The BLTS Archive Seven of Nine - Raven - Beta -One by LesaL. ( --- Archive: Yes Summary: Disclaimers: I don't own them. I'm just letting them have some fun. --- Harry Kim entered the sanctuary that was his quarters thankfully. Glad to almost be through with what had turned into his longest day since he left the Alpha Quadrant. He ordered the computer to play one of his most relaxing jazz compositions, and busied himself changing out of his uniform into a comfortable pair of pants and shirt. He wished he had the Ops report to read or a project to occupy him, but no such luck, he was left to think about what happened today as he felt his insides begin to churn. He reached for his clarinet, then put it aside, tonight trying to concentrate on practice would be a lesson in futility. It hadn't started out that bad, he thought. As usual he had meant to meet Tom and B'Elanna for breakfast in the Messhall. And as usual he had secretly hoped that Seven might join them for breakfast. "You missed B'Elanna, she got a call from Engineering just as we sat down. I managed to get her to take a muffin," Tom said as Harry laid down his tray across from him. "Anything major?" Harry asked. "I don't think so, they just wanted to start a test of the warp coils, and of course wanted B'Elanna around to observe," Tom said wryly, as he spooned up Neelix's latest hot cereal concoction. Noticing his friends frozen expression Tom turned to see Tuvok, Seven of Nine and Ensign Vorik enter the Messhall. Passing their table he heard Tuvok commenting on the "Fundamental balance and cohesion of Altarian calculus." Harry watched them as they selected their breakfast and sat down to finish their discussion. "Paris to Kim," Tom said watching his friend with a sardonic smile. "What?" Harry said focusing again on his friend. "I never realized you were that interested in Altarian calculus," Tom said. "Or maybe it's not the calculus that's interesting, hmm?" Harry looked down in embarrassment, shaking his head as he forced down some breakfast. Tom began again, "Have you talked to her at all since then?" He referred to a date that Harry and Seven had joined Tom and B'Elanna on a few weeks earlier. Seven had enjoyed her time with them on the holodeck and even shared a kiss with Harry. "No," he responded glumly. "And then that incident with Arturis and the slipstream drive happened. I asked her if she wanted to continue our musical appreciation classes, but she said that she was working on the slipstream information for the Captain, and did not anticipate any time for recreational activities in the near future. I think she's just avoiding me." "Come on Harry, I'm sure your not that bad a kisser," Tom said teasingly. "Thanks," he responded shortly. "The only thing that gives me a little hope is what happened when we were working on Arturis' ship." "Oh right," Tom said leaning back lazily in his chair. "You actually got a smile out of Seven of Nine. Your sure it was a smile now, not a twitch of her lips or a scowl?" "It was a smile," Harry answered coldly. "I'm just teasing, calm down. I think that she's still processing what happened that night. It might have been a little frightening for her." "Thanks so much." "I didn't mean it like that," Tom grinned at his friend. "I meant that she's still new to this humanity stuff, and the feelings she got from the kiss would have been very new to her." "That doesn't explain why she's been spending so much time with Tuvok. And now she's added Vorik to her little group." "Maybe it does," Tom said musing over the idea. "Think about it, human emotions can be so messy. The easiest way to avoid them is to spend time with people that don't deal with them. And as for Vorik, you have about five years before you have to worry about him." Harry looked down at his plate. He didn't tell Tom how difficult it was to concentrate on anything lately. So far, he'd managed to submerge himself in work to avoid thinking about her. He hadn't realized how accustomed he was to her presence, even before their date they had started spending more time together while he taught her about music. The truth was he missed her. "I think Seven needs a little bit of a humanity jump start," Tom said thoughtfully. "What?" Harry said looking up. "Never mind. I'm just working something out in my head. Yeah, I'm in Sickbay today, I'll talk to the Doc about it," Tom said absently rubbing his hands together. "What are you going to do?" Harry said trying to keep a note of panic out of his voice. "Harry, don't worry, have I ever let you down?" Before Harry could answer, they heard Seven's voice. "Lieutenant Paris." They looked up to see her standing by their table. "Good morning Seven," Harry said, drinking in her presence. "Good morning Ensign," she replied, then returned her attention to Tom. "I believe the Doctor is offline until 0800. You are assisting him this morning?" she asked. At Tom's nod she continued, "Inform the Doctor that I will not be available for my check up until 1000, instead of 0900 as scheduled. I am running a test in Astrometrics for the Captain." "That's fine Seven, I'll tell the Doc." "Thank you," she said and turned to leave the Messhall. Harry watched her walk away, along with several other members of the crew. He felt Tom's hand on his arm and turned to look at his friend. "I'll bus your dishes if you want to catch up to her," Tom said, smiling at his friend. "Thanks," Harry said, jumping up from the table. "Just don't do anything cra--" Tom started to say, but stopped when he realized he was talking to air. He shook his head slightly, smiling. "What's the use." "Seven," Harry called out, as she moved towards the turbolift. "Ensign," she replied, surveying him calmly. "I'll wanted to catch you before you went to Astrometrics," Harry said. "You have something to discuss with me?" she asked. "Nothing urgent," he responded. "I was just wondering, I mean we haven't seen too much of each other lately, and I was wondering how you were doing?" Seven arched her brow. "I am fine, I believe is the proper response. I should also add, how are you?" "I'm fine," Harry said soberly, her voice and her manner were reminiscent of the Seven that she normally presented before the rest of the crew, not the Seven he had been getting to know in the last few weeks. "Fine," she answered. "I must return to Astrometrics. I assume you are on your way to the bridge?" "That's right," he said, conversationally, nodding to several crewmembers on their way to the turbolift. He didn't need to add fodder to the rumor mills. After they passed, he looked into her eyes again, "Seven, have you been avoiding me?" "Avoiding you?" Seven replied. "Why would I choose to avoid you?" she asked. Harry looked warily at her. *Damn it, she was doing again,* he thought. He could tell by the almost imperceptible twinkle in her eye, that she was enjoying his discomfiture. Taking a deep breath he said, "I thought that you might have regretted kissing me." "I did not kiss you," Seven stated as she pressed the button for the turbolift. "Oh," Harry said coldly, "It that the way its going to be? It just never happened, right? You were testing a theory that didn't work out, or was it a momentary human aberration on your part and you've decided to pretend it never-" "Ensign Kim," she said cutting him off. "I did not kiss you, we kissed each other. I found the experience to be quite pleasurable. Do you regret it?" She then turned to enter the lift. "What? Of course not, I don't regret it at all. I just…" "Good day Ensign," Seven said as the doors slid closed. *Damn, she did it again. This is going to be a very long day.