The BLTS Archive - From The Moment... by Jennifer Presley ( --- Disclaimer: Paramount may own the characters, but the story is mine! Author's Note: This may not be very 'in-character,' but darn it, I don't like the characters of late, and this is MY story! --- "What are you doing, Chakotay?" Kathryn leaned over his shoulder, trying to read the contents of the PADD he was holding. He laughed, turning it over on his lap. "Didn't you ever hear the old phrase, curiosity killed the cat?" Turning his head, he looked at her, his dimples in full display. "It's private." "Private?" She pretended to gasp, her hand flying to her throat. "You mean you won't show it to me?" She fluttered her eyelashes, then lunged at the PADD, trying to remove it from his grasp. "Kathryn..." Chakotay stood quickly, holding it above his head, laughing even harder. "I can't believe you!" She grinned saucily, unrepentant. "You can't keep secrets from me, Chakotay. At least not for long." Turning away from her, he quickly input a security code into the PADD, locking the contents away from her. "Here you go." He held it over his shoulder, and she grabbed at it, attempting to turn it on. He faced her again, watching the look of frustration enter her face. "Oh, not fair!" She smacked him on the chest with the recalcitrant PADD. "You locked me out!" "Now, now." Chakotay gently pulled it out of her hands, tossing it on the couch behind him without looking. "When the time is right, I'll show you what's on it. I want it to be a surprise." He ran his hand down her cheek, feeling the softness that even the years couldn't dull. Sighing, she smiled up at him. "I know. But you would be disappointed if I didn't try to wheedle it out of you." "You're right, as always." Chakotay nodded, then pulled her against him, burying his face in her hair. Even after so many years of marriage, he couldn't get enough of holding her, knowing that she was his forever. He pulled back after a minute, leaning down to gently brush his lips over hers. "I promise you, it'll be worth the wait. At least I hope it will." Kathryn pretended to think about it, before assenting. "I know it will." A mischievous look entered her eye, and she raised her eyebrow at him. "But, I think I know what will make me feel better about waiting..." She slid her hand down his arm and grasped his hand. "Kath?" His voice trailed off as he realized what exactly she was insinuating. A broad smile crossed his face, and he swung her up into his arms, moving towards their bedroom. --- Chakotay slowly woke, feeling Kathryn nestled against his back. He gently eased himself out from under her arm, then carefully moved off the bed. Standing straight, he stretched, feeling the years as his muscles protested the rather vigorous workout they had been given. Smiling ruefully, he headed towards the bathroom, and the hot shower that awaited him. When he showered, he walked out into the bedroom quietly, only to find Kathryn awake. "Morning, sleepyhead." He greeted her with a kiss. "Mmm. Why didn't you wake me?" She rose, yawning as she headed towards the replicator. "Coffee and a glass of orange juice." Pulling out the beverages, she handed him the juice as she took a sip of hers. She had cut back on her caffeine intake at his prodding, but still needed a cup to fully wake up in the mornings. He laughed at the blissful look on her face as she swallowed the first mouthful. "What?" She glared at him over her mug as she took another, larger sip. "Well, Kath, if you have to looked positively orgasmic just now." Chakotay grinned as she choked, spewing the second mouthful on herself and the carpet. She swiped at the coffee on her robe, shaking her head at him. "I can't believe you said that!" "You asked, remember." Chakotay finished his juice, then helped her out of the stained garment. "Why don't you hop in the shower, while I fix some breakfast." Kathryn nodded. "Sounds good. What time do we have to be at B'Elanna and Tom's house?" She gathered a clean set of clothing on her way into the bathroom. Chakotay checked his chronometer. "I told them we'd arrive around noon, and it's already close to 10." He heard the water turn on, muffling her affirmative reply. He finished dressing, then wandered out into the living room, retrieving the PADD he had been working on the previous evening on his way to the kitchen. He had to finish her surprise before she came out. --- "Captain, Commander! It's so good to see you again!" Neelix greeted them as they walked in the door to the Paris' spacious home. "Thank you Neelix." Kathryn hugged him. "But please, we're just Kathryn and Chakotay now." She pulled back so the two men could shake hands, then took Chakotay's hand in hers. "No matter." Neelix motioned them towards the rear of the house. "Come on, let's not keep anyone waiting." He trailed them, a wide grin on his face. "Everybody's in back, waiting for the guests of honor to arrive." Kathryn and Chakotay stood on the porch for a moment, unnoticed at first by the groups of people scattered on the lawn. Neelix held back, allowing them a private moment to take in the sight of their crew, gathered together once again. There were many new faces, spouses and children and friends they hadn't met, but everywhere they looked they could spot someone familiar. Feeling tears rise to her eyes, Kathryn lay her head on Chakotay's shoulder, and his arm gently embraced her. "You okay, Kathryn?" He looked down at her, noticing the wetness on her cheeks. Sniffling quietly, she nodded, wiping at the tears. "Yes, I'm fine." She sighed. "I can't believe they all came." Chakotay gave her a gentle squeeze. "I love you, Kathryn." He whispered to her. "And so do they." She smiled up at him, as a sudden quiet fell over the crowd as they finally noticed the couple on the porch. It lasted only a moment before they erupted into applause and cheers. --- We've been married for 20 years now, 20 years to the day of our triumphant return to the Alpha Quadrant. I can't say as they have all been happy years, as we have had our fair share of arguments and unhappiness. But we've faced it all together, both the good times, and the bad. I love you as much today as I did then. You once asked me when I fell in love with you. At the time, I honestly couldn't think of one moment, it seemed like I had loved you forever, how could I ever pin it down? But one night, long after you had fallen asleep, your head pillowed on my shoulder, one hand resting gently on my heart, it came to me. From the moment you first placed your hand on my chest, holding me back from attacking Paris, I was lost. I couldn't believe that you had the unmitigated gall...but then it was like a spark had left your palm, and gone straight to my heart. I was yours. Yet, I never thought anything would, that anything *could* become of it. I was a criminal. I had turned my back on the life that you embraced. I don't regret my past, in as much as I would do it again in a heartbeat. But subconsciously, I think I felt that I didn't deserve you, that I could never be good enough for you. What was more unlikely to me, was that you could feel the same for me. And you did, even if you hid it under layers of protocol. It took a while, but eventually you were able to show me that you cared, that I deserved you, and was worthy of your love. And now, as we stand here amongst our friends, celebrating his anniversary *together*, I want to thank you for being my wife, my lover, and my best friend. Happy anniversary, Kathryn. --- The End (Ugh-I really need to go kill off a fictional character now!)