The BLTS Archive - Scotty: The Early Days: Story #7: Set on Sands by Sarah James ( --- feedback: always welcome disclaimer: Star Trek and its characters belong to Paramount. --- A vivid blue sky painted with white streaks looked down on him, while a stiff breeze brushed over his body in a firm caress. The feel of wind on his bare skin was enchanting, almost arousing him. Lazily he gazed through half open eyes at tiny sparkling waves coming in persistently, one by one. They latched out to catch his feet, leaving him with revitalising freshness when they descended back into the great Northern Sea. Montgomery Scott couldn't even tell how long he had been lying there in his favourite secret spot, a tiny, well hidden bay south of North Berwick. It was a beautiful day, sunny, clear, not too hot thanks to the welcome wind. He enjoyed such days. They were all too rare. In space he'd have to live from the memories. Pleased with himself, he grabbed a handful of the unbelievably soft white sand, sieving it through his fingers he counted 1... 2... 3.... How much time had passed? "I could have drowned out there," a familiar voice, carried to him by the wind, suddenly reminded him of her presence. "You wouldn't even notice." Had he really dozed so long? The accusation in her voice was playful, mocking at best. Her figure approached him, wading out of the water. "What kind of husband are you?" It was her droll humour combined with quick wit, which he had missed so very much on the Enterprise. Piercing blue eyes that perfectly fit the black curls framing a lean intelligent face gazed down at him. She pursed her lips trying look convincingly insulted. Scotty smiled with content. Teresa had never lost her enigmatic gypsy appeal to him. A chuckle escaped him when tiny drops of water rolled off her small breasts falling down onto his stomach. It tickled a bit. "Love, that's no' true. I would have noticed. I would have come to rescue you," he protested. "Yes," she replied laughing. "By which time I would have already been drifting along on the ground of the sea. My skeleton would have begun talking to the fish before you would ever bother to go looking for me. You lazy, beer drinking Scottie don't even have the decency to wonder where I am, as long as you have enough lager." In the meantime Teresa had dropped to her knees right beside him eyeing four empty bottles of lager, sticking out of the sand, with clear misgiving. Scotty merely shrugged, already spellbound by the drops of water glistening on her pale skin. He relished in her beauty. They were out there in the open yet they were both naked, completely integrated and en sync with nature. This lonely, little beach, surrounded by high rocks and cut off from access by the incoming flood was a safe harbour for lovers who wanted to share intimacy undisturbed. If one doesn't count the sea birds that is, Scotty remarked to himself. Or the occasional fisher boats drifting by. But then fishermen were always busy fishing, therefore would hardly have the time to go spying on couples... And if they did, Scotty concluded, it was their problem. The thought would not manage to spoil paradise for him. An appreciative sigh dropped from his lips, as his palms gently touched down on the cold, wet grounds of Teresa's breasts. So smooth! He exhaled with excitement. It must have been a very refreshing bath for her in the Scottish sea, for it was hardly the Caribbean. Montgomery delighted in the way her body responded to his caress. Suddenly his mouth was where his fingertips had been playing a moment before. He pulled her nipple into his mouth, eagerly running his tongue around the hard knob. The taste of salt exploded on his tongue. Sun, woman, sea... Greedily the Scotsman soaked it all up with every pore, synapse or taste bud he had available. Slowly his tongue ran down, travelling from her breast to her belly button, picking up every little drop of salt water that it could find on the way. Teresa pressed her underside against him. She moaned when he shifted his weight to put his head between her thighs. Wide open the woman welcomed his hungry lips. Scotty enthusiastically delved into her moist flesh. More salt, more ravishing flavour met him there in her most intimate regions. It almost made him come before he had the chance to penetrate her. Quickly he relaxed, closing his eyes, not wanting to miss the experience of being inside of her right here, right now. It was the perfect moment. She writhed beneath him, engulfing him deeper inside of her when he entered. Helplessly he cried out her name. Scotty wanted to give himself to her so entirely that he barely dared to move, for it might not last. She drew her legs around his back, encouraging him with whispered little confessions that never failed to touch him profoundly, where he was so very vulnerable. "God don't stop now," she yelled out, "I'm so close." Determined to leave her with nothing but fulfilment Scotty re-adjusted his position, lifted his torso off her and pushed her over the edge with three slow but well-aimed strokes. "Oh yes come, my love. Come for me," he groaned as they pulled through an incredibly long orgasm together. It took a while until his breathing would return to normal. Teresa's cheek was pressed against his