The BLTS Archive- The Taste of Honey Trilogy Stoty #1: From Bajor With Love by Jazz Man ( --- Disclamer: Paramount own Startrek, I just claim this story. --- Odo looked down at the small package on his desk. Written on it, in what was unmistakably Nerys' hand writing, were the words "From Bajor With Love". If only those words meant what he wished them to. Not that they would, Kira was on Bajor with Shakaar. Having a great time according to her last transmission. I might as well get it over now, he thought to himself as he opened the package. Inside was a hand written message from Kira and a printed book. He glanced through the book, a detective novel. not really reading the pages. His mind was on the letter. Why had Kira written instead of just sending a transmission? Odo opened the letter, his fingers shaking slightly. What are you shaking for? It's only a message from Nerys . . .Yes, only a message, but it's a written letter . . . So, maybe she just didn't want to see your face . . .But, she wouldn't do that . . . You never know, all that time she's been spending with Shakaar, now just read it. -- Odo, I know this is a strange way to do things, but what I want to tell you I couldn't say to your face. I couldn't if you hated me because of it. Odo, I'm having a dreadful time here, all because you're not here. I love you, Odo. There it is, said. If you just want to be friends then forget I sent this. I hope that's not what you want, but I couldn't bear to lose your friendship. Nerys -- Odo read the letter a second time; it still said the same thing. Kira Nerys loved him, *him*. But how could that be; she had Shakaar. No, she said that she was having a dreadful time and all because he, Odo, wasn't there. --- Kira had tuned him out, but the noise was still there, in the background. Damn, he'd asked her a question, "What was that Edon?" "I asked if you were listening, but you obviously weren't." "Sorry, this scenery is distracting." "Especially when your used to Cardassian architecture, hmm?" "I suppose so, yes." "Why don't we stop here, so you can get a better look?" "All right." They sat down on a stone wall. Shakaar took a canteen of water out of his pack, took a swig, then offered it to Kira. "Thanks." Kira took a drink and felt the warm water on her lips, making its way into her mouth. I wonder if this is what Odo feels like? she asked herself. I hope he doesn't taste like this. "We should make it back before nightfall, that is if we keep a good pace and don't stop to many times," said Shakaar, interrupting Kira's thoughts. "And then tomorrow I go back to DS9." "You don't sound too happy about it, I thought you would be looking forward to going back." "I am, it's just that . . ." "You're nervous about something, I can tell. What is it?" *Well, I'm just worried that my best friend is going to hate me forever.* "Nothing. I'm fine." "You sure?" "No." --- Odo waited impatiently for the Bajoran transport to arrive. He heard a sound and turned to its source. "Here to meet Kira?" asked Jadzia Dax. "Yes, and you." "Just wanted to make sure you were going to be here," she answered mysteriously. "What?" "You heard. I just want to make sure you're here." "Why would you want me to be here? Has Kira told you something?" "Odo, I've lived seven life times, I don't need to be told." "Here's the transport now." "Then I'll be going. See you later, Constable." Shortly after Dax left, Kira walked out of the docking bay, searching the crowd as if to find someone. When she spotted Odo she squared her shoulders and walked across to him, "Odo." "Ki . . Nerys." Kira's eyes lit up, did that mean what she hoped? "Yes, it does. Nerys, I love you, I've loved you since the day I first set eyes on you." She reached out her hand to his, "As I have you." Hand in hand they walked, the long way round, to her quarters. --- The End