* And it had been. With Tom in Sickbay the morning had dragged on the bridge. Later, Seven appeared after what he knew was her check up time, to present the Captain with an Astrometrics PADD and request to speak in her Ready Room. When they returned a short time later the Captain was beaming with maternal pride, and patted Seven on the arm before she moved to the turbolift. Seven glanced briefly at him before entering the lift. Harry observed the Captain return to her chair and lean over to speak excitedly with Chakotay. Harry would have given a month of credits to know what they talked about, especially after he saw the Commander's dimpled smile of surprise. --- A problem with a sensor sweep made him a quarter of an hour late for lunch. He took his tray to a table where Tom had already begun his lunch. He kept thinking about Tom's words at breakfast, what exactly did 'jump-starting' her humanity mean? "You missed B'Elanna, again," Tom said putting a little more emphasis than needed on the word. "I'm beginning to think that the Engineers aren't capable of blowing their noses without her there to supervise," He shook his head in exasperation. "Tom I was-" "You know its really hard playing second fiddle to a warp core!" the helmsman stated Harry put his fears aside and tried to calm his friend. "Things have been a little crazy in Engineering lately. The Captain's been requesting special tests to see if maybe slipstream would work when we get it figured out a little better." "I know all that," Tom responded, sipping his coffee. "She said that we would meet later for dinner." Suddenly, in a scene eerily similar to breakfast, Seven was standing by their table and addressing Tom. "Lieutenant Paris." Tom looked up in surprise, "Hi Seven, what's up?" She shook her head slightly and replied, "Nothing is up. I considered what you proposed to me in Sickbay and decided that your idea had merit." "Really, well that's great." Seven nodded slightly, "I reserved holodeck time and attempted the exercise you described." Tom shook his head, "No, Seven I told you that it was important to do it with someone else, especially if you've never done it before." "Your advice proved to be correct, therefore I consulted the Captain for guidance. Subsequently she has cleared you from Sickbay duties for the rest of the day to accompany me to the holodeck, so that we may begin the exercise." "We?" Tom said in surprise. "We?" Harry said in shock. She nodded, "The Doctor was pleased to comply. He believes it is an excellent way for me to explore my humanity." Tom shook his head, "Seven, I just suggested that it might be a good idea for you to try it, since so many other people do it. You don't need me for this." Holding his hand out he said, "Harry can show you just as well as I can." Harry realized that he had been holding his breath during their exchange. He finally managed to blurt out, "What's going on?" Seven turned to look at Harry, "It is a personal matter." Then turning back to Tom she said. "It is logical to choose the person with the most experience to assist me. The Doctor agreed that you would be the preferred choice in my first attempt at a project of this nature. You will accompany me," she stated firmly. "Seven, I don't know about this. B'Elanna's not going to be thrilled." "Lieutenant Torres' feelings about the matter are irrelevant. Am I to inform the Doctor and the Captain that you wish to countermand their orders? "Fine," Tom sighed, putting down his napkin. "Let's go." Harry sat frozen watching the door slide shut after them. It wasn't until then that he realized that the entire Messhall had observed the proceedings. Everyone resumed their previous actions, but now he noticed surreptitious glances, and heard giggling and whispering around him. He looked down at his tray all hunger gone, replaced by a numbness that he couldn't remember feeling before. *What just happened? Seven and Tom are going to the holodeck.* He forced himself to take a breath, *To do what?* His mind boggled at the possibilities, *Not Tom and Seven,* he told himself firmly. He concentrated on continuing his lunch, not wanting to give the vultures around him more material. That had lead to one of the longest afternoons of his life. Of course Voyager would pass through a quiet part of space that day. He would have given anything to have something to take his mind off the thought of Tom and Seven, together, doing what? There was a war going on in his mind, the rational part of his brain against the irrational, and as hard as he tried to suppress it, the irrational side was winning. "I'm tired of playing second fiddle to a warp core." "It is a personal matter." Mental images bombarded him. In his minds eye he saw Tom holding Seven in his arms. He kept reminding himself, *Tom loves B'Elanna.* But inner voices mocked him as he worked. *Why would she want you? She wants someone with experience, not a puppy.* Again he tried to reason with himself, *She is the smartest person in the universe, what could Tom possibly show her that she doesn't already know? Tom is my friend. *Tom is a man, would he turn down a chance to initiate the most beautiful woman on the ship?