The BLTS Archive - Masterpiece by Jade M --- DISCLAIMER: All aspects of the Star Trek universe and the characters therein are copyrighted by Paramount. Also, the dialogue and setting in the first part of this story came from DS9 episode #4 ("Past Prologue", written by Kathryn Powers. Airdate: 1/11/93). I just elaborated on it a bit. :) The rest, however, is all mine. I'm a newbie here; this is my first story of this kind. It's essentially a PWP, but I hope you'll find it entertaining just the same. Opinions are welcome (and VERY much wanted), but *please* be gentle. Thanks in advance; here goes nothing.... --- Garak leaned against the wall in Quark's bar, watching from a distance as the young doctor sipped his drink and read his medical reports. An exquisite creature, Garak thought appreciatively, and it seems he could use some company. Much to Garak's happiness, the doctor was sitting all alone. The Cardassian made his way through the crowd like a shadow, noticed and whispered about by some but ignored by most, until he reached his destination. A casual stroll halfway around the table. A moment or two to admire how handsome the young man looked in his black-and-turquoise Starfleet uniform. The allowance of just enough time for Bashir to feel Garak's eyes on his body. The doctor looked up from his reports, eyes wide with surprise, and Garak greeted him with a friendly smile. "It's Doctor Bashir, isn't it?" Garak said pleasantly. "Of course it is. May I introduce myself?" Bashir looked for all the world like some small animal dazzled by bright lights, his hazel-green eyes round and luminous. Positively precious. "Uh, yes," he stammered, "yes. Of course." "My name is Garak, a Cardassian by birth, obviously. The only one of us left on this station, as a matter of fact, so . . . " he slid into the seat across from the doctor, " . . . I do appreciate making new friends whenever I can. You ARE new to this station, I believe." Gazing at his new companion with open desire; patiently waiting for a response. Bashir fidgeted a bit and said, "I . . . I am, yes," nervously flicking the trailing leaf of a decorative Bajoran ice lily situated in a small, white vase away from his hand. And what a lovely hand it was: smooth, golden-brown, and graced with long, sculpted, slender fingers. It took much control on Garak's part not to reach out and touch it. "Though I . . . understand YOU'VE been here quite awhile." Garak's blue eyes glimmered. "Ah. You know of me, then." Bashir averted his gaze. "Would you care for some of this Tarcalean tea? It's very good." "What a THOUGHTFUL young man. How nice that we've met." Bashir made a vague gesture to a passing waiter, who apparently didn't notice. He faced Garak again. "You know," he began carefully, "some people say that you remained on DS9 as the . . . eyes and ears of your fellow Cardassians." Garak's eyes widened in mock surprise. "You don't say!" He fixed Bashir with his gaze again. "Doctor, you're not intimating that I'm some sort of SPY, are you?" Bashir, gawking, opened his mouth as if about to say something, but no words escaped his lips. On his second attempt, however, he managed, "I wouldn't know. Sir." Garak smiled. "Ah. An open mind. The essence of intellect." He paused momentarily, considering his next move. "As you may also know, I have a clothing shop nearby so, if you should require any apparel or simply wish," lowering his voice meaningfully, "as I do for a bit of enjoyable company now and then . . . I am at your disposal, Doctor." "You're very kind, Mr. . . . Garak." "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain. Simple. Garak. Now," he rose from his seat, "good day to you, Doctor." His gaze never left Bashir. Should he dare? Oh, why not. Before he walked away, Garak stood behind the doctor and allowed his hands to come to rest on Bashir's thin shoulders. He felt Bashir's body grow tense at his touch; he imagined how that body would respond to more intimate contact, grinning in anticipation. However long it took, this young man would be his. "I'm so glad," he said, "to have made such an . . . INTERESTING new friend today." Then, as Bashir stared after him, Garak left the bar. --- Garak and Doctor Bashir became fast friends, having lunch together on an almost daily basis. Garak offered the inquisitive young doctor tantalizing hints about the mystery of his past, some true, some false, some something of both; Bashir offered Garak the refreshing elixir of his innocence and his awe at the life he imagined Garak must have led. But he never offered Garak what Garak had actually come to him for. He never offered Garak himself, no matter how blatantly obvious the Cardassian tried to make his interest in him. Perhaps Bashir, in his sweet naivete, simply couldn't imagine that Garak wanted him "that way"; perhaps he wasn't interested. It was difficult to tell. It no longer matters, Garak told himself. I enjoy his company immensely, regardless, and I do not wish to risk our friendship. Nevertheless, he wondered sometimes about the mysteries concealed beneath the doctor's uniform. Whether or not Bashir could be as perfect as he seemed. How it would feel to touch the young man's warm, smooth flesh. He tried to distract himself from