The BLTS Archive - Two Out Of Three... by Quoth ( --- Usual Boring Disclaimer TM-- I wouldn't even dream of claiming these characters as my own. I'm making no money on this. Paramount owns everything pertaining to Star Trek. Feedback of all types (except flames) welcome. --- "I want you, I need you, But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you, Now don't feel sad, 'Cause two out of three ain't bad." Meat Loaf, "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad" --- It was late on a weekend night, and the huge building was almost completely dark and silent. Even the most dedicated scientists were taking a break from their research at the Daystrom Institute. The building was completely devoid of life, except for one man. Maddox scowled as he turned his back to the diagrams on the screen in front of him. No, he couldn't see anything that would indicate any kind of behavioural malfunction. Whatever the problem was, he wouldn't find it here. Swearing under his breath, he raked a hand through his dark hair. No matter what what he looked at, there was no indication of anything that could cause this kind of abnormality. Sighing, he stood up and strolled into his lab. There, lying unconscious on the biobed, was the source of his current trouble. He recalled the time six years ago when he had first tried to get an android on his disassembly table. Though he had been denied then, three and a half years later he had suddenly been presented with another, identical android by the Daystrom Institute and given a seemingly simple task: Find out what had caused the behavioural malfunctions, then fix the problem and proceed to conduct all necessary experiments on the repaired neural net. The problem with that was simple; after the first six months of study, Maddox still couldn't find anything wrong with the physical construction of the positronic brain. The problem had to be in the programming. And the Daystrom Institute insisted he try to examine the programming while the neural net was inactive, rather than simply activate it and apply standard behavioural tests. They had him running tests that took days to get a tentative set of results, let alone anything conclusive, and they were beginning to hint that if *he* felt himself unable to find the results they needed... Maddox snorted. What could happen if the android was conscious? Nothing. It couldn't fake its way out of the Institute-- the building was too heavily guarded. And the threat of disassembly should keep its behaviour acceptable, even if it was reluctantly so. Suddenly, Maddox made his decision. To hell with them. There was no way he could make any progress to speak of while the unit was inactive, and he wasn't losing his job just because they couldn't accept the reality of the situation. Smartly, he stepped forward and found the switch on the back, then quickly leaped back and activated the forcefield on the door. No one could leave this room now unless they knew the code, and only Maddox knew it. He calmly watched as the unit regained consciousness and snapped to its feet. "Data, I swear you're going to regret..." and the voice trailed off as golden eyes took in the surroundings. "Who the hell are you?" came a demand. Maddox raised his eyebrows. Interesting. This one was obviously not programmed with a courtesy program as Data was. Or maybe the program was just faulty. "I'm Doctor Maddox. I'm the one in charge of your case. From a cybernetics perspective, you've been a most interesting study." He deliberately omitted the words "difficult" and "frustrating". "STUDY CASE?! I'm not your pet project! Let me go!" yelled Lore. He couldn't believe this. This was beyond bad luck. He was under the control of some wacky cyberneticist AGAIN!! Worse, this one was apparently up himself and didn't seem to give one about his feelings in the matter. At least Often Wrong had-- usually-- told him what he would do before he did it. Who knew what this moron had done while he had been under? Quickly, he ran a self-diagnostic, and was relieved to see that, except for the insertion of an inactive homing beacon, nothing major had been altered from his last moments of consciousness. Except, of course, the fact that he was no longer practically broken in two where the disruptor had hit him. In retrospect, he should've expected that Data wouldn't just stand there and let him fry Data's circuits, but the last thing he'd expected was for Data to fry his in return! He glanced around quickly and saw that the door had a key code lock. That meant he couldn't unlock the door's forcefield without the pass code. And he knew that this slimy weasel must have it. "I'm afraid I can't do that," said Maddox. "You have to stay here until your programming has been altered, and then tests have to be run to see if your neural net can be replicated. And don't think that you can escape. I've implanted a homing beacon in your brain that will automatically set off the security systems in this building if detected outside this lab." Lore fumed silently. Obviously, losing his temper would get him nowhere fast. "Okay," he said as calmly as he could manage. "Look, I really don't want to spend a long time in here, okay? Why don't you just let me go, and I'll give you the help you need." He quickly crossed his fingers behind his