The BLTS Archive - A Night in Shining Amour by Sasscat Bu-to-y ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount/Viacom own the characters, but would never let them act in such an irresponsible manner. That was all my doing, and any complaints can be addressed to - preferably in the form of grovelling for a sequel. Author's Notes: This is an experiment. It was a very fun experiment, but an experiment nevertheless. I would appreciate any comments people have to make about what did and didn't work, or if you just hated it... You know the drill. When I started this, I decided exactly when it was set and worked out the date accordingly. That was in September of 98. By the time I finished it, shortly after midnight, January 1, 1999, I had forgotten the two episodes it was set between. From the date, I'd say it's late Season Two/early or mid Season Three. I would like to thank... <*big* breath> Zeborah, my wonderful sister, who let me use her computer; all my e-mail penpals (too many to list!) but especially Ellen Milholland - hi sweetie... All of JuPiter Station, especially my chatroom pals Shadda and Celle, who helped develop this idea by giving me fifty different endings to choose from. And, of course, Celle made me actually finish this by holding her story hostage until it was done. :P But above all, I'd like to thank Geordi Padovan, who provided the inspiration for this piece by flirting with me at 3:30 in the morning on the JuPiter Station chatroom. Thanks, 'Captain'. :) Fellow JuPers may recognise the chatroom format. Yes, it's based on the JuPiter Station chatroom. Yet another tribute to what brought this story into being... Archiving: ASC and JuPiter Station. Anyone else, just give me a shout. (c) Sasscat Bu-to-y 1998/9 --- Tom stretched, sighed, and padded across the room to the replicator. There was no way in hell he was getting to sleep in the next hour. He didn't even know *why* he couldn't sleep. He just wasn't tired. "Computer, water. Ten degrees celsius." He picked up the glass that materialised and took a sip. He was about to head back to the bedroom when he changed his mind and slid into the seat at his desk. Opening the computer terminal, he logged on to the chatroom to see if anyone else was around at this hour. CatGrrl: (yawn) See you later, ChatGoddess. 23:35 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Bye, CatGrrl. 23:36 Friday March 9, 2373 ** ChatGoddess looks around ** ChatGoddess: Anyone else here? 23:39 Friday March 9, 2373 Tom took another sip before putting the glass down, and set his computer terminal to verbal mode. "Hey, ChatGoddess," he dictated. "Wanna hang? Smiley. Send." BeachBoy: Hey, ChatGoddess. Wanna hang? :) 23:40 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Hi, BeachBoy. Sunny out? :) 23:41 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Sunnier since you arrived. (sm) 23:42 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Flatterer. And if I recall correctly, you were the one that arrived. I was already here, remember? 23:43 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: I meant when you arrived on the ship? 23:44 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: You don't even know who I am. 23:44 Friday March 9, 2373 Well, that was true. He decided to try and figure it out, just for the challenge. Not Sue Nicoletti, he knew, because she was CatGrrl and ChatGoddess had just said goodbye to her. BeachBoy: I know that you're a goddess. 23:45 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Going to worship me, then? :) 23:46 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Sure. Gonna worship you with my eyes...and my hands...and my lips...:) Just as soon as I figure out who you are. 23:47 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Don't I get any say in that? --I might want you to worship me with some... *other* portion of your anatomy. 23:48 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: ...I've always had a thing for toes... 23:48 Friday March 9, 2373 Tom grinned and leaned back in his chair. She had a sense of humour, this woman. It put him in mind of the captain a bit, except-- He sat bolt upright and stared at the screen. Couldn't be... could it? BeachBoy: So, what you doing up at this time of night, my Goddess? 23:48 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Chatting. :) 23:49 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Oh, funny. No, really. Can't sleep? 23:49 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Shift ended at 10. Then dinner. Then chatted with Rumpus and CatGrrl. I'm not due to bed for a while yet - but if you're a good boy... (leer) 23:50 Friday March 9, 2373 Gamma shift. It took him only a moment to confirm that Janeway *had* been on Gamma shift today. And the humour matched his dry captain to a tee - if a little more... *adventurous* than usual. ChatGoddess: You? 23:50 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Couldn't sleep. 23:51 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: (softly) Anything you'd like to talk about? 23:51 Friday March 9, 2373 It had to be. No one else he knew had just that mixture of wit and kindness; humour and compassion. And yet... BeachBoy: I don't know. Maybe. Maybe later. Did I miss much earlier? 23:54 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: (laughs) You missed CatGrrl and Rumpus fighting over you. 23:54 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Say what? 23:55 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Yeah, they were trying to work out your identity and almost came to blows - virtual, but nevertheless... 