The BLTS Archive- Skin by Suz Voy ( --- Disclaimer - Paramount have to pout. Excluding the song lyrics (which are by Madonna, btw), this is 100 words long. As usual, make of it what you will. --- 'Kiss me, I'm dying Put your hand on my skin I close my eyes I need to make a connection' --- You touched me. You've touched me a hundred times before, and a hundred times I've known that it was just for reassurance, an affirmation of friendship. A hundred times I've had to remind myself of that. You touched me. And it was different. I knew. Skin on skin, like a hundred times before. The touch as soft as ever, the light pressure of your hand, almost imaginary. The shade of your skin next to mine. My eyes closed as yours opened. A dream. This had to be a dream. Then you spoke and a universe fell apart. "I'm pregnant, Chakotay." --- The End