back. Maddox smirked. Did this unit think he was stupid? "Of course," he lied smoothly, "I would love to release you, but I'm afraid my superiors just won't allow it." Lore seethed. This pathetic excuse for a human was thwarting him. Worse, *mocking* him, laughing to himself as he outwardly pretended to be friendly, and thinking that Lore didn't realise it. Well, he'd learn better soon enough, Lore would make sure of that... "Well, then maybe I can help you interpret the test results. Oft-- I mean, Doctor Soong gave me extensive, detailed information on all my systems. Perhaps if you tell me what you need to know, I can help you and then you can leave me alone." Maddox paused. It was true that Noonien Soong would know how his creation would operate, and it seemed likely enough that he had placed a lot of necessary information into the unit's memory, if only for the purpose of self-diagnostics. Carefully he said, "Perhaps you can assist me. I need to run several behavioural tests. If you perform these tests to the best of you ability and stay obedient, you'll be permitted to stay active while further study is done." Lore considered that. He was being given a chance to stay activated, at least. It would be good enough for now. "Very well. What do you need me to do?" "The first test I need to administer is one of self-control. I need to determine the strength and stability of that section of your personal programming. I'll be randomly stimulating different programs on your emotion engram. You must do your best to avoid reacting, no matter what. The points at which you fail to do so each time will be the information I need to make some tentative guesses at the malfunction in your programming." He deliberately spoke sharply, already testing the unit's control. Lore gritted his teeth. Soon, soon... The sound of footfalls interrupted the both of them. Maddox, suddenly alarmed, glanced toward the door. Had one of his colleagues surmised his intention to activate the android? A long, thin shadow appeared on the corridor floor and suddenly turned to reveal, not one of his dimwitted, nosey-parker excuses for assistants and colleagues, but a mirror image of the android that now stood in front of him. Data, in his always-impeccable Starfleet uniform. Maddox groaned. Data was going to throw a huge spanner in the works here, he could just tell. Data stopped dead in the middle of the doorway and frowned. "So Technician Taaleq was correct. You have indeed taken a drastic step unauthorized by either the Daystrom Institute or myself." Taaleq! Maddox cursed inwardly. That overcautious air-brained moron! He'd have the idiot's head on a platter for this, as his last act before the Institute "invited" him to take an early retirement. "Commander," he said coldly. "I was under the impression that you were helping with the salvage of the Enterprise's saucer section on Veridian Three." "I was, until I got a message from Technician Taaleq expressing his concern that you were going to do something stupid." Data sounded annoyed. He must have installed the emotion chip, Maddox thought. This irritated him. Data should have asked him of the advisability of incorporating such a chip into his neural net before he did it. "Oh, really, brother? Well, if it was so stupid, why have I left him still standing there unhurt after I've been active and unrestrained?" Lore asked as sarcastically as he could manage. "Probably because you have not yet found a way to get away with doing anything else." Maddox groaned. Forget the spanner in the works, Data was throwing the whole tool kit in. From the subject's body language, it was clear that he was becoming more uncooperative by the second. *He?* Maddox thought. *When did I start thinking of Lore as a he?* He pondered that for a moment. Finally he realised that it had been when Data had stepped in the door. He had been forced to think, grudgingly, of Data as a he when he had discovered, among other things, that Data had been intimate with a fellow crew member. That he had managed the sex act was not what Bruce had found surprising; what was was the fact that Data had recognised the intimacy of such an act, still keeping a hologram of the woman in question, who Maddox had later discovered had died. And this android in the plain, drab Institute coverall was so like and yet so unlike the one in the uniform... He came back to reality to find the two glaring and trading insults: spiteful from Lore, self-righteous from Data, and childish from both. "ENOUGH!" he shouted. Totally without any more patience, he turned to Data. "Data, I am going to proceed with these tests, despite the protests of the Institute. I cannot get the information I need any other way. If you want to help, fine, but otherwise get yourself lost. Lore, you'd damn well better behave yourself or I'll have you in smaller pieces than scrap metal before you can blink. And both of you SHUT UP!" Both of them stared at him in surprise, their argument temporarily forgotten. Then Data spoke up. "I am going to stay here and supervise these tests." His tone of voice brooked no disagreement. Maddox sighed. Oh, well. At least Data would be able to keep Lore under physical restraint if need be. "All right, Data, key in your Starfleet clearance code and get in here." Lore craned his neck as his brother tapped on the keyboard, but he could not see the code from the other side of the door frame. *Damn.