The BLTS Archive- The Opening Door #4: Static Electricity by Isla ( --- Disclaimer: Star Trek and its characters all belong to Paramount, Viacom, and Rick Berman. I'm just borrowing the characters for a while. This is fan fiction. I won't make any money from it. In fact, it's getting in the way of my gainful employment... Thanks to T'Aaneli and Hafital who took time out from their own writing to ensure that the vision I had inside came out. They also told me where I missed the mark. And I mostly listened. Okay to archive, but please contact me before archiving anywhere except ASCEM. Please send feedback. And I even take negative feedback; criticism just gets my creative juices flowing. --- I was at my desk, going through a pile of reports that had been waiting for me when I returned from shore leave. The trouble with shore leave was coming back to all the work that was waiting. It almost wasn't worth it. Almost. I picked up a report, and touched the image of the electronic signature: Commander Spock. I closed my eyes for a moment, summoning up a picture of him. The two weeks that we had spent together seemed like a dream, but my tanned skin from long hours on the beach and the bruises from his too-strong embrace told me it had really happened. I smiled to myself, remembering his touch, the taste of his mouth; my eyes widened when my door chimed. "Come." I felt myself blushing when he walked in. It was a pretty good trick: conjuring him up just by thinking of him. "Captain, am I disturbing you?" We hadn't been alone in the two days since we returned to the ship, but right now there was too much work to do, and he was here on ship's business. I kept my smile professional. "No, Mr. Spock, I'm glad to take a break from this pile of reports." Spock nodded and glanced down at the padd in his hand. "Very good, sir. Mr. Scott wished me to discuss with you the results of the efficiency testing we completed 2.4 hours ago." I put out my hand to accept the padd from my first officer. When our fingertips brushed against each other, I felt a jolt. Static electricity? No, I knew it was something else, and I settled back with a smile that was rapidly turning into something that wasn't so professional. I pretended to study the padd. "Spock, it seems like days since I've seen you." He still stood, my desk between us. "Captain, you saw me only four hours ago at a meeting of the department heads." I risked glancing up at him; his expression was serious, but there was a slight twinkle in his eyes. "That's not exactly what I meant." He didn't move from where he was standing. "I, too, miss your touch. However, my commanding officer has many tasks that he wishes me to complete in the next 24 hours. I am afraid that I cannot spare any time to satisfy my personal desires." I smiled, thinking of his 'personal desires.' "Your commanding officer? He sounds pretty demanding. A real hard ass?" He lifted an eyebrow. "He is very demanding. In every way. As to the firmness of his buttocks, if memory serves..." I was blushing again. Although I was enjoying the banter, if we continued, I wouldn't be able to keep myself from putting my arms around him. I put up a hand to stop him from continuing. "I don't think that's what you came to see me about." He nodded, accepting my gentle rebuff, and launched into a technical explanation of the test results documented on the padd in my hands. After a few questions, I said, "Looks good, Mr. Spock. You and Mr. Scott can check that off your list and move on." "Very good, Captain. If there's nothing else - " He waited.. "Yes, there is something else." I massaged the tension that seemed to be gathering in the back of my neck. We hadn't found a moment to make a graceful transition from being lovers on shore leave to being an overworked captain and his equally busy first officer, and I was messing up our first chance alone since we'd come back. "I can't believe that I'm not better at this." I stood up, but didn't move to come around the desk. "I know that we're both going to be busy for the next couple of days, but I'd like to have something to look forward to. Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night? Here, in my quarters?" But I was thinking, will you make love to me tomorrow night? Here, in my bed? His eyes fastened on mine, and with a slight smile, he said, "I will be pleased to join you for dinner, Jim." --- I visited Sickbay that afternoon. Other than the department head's meeting, it was my first encounter with McCoy since Jim and I had returned from shore leave. "Well, Spock, I have to thank you." "Thank me, Doctor?" "I don't know when I've seen Jim look happier. I have to admit that I had my doubts about sending him off on shore leave with a Vulcan whose idea of a good time is reading the latest scientific journal, but it looks like it was just what he needed." "There is no need to thank me, Doctor. I also had a very pleasurable shore leave." I looked down at the data padd in my hand. "I am here to assess your department's readiness to leave Starbase 17." He waved his hand at me. "No need to worry about us, Spock. I told you that I'd finish what I needed to before I went on shore leave. We're ready." He leaned forward in his chair. "I want details." "Details?" "About your shore leave with Jim." I could think of no details that I was willing to share with him. "I believe you had lunch with him the day we returned." "Yes, but he wasn't talking." "Are you suggesting that I should talk to you about something the captain prefers not to discuss with you?" In truth, I wondered at Jim's reticence; he and McCoy were very close friends. Although we had not yet discussed what we were going to tell McCoy about our changed relationship, I had expected Jim to tell McCoy some innocent details to avoid further questions. "Hell, Spock, I'm not asking you to betray any confidences. I'm just wondering what you did for two weeks - besides building sandcastles - " I decided it was best to tell McCoy some details rather than awakening his suspicions by being mysterious. "Has the captain ever showed you how to turn cartwheels?" McCoy had apparently been rocking forward on his chair; he rocked back with an audible thump. "He taught you how to turn cartwheels?" "It was a most interesting exercise. He also assisted me in improving my swimming ability. In addition, we played chess and engaged in stimulating conversation." "Did he meet anyone?" The question was unexpected. I dropped my eyes to my padd again. "No, Doctor. We were rather antisocial. We found each other's company sufficient; we spent only one evening at a local restaurant. Why do you ask?" "Because he's exhibiting the classic symptoms of 'being in love.'" I found that I was having a little trouble breathing. I rejected my impulse to run out of Sickbay; it would be wiser to allow McCoy to talk. "Indeed, Doctor? Do you mean classic symptoms for humans? Or for the captain?" "For Jim. Maybe I am wrong, but he's so damn happy! And, at the same time, he's calm. Content. I guess that's not really typical for Jim. I guess he's usually happy, but he's nervous, unsure. Well, you've seen him 'fall in love' before. It happens often enough." "Perhaps he is merely happy to be back on his ship after a relaxing shore leave." I discovered that I did not like McCoy talking about how frequently Jim 'fell in love.' "I would think that you would enjoy his happiness rather than questioning its source. Have I not heard you say, 'When the captain isn't happy, no one around him is happy'?" McCoy grinned. "Very true, Spock. So much for pumping you for information. I should've known I wouldn't get anywhere with you." "You must know that I will not disclose anything to you until the captain is ready to discuss it." From McCoy's change in expression, I realized that I'd made a tactical error. I had revealed that there was 'something' that the captain wasn't ready to discuss. McCoy crossed his arms and looked at me speculatively. "You know, that's not entirely true. You and I have gone behind his back a time or two if we thought he needed us to rescue him from himself. He doesn't like it, but he knows it's for his own good." I turned to leave. "This is not one of those times. Good day, Doctor." I am a fool. After all of our verbal fencing matches, I was disconcerted at how quickly I had fallen into McCoy's trap. I would be forced to broach the topic at dinner tomorrow night; I hoped it would not spoil Jim's appetite. --- I stepped out of the sonics, missing the water shower from our beach house, and walked back into my sleeping area to get dressed. I scanned through my almost non-existent selection of casual clothes. I had already rejected my uniform. Tonight, I didn't want to dress like a starship captain having dinner with his first officer. I rejected the shorts and shirt that I had lived in for the last two weeks as being too casual. In the back of my closet, I found a dark green top and matching pants. Where did this outfit come from? I decided that the color suited me, so I pulled it on, and moved out to my work area. I'd arranged to have dinner brought to my quarters by my yeoman. She'd brought a tablecloth, too, but even with that I was having trouble transforming my work area. The candles lit and the lights turned down low improved the atmosphere, but it could hardly live up to the patio of our