this fantasy by spending time with Ziyal, the beautiful daughter of Gul Dukat, and he did grow fond of her. He even loved her -- like a sister. And thus far, more-or-less, he had treated her as such. It wouldn't have been fair to make love to this woman while imagining that he held a man's body and gazed at a human's face. "Garak?" He may yet want me, Garak thought, absently running his thumb up and down his barely-touched glass of canar. He just doesn't realize how I feel about him. But what if I'm mistaken? I don't want to lose what we have already! But perhaps under the right circumstances. . . . "Garak." Garak blinked and looked at Dr. Bashir. "Yes, Doctor?" It had been about five years since their initial meeting. As usual, the two of them were having lunch together at Quark's. "I asked if something was troubling you. You seem a bit preoccupied." Garak sighed and shook his head. "Oh, it's nothing, really," he assured him in his usual bright tone. "I've just been feeling a little . . . under the weather for the last few weeks. Perhaps I'm coming down with some sort of flu; Ziyal had it just a short time ago." Bashir squinted slightly and tilted his head. "You *look* well," he said after a fashion, "but perhaps I should examine you, just in case. If you are infected, I could prescribe a treatment for you before the condition worsens." Garak fought back a delighted grin, but couldn't keep the glimmer out of his eyes as he said, "Yes, caution is always advisable. When shall I meet you, Doctor?" Sad but true, he always looked forward to being examined by Bashir. It seemed that a quick sweep with the tricorder was as close as he would ever get to having his desire fulfilled. "Any time after fifteen-hundred hours should be fine," Bashir said, checking the pad where his appointments were stored. Garak nodded. "Thank-you, Doctor. I will be there, and I will be on time." --- At precisely fifteen-hundred hours, Garak arrived at the door of the infirmary. Remain calm, he told himself, taking a few deep breaths. Do not let him know before the time is right. As a Bajoran woman and her little daughter left the infirmary, Dr. Bashir told Garak, "Come in." Garak walked in. The door slid closed behind him. "No nurses?" he inquired, looking around. "It has been an unusually slow day," Dr. Bashir explained. "The nurses are on call, but there seemed to be no purpose in keeping them here when there is so little to do." Garak swallowed another grin. "I see." "Now, Garak, please lie down on the table." "Alright." He did as he was told. There was only silence now, save for the beeping of Dr. Bashir's making adjustments to the tricorder. Garak gathered his courage and said, "Doctor?" "Yes?" "Has anyone ever told you how utterly hypnotic your eyes are? So expressive and bright. Are they green or hazel, or maybe something in between?" "I've . . . always thought of them as hazel," Bashir answered calmly, not looking up from the tricorder. But something was there; Garak could sense it. And this emboldened him. Garak went on, "I've never seen a color look so enticing," his voice husky and low. Bashir didn't say anything, though Garak noticed he was blushing. He simply performed the examination (it took about a minute) and told Garak, "I can't find any sign of a viral infection or any other health problems, but you do have a rapid heartbeat and elevated levels of epinephrine in your system." He looked up from the tricorder. "In other words Garak, you seem nervous." Garak sat up and observed, "You seem rather piqued yourself, Doctor. I wonder if we might share the same stress." Bashir cleared his throat, looked away and said hastily, "Really, I feel fine. Why don't you return to your shop? I . . . there's . . . nothing I can do for you." Before Bashir could stop him, Garak stepped off the examining table and placed one hand on the doctor's forehead. "Oh, yes," he said gravely, shaking his head, "you do feel a little warm. "Tell me, Doctor, when was the last time that YOU had a physical?" "Garak, I --" "On the table, Doctor. Among the many skills I've acquired, I have had some medical training." Bashir looked at Garak for a moment, questioning, hazel-jewel eyes twinkling with amusement. Then, he set the tricorder on the counter, lay down on the table and said, "Alright, Garak, examine me. Treat me to your expert opinion." Garak picked up the tricorder and recalibrated it. He actually had received some emergency medical training while he was in the Obsidian Order and had some idea of what he was doing, though his knowledge of human physiology was somewhat limited. However, he knew enough for his purposes. "Yes," he said, holding the tricorder over Bashir, "you ARE under stress. Your heart is beating much too fast. Your breathing is a bit too shallow. And Doctor . . . " he laid his hand on the young man's cheek, "I'm getting some very strange readings from right . . . about . . . here," letting his hand slide over Bashir's chest, his stomach, and finally between his thighs. He cupped the tantalizing bulge down there in his palm, squeezing it just slightly. Bashir closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. "I can feel it as I touch you, Julian. A most fascinating response." "Garak. . . ." Julian