* Still, there was always another time. Data entered and quickly hit the automatic field reactivation. The forcefield hissed back up, a barrier between them and the real world. Data, always wary, moved immediately over to within restraining distance of Lore. Maddox nodded. "I have entered an additional code into the forcefield generator lock. No one will be able to leave this room without giving this code in addition to their personal code." Maddox sighed. "That was unnecessary, Commander; there is already a security beacon within his neural net. He can't escape." "What do you intend to do?" "I have designed a wave that will choose and activate at random one of Lore's emotional programs. This tricorder has been modified to send out the pulse, and control the intensity of each emotion. He needs to keep his self-control as long as he can, while I increase the intensity and note the level at which he fails. Once I have that information, I might be able to tell where his self-control programs have inbuilt failures." Lore scowled blackly but did not comment. Maddox did not feel like prolonging this any further, so he said brusquely, "Very well. The testing shall begin." He hit a series of keys on his tricorder, randomly selecting and triggering an emotional program. Then he watched clinically as Lore gasped and doubled over, beginning to retch. *Hmm. Nausea. Not your typical android emotion. A physical response to the emotion of intense revulsion, perhaps? Interesting implications--* then he turned at an unexpected sound, only to find Data, too, helplessly retching and gagging. Surprised, Maddox hit the abort button on his tricorder, and watched as both androids slowly returned to normal. "What the hell was that all about?" he demanded. "Apparently, the wave you have designed to activate Lore's emotional engram has a similar effect on my emotion chip," Data said weakly, still feeling awful. Bruce considered this. Although it was clear that Data would not be able to function as Lore's restrainer if he was affected by the wave as deeply as Lore was, he could still be useful. It would certainly help to be able to observe the reactions of both androids to the wave. Apparently, the fact that Lore's emotion engram was inbuilt into his net while Data's chip was an outside addition made no difference. That could be useful in devising a way to make Lore more pliant, like Data. He made his decision and addressed Lore. "All right. I'm going to continue this experiment. I need this information and I assume Data is going to want to stay here to make sure one of us doesn't damage the other." Data winced. Lore caught the look. "What is it, brother?" he snapped, feeling irritated and embarrassed at his earlier display of helplessness. "Can't you take what I'm expected to take?" Data glared. "I am perfectly able to keep control of myself, Lore. And what is more, I am going to stay here and make sure that you keep control of yourself." *Not likely,* thought Maddox. Data's limited experience with emotion would make it more difficult for him to control himself than for Lore. Still, he needed the comparison... "Prepare yourselves. I'm starting again." He keyed in the code for "random response" and watched as they both stiffened. Their faces turned to stone as they fought to keep control, battled not to fail in front of each other. "What's this emotion?" he asked quickly. "I would name it 'anxiety'" whispered Data. "That's it, all right," muttered Lore. Both of them looked miserable, but neither lost control. This meant that up till this point, the integrity of Lore's programming was as strong as Data's. Bruce nodded and amplified the intensity of the wave. Lore bit his lip and clenched his fists. Data took a sharp breath and closed his eyes, but still neither of them broke. Bruce shrugged and amplified it again. Lore gasped and gave in, started to pace the floor. Data clenched his fists for a few moments, trying to hold out, but lost the fight after 10.34 seconds and joined his brother in pointless pacing. Bruce nodded, and noted the discrepancy on his computer terminal, before selecting a different frequency. Data and Lore both stopped pacing and simply looked at each other. Without warning they both burst into peals of laughter. Bruce raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess. Amusement?" Data only nodded, unable to speak. Maddox decided to see if time let the emotion fade; even if the wave was on continuous send, the effect might still fade. Soon they were both near hysterical, unable to stop, then they calmed slightly, still laughing, but softer. After there was no further reduction in their hilarity, Maddox realised that a slight reduction was all that would occur. Reassured that his invention was not a failure, he switched to a third frequency. He heard a sudden, unexpected sound, and looked away to check no-one was watching him at the door, before he recalled that everyone was gone for the weekend. When he turned back, there was no need to ask what emotion they were feeling; it was plain to see that they were both inarticulate with rage. Lore shouted incoherently and swore in several languages-- Bruce couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his