The BLTS Archive - Red Spots a Busted! story by Quadrantje ( --- Published: 09-16-04 Updated: 09-16-04 Disclaimer: The rights of 'Star Trek: Voyager' do not belong to me. No infringement of copyright is intended. --- "Hello, Captain!" Tom Paris grinned as he saw Captain Janeway enter sickbay. "What brings you here?" His voice and grin were teasing; the whole ship knew how much she hated going to sickbay. "Wipe that grin off your face, mister Paris. I'm due on the Bridge in fifteen minutes, so I suggest you get on with it." Looking at her face, Tom decided it would be bad for his health to make any more comments like that and therefore he quickly picked up a medical tricorder and started scanning the captain. "What's the problem, ma'am?" He didn't notice the infamous Janeway death glare at the word 'ma'am' because he was too busy studying the readings. "I have some sort of rash. My skin is red and it's itching." "When did it start?" "About two days ago." "It looks like some kind of allergic reaction. Have you come into contact with something unusual in the last three to four days?" "No. Well, with that latest away mission I came into contact with some iota-radiation, but that couldn't have caused this." "No, but maybe it triggered something else. I'm gonna ask the Doc; he knows way more about this than I do. Computer, activate Emergency Medical Hologram." The EMH appeared and immediately started his usual routine. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." "Doc, have a look at these readings. I think the captain is having some kind of allergic reaction." The doctor took Tom's tricorder and looked over the readings. "Hmm. Rash on midsection, irritations... Yes, I think you're right, mister Paris. This is probably an allergic reaction. Now, let's see what triggered it." "It might have something to do with that iota-radiation from three days back." "Yes, mister Paris, I'd thought about that." He typed in some commands on the tricorder and made a doubtful face. He hummed and aha-ed some more, but didn't say anything. After a few minutes of this, the captain got impatient. "What is it, doctor?" "I've managed to determine what caused the allergies. The chemical components suggest it's some kind of paint or ink, but I don't know it's true origins." "Let me see it, Doc." Tom grabbed the tricorder from the doctor and looked at the readings himself. "I don't know, but I think I've seen this before. Maybe in the ship's computer. Computer, look through files for this substance." They waited a few minutes for the computer to search through its files. "SEARCH COMPLETE. SUBSTANCE FOUND IN MEDICAL FILES OF COMMANDER CHAKOTAY." The doctor walked to one of the computer consoles and looked at those files. "It appears you're having an allergic reaction to the ink in the Commander's tattoo caused by that iota-radiation." "Do you have a cure?" the captain asked. "Certainly, I just have to modify it a bit." He fumbled a bit with some of the controls. Then he picked up a hypospray and injected the captain with its contents. "There, the rash should disappear within a day. Please come back if it returns." "Thank you, gentleman. Now, I have a shift to get to." She quickly made her way out of sickbay. The doctor cleaned away all the equipment and Tom looked some more at the readings. "Hey, Doc?" He looked up, puzzled. "Yes, mister Paris?" "How could the rash have gotten there?" The doctor furrowed his brow and thought for a moment. "That's a good question, mister Paris. I suggest you ask the captain." Tom's grin turned evil again and his eyes took on a devilish glint. "I think I'll do that, Doc." --- The End