The BLTS Archive - Recipe for Love by PJSquared(Phyillis J. Sutherland & PJin NH) --- Disclaimer: Voyager owns all the characters, etc., we are just using the characters for a llittle fun and relaxation. Posting: OK to ASC, ASCEM, BLTS, & PT Fever. Please notify us if you post anywhere else. --- The pilot hunk just wouldn't stay, and Chakotay had run away She developed another plan, he was strange but he was a man Seven would close her eyes real tight, then she could make it through the night. Seven quietly stepped inside, ready for one strange hairy ride It was dark and it was quiet, just right for a private riot. She approached the chef and smiled wide; a sense of purpose in her stride. "How can I help you," Neelix asked, she hoped he was up to the task. "I need to copulate" she said, the Talaxian's face turned red. But Seven I'm serving dinner, I've no time to be a sinner. Please let me assimilate you, before you have to feed the crew If you just give me an hour Seven, I'll show you Talaxian Heaven. Well you better be worth the wait; I have cravings I need to sate. Neelix drooled as he stirred the soup, moving to fast, he spilled the goop Borgasms full lips formed a pout The hot soup increased the fire it burnt the object of her desire. --- The End