* Later that afternoon B'Elanna entered the Bridge. She spoke to Chakotay and the Captain about the results of the Engineering tests and then moved to Harry's terminal. "Harry, you'll need to download this information," she said in her most professional, 'Chief Engineer' voice. "Fine," he had answered, taking the PADD from her. She stood over his shoulder as he began the process. Almost inaudibly, she hissed into his ear, "You were there when she took him?" He nodded slightly. "Nicoletti told me all about it. Do you know that she's reserved the holodeck for twelve hours?" Harry's eyes widened in surprise as he shook his head again. "Apparently, she has hundreds of unused holodeck hours." "Do you know what programs running?" He whispered. "No, the privacy lock is engaged. I could have used my authorization to override it, but I didn't want to sink to that." The blinking of the PADD told them that the download was complete. Harry removed it and handed it back to B'Elanna. He turned to his wall monitor and she followed. He said softly, "B'Elanna you have to trust Tom. He loves you." "I do trust him. I think," she said her voice wavering slightly. "But what about Seven? She's so…" Her voice trailed off in exasperation. Harry closed his eyes, he knew what Seven was. She was innocent of relationships, but intensely curious at the same time. She was single-minded in her pursuit of knowledge. And she was so beautiful. Could Tom just turn her down? Harry had before when she had offered herself to him, but that was a different Seven. That Seven treated the idea of intercourse as clinically and coldly as a science experiment. The Seven he knew now understood the need for companionship. This Seven had experienced and returned a passionate kiss. This Seven did not think pleasure was irrelevant. "Harry," B'Elanna hissed. He looked at her, his eyes shadowed with pain. "The whole ship knows that they are in the holodeck with the privacy lock on." "I don't know what to tell you Maquis." "You've been a lot of help," B'Elanna said sarcastically as she walked towards the turbolift. *So here I am,* he thought as he sipped a mug of green tea in his quarters, the endless day almost over. His stomach had protested the lack of food it had ingested today, but he had been in no mood to attempt a trip to the Messhall. He replicated the tea and some iodine crackers, his own version of comfort food, he thought grimly to himself. The crackers particularly reminded him of his mother's kitchen, where a bowl of the assorted salty crackers was always available. He lay the mug down on the coffee table and nibbled a few more crackers. He then picked up an old PADD of Vulcan parables that he had been trying to read for months at Tuvok's suggestion. Try as he might, the words blurred together, the mental strain of the day was catching up with him. :::Torres to Kim::: Harry tapped his combadge. "Kim here." :::Are you alone?::: "No, I'm in the middle of a party," he answered sarcastically. "What do you want?" :::Tom just commed me. He said he'll meet me in my quarters in a few minutes with a surprise. He sounded upbeat, I don't know what to think::: "What does your heart tell you?" Harry asked. :::I know he loves me. I think that what we thought happened, didn't. But when I see him, he's going to tell me exactly what did happen. Are you okay?::: "It's been a long day." :::I know. Try and get some rest. Torres out.::: Harry stretched out on the couch, his eyes scanning, but not reading the story. Finally he gave up and rested the PADD on his chest. He fought sleep, he knew he would dream about her, he always did. The dreams had begun when they first began working together. They startled him at first, he hadn't experienced such intensely amorous visions since puberty. He'd had erotic dreams before of course, but these were so vivid, he found himself blushing and stammering just working with Seven some mornings. Hoping to reassure himself, he'd researched the Starfleet Medical database on erotic dreams. They were perfectly normal, he reminded himself. Unfortunately the database didn't mention if anything was wrong with dreaming about someone almost every night. The dreams had also evolved as he and Seven's relationship had evolved, now not only was he dreaming about sexual situations, but everyday scenarios also. They frightened him, it was one thing to dream about sex, he could rationalize that, but to envision her such a part of his life made him realize that he had finally tucked Libby away. She had been his first love, the one he had thought he was going to spend his life with. He had pushed away the thought that his subconscious was telling him that he had moved on. When he had received the letter from his parents through the Hirogen array they told him that Libby was engaged to be married. He had felt contented with that thought. He had been surprised that his heart hadn't protested the idea. The reason was obvious he reflected, it was because of Seven. Harry craved normalcy and a relationship with Seven would be anything but normal. Was he pinning his hopes on a woman who could never return his feelings? He didn't know anymore, all he knew was that he felt good when he was with her, he also at times felt scared, intimidated and nervous, which was not so good. The dream Seven was different, she gave him glimpses of who Seven could someday be, maybe. He didn't want to think anymore, he welcomed the dream of her. He concentrated on the endless dream that the aliens had given him. While not the most carnal, due to the alien intervention, it was definitely the most precise. It had stayed with him, and he'd even been able to use the concept of *lucid dreaming* that Chakotay had talked to Tom about to manipulate the dream to his own satisfaction. He'd managed to delete the alien entirely and just enjoy the experience of he and Seven in the jefferies tube. *Oh yes, there she was approaching him in the corridor.* "Ensign Kim I require your assistance in Holodeck 2." *No, that wasn't right.* "Ensign Kim," she said again, patting his cheek. *No, that's not how it happened.* Harry struggled to open his eyes, and saw a pair of beautiful, clear blue eyes just inches from his. "Seven!" He sat up, his features flushing in embarrassment. "I didn't hear the door chime." "I did not use the chime. Your privacy lock was not engaged." He fumbled for the PADD he had dropped, "It's considered rude to enter someone's quarters without acknowledgment you know," he snapped. "I asked the computer if you were alone. I am sorry I disturbed your rest, but I require your assistance." "I thought the only one you needed was Tom," he said, bitterness dripping in his voice. "Lieutenant Paris was most helpful to me this afternoon. He has returned to his quarters to have dinner with Lieutenant Torres," she was puzzled, this was not the tone of voice Ensign Kim usually used in addressing her. "Ensign, are you not well?" Harry stood up, he had to put distance between them so he could think more clearly. "I'm fine," he snapped, "What did you want?" "As I stated when I entered your quarters, I require your assistance in Holodeck two." "With what?" She stared coolly at him, "It is a surprise." "Oh really?" he said snidely, "Well I've had enough surprises today thank you, I don't need anymore." He picked up a PADD from his table and began examining it with interest. Seven moved close to him, analyzing his features carefully, "Lieutenant Paris suspected that you might be unwilling to assist me. He suggested that I apologize to you and that I say 'please'." "Tom told you to say please?" "His actual suggestion was that I say 'Pretty please with sugar on top.' Will you accompany