heaving chest. Possessively he kept her locked into his embrace. This woman better not let him go before 10 o'clock at night. Then he really had to leave to make his way back to the Enterprise. He was going to give himself to her and she would love him back until the night fell. He didn't want it any other way. This time he wanted to leave utterly exhausted, fulfilled, able to look back fondly. This time Scotty was going to tell her how he could barely wait to be with her again. It was all going to be so right again. "I remember the day I first met you," Teresa spoke up finally. "Thought you were a British gentleman. Turned out you were a brat." Her chiming voice, her foreign accent; it all sounded so pleasant to him, as he still found himself re-acquainting the woman he'd married long ago. His heart leaped to her feet at the thought. He'd been a clumsy, over-excited boy of 26 years when she had practically forced herself into his life with her naïve way. Despite of all the hurt between them, could he honestly say he regretted the day they met? Although now it strangely occurred to him how little he had known Teresa when they'd gotten married. Yet he had loved her deeply, truly from the first moment on. His blindness had not done anything for their marriage of course. It had been a rather complicated, difficult affair from the very beginning... And had it not begun with the most stupid mistake a young man could possibly make? To fall for the chosen bride of another man, only two weeks away from her wedding date. She came from a very different culture, had obeyed different social laws, had promised her virginity to another man, had been the little sister of a good friend, the daughter of a very generous host... How could he have ignored so many no-nos in one single night when allowing her to give him her precious innocence. The punishment had come inevitably several days later, right after her mother had stumbled in on them making love. Maybe he had deserved to be kicked out of her family home, Teresa however had not. In hindsight one had to admit their marriage had never been particularly smooth, but loving it had been until one dreadful day... Quickly he shut the painful thought out of his mind. Aye, he remembered without regret, he'd had other women out there in space, beautiful women, charming women, some of whom he loved... But she was the one he would come home to. Even if her wall of grief, anger and despair had shut him out for almost three years. So long she had hardly looked at him whenever he'd come home to her. Until he'd said the magic words. "I'm going to leave you." That had blown her mind like an n-dimensional nano-explosion. He'd meant every word of it, never assuming that this was exactly the kind of thing that would manage rattle her out of her self-pity to make her see that she still had a man with needs. A man who needed her in the first place. Needed her to be there when he came home, to listen to him, talk to him, care for him, needed her to share the enormous weight resting on his shoulders. Scott yawned satisfied. He had just enjoyed ten days of ultimate happiness in her arms. But would it be enough to turn their failing marriage around? One could only hope so. After all there was still this appeal they'd kept throughout their lives. Montgomery Scott wasn't willing to accept that something so good might have slipped out of his hands. He was not going to give her up without a fight. You just wait and see, he told her silently. Absent-mindedly he continued to wrap her dark curl around his finger, while her head was bedded comfortably on his chest. "I remember the day I first met you," he finally spoke up again, his voice still sounding hoarse, "Thought you were a gypsy princess." She laughed. It charmed him all over again. "Turned out you were a brat." This time Teresa rammed her tiny fist into his arm. Scotty grinned smugly, looking into her protesting face. Quietly he began to recall the days when their love had just begun on a hot summer day like this. Far, far away from his favourite island. --- It was a mild summer night in a country far away from his favourite island, far away from home. Romania was a proud country. In the middle of a well-mixed, modern, civilized Europe it had remained an isolated island in far more ways than Scotland could ever be. Time stood still in Romania. While the stars shone down on them brightly and most late night birds had gone to bed, Montgomery Scott enjoyed the friendly hospitality of Radu's family isolated on the balcony of their old-fashioned estate. Radu and he had been best of friends on the Enterprise. Two young thriving engineers sharing a passion for machines. Here though the young chap from Romania was almost strange to him. It seemed that this romantic country demanded a different kind of behaviour. It was a codex that Scotty was completely unfamiliar with. Nor was he able to understand why the things he'd always enjoyed to do were so taboo for him. Everybody seemingly enjoyed the same things here. But only seemingly, because once you took a closer look, you noticed restrictions, boundaries, invisible laws. It gave him a sense of being out of place. With a sour grin he wondered why he had come here in the first place. Oh right he had