beach house at sunset. Well, it would have to do. Five minutes; Spock would be punctual - not early, not late. I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly to release my tension. Today had been a long day - the latest in a series of very long days. When the door chimed promptly at 1930, I was standing nervously beside the divider between my work and sleep areas. "Come." I touched the control to unlock the door, and my first officer walked in. I was rooted to the spot, staring at Spock's uniform. His eyes swept over me. "Jim, I am sorry that I have not changed out of uniform. I had some unexpected delays, and I did not want to be late for my appointment with you. If you would be more comfortable, I will go and change now. I will return in five minutes." I was being ridiculous. Spock was still Spock with or without the uniform. "No, you're fine." I stepped forward and put my arms around his neck. His arms encircled my waist, and he pulled me close. "In fact, you're better than fine. I'm more than willing to take off your uniform." I smiled into his dark eyes. "Are you hungry?" "Extremely." His mouth came down on mine. Maybe it was the heat of his body that made me dizzy. I found myself pressed up against the screen divider with his hands under my shirt, caressing my back and my chest. "Spock?" My mouth was against his neck. "The unexpected delay? Anything that I should know about?" "Duty? Is it always duty with you, my Lasha." He took my chin in his hand and tipped it up to kiss my mouth again. "All is well, Captain. We will be undisturbed." It was much later before we ate, sprawled on my bed, sharing the now-cold dinner. The place settings were still on the desk, and we ate off the serving dishes, feeding each other with our fingers. "This is the most delicious dinner that I've ever had. And the most romantic." "Perhaps it is because you were very hungry." Spock's eyes were lit with an answering smile. He was completely relaxed, stretched out next to me. "However, I find your comment regarding romance peculiar. Did you not say that romance was not necessary between us?" "I was wrong." I brought his hand to my mouth, and kissed the pulse point on his wrist. "Do you know when I first realized that I was in love with you?" "Affirmative." He removed the last serving dish from the bed, pulled me into his arms, and began to place kisses on my neck and collarbone. "Don't you think it's an unfair advantage that you're a touch telepath, and you know what I'm thinking? Sometimes before I do." He rested his cheek on my chest, and caressed my side. "No, you are generally able to shield your thoughts. And I would never read your mind against your will. That night, you opened yourself up to me." I stroked one hand through Spock's silky hair. "Yes, I remember." About six months ago, we had spent an evening playing game after game of chess. I hadn't wanted the evening to end. --- We were arguing. About what? I couldn't remember, but I've always valued the fact that he was willing to disagree with me - as long as he didn't do it publicly in connection with a command decision. He looked very serious as he argued his point, but I was laughing. "You must be the most stubborn man that I know." "We are both stubborn, Jim. It is fortunate that we also respect each other. Otherwise, we would not be able to tolerate each other." "You're right. Remember how much we disliked each other at first?" "It is not accurate to say that I 'disliked' my new captain. However - " He paused and seemed to be thinking about how we had 'butted heads' at first. "I was mistaken about you." "And I about you." I impulsively reached across the desk to put hand my over his. The shock of the sudden physical contact left us both breathless. His hand closed tightly around mine, and our eyes locked together. --- Jim's fingers caressed my scalp, and I settled myself more firmly against him. "Spock, if you knew I was in love with you, why didn't you say anything? You knew what I was feeling, but I didn't know how you felt." "You were not ready. If you recall, you threw me out shortly afterwards." "I didn't throw you out." "You pleaded a headache and hinted that I should leave." "Last time I had a headache, you rubbed my temples, and it went away." "Yes, but that is not what you wanted that night." "I was an idiot." "No, you were afraid of what your feelings might lead you to do." "And it took almost dying to realize that I had to follow my feelings - " My arms tightened around him, remembering how empty I had felt when I believed that he was dead. "T'hy'la, you are far too precious to me. Promise me that you will be more careful - that you will not risk your life