The BLTS Archive- Hembassik Blues by Invicta ( --- Part of the Garak fuqh-fest. Warning: This story contains graphic, consensual m/m sex & consensual violence. Note: Garak's thoughts are shown inside << >> brackets. Disclaimer: Star Trek DS9 and the Star Trek characters are owned by Paramount Pictures. All rights are reserved and no infringement is meant. Archiving: Only at the Garak fuhq-fest's Cardassian Choir website - - until 1st December. After that, anywhere as long as the full header and disclaimer are included. This story is Copyright (c) Invicta, October 2000. Feedback is most welcome. Many thanks to Shezan, who was my very helpful beta on this story. --- Night had fallen an hour ago, the terrible heat had abated somewhat, and the people of Hembassik city spilled out onto the streets to relax and enjoy themselves. It was officially autumn, although the temperature was always high and thus seasonal names were irrelevant. Hembassik was right down at the southernmost part of Cardassia. There was no hotter place on the planet. Cardassians loved warmth, but even to them the local weather could be very inhospitable. The city was surrounded by vast tropical forests which contained high mountains, deep lakes and raging rivers. There wasn't another populated settlement in any direction for more than three thousand miles. Due to their geographical isolation, the people of Hembassik had inevitably become rather insular. To them, the rest of Cardassia barely seemed to exist at all. Other parts of the planet possibly offered a better quality of life, but the inhabitants of this city usually had their reasons for staying put. Many of them resided there because they were fond of the extreme heat; some even believed that it was a sentient and holy force. Several religious groups where heat was worshipped were centred within the city's walls. The Fire Gods themselves had founded Hembassik, it was said, as a place for mortals to adapt to the flames of the heavens over the years, so that they would not burn up when they arose to be with the Gods at their death time. But to most city residents, the fierce warmth was just... there. They viewed it with tolerance and spoke of it as if it were an old friend. People shared a definite sense of pride because they lived, day after day, in conditions which most other Cardassians would not be willing or able to endure. Tourists, of which there were a fair number, were often surprised that the city's population never seemed to decrease. But most Hembassik folk loved their city, and valued its tall stone buildings, its many public squares and baths, its individuality and sense of community. The locals knew that other Cardassians thought them a little strange, and they found this amusing. However, Hembassik could also act as a very effective trap for anyone who did not possess enough money to leave. Three years ago, a man had gone with a group of other heat worshippers to Katashi tropical forest, just a few miles north west of the city. While there, he accidentally discovered a pure blue jewel, buried just below ground. It made him very rich. When news of this find spread across Cardassia, thousands of people travelled to Katashi forest via Hembassik. They hoped also to find precious stones there, for it was claimed that people living in this now famous city had so many jewels that they used them to pave the streets. But this was entirely false; of the multitudes who made their way into the forests and jungles to look for more jewels, very few were successful. Some prospectors even died from heat exhaustion, lack of food and water or insect bites. There were charitable organisations who tried to support them but their resources were limited, the jungles could be hazardous and it was impossible to protect everyone. Eventually, the rest of Cardassia learned that there were no more jewels being found. New people stopped arriving, most existing prospectors left and things got back to normal in the city. However, some of those who'd dug up the jungle had not kept hold of enough money for their shuttle trip back. This left them no choice but to stay in Hembassik for a time. If they took a job and saved diligently for a few months, then they usually amassed enough money to buy a ticket home. Most people knew that it was safer to get passage money the honest way. Law enforcement in Hembassik was extremely strict and efficient. Those who tried to steal enough cash to leave were usually caught and then harshly punished. This was the reason, the only reason, why Dukat had not committed a single crime since he first arrived in the city to make his fortune a year ago. --- Bar Kattaraya, 4th square, Hembassik western quadrant 19.00 hours Dukat and his friend Miso were sitting at a corner table in the bar's air-conditioned back room. The two men worked for the same building company and had been paid that day, so they possessed