The BLTS Archive - Personal Log by Omega ( --- Disclaimer: Let's all join hands and sing! Paramount owns them, I don't! Paramount has money, I don't! I live for feedback! Flames will be ignored. Oh, yeah, this has implied m/m. Don't like it, don't read it, 'kay? 'Kay. --- Personal log: Stardate ******** I'm sitting here, in my quarters, watching the stars streaking by, and I'm crying. The funny thing is, I'm happy, but I'm still crying. I must've gone insane or something. Who would cry on a day like today? Me, that's who! He came to me today after all these years. Who would've thought he'd choose me? Everyone else, it seems. I'm told the betting pools have been active for as long as we've served together. Whoever won can afford six vacations to Risa and still have plenty of spending money left over. You know, I think it would help myself later on if I start explaining what happened. You see, he and I have always been on a tightrope around each other. Always careful. Always trying to spare the other's feelings without revealing our own. But I know he knew what I felt the day we met. I'm a sucker when it comes to hiding stuff from people. We always put ourselves at risk for one another, so the other could live. Yet we never put two and two together to get four. We always got three. We managed to convince ourselves that we did it out of friendship, out of compassion. Not out of love. Love, who needs it? I know, I know, everyone needs it. I know that I'm also babbling, but what the hell? It's my personal log. I can say whatever the fuck I want to. Getting back on track(ha, *that's* a laugh!) we went up to the Observation deck today, like normal. I was pretty uncomfortable, though. I was starting to notice what a damn good looking guy he is and the starlight wasn't helping my, um, situation. It made him look good enough to eat(well, he *is*, but I'll get to that later). I asked him if he wanted to talk about anything because he looked kinda tense. Well, he turned to me and said bluntly, "Yes, about us." Well, *that* surprised me. Who would've thought---waitaminute, I've already asked and answered that question. Anyway, I replied, like a total dumbass, "What about us?" He gave me his patented come-on-now-I-know-that-you-are-smarter-than- that look. He had more courage than I did because he said it first. "I love you." "You love me?" I asked, disbelief in my voice. After all, no one has stuck by me after we're through mamboing in the bedroom. He nodded, a slight smile on his face. I felt my heart become completely immersed in joy and I replied, "I love you, too." Damn him, then he said, with a smirk, "I know." Shit, I hate telepaths. Particularly *smug* telepaths. Well, I can't hate him for more than ten seconds, so I dropped it, er, him to the floor. Whoever reads this can figure out what happened after that. He's waiting for me, in his quarters. We've got a lot to talk about, though I doubt we'll be able to. However, I'm no longer alone and that's a real good feeling. Who knew that love would be this wonderful? Okay, okay, I knew it but refused to accept it. I think I'm going to be fine from now on. In my next log, I guess I'll expand on what we, um, talk about. End log. --- The End