The BLTS Archive - Cleansing Forces by Midnight Topaz ( --- Published: 11-07-06 - Updated: 11-07-06 A/N: This is short, it's a drabble-and-a-half (150 words). It's a romance, but it's got an element of spiritualism to it as well. Honestly, if not for the last line it could technically be about almost any couple. But I digress. This takes place not too long after "The Voyage Home", and it's based off the premise that Kirk and Spock didn't know about their mutual feelings for each other until either a) Spock's death in TWOK, or b) the time in TVH where Spock was gaining back all his memories. This could be from either Kirk or Spock's POV. You can decide yourself which seems more appropriate. So, the disclaimer again... this is slash, a male/male romance pairing. If this offends you, don't read the fic. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, Paramount, or any other entity/company involved therein. --- We stand together, hand in hand beneath the opaque darkness of the San Francisco sky, the bleak clouds not yet recovered from their recent ordeal. The chill rain pours down in endless sheets and torrents. Shivering and soaked to the skin, we look in each other’s open and trusting eyes and feel a shared fire, bright and glowing, warming us both from within. Though we stand out in the harsh elements, cold and shaking, let the rain fall. Let the rain wash away the black pain of loss and the regrets for what might have been and what should have been. . . Let the rain wash away our tears. Let the rain heal our souls, mend our hearts, and soothe our minds. Let the rain cleanse us, strip us bare until only our love remains. Let us leave the past in the past, my t'hy'la, and look ahead to our future. --- The End