enough money to indulge themselves with an expensive night out. Both Cardassians were dressed in semi-transparent, sleeveless T shirts and very tight trousers; they had muscular bodies which they loved to show off. Each man drew his share of flirtatious or lustful glances from the bar's other customers, both male and female. Dukat and Miso hungrily lapped up the admiration like a cat laps up milk. True, no-one tried to pick either of them up, but they knew this might well be out of courtesy. Their observers would probably assume, incorrectly, that the two men were a bonded couple. "Another two beers," Dukat called out to a passing waiter, who nodded and went off to fetch the drinks. "You working tomorrow?" Miso asked. "No. Persuaded the boss to let me swap my down day with Kreltz. You?" "I got the day off too - my first in two weeks." "Mmm, we've been really busy finishing off the foundations on those new apartments. But hey, with a month's pay in our accounts and tomorrow off work, things are looking pretty good. You up for some action tonight?" Dukat asked with a knowing smile. Miso smirked. "What do you think?" Dukat laughed. "I think a man's got to relax after a hard day's work on a building site, yes? And there's nowhere better to relax than in the arms of a whore. That's the one thing I love about this miserable city; prostitution's legal. No more hiding in dark alleys like I used to do with the sluts back home." "Yeah, they're all respectable here," Miso commented with a grin. "How about we have another two or three drinks, then go along to the 22nd square?" Dukat was not surprised that Miso wanted to visit the square where the most beautiful male prostitutes plied their trade. "It's pay day, so I guess we could afford it. But that's not what I want tonight." Miso looked openly curious. "But Dukat, like you said, we just got paid. Why not have the best for once? You can go to those cheap and ugly ones in the 38th square any time." "I know, but..." The waiter brought their drinks and took payment for them. Once they were alone once more, Miso leaned close enough to whisper in Dukat's ear. "If you want to save some money for your ticket home, why not just hire one between us? A young stud could service us both in half an hour, and I know just the one we should pick. Remember that tall man we saw the other week, about twenty years old? The one with the long hair, that cute little nose and the really rounded ass? I want to bury myself right inside those big butt-cheeks of his. Come on, Dukat - let's have ourselves a good time, huh? I'll even let you go first..." Dukat smiled triumphantly. "A threesome? Always knew you wanted to get those sneaky hands of yours inside my pants, Miso." Miso grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "What can I say? You're a genuine love god, Dukat. A sullen, bad-tempered, mouthy love god, but still..." Dukat mockingly blew him a kiss. "Sorry, Miso. Some other time maybe, if I feel like doing you a favour, but you'll have to play there on your own tonight. I'm headed for the 29th square after I finish up this drink." "I didn't know you were into that scene," Miso said with surprise. The 29th square was where male prostitutes could be hired to submit to violent or painful sexual acts. Dukat had never even mentioned this type of sexual activity to Miso before, which was strange since the two men had detailed conversations about sex on a regular basis. "This is the first time." "Yeah, right." "I mean it," Dukat insisted. "I need this, Miso. It's to do with Anxal." Miso sighed. "Look, you really should forget about that man. Anxal's ancient history now. You spend far too much time brooding over him. You admitted that it wasn't love, so why worry over that relationship any more?" "Because he walked out on me and stole everything I had!" Dukat yelled. Miso rolled his eyes. "I know he did, Dukat. But the guy was a waste of space and it turned out that he wasn't to be trusted. You made a mistake; hey, we've all done it. It's easy to think that a pretty face equals a pretty nature. Anxal left Hembassik with all of your possessions and you haven't got the money to go after him. End of story, Dukat. Let it go." Dukat shook his head obstinately. "I can't forget. Nobody plays Savrin Dukat for a fool and gets away with it. I dug up that stinking jungle for six months, Miso. Six months!" he exclaimed with indignation. "Anxal and I were supposed to be equal partners, but I did most of the work. He kept saying that prospecting hurt too much because he had a bad back, and I believed him. Damn, he lied to me so often. Sure, he was a great lay, but I was a fool to trust him. I let my dick do the thinking, Miso - that was my big mistake..." "Yeah, I'm sure it was," the other man wearily agreed. He liked Dukat a lot, but in Miso's opinion it was about time that he let go of this particular grudge. "Then