The BLTS Archive- The Twenty-first Smile by Riss --- Thanks to those who encouraged me to write something different and then proded me to do a sequel. Especially Monica who has been beta reading them! This is the second of three stories I currently have done. All are set in the weeks following the Season 4 episode The Raven and assume that B'Elanna never said those three little words to Tom, and has been threatening to kill him rather than spending her nights with him. Disclaimers: Paramount owns Star Trek, Voyager and all the characters mentioned in this story. I own the ideas, but not much else. Feedback warmly welcomed. --- "Personal Log, Stardate 51243.0 The past few hours have been an intriguing exercise in social interaction. Lieutenant Paris, Tom, has been of great assistance to me in the learning process. Our discussions and actions of the this early morning have enhanced my understanding of relationships. End Log." As she tapped the code to begin the regeneration cycle, memories of the past few days flowed freely through her mind. A quick shake of the head to dismiss the irrelevant thoughts, she climbed the steps to enter the regeneration chamber. She closed her eyes, and the cycle began. --- So quiet. The voices are gone. It has been six weeks, yet still I miss their comfort and companionship. The regeneration cycle used to be a time to listen to their stories and take comfort in our conformity. But now, I only have my own voice to listen to, my own thoughts to examine. This change should be meaningless. I am Borg, and loneliness is irrelevant, meaningless. But why is there this sense of something missing. The need to be around others, him. Social interactions are meaningless. Relationships are illogical pairings between people. Pleasure is irrelevant. But why did I take pleasure in the sensations Tom brought when he kissed me and engage in attempts to continue them. My body took actions to enhance and prolong the sensations without conscious thought. What began as an exercise in the practical application of information from Voyager's database has become something more. That first night, I went to the Mess Hall to satisfy the nutritional needs of my body. I intended only to find sustenance and leave. Yet, he invited me over. Besides the Captain, he has been the only crew member to do this. Illogically, I chose to join him, despite the meaningless conversation I knew would follow. 'Resistance is futile.' Everyone on this ship runs from those words. They give me looks of fear and hatred. Yet, he told me that they believe the same thing. Resistance to the plans of the Captain for integration into the crew is a futile gesture. Voyager assimilates as well as the Borg. However, in their assimilation there is individuality. Somehow, that thought is comforting. That first night, I felt a sense of calmness around Tom. I have not felt as centered as I did that night since I was taken from the collective. After much examination, I believe that I have been afraid of joining Voyager. This is quite illogical, but my feelings during my interaction that night are consistent with the database definition of those feelings. His own descriptions of his assimilation into the Voyager collective, however, caused a dissipation of those feelings. After that first evening, I also examined the reasons for why I might have felt comfortable around Tom. Despite my greater interaction with the Captain, I still am apprehensive about my meetings with her. Yet, after only one night of conversation about Voyager and my questions about the contemplation of life, he engendered a sense of peace I have not felt in too long. Further research of the database yielded the link between intimacy and the sense of ease around another person which I had experienced. Intrigued, I initiated further research into the study of the subject. The vivid descriptions caused a physiological change similar to that described in the database. I experienced increased heart rate and rate of breathing. My body temperature seemed to rise and I had the illogical desire to start stroking my skin. Intrigued by my research, I decided it was logical to continue my research with a trial study. Due to the similarity of my feelings when I interacted with Tom to those described as necessary for initiating intimate contact, I felt a return visit to the Mess Hall the following night was in order, especially after following Tom's recommendation to research the 'gossip billboards.' It appears that at the start of the journey, there was much talk of Tom's skills in various intimate encounters. It is logical to initiate a study on intimacy with one who displays considerable skills in the area. Therefore, shortly after midnight, I entered the Mess Hall. Again he invited me to join him, and this time I did not protest in the least. It seemed the logical course of action for initiation of the study. As I sat down to join him, he smiled. This is an action I am not used to seeing in my presence, except from him. In my presence, I have now observed twenty one different smiles from him. They range from the fearful smile, number one, I observed the first time I interacted with him, similar to the expressions I still see from the other crew members, to the lustful smile, number seventeen, I once observed him give to Lieutenant Torres immediately after their near death experience in the space suits. That was immediately accompanied by, what the database described as a dirty look, thrown in his direction by the Lieutenant. However, early this morning he gave me smile number 5, the genuine smile. I have only observed it directed towards me on two previous occasions. First with his offer of friendship on the Klingon Day of Honor and again the during previous late night's discussions. On both occasions I have observed an elevation in my heartbeat, an illogical action. In both the Captain and Lieutenant Torres I have noted similar reactions when they received a similar smile, which I have labeled number 18. This one is slightly smaller and not quite as inviting. However, last night I received a new smile which I have labeled as the twenty first smile. As he pulled back from our first kiss, he gave me that smile which engaged the most illogical action within me. My body temperature appeared to increase, especially in my pelvic region as he looked into my eyes with that smile. The facial expression one is looking at should be irrelevant, but the evidence points towards what the database identified as being turned on from that smile. I did not initiate the study in order to learn all forms of intimacy. I assumed that it would be proven irrelevant, yet my reaction leads to another conclusion. As we engaged in the kiss, I saw memories in my mind. Vague impression of similar sensations and the need to continue them within my mind. Yet, I have never kissed another in this manner. Therefore, these must be memories from the collective. Irrelevant thoughts were banned from the collective, leading to the conclusion that these actions are not irrelevant. I believe I now understand what instinct is. If my interpretation of the database is correct, it is what caused me to run my hands along his strong shoulders; to lean closer as his hands caused isolated portions of my body temperature to rise; to reach my hand down to feel what our actions were doing to his anatomy; to invite myself over to his quarters to continue our actions. "Regeneration cycle is incomplete." "Computer, locate portions of the database relating to dating and sex and display on this terminal." Intriguing. The amount of material available on this subject is astounding. My interpretation of its importance in human culture was severely underestimated. Perhaps a larger study is necessary. Or, I should meet Tom tonight and continue our study. "Computer, isolate human customs relating to sex while dating." Interesting, yet highly irrelevant. People wear costumes for dates? A meaningless action when the subjects intend to disrobe for copulation. However, my own outfit has received much more attention than those of the Starfleet crew. Perhaps, I should test this theory. "Computer, display ten examples of female dating attire." Clothing is irrelevant. I am unsure of which option is preferred. Perhaps I should enlist the Captain's advice in choosing an outfit. Or this might be another important test for my instinct. The Doctor mentioned that next time he will design a blue outfit for me to wear, so I will choose a dress in that color. This variation is intriguing. It should accommodate the corset, but eliminates the unnecessary material around my legs. "Computer, replicate number five." "Specify size." "I am unsure." "Insufficient information. Initiating scan." The disembodied voice of the computer paused while the scan was activated. "Replication complete." Now, how do I put this on? --- The End