The BLTS Archive- What You've Got by Suz Voy ( --- Disclaimer - the characters are owned by the Para-Borg. They will not assimilate me! I finished my Noel Coward story! --- 'Your fetching physique is hardly unique, You're mentally not so hot; You'll never win laurels because of your morals, But I'll tell you what you've got...' - Noel Coward --- It wasn't his body. She knew from the picture in his profile when Tuvok had been sent out to infiltrate his cell that it had seen better days. His uniform was a little too tight in places, and while this often gave her a very nice view when he bent over a console, it also meant she could at other times see the flab around his stomach. It wasn't his face. While it was handsome and extremely nice to look at, it was hardly unique. It seemed that just about everyone she'd ever met was handsome or beautiful. She still hadn't figured that one out. It wasn't his hands. As wonderful as they felt when they... ... ...where was she...? Ah, yes. It definitely wasn't his hands. It wasn't his eyes. The way they would smile warmly at her in humour, then latch onto hers in panic. The way they would promise her everything if she would just relax. They way they would plead with her to take it easy for once. The way they would stare at her as if they could see every part of her that had ever existed. It wasn't the way he interacted with the crew. Bringing them all together; Starfleet, Maquis, Talaxian. Acting as a bridge between all of them because she had asked him too. It wasn't the other women. Well, one that she know about. An 8472 for Gods sake! That didn't endear him to her. It was his voice. His words. She had come this far, survived attacks by countless become unravelled and beaten by the way he spoke. No, not beaten. Merely equalled. But it was enough. Did he have to be so damn eloquent? Did he have to make up such beautiful, creative stories? Did he have to speak so softly, convey his concern so tenderly? Did he have to argue with such utter conviction? Why couldn't he have had a voice like Neelix? There was nothing wrong with Neelix's voice; it was a very nice voice. But at least it wasn't the kind of voice that put ridiculous images into her head. Like falling asleep next to a fire together, waking up and listening to him snore, telling ridiculously disgusting jokes then getting stinking drunk and waking up having no memory of the night before. Ridiculous. He knows nothing of this of course. He starts his shift cheerily, sitting in his chair and smiling at her. "Good morning, Captain!" She greets him in return, but knows he's wondering why she's glaring at him. And if he asks her later in that soft, damn gentle voice of his, "Kathryn, are you okay?" (which she knows he will), she's going to have to scream. Or kiss him. --- The End