finally, *I* find a small jewel and we come back here to sell it and quit this damn place for good, go back to the north where we belong. It raised twelve hundred credits, more money than I'd seen in years. And I was totally happy for him to have half of it, because that was our agreement." "I think you told me this story already, my friend..." "But then we go out that same night to celebrate, he slips a drug into my drink when I'm not looking, I fall asleep and then he steals all the money, and everything else too. By the time I wake up the next day - dumped in the street - he's already taken a shuttle out of here. I end up stranded in this shitheap of a town with nothing to show for all that hard work. I hate him so much..." "You don't say," Miso replied with heavy sarcasm. "Dukat, listen to me. What Anxal did to you was tough, but you got back on your feet in spite of it. You found a job here--" "Construction work," Dukat said flatly. "Seven days out of every ten outdoors on some building site in the full heat of the day. I feel constantly suffocated when the sun is out. It's not my best career move, Miso." "But it's only temporary," Miso soothed him. He was careful not to pick up on Dukat's admission that the torrid climate caused him discomfort. Miso had seen other men notice this and tease Dukat about it, only to get repeatedly punched in return. Miso had been born in Hembassik and was used to the climate, but Dukat was a native northerner who couldn't adapt to the humidity of the south. It made Miso feel proud to know that his friend trusted him enough to mention this fact at all. He knew that Dukat would never openly admit how upset he felt about the temperature to anyone else. "I'm still a long way from being able to afford a seat on the shuttle to Denavaba City," Dukat complained. This was Anxal's home town, and the first place that Dukat intended to look for him. "Not that far. In just a few more months, you'll have saved up enough to go back. And by then, Anxal will be relaxed and he won't be so careful to cover his tracks, which will make him a lot easier for you to find." Mollified, Dukat smiled at him. "I suppose so." Dukat was a loner who didn't make friends easily, especially as he had a habit of striking out verbally or physically against anyone who annoyed him. And he was easily annoyed. But Miso was different; Dukat really liked him. The two men regularly went drinking and whoring together, and had a lot of fun in the process. Their friendship was built on the fact that they had much in common; both men were gay, middle-aged, single, rootless, rebellious, self-centred, distrustful of authority and almost always horny. Miso finished off his drink. "You know, you could always change your mind and come along with me tonight." Dukat threw him a light punch to the shoulder. "Thanks for the offer, but right now I've got a heart full of anger and I need to let it out. That's why I have to visit the 29th square." Miso looked a little concerned. "Don't do anything stupid, will you? I'd hate to see you end up in court on a murder charge. You know they have the death penalty here, and they're not exactly shy of using it." Dukat smiled. "I wouldn't worry about that. I've been told that those whores are tough - they can take a lot of punishment." "So can you, my friend, and I never met anyone tougher. Hey, maybe we just figured out a way for you to earn more money!" Dukat snorted with laughter. "I've had a lot of jobs in my life but prostitution has never been an option I've been willing to consider, Miso." "So you just prefer to give it away instead?" "Miso... what are you implying?" "Nothing," the other man said hastily as he noticed faint signs of displeasure on Dukat's face. "Just joking, honestly. I think it's time to go. Want to walk with me for part of the way?" "Sure." The two men needed to cross the city in order to get to the 'leisure quadrant', as it was officially termed. By law, prostitutes could only work at night and in certain specified areas of Hembassik. And although they could pick up customers on the streets, all sexual acts had to be performed indoors. The eastern quadrant of Hembassik was where most of the traders, companies and civic agencies had their offices. But in the hours of darkness, when the office workers had finished their shifts and gone home, that part of the city belonged to the whores. As they gradually made their way eastwards, Dukat and Miso chatted casually while checking out the men they passed and instinctively leering at the cute ones. After walking for about fifteen minutes, they reached the entrance to the 22nd square. It was already very busy and would probably get even busier as the night hours passed. "Have a good time, Miso. I'll see you at work the day after tomorrow." "Right. Hey, Dukat?" "What?" "Call me tomorrow. Just so I know you're not dead." Dukat was pleased that Miso felt