McCoy's orders, I will be in sickbay at 0930 for a complete physical. I know that he will find me 100% improved, and I owe that to you. Thank you." Christine smiled ... perhaps there was hope, after all. --- The End