repertoire. Data, meanwhile, took his temper out on the wall. Though he couldn't dent the solid duranium, he almost damaged his synthskin with the sheer friction and force of the impacts. Suddenly, Lore swung round on Maddox, cursed him and raced toward him, murderous rage in his eyes which Maddox himself had placed there. Data was still too occupied with the wall to bother restraining Lore, and Bruce hurriedly changed the frequency, hoping for a more peaceful emotion. Lore stopped as if he had been shot and cringed back, and Data whirled from the wall he had been facing, eyes wide with panic. They were obviously afraid. Bruce frowned. So far, once they had lost control on the first emotion, they had failed to control any of the others. This time, though, they seemed reasonably calm-- or were they just frozen with fear? He needed to check. He tried to make himself look as nonthreatening as possible, and advanced slowly on Lore, whose legs gave way beneath him as he fell to the ground in sheer terror. Data, too, collapsed and cringed in distress. Both of them held up their arms, as if to ward off a blow. Bruce frowned, and hit the tricorder key to decrease the intensity of the wave. Nothing happened. The androids still crouched on the floor in helpless fear. Maddox was worried. Had the tricorder failed? He backed away from the two cringing men on the floor and attempted another change in frequency. It took three tries before the wave responded. There was definitely something wrong within the tricorder, but at least it had worked. Their faces lost the terrified look, but the look which supplanted it was not one Bruce could instantly identify. He puzzled over it for a minute. Lore was not moving, but was simply staring at Maddox with a singlemindedness that made Maddox uncomfortable. "Turn this frequency off, Doctor Maddox." He turned in surprise-- it was the first time Data had spoken since the anxious wave. Data, too, was staring at him with a strange intensity. "Turn it off, NOW!" he whispered urgently. And now Lore was rising to his feet, slowly but surely, his intense gaze still locked on Maddox. He took a step toward Maddox, and then another. "Lore, NO," shouted Data as he pushed himself up from the floor and ran toward Lore, who was moving toward Bruce faster now. Maddox lost his nerve and ran toward the only real cover in the room-- the computer console. He was frantically trying to do something, anything to the tricorder. No good-- it was jammed. Whatever this emotion was, they'd be stuck on it till he could figure out a way to fix them. Suddenly he realised that his brilliant experiment wasn't so brilliant after all. Data managed to catch hold of Lore before Bruce ducked behind the console, where he desperately pounded the abort sequence on the tricorder. It did no good at all. Groaning, he looked up at what was happening. He hoped like crazy Data could control both himself and Lore. Data had hold of Lore's arm, and Lore was whirling on him fiercely. Bruce winced and ducked, not wanting to see the carnage he fully expected would occur. He'd wanted to disassemble Data years ago, but he didn't really like the idea of watching Lore do it. After a few tense moments of relative quiet as opposed to the tearing, smashing noises he was waiting for, he looked up again, expecting to see anything except what he actually saw. The two brothers were standing almost silent on the middle of the room, locked in a passionate kiss that seemed to become more heated by the second. Maddox couldn't believe his eyes. *Lust,* an analytical section in the back of his brain told him. *You just triggered the emotion of lust.* Each seemed totally oblivious to their past disagreements or the questionable morality of their current actions with their brother. *With the wave as strong as it is, they probably don't even realise where they are or who they're doing this with. They're both just catching hold of the closest humanoid, which happens to be each other. Oh, wonderful. Now how do I fix this?* They were running their hands over each other now, and Maddox banged the tricorder against the computer in a useless and frustrated attempt to get it working again. *Once they come back to their senses, Data will half-kill me for this, unless Lore gets to me first, in which case I won't have to worry about Data.* Finally giving up the tricorder as a bad job, he looked for something to smash it with, stop the wave at all costs; and glanced at the brothers, who were by now beginning to undress each other. He suddenly realised the true severity of the situation. He couldn't find anything to destroy the tricorder with, and the two brothers wouldn't tire, they would simply continue, and keep on going until the wave was somehow deactivated. Frantically trying to find something heavy enough to crush the tricorder with, he saw that they were both naked already. In that state, the intensity of the arousal he had inadvertently stimulated in them was quite obvious. The thought of his superiors coming back tomorrow to find him stuck in the lab with two nymphomaniac androids still going at it with each other was all he needed to spur him into desperate action. Unable to leave the lab without Data's door code, and failing to find a weapon inside the lab to use for smashing the tricorder-- *you made sure Lore wouldn't have any weapons, remember? Well, he's not thinking about escaping now!