protective enough of him to suggest this. "No problem. You're a good friend. For being concerned, I mean." Miso looked embarrassed and stared up at the sky. "You're a good friend too. I, erm, I'm glad we can... you know, spend time together. I never met anyone before who thinks like me." Dukat carefully gazed down to the floor. "I feel the same, Miso. Never had a friend before you; never wanted one. But you, you're... you're... " There was an uncomfortable pause which lasted for a minute or so. Then Miso cleared his throat loudly. "Maybe we could go swimming tomorrow afternoon?" Dukat nodded. "I'd like that. Say 14.30 at the Trels pool?" "Fine by me." Miso gave him a broad smile. "Go kick the shit out of someone, Dukat, before you lose your nerve." "Yes sir," Dukat replied with a wide grin. "See you tomorrow." --- In the 29th square, crowds of male prostitutes wearing identical thin blue robes and black sandals waited to be hired out. A few of them sported bruises, cuts or weals but most were unmarked. As the night progressed, it would probably be the other way around. Dukat could see that these whores were stronger and heavier than the slender, graceful creatures who were based at the 22nd square. There were many customers here also, some men arriving alone and others in small groups. Most of the prostitutes didn't have to wait too long to be picked up. Dukat studied the merchandise on display with a critical eye. Usually he bought a man for his beauty alone, but this time it was different. He wanted someone who was definitely strong enough to take the many blows which he intended to dish out. <> "Looking for someone?" Dukat turned around. One of the prostitutes was standing close by, a respectful look on his face. This man was a possibility, Dukat decided. His body was sturdy and he looked experienced. "Yes. I want a whore to beat up and then fuck," he replied deliberately. Dukat always went right to the point when it came to talking about sex. He believed that the men he hired preferred it that way too. <> "You came to the right place then," he replied with a slight smile. "My name is Garak. Might I be the man that you are searching for? I can cater to any preference and I'm very tough." <> Dukat's arm flashed outwards as he grabbed Garak's wrist, twisting it round as far as it would go. Dukat held on, waiting to see if the other man would cry out or try to pull away. But Garak remained quite still and silent. No sign of suffering showed on his face and he made no protest at this treatment. In fact, it didn't disturb him too much; Garak had been a prostitute for so long that his pain threshold was very high. <> Satisfied, Dukat released him after about a minute. "You'll do. I want you for two hours. What's the cost?" "That depends on how much I'm to be damaged. Will it be serious?" "Totally," Dukat assured him menacingly. <> Garak didn't even look concerned. "Three hundred and fifty credits, then. Anything short of death or permanent maiming is acceptable." Dukat hesitated. The sum Garak had named was almost a whole month's salary. He'd need to dip into his precious savings to pay for his living expenses over the next few weeks. It would mean that his ticket home would take even longer to obtain. Dukat decided that he didn't care. "Fine. Where do we go?" "I have a room in a hotel nearby." <> Garak led him out of the square and down a side street. During the short walk, Dukat started to wonder what would compel anyone to do this type of work. Sex for money he understood, it paid well enough after all, but being hired from this particular square could be dangerous. He wondered if Garak was a fabril addict; many whores were. Fabril was a dangerous drink. Doctors said that just one glass of it was enough to cause addiction. Most Cardassians didn't dare to sample it. Many people wouldn't even consume drinks which were the same yellow colour as fabril, just in case they were given it by mistake. But of course, some did choose to drink it, despite all the warnings. Usually they became dependent on fabril within days, and often turned to prostitution to afford it. Because fabril had to be imported from Romulus and could not be replicated, it was a dreadfully expensive drink Dukat idly speculated about why it was legal for people to drink fabril at all - the lawmakers usually banned anything that hot. Possibly it was because fabril didn't damage the health of those who consumed it, no matter how much they drank. Still, it was said that once addicted, they thought of little else but where their next bottle was coming from. "You like fabril, Garak?" <> Garak laughed softly. "No, of course I don't. Nobody with any sense would drink that rubbish. Do I look like a user?" "I suppose not, but I needed to check. I don't trust fabril addicts; they're too unpredictable. I like alcohol as much as any man, but I control my drinking - it doesn't control