whispered, arching his back a bit. "I'd like to examine you more thoroughly," Garak murmured against Julian's ear. "I must get you out of that uniform," sliding his hand down the seal of Julian's jumpsuit. "Garak," Julian asked softly, "how long have you wanted me?" "Since the moment I saw you," Garak confessed, gazing into Julian's eyes and burying his fingers in Julian's thick, dark hair. It felt even softer than it looked. "But it was only recently that I realized how much." He reached for the doctor's shoes, which he removed and tossed aside. "I have . . . wondered occasionally what it would be like to be with you," Julian admitted. "Your strength. Your knowledge. Your mysterious nature. I --" Garak put his finger to Julian's lips. "No words, dear Doctor. Just let me pleasure you." Julian nodded his understanding. --- Garak undressed Julian slowly, savoring the revelation of the young doctor's exquisite tawny flesh. "Just as I imagined you," he said appreciatively when Julian lay naked before him, "lithe, amply endowed, truly a living work of art. I've often wondered just how far those geneticists went in perfecting you." He bruised Julian's lips with a kiss, exploring Julian's body with his hands as he did. A soft groan escaped Julian's throat as Garak made love to him passionately, voraciously, almost brutally. Desire contained a bit too long had given Garak an insatiable hunger; semiconsciously, he endeavored to tell Bashir "You are mine" with his touch. He saw that he had left marks on Julian's sweet body, a few red fingerprints here and there on his shoulders, his waist, his buttocks, his thighs. Julian gave no complaints. But Garak deliberately avoided touching Julian's dick, which grew stiffer by the moment. And he knew what this was doing to him. "You want to come, don't you?" Garak rasped. "Please," Julian begged. "As soon as I wish it, I will allow it. But before I do. . . ." Garak quickly stripped out of his clothing, giving Julian a good look at his erection. "Impressive," Julian said truthfully. "It would seem, Doctor, that my touching your body has had its effect on me was well." Clearly, Julian realized what Garak wanted from him. He knelt before Garak and held Garak's dick, stroking it, teasing the head with his tongue. . . . "Yes," Garak whispered. He braced himself by leaning back against the nearby counter. "Yes, that's it exactly," feeling his orgasm approaching like a tidal wave. He groaned, eyes closed, as his body convulsed with pleasure and as the hot semen was expelled from him in a silver-gray stream. Once recovered, he took a deep breath and exhaled it in a contented sigh. His beloved doctor still knelt at his feet, gazing up at him in adoration. Some of Garak's come had splattered on Julian's face. Some of it ran down his slender arms. Some of it rolled between his legs. Julian reached down to dip his finger in one of the tiny mercury pools, stuck his finger in his mouth and grinned like a bad little boy. "Is it my turn now, Garak?" Garak said, "You've earned your reward." At Garak's request, Julian lay down on the table again. Garak bent over him and cupped Julian's balls in his hand, stroking the sac until Julian moaned and drew up his knees. "Do you like this, Julian?" Through a haze of ecstasy, Julian whispered, "Elim. . . . Don't stop. . . ." Garak smiled. "My given name," he remarked, "has never sounded better." He kissed Julian's lips again and started to go over Julian's dick with his hands. Human flesh. . . . So pliant. So smooth. So willing. Garak took a taste and found it pleasing. He gradually took more into his mouth, licking, swirling, sucking harder until Julian cried out with pleasure and squirmed in delight. "Elim," Julian moaned, "Elim. . . !" Garak knew that Julian was on the brink of coming now. He felt a tremor run through Julian's body, followed by the wild thrusting of the young doctor's hips and the salty taste of human come. Garak swallowed a little and then let the rest of the sticky, white liquid run over his fingers and onto Julian's warm-brown skin. A living work of art, he thought, admiring the masterpiece of naked Julian still weak from climax, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, dripping with the silver- cream swirls of his own semen mingled with Garak's. I could keep you like this forever. Julian slowly opened his eyes. Breathless, he said, "That was incredible." Garak caressed Julian's cheek. "I sincerely hope that this time will not be the last." "No, though it may be difficult to keep this -- us -- a secret for long on a station like this. And Dax especially will probably have a field day." He paused a moment. "I wonder if anyone heard us?" Garak smiled. "Possibly. You were quite verbal in your appreciation." Julian returned the smile modestly. "Now. Why don't I clean you up?" Garak found a towel and, reluctantly, removed the traces of passion from Julian's skin as best he could. Even more reluctantly, he watched as Julian hid his beautiful body behind his uniform once more, and Garak dressed as well. How long would it be before he could have the doctor this way again? Only time and circumstance would tell. But as Julian himself had said, this time would not be the last. --- The End