The BLTS Archive- Integration and Revelations by Riss ( --- Thanks to my beta readers Jan & Jan you were both a great help! This is the fifth story of my Philosophy of the Mind series. None of the previous stories are required to understand this one, but I'd love if you want to read them :-) I know this isn't my promised P/7 story, but I've been a little busy. Maybe I'll start on it over Thanksgiving... I do have the next one of this series about ready to go, so you might see it up in the next week or two. Disclaimers: Voyager and all its characters are owned lock, stock and barrel by Paramount and its parent Viacom. I'm just taking them out for a little spin. I promise to have them back by midnight, without trying to make any money off of them. Go ahead and send to BLTS and archive in ASC --- I am Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to the Unimatrix 01, but now I am alone. I have been a member of the Voyager crew for more than a year now. A year of learning to be an individual. A year of only hearing one voice in my head. At first, it was difficult, since the voices kept me company. Life alone seemed futile and irrelevant. Now, I am beginning to appreciate the silence. My resistance has been futile. Life has not always been easy for me on Voyager. However, the assistance I have received from five members of this crew has been invaluable. When I was a drone, assistance came in the form of the collective. While Captain Janeway calls Voyager a small collective, the ideas and assistance are individual. The Doctor, despite my initial uncertainty towards him for removing my Borg identity, has proven to be a great help in integrating into this crew. Himself an outsider and a program, he has attempted to instruct me in what he has learned of Voyager's ways. His course in human interaction, which I initially considered irrelevant and superfluous, has provided much insight into social interactions and irrelevant, meaningless conversation. Lieutenant Commander Tuvok has also assisted in my integration. Also an outsider on Voyager, he has provided a logical course for me to follow. His Vulcan thought processes are the most efficient and his lack of emotional involvement mirrors my own situation at times. Another person I consider my friend on Voyager is Ensign Kim. I have read much literature on the subject of love in an effort to understand him. When he refused my offer of copulation, Commander Chakotay suggested I examine that literature. While references to sparks seem out of place in human interactions, I believe I have begun to understand the term lust. I also was intrigued by the references to clothing in attracting one's mate. I changed my attire from the brown jumpsuit to the blue one since the literature emphasized the need for an appealing appearance. Prior to today's events, much of my contemplation of life has revolved around the Ensign. The man I considered my first friend on Voyager is Lieutenant Paris. Only months after his offer of friendship after the incident with the Kaatati, did I finally understand what he was offering at that time. After researching his background, I believe we are also similar. Unlike the doctor and Tuvok who have always been outsiders, both Lieutenant Paris and I are humans who have been outside acceptable society, he in prison and myself part of the Borg. His inclusion of me in his holodeck adventure, while irrelevant and frivolous, I understand to be his attempt to include me in life on the ship. As I become more aware of the complex interactions between crewmembers on this ship, I am inclined not too find these efforts quite so irrelevant. Lieutenant Paris' relationship with Lieutenant Torres is an example. The companionship and support they provide each other is not irrelevant to productivity and collective integration. The person who provides the most confusing contemplation for me is the Captain. After much research I have decided that she fills a maternal role in my life. While at times a friend, she is also a disciplinarian and has been proven to follow a most illogical course of action at times. I do not find her casual disregard of some rules and conversely her stringent enforcement of others to be a logical course of action. Most puzzling to me lately are her actions in certain areas. While I have made no overt observations, my enhanced perceptions of body temperature and reactions, combined with much circumstantial evidence to produce a troubling conclusion. I have heard her speak of the positive effects of Lieutenant Paris and Torres' relationship on twenty five separate occasions, however even those words can be interpreted as an effort to, as Tuvok put it, "..see that humans often convince themselves they are right by repeating the same flawed actions or theories until they believe them to be true." I have noticed the Captain has a special fondness for Lieutenant Paris. In the beginning, I believed this special feeling came from his position as her former protege. However, I have revised my theory with further observation. Her reactions are similar to those I have witnessed in Ensign Kim when I move close to him while working in small, enclosed areas. I have observed identical reactions, with the exception of certain anatomical differences, in the Captain when she is in similar situations with Lieutenant Paris. I have been unable to determine if the Lieutenant exhibits the same reactions due to his superior ability to hide his emotions. I have an 'instinctive feeling' that he feels more than respect for her, but no proof to verify this illogical conclusion. This has promoted my examination of relations among the Voyager crew. Despite the overwhelming evidence, I was willing to believe I was in error due to my limited experience with these matters. As my encounters with Ensign Kim have helped me to understand, awareness of the facts from the database are not the only tools needed for comprehension. However, my observations earlier today on the bridge have convinced me that this line of reasoning is not as irrelevant as I first thought. It was only a simple gesture that I had seen enacted many times on previous visits to the bridge. However, this time it was accompanied by a returning smile from the recipient. Prior to this occasion, I had never observed Lieutenant Paris reciprocate the Captain's flirting. This time, when she placed her hand on his shoulder, he returned what I have named his flirting smile. In the time I have spent with and observed the Lieutenant, I have catalogued a total of twenty-one different smiles. Prior to this occasion, I have only observed this smile when he and Lieutenant Torres are engaged in conversation prior to leaving the room for copulation, which I understand to be the goal of enticement. I would like to analyze this further. However, for efficient study I shall attempt this review of my relations on Voyager by consulting another, more knowledgeable person. So far, this review has yielded no conclusive participant, since most of those I label as friends are either non-emotional or involved. Only Ensign Kim remains. However, I have observed that he is unable to keep a confidence, something that would be undesirable in this discussion. Perhaps further contemplation alone will provide a logical answer to this dilemma. --- The End