The BLTS Archive - Polo by Narina ( ) --- Well this is my next attempt. Please be kind. Feedback would be very nice. This was inspired by a charity Polo match I played in last weekend and a comment by my husband who'd never seen a game before. Personally I'd love to see RDM in a set of tight white breeches. Copyright Narina Wells 01/99 Set: After Hope and Fear. Archiving: Sure why not,just ask nicely and keep my name on it. Thanx Disclaimer: Paramount own Voyager, holodecks, Klingon martial arts, Paris and Torres et al. Polo was around long before any of these. The story is all mine. QED! Note: I'm not going into a detailed description of the rules of Polo. Suffice it to say there a four a side who mark each other. The game is broken down into chukkas. Each player has a mallet (stick), you hit the ball(Only). The ball creates it's own right of way. A player can "ride off" another by putting his horse's shoulder in front of his opponent. A good horse will then push the other off the line by leaning on him. Polo horses can be any size, but they are always called ponies. Hope this all makes sense. Incidentally Polo is fast, furious and very bloodthirsty ( no wonder I enjoy it!) --- The cave was dark and shadowed. Recessed torches gave the off pale reluctant flickering light. Grunts and metallic clangings were the only things that could be heard. Two distinct groups were spotted battling in the caves. The larger, a group of five, had flanked two others. The trapped pair were parrying and attacking fiercely. The smaller of the pair was more proficient and faster. Yet the larger was stronger. Slowly but surely they overpowered the larger group. Finally the pair stood triumphant. B'Elanna threw down her weapon causing Tom to jump away sharply. She was in a foul temper. "That's it, Tom. I refuse to have anything else to do with this program." She stalked out of the holodeck, the stiffness of her spine an indication of her disgust. Tom collected himself and raced off down the hall after her. Grabbing her arm, he forced her to face him. Angrily, she tried to wrench free but it was no use. Furious, she turned to confront him "Either design a new program for us or use by yourself. I'm sick of it". She pulled against him and managed to free herself. This time Tom didn't pursue her. Later that evening, while B'Elanna was on Gamma shift, Tom was scrolling through a PADD, desperately looking for a program that offered the same thrills and excitement as his martial arts one. Inspiration hit him with a jolt as he recalled his youth and the idle pursuits of the social set of Starfleet's top brass. It was one of the social set's activities he actually enjoyed. Excitedly he hit his comm badge. "Paris to Torres". At her reply. he asked, "B'Elanna, can you ride? Horses, I mean?" "Why yes, Tom. We had horses on Kessik . Why are you asking?". Her curiosity was piqued. "Oh, no reason. Paris out," came his reply. She returned to work, a small grin on her face. Unknowingly Tom had helped B'Elanna remember one of her few happy memories on Kessik . There had to be a reason behind the question; B'Elanna was prepared to wait. As it was she didn't have long to wait. On returning to her quarters the next night she found a set of white breeches, long brown boots and a vivid red shirt with a number two on the back. There was also a helmet in the same red and a long stick similar to a golf club. B'Elanna had figured out the purpose behind the riding clothes but the stick's use eluded her. She thought it would make an impressive weapon, idly swinging it around her quarters. She wondered where Tom was. At that moment the object of her thoughts entered her quarters. He was certainly an impressive sight. The breeches clung to his body, outlining his strong thighs and great ass. B'Elanna whistled and Tom went red at her scrutiny. He was also wearing a red shirt, his had a number four on the back. He looked her up and down, liking what he saw. He bent down to help her do up her boots and then grasped her hand, scooping up their mallets as they exited her quarters. B'Elanna gasped as she surveyed the Polo grounds; the grass was dying to be galloped on. Tom quickly explained the rules and objectives of the game. He showed her how to hold her stick, her previous grip looked like she was planning to use it as a weapon. "My god, she's beautiful," thought Tom as he watched her excitedly climb up on her mount. She wheeled the pony around in a tight circle. She would have no problems with this game. He introduced her to her holographic team mates and the opposing side, clad in bright yellow. From the minute the game started B'Elanna was in the midst of it. She grinned her approval at Tom who had forgotten how much he enjoyed this game. Covertly she watched Tom; he was so graceful and elegant, his long body effortlessly bending from the waist as moved and dipped, defending their goal. B'Elanna laughed aloud, enjoying the rough and tumble of the game; it was exhilarating. An accidental blow caught her across her knee but she barely noticed. Their opponents were also good and the scores were level, pegging throughout the game. In the final chukka, the scores were equal. B'Elanna was determined to score. She had not contributed a single goal. Oh sure she had set up most of them, but that wasn't the same. She glanced up at the scoreboard;, time was ticking away. Thirty seconds were left on the clock. By a supreme act of will B'Elanna and her mount drew level with the player she was marking, before drawing ahead. She could her Tom behind her yelling encouragement. Heedless of her own safety, she leant down and flicked the ball. It pelted through the goalposts. That was it, the game was theirs. Unfortunately, she was way off balance and she started to slip. B'Elanna felt a strong hand grab at her shoulder. It missed. Tom was left clutching a handful of red material as the ground raced up to meet B'Elanna. Horrified, he threw himself of his mount, not waiting for it to stop. B'Elanna looked up at him. She was nude to the waist. The sight of her body and bright sparkling eyes was too much for Tom. They were both caught up in the adrenaline rush of the game. Tom leapt up on his horse and pulled B'Elanna up with him, then, turning he galloped back to the stables. Tom and B'Elanna dismounted and he pulled her into an empty stable before crushing her lips to his, his kiss so insistent he drew blood. B'Elanna tasted her blood and it galvanized her into action. Hurriedly she pulled off his shirt and turned to his boots. Her blood was on fire. Without finesse, the two of them tore each other's clothes from their bodies. Tom pushed her on her back. Her legs came around his waist, drawing him to her. She clawed his back, he could feel her nails dragging across his back, raising welts. "Hurry, oh hurry." was her fevered response. Tom needed no further urging and thrust into her. Oh god, she felt so hot, so wet. Tom could feel her walls contract around him. He wasn't going to last long. A few moments later it was over. Tom kissed her sweaty forehead and tried to withdraw from her, but she wrapped her legs tighter round him and wouldn't let him. The two lovers lay there, the sweat drying from their exertions. Calm now, B'Elanna looked up at Tom and said, "I liked that. Can we play again tomorrow?" --- continued in 'Polo: Cool-off'