* he ran full tilt at them and threw himself between them, shouting "All right, listen you two, THAT'S ENOUGH!!" In the one second the two of them spent simply staring at him, Bruce realised what he'd just done. He'd thrown himself in between two androids who were each as strong as ten men and were both too turned on to even think rationally, much less listen to him or control themselves. As two pairs of golden eyes regarded him and two pairs of golden hands reached out, one thought stuck in his head. *I am positive I must have done at least one thing more stupid than this at some stage in my life, but I certainly cannot recall it right now.* Then he stiffened as two pairs of skillful hands began to slowly but firmly stroke him, touching him everywhere. Lore's mouth-- at least, he thought it was Lore-- captured his and claimed it in a deep kiss, while Data's mouth found the sensitive skin on his neck. The analytical section of his mind wondered, *Without their clothes, how can I still be sure I know who is who?* And the rest of his mind promptly answered, *Oh, that's right Bruce, THAT is the part to worry about, you idiot!* They still held him in grasps of velvet steel, gently but insistently forcing this on him. Not out of cruelty or revenge, but of a desperate need whose intensity drowned out all other considerations for them. For a moment Bruce pitied them-- after all, it wasn't their fault they were in this condition. Then he thought about would they would most likely do to him in their desperate unthinking hunger, and started feeling sorry for himself instead. A pair of golden fingers gently slid under the collar of his uniform and snaked along his back and shoulders, searching for the closure on his uniform. Bruce suddenly realised that they fully intended to take him right there. He tensed and tried to tear himself away, but he couldn't move more than a centimetre. *Oh, hell...* Beginning to panic, he tried to relax. If he could just get them to transfer their attentions to each other again, he might be able to switch them off while they weren't watching and then he could figure out what to do about the tricorder. He caught hold of one of Data's golden hands and gently placed it on Lore's shoulder. Data simply tightened the hand's hold on Lore, while not altering his attentions to Maddox one iota. *Damn.* Now Lore's hands were sliding down to Bruce's hips, and the human found his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. *You're just nervous and worried. It's perfectly natural, considering you are probably going to get screwed half to death by these two. It's nothing surprising. Damn, and now I'm feeling hot. Just what I needed; the environmental controls are messing up! They must be-- there's no other explanation. Wait a minute. Why in hell am I worried about the environmental systems at a time like this?* Data's other hand found the closure on the back of his uniform and released it. Maddox's uniform began to slip off his torso. Quickly he grasped at it to pull it back up, but Lore had already started to pull it down. Idiotically, the thought occurred to him *My mother always warned me that inconvenient things like this would only happen on the days I didn't wear underwear.* As soon as the uniform was past his hips, Lore's hand was on him, while Data was stroking his buttocks. Lore's hand was, not just warm, but surprisingly hot, and Bruce tried to concentrate on anything else but how soft and real it felt. Dammit, he was only interested in women-- Rachel was his current lady. She'd be furious if even a hint of this came to her ears. This was *not* the sort of thing he went for... it wasn't. It wasn't... Both of them caught hold of one of his hands and pressed it against their hardness. He tried to pull his hands away, but they caught them and gently but firmly guided them back. Bruce began to panic in earnest. Taking a deep breath, he thought *Okay, maybe if I do this they'll slow down a little.* He started to run his hands up and down them. Unfortunately, this only caused them to further tighten their grip on him. *Damn,* he thought, *I'd better stop that and try something else. A back rub, perhaps? Pretend to massage them, and slowly move my hands to their switches without them realizing that my hands are--* Suddenly, Bruce realized that his hands were still unconsciously pleasuring the androids, despite his brain's command to stop. Quickly he froze his hands, shaking. *What the hell am I doing?* Data's arousal was now pressing hard against his hip, while Lore's was pressing strongly against his own-- *Wait a minute; I'm hard? That can't be right, I can't be wanting this, this is crazy, oh damn you two robots and damn me why didn't I check that damn tricorder more thoroughly and I wish they'd just do it... To finish it, get it over and done with that's all I meant, I don't want this I can't want this. It's just that I don't want to prolong this any further than I can help and I just want it... Just want it all over, can't cope with the thought of it going on for long, it would be torture I'd scream for release-- I mean, for them to release me, let me go... Let go...