me?" --- Harry drew a breath, he wanted to refuse her, he could tell this was important to her, and he wanted to hurt her the way she had hurt him today. "Would you be disappointed if I said no?" Seven raised her brow, a look of surprise crossed her face, "I wish you to share my holodeck time, if you do not wish to accompany me, I will leave." Harry studied her face. He tried again, "Seven, why do you want me to go with you?" "I will explain when we reach the holodeck." He sighed, "Fine, lets go." As they walked down the corridors, Harry watched her closely, she was 'excited' he realized, her eyes sparkled and there was a bounce in her usual strong stride. She had also…"Seven you changed your clothes." "I did", she nodded, looking down at her soft blue leggings and cowl necked sweater. "Lieutenant Paris replicated these garments for me." "Wasn't that nice of him," Harry said, his sarcasm lost on her. "It was, he modeled them after a similar outfit owned by Lieutenant Torres, hers is I believe dark red." Harry grimaced, trying not to appreciate how the sweater draped softly over her curves and how the blue accentuated her eyes. They arrived at the gridlined holodeck. Seven initiated the privacy lock and then said, "Computer, activate Seven of Nine - Raven - Beta - one." Suddenly they were standing inside a space craft. Surrounded by banks of computers, and various information gathering instruments. Not a large craft, but beautifully designed. Seven said in hushed tones, "This is the Raven." "Your parents ship." She nodded. "This is what you and Tom were working on all afternoon." Harry flushed with embarrassment, mentally reminding himself to apologize to Tom when he had the chance. He then moved forward, gently touching the consoles. He knew about the ship of course, the Captain had found the basic schematics when Seven had run away from Voyager, supposedly to rejoin the Collective, unaware that the homing beacon on her parents ship was calling to her. "Lieutenant Paris, Tom, deserves the credit. He and the Doctor suggested I create a holoprogram for myself, someplace where I could go and reflect on my existence. The Doctor said that he had his holofamily to retreat to, the Captain has her DaVinci program and Tom has his 'Grease Monkey' program, even though now he chooses to share it with B'Elanna." "Come, I will show you the rest of the ship." Harry followed her willingly down the hall, wondering about her parents that had chosen to break away from a safe life and truly go where no one had gone before. His curious eyes traveled eagerly over the ship. The bridge and science room were combined in the front of the craft and the other rooms surrounded it on three sides. Suddenly Seven stopped in the hallway, turning so quickly he brushed against her before he could stop. "What's wrong?" he asked. "There is something I need to do," she replied and returned to the bridge. Harry followed her curiously, he had never seen such indecision on her face. Standing in the center of the bridge Seven said, "Computer activate Hansen parents." Suddenly two figures appeared, a man with his back to them, busy monitoring a computer console, and a women who looked up from her monitor and smiled at them. Harry felt a shiver of recognition, her smile was similar to the one that Seven had bestowed on him on Arturis' ship, but much more open, it seemed to light her from within. "Annika," she said. "Are you going to introduce us to your friend, honey?" At the sound, the male turned around, his serious mien softening at the sight of his daughter. Seven hesitated for a moment, and then said in a strong voice, "Mama, papa this is my friend Harry Kim." The women turned her smile on him and walked forward holding out her hands. "Welcome to the Raven, Harry. We're so glad Annika has someone to play with today." Harry smiled back at her, holding out his hand, which was promptly enfolded in both of hers. "Mister and Misses Hansen, thank you for allowing me to visit." The male stepped forward, "Its our pleasure Harry. We don't have visitors often, please make yourself at home." He shook Harry's hand also and then reached out to brush his daughter's cheek gently with the back of his hand, an action that obviously startled Seven. "Now you two go play, and try to stay out of trouble." Just before she was out of reach he ruffled her hair. The action surprising Seven so much that she could only nod. Harry allowed himself to chuckle at the sight. She took Harry's arm and pulled him down the hallway. "This is my room," she announced, walking into a small room. Harry smiled it was a perfect room for a small child, on one side, shelves full of books, toys and games. With detachable stays in front so that nothing would fall off, during unsteady flying. The far wall had a Bay window, with a padded seat for a child to sit and look out at the stars. Under the bench were drawers undoubtedly meant for clothing. On the other wall built into an alcove was a bed, and a closet. A thick, colorful rug covered the floor. "It's wonderful," Harry said, watching Seven walk into the center of the room. Hers eyes has a look of pleasure in them, that he could not remember seeing before. "Tom studied the schematics in great detail, before beginning the design. He also extrapolated from the data how the decorations would be presented." "Well," Harry said smiling. "I told you before that Tom takes his holodeck programming very seriously." "Yes, you did," she agreed. "He took great care with this room particularly. I tried to suggest to him that researching every detail was not an efficient use of time." "I'll bet he loved that," Harry grinned. "He made me move to another terminal and begin researching every children's book in standard on the database. His instructions were to replicate any book or PADD that interested me. He also was pleased to see that I had sufficient replicator credits to allow him to order a complete meal for us, and not have to reply on Neelix's food, he said it would spoil the mood. He also said that I was rich." "Rich, Tom said that?" It puzzled Harry for a moment and suddenly it occurred to him what he meant. "Seven except for your clothing, and personal items you've been eating Neelix's food since, since you've, well, been eating food." She nodded. "Occasionally, if I wish to complete a task and I am in need of sustenance I have a nutritional supplement, but yes I usually rely on the Messhall for my meals." "Seven, you are rich in credits." He made a rapid calculation of over nine months in replicator credits, and sat back smiling. "What are you going to do with them all?" "I do not plan to do anything at this time. I do not require anything. However, I understand that often something is offered in kind when someone goes out of their way to assist you with a project, and I knew that the