The BLTS Archive- The Logic of Emotional Encounters by Riss ( --- Disclaimers - Paramount owns Star Trek. What, you didn't know that? I'm just a humble fan borrowing the characters for fun. While Paramount owns the characters, the ideas are mine, so please ask permission before using them, and always keep my name attached to copies of this story. Thanks to my beta readers Janet and Jan. The world would not go round without beta readers! I've made a few minor changes to the story, mostly to flesh it out just a bit more. I'm reposting it as a favor to a friend who is very interested in seeing a story about Tuvok. --- Logic dictates complete attention to the task at hand. However, even I sometimes stray when passing through an extremely calm area of space. Usually I reflect on Vulcan laws of logic or lately, it has been Surak's Dictates of Poetics. Despite Mr. Paris' insistance on impulsiveness, our collaberative holodeck adventures have proceded well. Now, I seem unable to focus on either of these ponderings. Another problem, idea, has invaded my thoughts. Something which defies logic commands my attention. The emotions of the crew have begun to permeate my consciousness. Emotions have no place in the logical mind, yet the analysis of emotions has taken over my thought processes. While living around emotional beings has never been a simple task, normally I retain my ability to separate their emotions from my own logical thoughts. Even when the most potent of these emotions has invaded the bridge, I was successful. Despite my outward calm and disregard for their actions, I was not unaware of the emotions passing between the two most senior members of the crew. While the Captain and the Commander do not possess my level of control over emotions, the situation dictated greater discression. I was, concerned, of the effects of either a relationship or a severing of their closeness. When they experienced difficult times during the encounter with the Borg, my unease was proven correct. The second relationship to be fostered among the senior Starfleet personnel of Voyager has been less uneasy. While Mr. Paris and Lieutenant Torres have shown a lack of decorum and impulsive behavior, their relationship has proven to be enduring and strong. Despite Vorik's previous claim that he was in fact the logical choice of a mate for Lieutenant Torres, I believe that Mr. Paris actually fulfills that function adaquately. Both have moderated the extreme behavior of the other and actually improved their attention to the job during crisis situations. Therefore, the present situation is extremely puzzling. If I had not observed the actions on multiple occasions, I would have assumed a flaw in my logical assumptions. Why would the Captain do anything to jeopardize this relationship? Especially since she has shown public approval of their actions ever since her blow up during the alien experiments. She never did take up my offer of flogging them. Yet, I have seen her initiate actions which express her desire to break them up. Most noticably, I have observed her with an almost wistful expression on her face as she observes him at the con. Nothing which would arouse the suspicions of any other crew member since only my position on the bridge allows a clear view of their actions, but enough to form a pattern. At first, due to the reputation of Mr. Paris, I believed he was encouraging these actions. However, my first impression as dictated in the mutiny scenario of his complete faith in the Captain was again proven correct. While his actions dictate a sharing of these emotions, he has been completely faithful. Instead, I now believe that neither party will do anything to encourage a resolution to these emotions. The looks which pass between them and the hand which she places on his shoulder represent the limit of their expression. Unless their is a drastic occurrence, life will proceed as it had before I came to this conclusion. The question which has been distracting me, however, defies this logic. Why, if all indications and logical conclusions dictate a favorable outcome, do I feel something is wrong? If Vulcan's possessed intuition, I would believe that mine was telling me that somehow, even though the correct outcome is occurring, there is something missing. Therefore, my attention is distracted slightly from the long range sensor scans as I observe the figures at the front of the bridge I am left attempting to find a logical reason to explain why I should feel anything at all, especially the nonappearance of such an illogical action. --- The End