The BLTS Archive - Rumors and Reality by Riss ( --- Warning - Character Death. Continue on at your own risk! Disclaimers - Paramount owns Star Trek. What, you didn't know that? I'm just a humble fan borrowing the characters for fun. While Paramount owns the characters, the ideas are mine, so please ask permission before using them, and always keep my name attached to copies of this story. --- "You're not going to believe what I saw at about midnight," came Crewman Rogers' delighted cry as he entered the Mess Hall. "Well, it wasn't important enough for you to call security," came Ensign Jennifer Lang's reply, "so it couldn't have been that bad." Rogers barely even glanced at her as he grabbed a piece of fruit. "This wasn't a security matter" "Then why did you wait until our break to tell us?" Lieutenant Sue Nicoletti broke in. "Engineering has been absolutely depressing this evening." With a contented sigh, Rogers joined the pair at the table. "It has to do with the Captain." "Then do tell," Crewman Gerron said as he joined their table. "We could use something more interesting to talk about." "It also has to do with Lieutenant Paris." "Not more about the deaths," Sue broke in. "Things are hard enough already down in engineering." "Only marginally as in the fact it wasn't just consoling going on between them," Rogers answered triumphantly. "Come on Rogers," Jen added, "I told you it's just a hand on the shoulder. You're the one with the perverted mind to assume more." "Ah, but now I have proof." "What?" Sue burst out. "Guess who came strolling out of the Captain's quarters as I was patrolling deck three," Rogers said almost spitefully. "And in answer to your first guess, it was not the First Officer." "Well," Gerron said, "maybe they had just been up late talking." "Not with a wrinkled uniform, messed up hair, and..." "What are you waiting for?" Sue said as the silence grew. "There has got to be something else." "And her lipstick on his lips." --- "Hey, Parsons." "How are you this morning, Sue?" "Wishing I was finally off the night shift." "Is that permanent? Or do you get off next week when they do shift changes?" "Considering I'm number two now down in engineering, probably not." "At least you don't have anyone looking over your shoulder." "That, and the gossip is better at 0200." "What's the latest?" "Well, this involves the Captain and the question of why the grieving helmsman was spotted slipping out of her quarters at midnight." "You're kidding!" --- "So, how's Naomi doing?" Ensign Lang asked as she entered the bridge. "Not too bad. Only one call while you were gone on break." "She's just at that age." "But I thought we managed to skip the terrible fours. She certainly outgrew them quickly enough." "Maybe one day she'll finally have some playmates." "Do you know something I haven't heard yet?" "Well, only that there seems to be a new couple on board." "Don't keep me in suspense!" broke in Ensign Hamilton at the helm. "It seems that Lieutenant Paris was seen scurrying out of the Captain's quarters at around midnight." "You must be wrong! Tom would never do that." "I heard it from a reputable source." --- "Morning Neelix." "Good morning Crewman. Did you enjoy the Julanda muffins I left out for the Gamma shift?" "Actually, I didn't really have a chance to try them." Seeing the look on Neelix's face, Rogers' continued. "Though I think Gerron had one and liked it." "Good! I was trying out a new recipe. I thought we needed something to lighten our spirits a little. Anything new?" "Well, now that you mention it, I did see something really interesting at about midnight last night." "Good enough for my Briefing with Neelix this morning?" "Definitely! I saw Lieutenant Paris leaving the Captain's quarters." "The Doctor asked her to help out with Tom. He's taking B'Elanna's death really hard." "With a messed up uniform and lipstick on his lips?" "Tomorrow night you should try some of my coffee, I think you're day dreaming on the job." "I know what I saw." With a wave, Rogers headed towards his quarters. "See you later, Neelix." --- "Good morning Joe." "'Morning Sue. Anything go wrong overnight?" "No problems. Not even a glitch in repairing the ruptured conduit." "Must have been a boring shift." "Not really. We had a lot to talk about." "I don't need to be depressed anymore. I have an appointment with the Captain at 0900 for my promotion." "Actually, it has something to do with her." "The rumor mill must have been active last night." "Tom was seen leaving her quarters at midnight with lipstick on his face and his uniform in disarray." "No way!" --- "Morning Sam, Jen." "Good morning, Harry," Ensign Jennifer Lang called from the Security station. "How are you doing?" "About as well as someone who slept ten hours with the help of a sedative and spent the rest of the night pacing his room." "I'm sorry, Harry," Ensign Samantha Wildman said as she turned the Ops station over to Harry. "Don't be, Sam," Harry returned. "You were the one stuck pulling another gamma shift." "Actually, I did't mind. I'd rather be with Naomi when we're both awake anyway. This way I sleep while she's in classes and we have the whole evening to ourselves." "Sounds a whole lot better than my morning." Sam and Jen shared a look. "Interesting breakfast in the Mess Hall?" Sam asked. "Actually," Harry answered, "I went to visit Tom this morning." "How's he doing?" Jen asked as she turned over her station to Tuvok. "Well, he's not taking it too well," Harry answered quietly. "He kept saying something about being guilty and running out on someone." "Did he say who?" Sam asked just as Chakotay came onto the Bridge. "What kind of a question is that?" Harry shot back at her. Trying to calm Harry down, Jen started to explain quietly, attempting to speak too low for the rest of the Bridge to hear. "It is actually a pretty valid question considering what happened last night." Her caution hadn't been enough as Chakotay join the group surrounding the Ops station. "Do you know something about the rumors involving the Captain that seem to have been going around the Mess Hall this morning?" Chakotay questioned. "Yes Sir," Jen squeaked out, embarrassed at being caught gossiping by the First Officer. He at least had the sense to look embarrassed himself as he asked, "What are they saying now?" Sam and Jen once again shared a look before Sam decided she would answer. "Someone - I'm not going to say who - saw Tom leaving the Captain's quarters last night." "The Doctor asked her to help Tom with coping," Chakotay broke in. "He isn't dealing too well with B'Elanna's loss. Not that any of us are." "At midnight," Sam continued, "with messed up hair and clothes and-" she paused before dropping the bombshell. "lipstick on his mouth." Even Tuvok stopped his activities and stared at that revelation. --- The End