amount of time involved in the task did not allow him to share his usual dinner with Lieutenant Torres so I gave him enough credits to order a dinner for the two of them." "That was very thoughtful of you Seven." "Thank you", she said gravely. "I am not sure what condition the meal will be in when he arrives, however." "What do you mean?" "Tom said that he would have to crawl in on his hands and knees." "Seven, that was a figure of speech, Tom just meant that B'Elanna was angry with him." "I know," she said her eyes meeting his with a twinkle of amusement. "Ensign, you must explain something for me." "I'll try, but first, since we are off duty, I wish you would call me Harry." "Very well," she replied. "Tom also ordered dessert, but when I questioned him about it, he said you would have to explain it to me." "What did he order?" "Chocolate syrup." "And what?" Harry said. "Chocolate syrup and ice cream, on pound cake, what?" "Just chocolate syrup," Seven replied. *Damn you Tom,* Harry thought to himself. He cleared his throat, "Well you see Seven, chocolate syrup is good just plain." She looked inquiringly at him, "How is it imbibed? Do you drink it, or eat it with a spoon?" Harry didn't even want to think about how Tom and B'Elanna were *imbibing* it. "There are lots of ways to eat it, too many to go into now, maybe some other time." All this talk about food, was making him remember that all he had eaten that evening was some crackers and tea. "So what did Tom put on the menu for us?" "Do you wish to eat now?" she asked. "I'm a little hungry, how about you?" he asked. "It is time for me to ingest nutritional supplements." Seven, pushed a button on the wall. "Mama, we are ready for our meal now." ::Okay honey, I'll be in, in just a minute:: Seven looked back at him. "My mother seems to prefer to refer to me as a syrup manufactured by bees than my given name." Harry smiled, "A lot of parents like to give their children nicknames or pet names." "It seems most inefficient, if you take time to consider a precise name for a child, why begin calling them a different name?" Seven allowed her hands to move over the various dolls and stuffed animals on the shelf, seeming to enjoy the various shapes and textures. Harry looked at the books and games. "Its considered a special gesture of affection. Everyone calls you by your given name, but only your parents call you by a special name. Honey is an appropriate nickname for you, its probably because of your hair." *Actually,* Harry reflected, *Your hair is like spun gold, but I'd never say that to you.* "I see, did your parents give you a nickname?" Harry was saved from having to admit that his mother called him *precious boy,* by the sight of Mrs. Hansen walking into the room, carrying a large tray, with covered dishes, and an insulated carafe. "I hope you two are really hungry" She said smiling. Pressing a button on the tray retractable legs extended converting the tray into a serving table. She moved over to the writing board on the wall, pressed another button allowing the chalkboard to fold out from the wall and become a child's table. "Would you like me to serve for you? Or do you want to be a big girl and host your own party?" Harry hid a smile. Seven quirked her brow and said dryly, "I believe that I can manage the task. Thank you." "Your welcome hon, Papa and I are going to start a diagnostic. I'll come back and check on you and clear up the dishes in a while. Okay sweetie?" "Okay," Seven said. She watched the *mamagram* leave the room. Turning to Harry she said "Do all parents address their children in this manner?" "Seven, you have to remember that she was programmed to think that your about 6 years old." "Curious," she said thoughtfully. She moved over to the wall table. "Tom said we would have to sit on the floor to eat. Is that acceptable?" Harry nodded, watching her fold herself gracefully and sit on her knees. A position he had never in his many dreams, envisioned Seven in. "That's fine can I help you with the food?" "You may." She reached for the largest covered dish." You may also have to explain some of the food to me. Tom became reticent about the side dishes after I asked for an explanation of the main dish, which is..." "Hot dogs?" Harry said. Seven nodded. "You do not care for hot dogs?" "No, I like hot dogs, I haven't had a good one in years." He uncovered a few more dishes and smiled. Damn, Tom had made it a kids feast instead of adult food. "I understand, why Tom wanted me to explain things to you. The food is all things that a child would like. First we have carrot and celery sticks, with dip. These black things are olives," he said holding up a small bowl. Seven reached out, taking one and chewed it carefully. Harry also took one, savoring the buttery taste that he hadn't enjoyed for years. "Lieutenant Paris indicated this kind of olive is especially important, are they more nutritional than other varieties?" "No, that's not why they're important, they're important because of what kids do with them." "Explain." Harry picked up an olive, and held it out to her. "These are pitted olives, the hole is left when the pit has been removed. For hundreds of years kids have done something special with them." "A ritual?" "If you want to call it that. Using the hole, kids place them on their fingers." He demonstrated, by placing one on his little finger. "Why?" "Because they can, I guess." "I see, and children derive pleasure from this?" Harry nodded at her. Seven began carefully placing an olive on each finger. Harry watched her, occasionally munching on an olive from the bowl. She examined her hands when she was finished, wagging her fingers, a small smile playing around her lips. "I have completed this ritual, what is the next phase?" "You eat them." "Of course, it would not be appropriate to waste food," Seven said as she began nibbling the olives on her left hand. Harry observed her, enraptured by the picture, he absently reached down into the bowl only to find it empty. "I am sorry, I have utilized all of the olives for my ritual. You may have this hand if you wish." Seven held a hand up to his mouth. Harry stared at her, he knew she had no idea that adults feeding each other was considered erotic. Obligingly he opened his mouth taking one carefully into his mouth. "Thanks, Seven I only wanted one more. What did Tom send us to drink?" he asked, his mouth suddenly very dry. Reaching for the white carafe, Seven poured red fluid into two small glasses. "I believe he called this fruit punch." She sipped it, "It is acceptable," and drank the entire glass. Apologetically she added, "Apparently I have not ingested sufficient fluids today. Is something wrong?" "No, Seven nothing's wrong," Harry said hastily and began to sip his drink. He realized that Tom had carried authenticity to the extreme, even