unnecessarily." "You don't own me." He sat up suddenly, jerking himself away from me. The thought came unbidden to my mind: he could be so very beautiful when he was angry. "No, I do not 'own' you. However, you must understand that I wish to 'own' you." I put out a hand, and I was relieved when he grasped it and raised it to his mouth. "The nature of the bond - " "Spock, I love you. My life is more precious to me because you're in it. But I can't promise that I'll change. I know that I sometimes risk my life, but I only do it when it's necessary. If you can't accept that - " He closed his eyes, and I felt him tremble slightly. "Maybe we should call this off right now. I don't want to hurt you." I brushed my lips against his, identifying his next shiver as one of pleasure. I pulled him back into my arms. "No, I was wrong to try to extract such a promise from you. You have always accepted me as I am. Apparently, I am still struggling with total acceptance. I cannot promise that I will always be happy with what you do, but I will not stand in your way." "I'm not sure about that promise, Spock. You have stood in my way before- even thrown yourself bodily in my path a time or two." We were silent a moment. He yawned and closed his eyes; I savored the feeling of contentment, the relief of relaxing after several stressful days. "Perhaps I should go. You need to sleep." I started to sit up. "No, stay. I sleep better with you beside me." His eyes were still closed. I lifted myself on one elbow to better evaluate his reaction to my words. "Are you certain? We never discussed how we were going to conduct ourselves when we returned to the ship." He opened his eyes, but did not move from his relaxed position. "I'm not ashamed of being in love with you, but I've always been a private person. It's nobody's business who I'm sleeping with. My preference is to be discreet, but not to be secretive. What about you? What ground rules would you prefer to set?" "Ground rules? On occasion, you tend to express yourself in terms more appropriate to athletic competition." I was pleased when he smiled. "I do not object to discretion. I wondered whether you would prefer to be so discreet that we confined our physical relationship to shore leave." "Considering how far apart our shore leaves have been, I don't think I could handle that. No, as long as we confine our physical relationship to our quarters, I don't see a problem." I was silent for a moment. "There may already be a problem." "Why, Spock?" He appeared too relaxed to feel concern. "Dr. McCoy cornered me in his office to ask about our shore leave. He wanted to know the reason for your happiness. He said that you exhibited classic signs of 'being in love.'" His smile widened as he turned his head to look at me. "There you go. Unsolicited outside testimony that I'm in love with you." I did not resist my impulse to run my fingers through his hair. "I do not require outside testimony." "No, you don't, do you?" He rolled from his back onto his side, so that we lay breastbone to breastbone. "Well, we agreed that we were going to tell Bones. We just didn't talk about when or what we were going to tell him. So what does he suspect?" "He believes that you met someone on shore leave." He looked at me with a faint smile and ran his finger from the tip of my ear, down the side of my face, to my chin. "I love looking at you. I love touching you." Then, his face serious, he said, "McCoy thought that it was someone else? It didn't occur to him that it might be you?" "No. Perhaps the fact that he knows that your leanings have always been towards blonde, curvaceous humans - " His smile dimmed somewhat. "I deserved that. I can't deny that I've had my head turned a time or two. But you've spoiled me for anyone else." I fervently hoped that was so, but I chose not to comment on that. "About the Doctor?" "You know, I was planning to tell him soon - I thought about the two of us having dinner with him tomorrow. Do you want to be there when I tell him?" "I am interested in his reaction." "So am I. But since he's been quizzing you for information, I'd like to keep him guessing for awhile. " I raised an eyebrow at that. "If you prefer. How do you recommend that I deflect his questions?" "Tell him whatever you feel like telling him. And if he's smart enough to ask the right questions, he'll get the right answers." "You prefer to make a game of it?" "You know how much I like to play." His smile was suddenly mischievous. "Perhaps you would be willing to demonstrate -" I pushed him back against his pillow, and moved my body to cover his. He laughed in pure delight before he pulled my head down for a kiss. --- The End