The BLTS Archive - Forever by Nightshade --- Archive: The Infinity Complex & Alt.Startrek.Creative. Everyone else email for permission. Date: September, 1999 Series/Sequel: No Authors Notes: This goes out to Diana Anderson, who inspired this. Disclaimers: Janeway and Seven belong to Paramount. I am just borrowing them for my personal use. --- In this place between awake and sleep, I think of you: laying beside me, so relaxed. Your cool blue eyes that I cannot see and your short golden hair exquisite, falling delicately on the satin sheets. You sleep, exhausted from our love making. Do I ever get enough of you? That's a question I hope never to answer. How many times have you defied me. "I will betray you," you said as if you owned the universe. Your arrogance was annoying and you total disregard for my authority infuriating, but you knew that, didn't you? You 'butted heads' with me to see where it would lead, to test your limits and mine. Any less of a person might have ran away, but you stayed even when I said it wouldn't work. After all 'resistance is futile'. I love so many things about you, dear one. The way you know me so perfectly. I have no need to pretend with you. You demand that I be everything I am capable of being. You, only you, are the rock amidst my storm. You turn now, still unaware I am watching you, but this is not the first time I have watched you sleep. Do you remember, my love? I was so lonely then; so incomplete without you. So many lonely nights I would come to you just to watch you sleep. I know how far you've come, but do you? You where once so distant and isolated. You were lonely like me, even more so. So many on board trying to reach out to you, but the only one you choice to respond to was me. I forced your humanity on you. Like some great cross to be borne. One day I believed you would end up hating me for what I had done, certainly not profess your love for me. Who would have though that a former Borg, assimilated at age six, and an old washed up Captain would find true love in the middle of nowhere? It was because of the Borg I found you. They gave me happiness I have no word to express, but It was at such a high cost. It cost you your very being. When did you realize you were truly human? Was it the first time you cried in my arms or the first time we made sweet passionate love? Only you know. Today, my darling you are who the Borg sought to rob you of being; you are human. I love you for showing me I was human too. Letting me love you has been the best thing that could have happen to me...But now I see you are awake, wondering where I am. "Kathryn?" "Yes, Annika. I'm right here." "I love you." "And I love you Annika...forever." -- The End