replicating food coloring into the punch because after Seven placed her glass down, he saw a distinct red smile shaped stain on her full upper lip. The contrast between that and her stoic expression tickled him to no end. He remembered to sip carefully at his drink, and then said casually, "Okay, I think its time to explain the hot dogs." "Please do. I attempted to point out that the dogs consisted of ground meat and meat byproducts, combined with sodium and other chemicals, and then forced into casings comprised of the intestinal--" "Seven stop. I'm not Neelix, I don't need to know the history of my food. I know what they consist of. They are also many children's favorite food. You might want to try one before you condemn them." She looked curiously at them. "You eat them like this", Harry said picking one up. "The bun acts as a container for the wiener, and is edible also." "Efficient," she said approvingly. "Isn't it though," Harry took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. "This isn't right though, I'm surprised that Tom didn't..." He searched on the tray and found what he was looking for. "Ahh, I should have known that Tom wouldn't forget." He laid down his hot dog and held up two small containers. "This is important." Seven observed, "I recognize them from the Captains DaVinci program, they are paint." "Wrong." Harry grinned. "This red container is ketchup and this yellow one is mustard. In convenient squeeze bottles. They are condiments used on food. Ketchup especially is a favorite flavor of children. Mustard is something they enjoy more as they grow older." He placed a dab of each flavor on her plate. "Taste a little of each and see what you think." "Lieutenant Paris did not include utensils, what should I use?" "Just use your finger," he said impatiently. She dipped her finger into the yellow sauce first. "It is piquant," she observed pursing her lips slightly. After tasting the ketchup her expression changed, she nodded and observed, "It is both acidic and sweet, curious." "I'm glad you approve," Harry said. "I like both on my hot dog, and the bottle allows you to apply it like this," he demonstrated, carefully squeezing on a line of each. "Did you want me to put ketchup on yours?" he asked. "No thank you, I will apply it myself," Seven said. She held the hot dog in her right hand, the container in the left, positioning it carefully over her hot dog. Unfortunately her initial squeeze left a blot of ketchup on her hand. She glanced around the table then looked up at him, "I pointed out to Tom the lack of napkins, but he said that real kids don't bother with them. What do I use to clean myself?" Harry smiled at her, "A real kid would just lick it off." "I see," she replied raising her hand to her mouth and carefully licking off the ketchup. "Crude but effective." Their hunger silenced them, as they enjoyed their meal. Harry savored this taste of home, as Seven carefully chewed each mouthful. He found himself eyeing a bit of ketchup that lodged at the corner of her mouth and greedily watched her as she innocently removed it with a swift tap of her tongue. Harry forcibly diverted his attention from her mouth to his hot dog, taking a slightly too large bite, a splash of ketchup and mustard oozing onto his hand. Slightly dazed he looked absently at his hand. Suddenly he saw a pale hand touch his, before he could react Seven reached out and licked the mixture off his hand. Breathless, he stared at her as she put his hand down and calmly began munching on a carrot stick. "Um, Seven," he began. "Yes, Harry?" "About what you did, cleaning my hand?" Her brow arched quizzically, as he continued. "What I meant was a real kid would just clean his own hand." "I see. Forgive my action. I did not understand your previous statement." "Its not a problem, really," Harry said, he took a quick sip of punch and continued. "It's just not something you should do in public," he said quickly, as nightmarish visions of Seven licking people in the Messhall floated before his eyes. "I see," she said. "Am I to understand that it is acceptable in private?" "*How did I get into this?* Harry thought. Taking a deep breath he continued, "Well in some circumstances, in adult relationships it is considered pleasurable to consume, um certain substances off of the body of a person you are intimate with." Seven studied his flushed face for a moment. "Would chocolate syrup be one of these substances?" she asked. "You knew?" he hissed. "I assumed," she answered, the wisp of a superior smile curving her lips. *She's doing it again,* Harry thought, struggling to put together the exact words of righteous indignation to use to inform her just how much he disliked being played with by her. But before he could speak he was distracted by the disembodied hum of the transporter. On a bare space on a shelf an airponics container with a red flowering plant materialized. Glancing curiously at her companion, Seven stood up and moved to the plant. Harry joined her. "Who transported this here?" Seven asked. Shrugging, Harry answered, "I don't know. Look at the card." "The card?" Harry reached beneath the petals and extracted a rectangular card, then handed it to her. "To Seven. Happy Ravenwarming. Best wishes, Tom and B'Elanna," she read. "I do not understand the inference?" "Its a gift Seven. As for Ravenwarming, its kind of a play on words. A lame play on words, I admit. You see when a person moves into a new dwelling, sometimes you have a celebration called a housewarming party. This is a gift from Tom and B'Elanna to celebrate your new holoprogram. They realize that its a big step for you and wanted to send something to commemorate the event." Doubt clouded her features, "I do not believe that Lieutenant Torres would wish to give me a gift." Privately Harry thought that the truth was B'Elanna might have felt a little guilty and this was her way of apologizing, "Don't question a gift Seven, just accept it." "Very well," she nodded. A soft smile transformed her usually stoic expression. "This is a real plant," she observed. "Very real," Harry agreed. "It came from the hydroponics bay. I think its called a Saskian daisy." "When we were programming my bedroom I informed Lieutenant Paris that I recalled a flowering form of vegetation in a reddish hue. I assumed that he had forgotten about it." "Tom doesn't forget things like that," Harry said as he leaned over and inhaled the fragrance of the flowers. Noting her look of curiosity he said, "Its okay Seven. These flowers are known for their fragrance." She moved forward hesitantly and sniffed. A smiled lit her face as she observed, "It is pleasant." "Very," he agreed enjoying the look of pleasure on her features. "This plant will require care. The lighting in Cargo Bay 2 is insufficient to maintain proper growth. I will have to return it to the hydroponics bay," she said with a tinge of regret in her voice. "You can keep it in my quarters if you like," Harry offered. "I have a couple of plants there, one more wouldn't be any trouble." "Thank you Harry. I will of course be responsible for the maintenance of it. I will study the databases to learn of its proper care. And will visit your quarters as often as needed to perform those services." "Great," Harry replied. Privately he was thinking, *Thank you Tom!