The BLTS Archive- The Nameless Ones Who Watch by Riss ( --- This is another installment in my Philosophy of the Mind series. Previous installments are not required for understanding of this story, though I'd love if you take a look. This is my first attempt at writing outside the Senior staff, if it goes over well and I get lots of good feedback, I have a few other ideas I'd like to try. Disclaimers - Voyager, as well as all things Star Trek are owned by Paramount. I'm just borrowing them for this little story. They own the characters, I own the ideas expressed below. --- Some days I'm at the transporter and others I'm working in shuttle repair. Either place, I'm practically invisible. Until a few weeks ago, I wasn't even sure anyone on the Senior Staff even knew my name. I guess I'm what they call a nameless ensign. There are times when Lieutenant Paris or even the Captain come down to look at a new shuttle that our crew is building, that I get so frustrated. They say a quick hello to Lieutenant Carey and compliment him on his team, and that's it. I just want to scream, "I have a name! I am Ensign James Mulchaey and I would appreciate being acknowledged!" Of course, considering what happened after Lieutenant Torres said my name, I'm not so sure anymore. Not only did I have to check on the Doctor's emitter before going on for the day shift, but it attacked me! I thought I was dead when that Borg tubule stabbed me. Until the Captain came in to investigate the transformation of the science lab, I thought I was already dead, caught in some type of purgatory. It was only when the Doctor greeted me with a friendly, "What's wrong now, a Borg infestation?" that I realized it was too surreal to be death. Being nameless does have its advantages. I can fade into the background anywhere. I hear things when they ignore I'm there. You pick up some of the best gossip that way. I'm not talking about how Harry is in love with Seven of Nine or the old news about how Janeway dumped Chakotay. No, I pick up the really juicy stuff like the latest one going around about the Captain. This one is almost to crazy to be believed, except that I've seen evidence of it myself. It actually came from Ensign Lang, who was in Sickbay at the time. She said that the last time Lieutenant Paris came in after getting injured, it wasn't Lieutenant Torres who waited by his bedside as he slept. She was busy down in Engineering, while our Captain watched the helmsman sleep. Now if I hadn't seen their interaction myself on a number of occasions, I would have just laughed it off. After all, it is clear to everyone on the ship that Lieutenants Paris and Torres are very much in love with each other. Of course, I've heard some rumors lately on that one about how she was trying to kill herself to get away from him, but that's just gossip. All you need to do is see how often they are in the holodeck with the privacy lock engaged. Or talk to the poor crewman in the cabins surrounding their two cabins about how loud they can be at two in the morning. But there have been those three times where I've observed the two alone. The first seemed innocent until you add in what I've seen since. It was one of the days I was working the transporter, back before he got together with Lieutenant Torres. Actually, it was shortly after that salamander incident. God, there were a million jokes going around after that one. Lieutenant Paris was beaming down to assist the away team with some minor injuries from a falling tree. Just as I was about to energize, the Captain came in. He used his most winning smile along with one of his corny lines. "Had to see me off, Captain?" "Actually Mr. Paris, I wanted to tell you to be careful. Sensors are detecting signs of additional wind gusts." "Thank you. Energize." I could be wrong, but I thought I heard one more thing as his molecules began their transfer. "You could have just called." At the time, I figured that he was just joking with the Captain, but she stayed a little too long after his transport, just stareing at the pad. It was as if she wasn't expecting him to come back. Of course, that was the mission where both the Lieutenant and the Commander fell into a well together and ended up spending a couple hours alone together as a crew cleared away some metal that was preventing transport. After that, the two seemed to get along better. The second incident was when they came down to inspect a repaired shuttle. I was busy realigning one of the conduits to the warp nacelles, so they didn't see me under the engines. Considering this was about the time that the Lieutenant was chasing after our Chief Engineer, I figured it was just him living up to his reputation. "We should take a look inside, Captain. Carey says that he's made some improvements to the Cochrene's interior since the last scrape I put her through." "I don't know. Considering what happened the last time I was alone with you on that shuttle..." "Oh come on! I was a little out of my head at the time. I don't even remember trying to kidnap you, let alone piloting a shuttle." "I don't think you were doing very much piloting at the time." "Captain!" "Just stating the facts. Hello Lieutenant Carey. I understand you've made some changes to the interior of the Cochrene." Actually, now that I think about it, it wasn't the Lieutenant who started either incident. It was the Captain. Actually, this helps put into perspective the incident I saw two nights ago. Ever since the rumor about Lieutenant Torres trying to kill herself on the holodeck, Lieutenant Paris has been spending even more time alone on the holodeck. Sure, he still comes with her, but he is spending more time with the rest of the crew in the resort, or especially Sandrine's. That's were I was the other night, getting a late night drink before heading to bed. The place was almost empty of everyone but holo-patrons when the Captain wandered in. She came in as if she was looking for someone, and headed straight over to Lieutenant Paris. He had been sitting at a table, alone, over in the corner when she joined him. Unfortunately, it was too far away for me to hear anything. Immediately she signaled for the waiter to bring over two drinks. She took the chair next to him, rather than across from him, which gave me a good view of their interaction. As soon as their drinks arrived, she started talking to him. At first, he seemed to still be lost in thought, staring at the holo-patrons. But then his mask seemed to fall. He suddenly looked very sad and vulnerable. He talked for quite awhile, never looking at her directly. He mostly stared at his hands which were tracing patterns on the table. As his manner became so despondent that I thought he was going to start crying, she took his hands in hers. For a moment he actually looked at her, but then returned his glaze to their now joined hands. His manner slowly began to improve, until he moved his hands away and stood. I believe he invited her to a pool game at this point. By this time, we where the only three in the holodeck. I continued to observe them as they began their game. If I am not mistaken, the Captain was flirting with him. She took every opportunity to brush up against him, and especially give him pats on the back when he made a good shot. While he did nothing to discourage her, I didn't see him really responding to any of it. He just played the game, occasionally glancing to the door as if waiting for someone. She won the first game, but seemed to busy with her fun to win the second. Just as she was racking up the balls for the third game, the holodeck doors opened, admitting Lieutenant Torres. She seemed extremely hesitant to enter. The second Lieutenant Paris saw her, he abandoned the game and went to greet her. They talked for a few minutes as the Captain looked on. The good mood she seemed to have been in during the game disappeared. While I did not read any jealousy or regret on her face as the couple talked, she is almost as good at hiding her emotions as Lieutenant Paris. Finally, Lieutenant Paris took Lieutenant Torres' hand in his own and started to leave. Before they reached the door, he turned around and bid farewell to the Captain. "Sorry about the game. I'll try to take your advice. See you tomorrow." As the Captain left me alone on the holodeck, I swear I heard her mutter, "It wasn't her I was talking about." I wonder what would happen if I was to add that little tidbit to the rumor mill. Maybe not. Megan Delany gets very mad at any bad gossip spread about her old boyfriend. Even though she's with Garron, I think she still loves him. Considering how new a couple Jenny and I are, I really don't need to annoy her sister and risk the good thing we have going. Anyway, I sure I'm just hearing things. After all, the two Lieutenants are in love, and the Captain is still practicing to be a nun. I'll just remain the nameless ensign minding the transporter and stay out of harms way. After all, what do I care about the Captain and Lieutenant Paris. But the stories I could tell of Sam Wildman and Lieutenant Carey... --- The End