accepted a friendly invitation from Radu to come visit him, spend some time with his family. It had sounded like the perfect opportunity to overcome his broken heart in an exotic country with exotic girls. Exotic girls who all wanted funds first, fun later. What had brought him here again? Right, girlfriend trouble. She was a read-head, Scottish and had recently discovered that Montgomery was a nice bloke but he really didn't give her what she needed. It's been lovely five years darling, the sex was great, but I don't want to marry you. Five years of great sex, devotion, love blown into the wind only because the future Mrs Scott could not arrange herself with Star Fleet. It made him want to cry every time he thought about it. Scotty frowned, leaning against the wooden railing of the balcony. What was surrounding him here was luring, tempting, promising. Although he had quickly found out it was all not meant for him. Because the liberty of Scotland did not exist in Romania. It was an old country. Full of history, determined to stay history. Romania had never agreed to become part of a 23rd century civilization. Strange, he mused. At the same time it fascinated him. A door creaked, tearing him out of his thoughts. Turning his head, he recognized the pretty, young girl. It was Teresa, Radu's youngest sister. Scotty smiled to himself. This lass had been studying him with outright open-minded curiosity for the last couple of days, seeking his company whenever possible, whenever stern eyes were not watching her every move. Scotty would have loved to spend more time with her. He liked her naïve questions. Yet she was smashingly intelligent at the same time. Her inquiring mind never stopped the probing. Unfortunately more often than not Radu, her fiancée Bogdan or her mother Gloria were watching over her with iron protectionism. As if he would ever think of hurting such a kind, wee soul. Scotty merely enjoyed her interest in him. That could not be a crime, not even in Romania. "What is it, lass?" the engineer admonished her playfully. "Can't sleep?" "It's too early," she complained. "I'm not a little girl. I can't possibly sleep yet." "The house dragon said you can," he replied grinning. "Off to bed with you young lady, you have enjoyed your own engagement party long enough." Her bemused chuckles rewarded his attempt to imitate her mother. As much as he appreciated Gloria's friendliness towards him, but to Teresa she must be a house dragon indeed. In her castle Teresa's mother never missed the slightest breach of her strict codex. "How big is Great Britain?" Teresa asked, when she eventually joined him on the balcony. "Bigger than Romania." "I once met an English man. His name is Robert. Do you know him?" "Sure. I ken them all." "He was very good looking." Scotty cocked his head, giving her a sceptic look. "Better looking than me?" "Yes. Much better looking." "Oh thank you." Naïve she might seem, yet her remarks could be stinging. The Scotsman liked that. Of all the people here she was the one who bothered to explore his strangeness. Not only did she explore him, but examine him precisely under her inner microscope. "I didn't like him though. When we talked he would always be so very sophisticated. He was hiding behind cynical humour that only the English understand." Scott whistled in appreciation. Who could have known. This babe wasn't naïve at all. She had looked right behind the cool English facade of sarcasm. For a minute he was tempted to applaud. "You're Scottish, right?" Teresa continued her interview. "Right." "You have this accent, but I understand your English a lot better than Robert's sophisticated balderdash." "Thank you." This time he said it smilingly. In fact he was beaming from one ear to the other. "I like you much better than him." The Scotsman blushed. This harmless 18 year-old innocent wee angel managed to drive the heat into his cheeks, almost as if he was an inexperienced boy. Maybe he wasn't as grown-up, as much a man of world as he'd like to think in the past. "Thank you. Come here sweetheart," he suggested, holding his hand out to her. "Let me show you the night sky from a Scottish point of view." She listened intently to his tales about the dream of stars. Half-way through his monologue Scotty paused startled, realizing the way she looked at him. His breath caught when he suddenly saw her in a different light altogether. "I can't marry Bogdan," she blurted unexpectedly. "He doesn't want to hear my questions. He doesn't care, doesn't want to know me, not like you do." Before Montgomery could do anything about it, the girl was lying in his arms, kissing him with the vigour of someone on the edge of starvation. Bedazzled he welcomed her. She felt so right in his arms. She felt as if he was embracing his destiny beneath the night sky. "Montie," she whispered into his mouth, "tonight you can do anything you want to do with me. I don't care what will be tomorrow. I'll do anything you want." --- ...anything you want... Dreadful words. He had given in to them so quickly that it still scared him, so many years later. With a sigh he dived out of his memories to look at her peaceful face. Teresa was sleeping, bedded beside him on the white carpet of sand. Meanwhile time was sailing on. --- The End