The BLTS Archive- The Things I See by Riss ( --- Disclaimers - Paramount owns Star Trek. What, you didn't know that? I'm just a humble fan borrowing the characters for fun. While Paramount owns the characters, the ideas are mine, so please ask permission before using them, and always keep my name attached to copies of this story. Las cosas que miro - Yup, I've made a few minor changes in the translation. Hey, it's my story! I think it sounds better in Spanish, but I've been begged for this translation. Mainly I've changed words which I left obscure in the Spanish version to fit closer to Voyager. I didn't want my TA to think I was turning in something I took from a TV show, after all, I'm supposed to be studying not watching TV... :-P --- I watch them. I see the way she looks at him. They are long looks full of significance. They are looks of love. They are looks a captain should not be giving to one under her command. She is the head of the vessel. There are about 150 people on the vessel. They have been working together for close to five years. Five years dedicated to the goal. Five years of living their lives together. He is one of the crew. He is the heart and soul of the vessel. Before joining the vessel, he was in prison. She saved him. She was his mentor. During that relationship, she fell in love with him. Without him, she cannot function. Three years ago, he threatened to leave the vessel. But, after one week, he returned. She is the captain. She is a benevolent dictator. The crew carry out her orders with pride. She began this journey with enthusiasm. Now, she feels guilty for the long journey. No one could have foretold that the journey would take five years or more. She thought they were after a small problem, but she was wrong. When he pilots, she watches him. She watches his hands move over the computer. She laughs at his jokes, funny or not. She smiles when he enters the room. She has all the symptoms of a person in love. She thinks that no one knows of her symptoms, but I know. I think that he loves her as well. It is not the same love as she has. He respects her because she saved his life. Without her help, he would in prison now. She spoke to the parole board and obtained his freedom. For this and for the opportunity to pilot, he cares for her. I don't have a problem with these things. I understand the respect and the friendship between the two. My problem is with the love. She is in a position of authority. I don't think that her actions are right. She is not interested in the feelings of other people. There is another reason why I do not like this relationship. He is very important to me. He has been my lover for almost a year. --- The End