23:56 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Gee, I'm...flattered... 23:58 Friday March 9, 2373 ChatGoddess: Don't be. It was only because those two can't get along. :) 23:59 Friday March 9, 2373 BeachBoy: Happy new year, ChatGoddess! :) 00:00 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Don't tell me you've never been up this late before? Unless it's Chinese New Year. 00:01 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Of course I have. Don't make a habit of it, though. Not like the Academy! :) (Don't think it's CNY. Full moon closest to the point midway between winter solstice and spring equinox?) 00:03 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: *That* brings back memories. Studying or partying? (How do you *know* that?) 00:03 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Depends whether an assignment was due the next day. I was a naughty boy...(Harry told me.) 00:04 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Should I spank you? :D 00:05 Saturday March 10, 2373 Tom coughed. That couldn't be the captain. It couldn't. But he found himself rather hoping it was. ChatGoddess: I was the acknowledged *master* of the all-nighter in my year. Love those Academy days... :) (Harry Kim?) 00:06 Saturday March 10, 2373 Janeway had told him the same thing, once. That couldn't be a coincidence. --But then, everyone thought they were masters of the all-nighter; that hardly proved anything. Did it? BeachBoy: Which year was that? Maybe we went to the Academy together. (That's right.) 00:07 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: You expect me to tell you? Come on, BeachBoy, you'll have to do better than *that*. :) 00:08 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Well, it was worth a try... (g) 00:09 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Not really. (sm) 00:09 Saturday March 10, 2373 And she'd definitely told him *that*. But it was the obvious retort. He swore quietly and prepared a private message, just in case someone was still around. "Whisper to ChatGoddess: ...Captain? Send." Beachboy whispers to chatgoddess 00:10 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess whispers to beachboy 00:10 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess whispers: What makes you say that? He hesitated, but before he could reply another message flashed up. Urawk: Salut, mes amies. How's the party? 00:10 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Hi, Urawk. You rawk too. :) 00:11 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Tres bien; la nuit est jeune, et ma deesse est belle. Et vous; ca va? 00:13 Saturday March 10, 2373 Urawk: What? I don't speak *that* much French. 00:14 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: You don't? 00:15 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Don't worry, Urawk; it's not very good French. 00:15 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: *You* *do*? 00:16 Saturday March 10, 2373 Urawk: But what did he *say*? BeachBoy? 00:16 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: So, ChatGoddess, where did you learn French? 00:17 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: 'The night is young and my goddess is beautiful.' BeachBoy, you're only asking that because you're trying to figure out who I am. 00:18 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Do you really think I'm that underhanded? 00:19 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** Urawk nods. 'Yep.' ** ** ChatGoddess nods. 'Yes.' ** ChatGoddess: Anyway, beautiful? You haven't even seen me. 00:21 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: What about...on dit que ma deesse est belle. 00:23 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** ChatGoddess laughs. 'Rumor has it?!' ** Urawk: Am I interrupting something here? :) 00:25 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: No, BeachBoy's just trying to pick me up because he can't get a date anywhere else. (sm) 00:26 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Hey, I resemble that remark! :) 00:27 Saturday March 10, 2373 Urawk: I should probably hit the sack anyway. Early shift tomorrow-- today. Bon nuit, mes amies. 00:27 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** Urawk waves goodnight ** ChatGoddess: Bye, Urawk. (sigh) Down to two again. Slow night. 00:29 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: I don't know; I thought the night was going *very* well. Weren't you going to spank me? :) 00:31 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: One track mind. 00:32 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: I have a great variety of thought, actually. I think about the Jefferies Tubes...the turbolifts...the holodeck...:D 00:34 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** ChatGoddess rolls her eyes ** BeachBoy: See? Lots of thoughts. 00:35 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** ChatGoddess spanks BeachBoy. Hard. ** BeachBoy: Don't *do* that! You almost made me spill my drink! 00:38 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: But I thought you wanted me to... (sm) What are you drinking? 00:39 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: If you really want to know you could kiss me and find out for yourself. (sm) 00:41 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I made the last move. I wouldn't want you thinking I was easy, now, would I? 00:42 Saturday March 10, 2373 For a moment it sounded so much like Janeway he thought he could actually hear her voice. "Damn..." Tom muttered quietly. "Whisper to ChatGoddess: Heavens, no, we couldn't have that. Why, the crew would lose all respect for you... Captain." BeachBoy whispers to chatgoddess 00:44 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess whispers to beachboy 00:46 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess whispers: All right, Tom, you've made your point. ChatGoddess: So, what *are* you drinking? 