me." <> "I understand. So, is there any specific way that you would like me to act during our session?" Garak asked pleasantly. <> "What do you mean?" "Some of my clients like me to role play." "What for?" Dukat asked, looking puzzled. <> "Well for example, if they're angry with someone, then they like me to pretend to be that person," he explained patiently. "That wouldn't work for me. You look nothing like him." <> "Him?" "My useless, cheating ex-lover," Dukat spat out. "I see. We don't have to use role play, of course. I just find that many of my clients prefer it, because it gives them a predetermined reason for punishing me. I could always take the role of your previous lover's new boyfriend, if that would please you. Then we could pretend that I conspired with him to hurt you." Dukat's face cleared and he grinned ferociously. "That sounds... exciting." <> --- "You'll need to give me some more information then," Garak said lightly as they entered the hotel lobby. He led Dukat to a computer terminal, so that he could transfer three hundred and fifty credits into Garak's account. It was standard practice for the 29th square prostitutes to be paid before sex took place, as they were usually in no condition to collect their money afterwards. "My name is Dukat and he's called Anxal," he said, frowning ferociously as he keyed in his authorisation code. "We were partners, lovers, friends. At least, I thought so - he had different ideas. He stole from me and then ran out on me. He betrayed me." "I wouldn't make that mistake," Garak said wryly. He had noted the murderous expression which appeared on Dukat's face as he spoke of Anxal. <> "I'll get my revenge on him one day soon," Dukat vowed. "As soon as I save enough credits to cover the cost of a shuttle trip back to the north. But right now, he isn't here... and you are." <> "The transfer is completed. Come," Garak instructed him softly. They took the lift up to his floor and then walked down the corridor, passing a security guard on the way. Garak surreptitiously held up two fingers at this point, being careful to prevent Dukat from noticing the gesture. This told the guard that a doctor should be sent to Garak's room in two hours. The man nodded and made a note on his padd. He dealt with so many of these requests every night, he'd forget them if they weren't written down. Garak then led Dukat into his room. It had no windows and was quite small. The lighting was subdued and the air-conditioning unit was broken. Garak barely noticed the stifling heat but Dukat immediately felt uncomfortable. Every object in the room clearly had a specific purpose; most were there for Garak's customers to make use of. A double bed with multiple restraints attached. A big table close by holding whips, handcuffs, paddles, riding crops, canes, shackles, chains, metal bars, batons, butt plugs, clamps. More restraints on the walls, ceiling and floor. In one corner, there was a small table which held washing equipment; a bowl, two full water jugs, soap and towels. Another water jug, this one almost empty, was on the floor under the table. One thing the room didn't seem to contain was any medical kit, although Dukat didn't notice the lack of it. "What kind of a place is this?" Dukat asked scornfully. "You don't even have a replicator or a bathroom. Do you expect me to clean myself up afterwards with just the water in those jugs?" <> "It is rather primitive, I know," Garak said quietly. "I am sorry for that. I keep the water in the jugs to wash myself, because the bathrooms in this hotel are reserved for clients' use only. You'll find several of them at either end of the corridor, when you need one." Dukat nodded absently. His attention was now focused on the many objects which were piled on top of the large table. He'd never seen most of these things before, and to his dismay Dukat realised that he didn't know what many of them were used for. "I can apply any of these to you?" he queried, trying to act as if he played with multiple sexual implements every day of the week. "Of course," Garak replied, his voice polite. "For the next two hours, I'm yours - your slut, your possession. Treat me any way you like." Dukat smiled. It was not a pleasant smile. <> For all his anger, Dukat wasn't sure how to start. It seemed a little strange to attack someone when the man to be attacked had done nothing to deserve it. But Garak was very experienced in gauging the needs of his customers, and was fully aware that it would be necessary to provoke him. "So you're back, Dukat. Well, if you're looking for Anxal, he's not here. We heard you might be coming and he cleared out days ago," Garak said insolently. There was a slight pause, then Dukat allowed the role play to expand and include himself. "You're lying. Tell me where Anxal is. It's payback time for him." "I don't think so. Did you really imagine that you could possibly get to