The BLYS Archive - The Kiss Trilogy III Secret Kiss by Gayle Rochefort-Potts ( --- (c) February 2000 Somehow I think I have started a series... --- James Kirk had wondered why his mother had been so stubborn about keeping the farm a functional one, until he had spent some time there again. He stood in the doorway and sipped on his morning coffee waiting for everyone to wake up. He loved the strong aroma of the blend his mother stocked. It did not have a bitter taste at all, even when he made it, and would wake up from a sound sleep. His thoughts drifted back to the events a few days before when he had 'warmed Spock's ears'. He smiled to himself, well that had been his intent. Then he began to remember the morning not long after the first time with Spock... --- Jim took the last sip of coffee then closed the door to the warm morning sun and the brisk winter air. He went into the kitchen and poured another cup for himself. He sat down at the table, facing the large window where he could enjoy the sight of a fresh snowfall. It hadn't quite stopped yet, there was still the occasional flurry of snowflakes. He knew within the hour it would stop altogether and then he would dress and shovel the walkway and the balcony. He sat back in the chair and sighed. He loved this place and he could not think of spending a shore leave anywhere else. At least not when he was on Earth... unless one day he managed to swing some time on board a tall ship. "I would have to schedule that one years in advance." He mumbled out loud and with some regret that his 'job' was such that scheduling anything past a few days from now was a luxury. He heard some noise from the other end of the house. It sounded as if his mother was up and talking to someone. Who could that be, he wondered. Spock was still upstairs, lost in the reading and writing of some scientific papers. Bones, sleeping in the living room by choice, wouldn't be up yet. But there was always room for surprises. He looked up to the door as it swung open. "Morning." Wynonna started, then smiled, "Morning, Jim. You are up early?" She cleared her throat then headed straight for the coffee. "Oh good, you made some." She took down one cup filled it and then pulled down another. "Len, coffee's made already." She called to him. "I wondered who you were talking to." Jim smiled. "Both of you up earlier than I expected." "Well you know me, sun's up, must be time." She sipped on the coffee then looked through to the other room. She had left the door leading into the living room open. "Len and I were just talking quietly, didn't want to bother anyone else with our puttering." McCoy walked in, accepting the cup with a nod and then mumbled thanks. He drank some of the hot liquid. "Good coffee. We should get lots of this before we head back and stash it away for when we get desperate." Jim and his mom both laughed. "Sleep well?" Wynonna asked. Jim nodded. "Sleeping with someone as warm as Spock tends to put you in a mellow mood." He finished off the coffee then put his cup down then stood. "Well guess its time to go shovel the snow." He passed his mom delivering a kiss on her cheek as he did. "Save some coffee for when I come in." "Okay I will." Wynonna slipped into the chair he had vacated. McCoy was sitting across from her with his coffee and they continued to talk about family, and being apart from members of theirs. Jim listened to the sound of the voices as they went from one to the other. His mom's laughter and then McCoy's chuckling. McCoy's slow drawl and his mom's cheerful voice. He pulled on his winter clothing and then headed outdoors. The shovel had been left by the door last night because of the expected snowfall. He worked his way down the walkway then looked up to his bedroom window, and was not surprised to see Spock, watching him. He gave him a wave and continued on with his 'assignment'. A short time later, he stopped to catch his breath, leaned on the shovel and looked out over the whiteness of everything. It was amazing to him still at how white and untouched everything could be. He stepped off the balcony into the snowdrift he was building and looked back up at Spock. He signaled for him to hurry up and get down here. He had teased him about needing to 'warm ears' later. Something caught his eye. Some motion out of the corner of his eye, in the living room. He squinted slightly, his eyes were adjusted to the blinding whiteness and not to the seemingly dark interior of the house. The figures came into focus... there was Bones, laughing and he took a step closer to Wynonna... his arms wrapped around Wynonna, pulling her close to him. His mother? Jim held his breath. Bones was kissing his mom! His body forced him to breathe. His mom was kissing back too! In fact her arms were wrapping around McCoy and he saw her shoulders soften and relax. He felt a slow grin creep across his face. He forced himself to stop watching and went back to shoveling. --- Jim smiled as he recalled that day and the looks that past between his mom and McCoy every visit after that. He shook out the quilt that was left in the living room on the back of the couch and covered McCoy with it. He bent down and picked up the half empty bottle of bourbon and the glass. He was glad McCoy had the presence of mind to move from the chair, sleeping there would have been uncomfortable. He left the picture of Wynonna beside McCoy on the floor. It was the one McCoy had taken of her. They had never talked about that kiss. He doubted that they ever would. He wondered how many other 'secret kisses' they had shared... he hoped there had been many, they both deserved to have someone. Jim headed into the kitchen closing the door quietly. He would let McCoy sleep at least until Jim had the coffee made. He thought he could manage to make it just the way his mother did. --- End -- Kiss Trilogy