* The door to her bedroom opened as Mrs. Hansen walked in. "Are you two finished with your dinner?" she asked. Seven glanced at Harry who nodded who nodded in reply. "We are finished with our meal." "All righty then, I'll just clear this up and leave you two alone to play." In a few moments she finished her task and left as swiftly as she had entered. "What should we play?" Seven asked. "Play?" Harry repeated, "Um, I don't know." Walking over to the shelves he said, "Let's see what we have here." He examined the shelves closely, his fingers trailing over the colorful boxes until they came to a stop. "Here we go. This one should work", he announced, as he pulled one box out from the others. Seven examined the box, "Candyland?" "Candyland," Harry repeated firmly. "Its one of the first games Terran children play, because it doesn't require reading skills to play it." He moved toward the table to begin setting it up. "Harry," Seven said quickly. "I do not wish to play a game." "Don't worry Seven, its not hard to learn," Harry assured her. "That is not my concern," she said. "Playing the game would necessitate sitting for a prolonged period of time." "Oh, that's right," Harry said. He'd forgotten that her physiology made sitting for extended periods of time uncomfortable. He looked around the room quickly analyzing it for a possible place to set the board at a height appropriate for her. Looking back at her he asked, "Seven do you have to stand? Or is it just important to keep your body straight?" Puzzled, she replied, "I do not necessarily have to stand, however-" "Here's what we're going to do," Harry interrupted her. He placed the box on the thick rug in the middle of the floor, lay down on his stomach and began taking out the board and playing pieces. "You wish me to lay down on the floor?" Seven said, her lip curling with disgust. "It's okay," Harry assured her. "The rugs nice and soft." He challenged her, "It's what a real kid would do." "Very well," she said, laying down on the other side of the board and copying his position. Looking seriously into his eyes she said, "State the parameters for Candyland." Harry smiled at her, outlined the rules and they began to play. The first game was uneventful. Harry watched her covertly as they moved their game pieces, she was enjoying herself, although she wouldn't admit it Seven's competitive nature surfaced as Harry easily won the first game. She observed coldly, "This is not a game that requires skill or cognitive reasoning." "Nope," Harry agreed trying to smother a smile, "You pretty much win by sheer luck." "Luck is a superstition, I do not believe in luck," she responded. "Call it random occurrences of variables, if it makes you feel better." "We will play again," she informed him as she reshuffled the cards and positioned their game pieces. She watched the board closely, as though looking for some flaw that would enable her to gain the upper hand. "Harry, you deliberately bypassed the shortcut over the Rainbow Bridge," she looked up at him, a spark of anger showing in her eyes. "You do not believe I can win, you feel pity for me?" Realizing his mistake he backpedaled, "No, no, I just forgot." He moved his blue polymer gingerbread man to the correct position, and hoped she would win. Knowing Seven they would not move to a different game until she did. They were interrupted briefly by Mr. Hansen who brought in a plate with several cupcakes, more punch and then left. Harry watched Seven during her fathers brief visit. "Your parents seem very nice," he observed, sitting up and passing her a cupcake. "They do appear to be reasonable people," she replied. "Lieutenant Paris was most impressed with their personality profiles as he programmed them," Seven replied as she moved her marker. She looked up at Harry cocking her head slightly. "It is curious how people perceive things differently." "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "Shortly after the Captain severed me from the Collective she showed me a PADD containing information about my parents and their work. She called them 'unconventional' and seemed to not quite approve of their actions. However, Lieutenant Paris called them 'free spirits' and appeared to envy them. Curious," she said again. "I guess it's because everyone looks at things from a different perspective," Harry said. "The Captain is Starfleet through and through. And Tom even though he was raised in the same kind of household, doesn't see Starfleet in the same light as the Captain." Seven nodded slightly, "Perspectives, yes. Lieutenant Paris discussed something similar when he questioned me as to who would join me to participate in this holoprogram." In a casual voice Harry asked, "What did you and Tom discuss?" She arched her brow, "When we were preparing this simulation he stated that it was always good to have someone with you to share the experience with. I pointed out to him that I required his experience in programming but was confident in my ability to run the program. He accepted that but then asked me 'hypothetically' if there was someone that I would want with me if I did want someone here." Harry nodded, he could easily see Tom steering the conversation his way, just as precisely as he steered Voyager. "I see. And you said that you would want me to share it with me, if you wanted someone to share it with?" "I did not," she answered. "First I suggested that possibly the Captain would want to participate with me. She has reiterated in the past the need for using the holodeck to expand my imagination. However, Tom pointed out that while the Captain was a good choice and always eager to assist her crew, she might be too eager to witness my involvement with the program. His exact words were that 'she would not just let me be me'." "Okay," Harry agreed hesitantly. "So then you thought of me?" "No, I then suggested Commander Tuvok," she replied. "Tuvok?" The thought of their Vulcan security chief sitting on the floor sipping fruit punch and munching olives off his fingers made him smile. "Yes, Tom had the same reaction. He explained that the Commander was not very 'interactive.' I had to agree with his comment. Then he asked who would I feel the most comfortable being a child with? And I suggested you." "I see," Harry said in a subdued voice, "So I the third choice." "You were the logical