The BLTS Archive - The Next Best Thing by Midnight Topaz --- A/N: This takes place in the episode "Requiem for Methuselah". I never understood how Kirk could have fallen for Rayna so quickly, so this is my attempt to provide a possible reason why. You'll see it in my fic- I don't think it was really love. It's before he knows that she's an android. This is Kirk's first person POV, and it's unspoken slash. Obviously, slash is a male/male romance pairing. If you're offended by this, don't read the fic. There's nothing explicit anyway. Oh, this is a double-drabble (200 words). Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, Paramount, or any other entity/company involved therein. --- Rayna. God, she's perfect. She's thoroughly and utterly beautiful. She has a sharp intelligence, and there's an innate goodness about her that's completely charming. She has dignified nobility that's endearing instead of arrogant. And those are just a few of the qualities that make her so appealing. I find myself undeniably attracted to her- and I can admit to no one but myself that it's for all the wrong reasons. I'm not attracted to her because of who she is. . . But because she constantly reminds me of him. She's so much like Spock in so many ways that sometimes it hurts to be around her. Yet I can't stay away, even if I wanted to. Rayna is my only link, fragile and twisted though it is, to anything or anyone resembling the one person I ache to hold, to truly know. . . so I cling to her all the more. I live through her, trying to capture those elusive feelings of what might be- or what might never be- between Spock and me. . . even though I know that, in the end, the parallels are all only illusions without substance. No, she may not be Spock. But she's the next best thing. --- The End