* The androids were kissing each other now, even though they were still pressing against tanned human skin, leaning over his shoulder and crushing his body hotly between them as their tongues flickered sensually in each other's mouths, lips pressed together a few centimetres from his ear. The soft moans of desire were all it took to dissolve Bruce's already crumbling resistance. Lore started to slowly slide to his knees in front of Bruce, trailing his tongue and fingertips along the human's torso as he went. Data walked around the front to take Bruce's mouth with his own. Once on his knees, Lore didn't waste time, he simply took all of Bruce in his mouth at once. Maddox gasped, noticing how soft and velvet and *real* it felt, even as Data stroked his chest and gently teased the nipples into tightness with his fingers. Just as Maddox felt he was about to explode in delicious relief, Lore moved his mouth away. He cried out in shock and dismay and tried to pull Lore's head back to his manhood, but Lore was simply too strong for him to move. Data caught hold of his hands before he could bring them down to give himself release, eliciting another agonised cry from Bruce. Silently turning his back toward the human, Data placed Maddox's hands on his shoulders and knelt down. Finally understanding, Bruce gripped Data's shoulder tightly with one hand while carefully guiding himself into the slender man in front of him with the other. *Careful, don't hurt him* he thought, before he remembered that it was impossible for him to physically injure Data. After easing himself in so that he was completely enveloped inside Data, he started to stroke in and out, first slowly, then with increasing abandon as he savoured the feel of this new experience. Data let out a soft moan of pleasure, and placed a golden hand on Bruce's hips, making sure he didn't stop. But Bruce had no intention of stopping. He was so enthralled in the sheer joy and discovery of a previously unsuspected sensual aspect of both himself and the Soong brothers that he barely noticed the shadow behind him until he felt hands wrapping around his waist, and hard arousal pressed against his backside. He tensed for a moment, instinctively trying to avoid the coming invasion, then consciously willed himself to relax. And as Lore entered him, a strange cry escaped his throat as he realised with wonder that he liked the feeling of being taken as much as that of taking. Soon Maddox did not know whether to thrust his hips forwards or backwards as the ministrations of the brothers sent him nearly crazy with need for release. His right hand reached forward, seemingly of its own accord, and started to pleasure Data's manhood. His left reached behind him and started to massage Lore's slim butt, and the room was filled with low moans of desire and pleasure from three voices. Finally, the evidence of Data's pleasure poured out into Bruce's hand, and that was all the further excitement the human needed. Every muscle in his torso spasming with ecstasy, he finally found relief in one of the most intense climaxes of his life. The spasms of Maddox's canal were too much for Lore, and he, too, came deep within the human. Worn out by a long day and a great deal of physical exertion, Maddox toppled to his side and fell instantly asleep. This bothered the androids not at all, who thanks to Maddox's lust wave were already hard again. They simply began again with each other, sliding away from the body of the sleeping human. They took each other in their hands and started to stroke, trying instinctively to bring each other relief from the desperate physical hunger. When Maddox finally awoke, it took him a moment to recall why he was lying naked on the floor of his lab. Then he remembered, and sharply looked around to find the two brothers *still* passionately having sex. Shaking his head with a mixture of envy and disbelief, he turned his attention to the tricorder. Opening its access panel, he saw that there was a feedback loop which had started, apparently, when he had heightened the frequency to get them to react during anxiety. It had jammed its own intensity logarithms in there, and started to block the new emotion codes, finally shuddering to a halt and trapping the brothers in one particular emotion. And the tricorder was also reinforcing the code into their brains with the continuous wave. In other words, if he didn't switch them off before he stopped the tricorder, and if he didn't do it soon, the imprint of this emotion code on their neural nets would be more or less permanent, and they'd never stop. No matter what. Wincing, he carefully stepped up to them. They seemed completely oblivious to his presence. As, he recalled, they had been previously, before he pulled his incredibly stupid "I am the boss here and I order you to stop" act and jumped right into the situation. Taking a deep breath, he sidled cautiously up behind one-- he'd lost track of who was who when he'd fallen asleep-- and quickly flicked the switch. Instantly, that android collapsed unconscious to the floor. Maddox stared for a moment, stunned at the fact that tricorder wave was even more effective then he'd originally thought-- the unconscious android was *still* aroused-- and that second was almost his undoing. The other android simply stepped over his brother's insensate form and caught hold