00:47 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Just water, actually. But I can pretend it's Aldebaran whiskey... 00:48 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Didn't I get to worship you once I found out who you were? 00:50 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I don't know, BeachBoy. Sounds like that might be fraternisation to me, and the captain might disapprove. :) 00:52 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: You said it was my move. Besides, my beautiful Goddess, if you forbid religion you breach individual rights. 00:55 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I suppose we'd better not tell her, then... (sm) 00:56 Saturday March 10, 2373 Tom stared at the screen for a moment. Was that an invitation? It sure looked like one. He glanced at the screen and slowly began to talk again. BeachBoy: In that case, my Goddess, I hope you don't mind if I begin my worship now? 00:59 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I can't forbid religion. And as long as there's no virgin sacrifice involved, I think I can handle it. :) 01:01 Saturday March 10, 2373 She was as nervous as he was, he realised. He hesitated, then asked another question. BeachBoy: What if I wanted to sacrifice someone who wasn't a virgin? 01:02 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I suppose that would depend on what that person had to say about it, wouldn't it? And-- I can't speak for them, understand, but I don't imagine whoever you might have in mind would resist too violently... 01:05 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: But you can't be sure, since you don't know what my worship entails. (sm) 01:06 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Well, why don't you tell me, then? 01:07 Saturday March 10, 2373 Tom caught his breath. Was she suggesting... What if someone-- That was stupid; no one else was going to turn up at this time of night. He let out the breath and began to speak again. BeachBoy: We're on a beach, lit only by the moon and the stars...and a bonfire. You're wearing a white silk robe, haloed by the flames behind you. I kneel before you, like a knight on a pilgrimage. 01:10 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: You beckon me forth, and I rise. Your hair shines gold in the firelight, and I reach behind you to slowly let it loose, pin by pin. 01:12 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: You *rise*? (raised eyebrow) 01:12 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Evil woman. :) 01:13 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Thank you. :) 01:13 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Anyway... 01:14 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Quite. 01:14 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: So... I'm unpinning your hair, letting it cascade down your back, soft against your skin. The gown is low-cut, especially at the back, and sleeveless, so you can feel every caress of the breeze. 01:16 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: I slide a strap of the gown slowly off your shoulder. Your breath quickens as each inch of skin is revealed. 01:17 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: Your eyes never leave mine. You slide the gown off the other shoulder, letting the cool silk trail down my body until it rests on the sand. The scent of burning driftwood twines between us, laced with salt and pine. You lift a hand to your-- what do knights wear? --to your jacket zipper... 01:20 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: ...and move it towards you, across the soft skin below your chin. Down your throat, along your collarbone a little and back up to gently cup your face until... 01:22 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** BeachBoy kisses his Goddess softly ** ChatGoddess: Mmm... Tastes like whiskey... :) 01:23 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: I trail kisses down your jaw...your neck...until I'm nibbling at the base of your throat. 01:24 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** ChatGoddess purrs ** BeachBoy: I slide my hands behind to pull you closer towards me, holding you against me as I capture your mouth again... 01:28 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I drape my arms over your shoulders, exploring your mouth insistently. You start to lower me to the sand, but I step back and finish unzipping your jacket. 01:30 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Getting a little pushy, aren't we? :) 01:30 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** ChatGoddess looks sternly at BeachBoy. 'I want you naked, mister.' ** BeachBoy: (gulps) Yes ma'am. 01.32 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: I pull my jacket off, our eyes locked as it falls to the sand, black against the white of your gown. I grasp your hands and slide them under the turtleneck. My skin is hot under your touch. 01:34 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I work my way up your chest with gentle touches, pushing the turtleneck up as I go. Finally I pull it over your head, breathing in the scent of your sweat so close to the fire. 01:36 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Be careful you don't get burned. 