The BLTS Archive - Five Things That May Have Happened to Dax (Over the Course of Nine Lifetimes) by netgirl ( --- Published: 12-08-05 - Updated: 12-08-05 --- i. --- Lela had accomplished many things in her twenty-two years. She was the first woman on Trill to be allowed to train as a legislator and only the third to complete the initiate program to become a host. Today she was at the symbiosis institute to discover, for the first time, the name of the symbiont she was to be joined with. "Lela, Lela," her supervisor riffled through some papers. "We've got a special honour for you. You're to be the first host to a symbiont named Dax. Lela smiled. Lela Dax had a very nice ring to it. --- ii. --- Torias Dax looked at his reflection in the mirror and smoothed down the long silver shirt he was wearing for his wedding. If you had told him before he was joined that he would be here today he would have laughed out loud. Torias had known Nilani in the initiate program when they were both unjoined; he had found her dull and standoffish, he didn't think she'd been enamoured with him either. He still didn't know if he'd fallen in love with Nilani or if Dax had fallen in love with Kahn, all he knew was he couldn't be happier. --- iii. --- "Ben," Curzon coaxed, "stay and have another drink." "I don't think so. Jennifer could go into labour at any time and I want to finish the nursery before the baby comes." "You're getting boring in your old age." "It's called being domestic, old man. You may want to try it yourself some day." "I've been married five times before and I wasn't any good at it. Why try again. Besides it'd ruin all my fun." "Goodnight, Curzon." Curzon raised his glass in farewell and asked the barman for another glass of spirits, as good a substitute for family as any. --- iv. --- The ceiling of the Bajoran shrine swam in and out of view as Jadzia struggled to keep her eyes open. She didn't know what Dukat had done to her but she knew it was killing her. Her limbs felt as heavy as duranium and her vision was turning grey. She tried to call out, but only a croak emerged. Jadzia didn't know if services would be held soon, but she prayed someone would find her. Her own life didn't matter, but someone had to get to the symbiont before it was too late. This couldn't be the end of Dax. -- v. --- Julian kissed down Ezri's neck, then across her shoulder following the path of her spots. Ezri tried not to sigh aloud. Every non-Trill lover she'd ever had had done this and it had been boring before she'd had eight lifetimes worth of experiences to compare it to. Ezri shifted, hoping to encourage Julian to move his attentions to more sensitive areas. He didn't take the hint, continuing his single minded path over Ezri's hip and down the outside of her thigh. This human obsession with Trill spots has ruined some good fantasies Ezri's had about Julian, and also several of Jadzia's. --- The End