choice," she said. "And I have not regretted my decision." "Thank you Seven," he said brightening. "You are welcome," she replied calmly. They resumed their game, playing in companionable silence. To Harry's relief and Seven's satisfaction she won. Harry smiled, and decided that there was no time like the present to bring up a matter that was near to his heart. "Seven if I ask you something will you answer me honestly?" "I am Borg, I do not lie." "I'm not saying that you'd lie, but you've shown that you do know how to manipulate a conversation to your advantage." "Explain." "Gladly," he replied. "I know you've been avoiding me lately, but when I ask you point blank you deny it and twist the conversation around to make it look like I've done something wrong," Harry dropped his eyes, overloaded by her cool unblinking gaze. He turned over a card and began his move. Seven then continued as she moved her red marker. To his surprise she appeared to deliberately avoid looking at him. "You assumed that I was discouraged contact because I regretted the fact that we kissed. I told you that I did not, that was the truth. However…" She paused, searching for the correct words. "What Seven? Tell me, its okay," he urged. "It is true that I have been avoiding your presence." Harry winced. Her blunt statement cutting him to the quick. "Then why invite me here?" he asked softly. "The reason that I avoided your presence was not because I did not wish to continue our affiliation. Rather it was because I felt that it was impeding my efficiency," she explained. "What?" he yelped. Seven sat even straighter and continued, "After our kiss in the holodeck, I found myself dwelling on it and the time we spent together in your quarters learning about music." Harry raised his hands to his temples, trying to sort out her words, "Wait a minute. Your saying that you weren't avoiding me because you didn't want to be with me. You were avoiding me because you wanted to be with me too much?" The knot that had been forming in his stomach evaporated. She studied his face, obviously surprised at his reaction. "That is correct." "But Seven, then why did you invite me here to share this with you?" he asked in confusion. She answered simply, "Because I felt the absence of your presence." Harry beamed, "I missed you too." Seven returned his smile with a warm one of her own. They were debating playing one more game Harry when observed a strange look on Seven's face. She moved her hands to her jaw as her eyes opened wide in surprise. Her mouth opened slowly seemingly against her will. "Harry…" "It's okay Seven," he said trying not to smile. "You yawned, very badly I should add. Was this your first?" She nodded, "A curious sensation." She looked at him as he covered him mouth and yawned into his hand. "You are mocking me." "No," he assured her, "It's just something that happens. I can't explain it. Ask the Doc about it, I'm sure he'll have a long and involved answer for you. But I think it's time we called it a night." "I do need to regenerate," Seven nodded and rose slowly to her feet. Harry returned the game pieces and cards to the box and put it back on the shelf. He then picked up the potted daisy to take with them. Seven took a last look at her room and then announced, "Computer, end program and save." Instantly they were standing in the gridlined holodeck. In a few moments they were walking down the corridor to the turbolift. "Thank you for assisting me with my holoprogram Harry," Seven said. "No, thank you, I enjoyed myself. Feel free to call on me anytime," Harry said sincerely. Seven studied him for a moment, and then nodded slightly. "Lieutenant Paris told me of another program he was working on. One designed for Naomi Wildman." "That's right, her birthday is coming up. Tom is designing a special program as her gift." Harry knew it was going to be a replica of the Children's Water Park on Risa complete with waterfalls and obsidian slides, with a few Tom Paris additions. One of which was a *lover's grotto* only accessible by a very short underwater swim. Tom had explained that some of the couples could escape there if they wanted a little *adult* fun. "That is correct, he said the entire crew was invited." "That's right, are you going?" Harry asked. "I am not sure," she replied. "One of the prerequisites for this activity would appear to be aquatic knowledge." Harry studied her for a moment trying not to smile, "Seven, are you saying you don't know how to swim?" "Apparently the Borg did not consider that knowledge to be relevant." She appeared to be almost embarrassed by her admission. Harry said gently, "That's not a problem. I'd be glad to teach you how to swim." "That would be acceptable. I would also require your assistance in replicating the proper bathing attire." "I can do that," Harry said playfully. "Thank you," she said. "No, thank you," he answered earnestly. "You are welcome," Seven answered as they reached the turbolift, she turned to push the button and then added, "Perhaps, if your lessons prove to be fruitful we could attempt to access the grotto." Harry's eyes widened in surprise as he awkwardly juggled the plant. "So you know about that?" He asked as he entered the lift. "I do," she answered, a smile curving her lips. "Good night Harry," she said, taking one step forward and pressing a swift kiss on his lips before he could respond. Just as quickly, she stepped back as the door closed, a look of calm superiority on her features. "Damn it," he muttered. Seven waited for the lift to take her down to the cargo bay, she looked up as the door opened to reveal Harry standing there with a look of determination on his face, the plant sitting by his feet. "Harry?" she said, her brow arched in surprise. "Not this time Seven," was his response. He took a step out of the lift, at the same time placing one hand around her slender waist and the other at the back of her head, moving with graceful ease he pressed a kiss firmly on her lips. Seven stood stiffly at first, then her body relaxed and she moved to press herself closer to him. She moved her hand to his shoulder, and opened her mouth searchingly. At that moment Harry stepped back into the turbolift, his face glowing with success, "I'll see you in the Messhall for breakfast?" he inquired coolly. Too breathless to speak, Seven nodded her head. "Great, see you in the morning. Computer, resume," he said aloud and the doors slid shut. Later in his quarters he reflected on the events of the day as he prepared for bed. Walking over to the Saskian daisy he brushed a finger over the velvet soft petals. Finally he crawled into bed and closed his eyes. He thought about the emotional turmoil he'd gone through and the final outcome. He could still feel the softness of Seven's lips on his. "All in all, its been a very good day." --- The End