01:37 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: (stern look) I don't think I'm in any danger from this particular fire. I'm a big girl, BeachBoy; I know what I'm doing. 01:38 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Speaking of fire...The firelight is reflected in my eyes, orange on black. I lower my lips to yours and kiss you, slowly opening your mouth with my tongue. Your pulse quickens as the kiss deepens, until you're moaning against me. 01:40 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I push you gently to the sandy beach and straddle your body. It's *my* turn to play. I begin with soft kisses on your stomach... gradually they change to small licks... I swirl my tongue across your abdomen, teasing your skin. 01:42 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: Don't stop! 01:43 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I've got no intention of stopping. You reach for me; I grab your wrists and hold them down, continuing my ministrations. I slowly work my way up your stomach to your ribcage, then I give your skin a nip. 01:46 Saturday March 10, 2373 ** BeachBoy gasps and moans ** ChatGoddess: (low, inviting voice) Now I've got you where I want you... I take one of your nipples into my mouth, sucking gently. I hold both your wrists in one hand so I can use my other hand to torture you... (eg) I rub your other nipple with my fingers, then pinch it at the same time as I bite the other one. 01:49 Saturday March 10, 2373 BeachBoy: God--dess...Ahhh... 01:50 Saturday March 10, 2373 ChatGoddess: I put a hand on either side of your head and kiss you hungrily, our tongues intertwining. I pull away and you look deeply into my eyes, dark with desire. I reach a hand towards your trousers... 01:52 Saturday March 10, 2373 --- Paris dropped his tray opposite Harry's and sat, hoping he didn't have as goofy a grin as he thought he did. "Hey, Harry. What's up?" Kim smirked. "You know, it's funny you should ask that. Jenny was just telling me about how one of the ensigns in Stellar Cartography caught someone having cybersex on the chatroom last night." Tom rapidly lost his grin and stared at Kim in horror. "There were people *watching*?" "It wasn't like that," Kim said hurriedly. "Whoever it was came in without knowing what was going on and, I hear, got a little caught up in it. Apparently it was a hell of a show." "I bet it was," Paris muttered. Shit. Janeway was going to kill him. "What's the matter, sorry you missed it?" Harry was openly smirking. "If you're lucky, maybe they'll be back tonight." It suddenly occurred to Tom that he'd better play along, and play along fast. If there was anything worse than knowing someone had been watching, it was knowing that someone knew *who* they'd been watching. "Hell, if we're *really* lucky, maybe they'll let us join in," he said with a wicked grin. Kim laughed and shook his head. "Not getting enough in the real world, Tom?" "You know me, Harry; just looking out for my buddy. So, do you know who it was?" Harry shrugged. "Beach Boy and Chat Goddess, if that means anything to you." "Not a thing," Paris said cheerfully. "Chat Goddess is Maquis, isn't she? I don't remember seeing her on the chatroom before we arrived in the Delta Quadrant." "I think you're right," Harry said. "Hey - maybe it's B'Elanna." Tom gave him a strange look. "Um, I don't think so, Harry," he said, and prodded at the food-like substance on his tray. "Ugh, what *is* this?" "Alferian omelette," Kim supplied promptly, and went off on a tangent about the horrors Neelix was inflicting upon them today. Well, one distracted, Paris thought to himself; just a hundred and fifty to go. --- Kathryn tapped out a staccato beat on the wall of the turbolift as she waited for it to reach the bridge. God, she'd never been so mortified in her life. People had been *watching*! She wondered how long it would be before she or Tom slipped up and someone guessed - that was, if Tom hadn't slipped up already. She exhaled slowly and tried to put that thought out of her mind. She arrived on the bridge to find Paris pleading, "Come on, Tuvok, just *one* little security override." Janeway regarded him icily until he noticed her. "In my ready room, if you please, Lieutenant," she said coolly, and swept past him to its door. If she weren't so terrified, she might even be enjoying herself. Tom followed her in with a wary expression, and it occurred to her that he probably didn't realise she wasn't angry at him. Rolling her eyes at his insecurities, she gave him a reassuring smile. "I see you're taking all this well in stride." He shrugged slightly, still watching her. "Well, you know me." "Indeed I do." She paused for a moment, then moved towards him. "So, how *are* you, really? I mean, last night..." "Do I still respect you?" Tom smiled. "Yes." "That wasn't what I meant." Kathryn moved closer and looked up at him. "Might you... want to do it again?" And where the hell had *that* come from, she wondered, but it was too late to take it back now. Paris looked equally surprised, and tried to back away. "On a public chatroom? I don't think so." "No, I've never been one for cybersex myself," Janeway admitted, and moved her head a little closer. "You could... come to my quarters tonight." She'd never actually seen someone look like a frightened rabbit before. It suited Tom, in a weird kind of way. The look passed after just a moment and he smiled softly. "I-- I think I'd like that." "Me too," Kathryn breathed, then her lips were on his and his arms were around her, his hands in her hair. It felt *so* much better in real life. --- The End