of Maddox. Maddox tensed, but tried to keep calm as the android's mouth found his, doing his best *not* to recall how much he'd enjoyed it before. Slowly stroking his hands over the android's back, he found the off switch and hit it quickly before he could be tempted to continue. Breathing a sigh of relief, he quickly got dressed as he reviewed his options. There was nothing he could use to destroy the tricorder except the computer console, and it was welded to the floor-- wait. Maybe he didn't have to *crush* the tricorder, after all. Quickly he wrenched a cover of the console, exposing wires and crackling electricity from the console's power frame. Exposing the tricorder's electrical innards, he backed off, took careful aim and threw the tricorder at the raw electrical energy. It hit straight and true, and the tricorder exploded from the power overload in a massive display of flashing crackles and hisses. Maddox sighed in relief, and stepped back to the androids. He was pleased to note that they were no longer excited-- there was obviously no permanent loop engraved on their neural nets. The thought of being universally known as the man who took two perfectly intelligent androids, one of whom was a prominent member of Starfleet, and turned them into brainless nymphomaniacs was not one he had relished. Reaching towards one's activation switch, he paused. There was no real way of telling who was who in this condition. He'd just have to activate one of them and hope like crazy whoever it was would listen to him. Flicking the switch, he jumped back as the android quickly roused. Maddox watched as the android recall the events of the past hours, eyes flickering to his body and noticing his nakedness. Then he sighed. "Doctor Maddox, I think your invention needs significant alteration." "Not anymore it doesn't. What it needs now is a miracle." And Maddox showed him the charred, fused remains of his still-hissing invention. Seeing the android nod and pick up the discarded gold-and-black Starfleet uniform, he asked quickly, "By the way, who do you have a holofigurine of and why?" "What? Oh," and the android smiled ruefully. "I have a hologram of my deceased crewmate Natasha Yar, Doctor. I keep it because we shared an intimacy that was very special to me." Maddox relaxed. This was undoubtedly Data. "Uh, look," he said quickly, seeing that Data was about to speak. Together they chorused "I'm sorry." "Huh?" asked Maddox, confused. "*You're* sorry?" "Yes. You were attempting to prevent us from doing something very foolish and humiliating, and instead we drew you into it. I assure you that had we been able to stop ourselves, we would have." "Wasn't your fault. I should have run more tests on the silly thing before I tried it on such a delicate thing as an emotion engram or chip." Data sighed as he donned his uniform. "What will happen to my brother now?" Maddox shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't supposed to activate him at all. Only you and I know I did, but if Taaleq sent you that means he at least suspects. I could be in a lot of trouble for this, and if I'm taken off your brother's case I can assure you he'll never be woken again." Data pondered that in troubled silence for a moment, then asked, "If I were to say that I found your method to be effective and I approved it and offered my assistance, would that change your superior's minds?" Maddox was surprised "You'd do that? Yes, it'd help. Chances are I'd be given official permission to reactivate him someday." Seeing Data still looked miserable and uncomfortable, he thought about how he'd feel if someone, accidentally or not, injected a major dose of an aphrodisiac into him and set him and his brother Brian at each other. Used and violated, most likely. He said awkwardly, "Look, I'm really sorry I let that happen. I honestly had no idea what that frequency was when I triggered it, and once it was on, it got stuck." Data sighed again. "Do not concern yourself overly, Doctor Maddox. I am naturally... uneasy with my actions, but I am also slightly comforted as well." "Comforted?" "If my brother is never again reactivated, then at least I know that his last memories of me are more pleasant than his previous ones." Maddox raised his brows. He'd never heard the exact details of the circumstances under which Data had disassembled Lore, and he was naturally curious, but something in Data's eyes told him it wasn't his place to ask. "I see," he said, as Data expediently dressed his brother and lifted him back onto the biobed. Then, as Data entered in the code to unlock the door, Bruce said "Data? I- uh," and he looked at his feet. "I... want to thank you. For showing me a part of me I didn't know was there." Data nodded, and they left, leaving the still body of the eldest brother deserted and alone. When Maddox reached his living quarters, he found a message from Rachel, wanting to know why he hadn't called her yesterday. And why he hadn't sent her flowers for their six-week anniversary. She also added a few bad-tempered comments about his parents and his performance in bed. Bruce sat back and watched the message impassively, thinking about all he had learned about himself last night. Smiling, Bruce reached for the "Record Message" button and gleefully told Rachel to go to hell. --- The End