him, Dukat? That'll never happen. You're too stupid to track him down. Even if he was in the next room, you couldn't do it," Garak mocked. Dukat's eyes narrowed into furious slits and his body tensed, but he didn't move. <> "My name is Garak and I'm Anxal's new lover. It's such a relief for him, finding someone so much better than you to be with. He's always telling me how stupid you are, how gullible, how moody, how terrible in bed. Did you know that I've been his lover for years, even when he was seeing you? We conspired together to steal from you. I knew all about Anxal's plans, in fact I helped him to carry them out," he finished triumphantly. Dukat's patience had reached it's limits. He snatched Garak and slammed him against the wall. There was an audible thump as his head made contact with solid stone. "You took him away from me!" Dukat roared as his hands dug into Garak's neck. "Yes, I took him away. It was all my fault and there's nothing you can do about it," Garak said with a mocking smile. <> Dukat was now fired up with rage, and the scene they were enacting had become reality to him. It was no longer strange to blame Garak for his troubles, in fact it now seemed very natural. He pulled up both of his hands and repeatedly punched Garak. Watching his own fists slam into the other man's face, seeing Garak's look of triumph change to one of fear, was very uplifting. "No, please don't hit me any more," Garak begged. His mouth was swollen and a trail of blood ran steadily down from one cut lip. <> "You deserve this, you lying piece of shit," Dukat rasped. He could hardly believe how much this was empowering him. All of the anger and helplessness which he had carried around since his former lover ran off was fading away. It was almost as good as it would be if Anxal himself was in the room. "I'm not the one who was so incompetent in bed that his lover had to look for consolation elsewhere," Garak managed to say. As he expected, this taunt fired up Dukat's temper another few notches. The other man started slapping him heavily. The force of the slaps eventually knocked Garak down and he lay prone on the floor, fighting to catch his breath. Dukat smirked with malicious glee; this was sooooo good. "Get up and take what's coming to you," he snarled. <> "I can't. I'm not strong, like you. I can't take any more. Please stop," he whined. Dukat laughed heartily. "I've hardly begun, you snivelling excuse for a man." He aimed a hard kick to Garak's back, then another and another. "Ouch, no, no..." Garak curled up into a ball, making a vain attempt to evade the kicks which were now landing on every part of his body that Dukat could access. He started to sob loudly. "Have mercy, I beg of you. I didn't mean what I said before, really I didn't. You'll kill me if you go on this way..." <> "I hope I do kill you," Dukat said venomously. "You deserve to die. Then I'll hide out right here until Anxal comes back. I'll watch him find your body, but he won't have long to mourn over you - he'll be the next victim. I'll fuck him first, of course... just for one last time." Garak looked up at Dukat from eyes which didn't work very well at all now. "You wouldn't dare kill or fuck either of us," he taunted. "Anyway, Anxal told me the truth. You can't even get it up, can you, Dukat?" Dukat's face darkened and he looked insanely furious. "I'll show you who can't get it up, you slut." He grabbed Garak by the neck and dragged him onto the bed. After climbing on top, Dukat started to slap him again. By now Garak's face was heavily bruised and swollen, and he had to struggle to take in air. He felt the bulge in Dukat's trousers press against him, and knew that his client was almost fully erect. <> "I'm going to fuck you, Garak, to give you a taste of what Anxal used to beg for so often. He lied to you about me, but you'll see that for yourself soon enough." Dukat was grinning savagely as he ripped Garak's robe apart at the seams, intent on getting him naked as soon as possible. <> When Garak's robe and sandals had been removed, Dukat looked down at the other man's body with satisfaction. The marks of his assault were clearly visible. As Dukat roughly turned him over, Garak waited for the onslaught of penetration, but his client merely wanted to admire the heavy bruising on Garak's back and buttocks. "Please, sir... please don't hurt me any more," Garak begged. As he had expected, Dukat considered his new state of fawning submission to be both amusing and contemptible. "I've only just started, slut. Soon you'll really be sorry for what you've done to me. Thanks to you and that lying, scheming vole-turd Anxal, I'm trapped in this boiling city and I can't get away. It's so hot here, I'm hot... and you'll pay for it. Only you." <> Garak allowed himself to artistically shed a few tears of distress. Dukat merely laughed at him and climbed off the bed. He picked up a thin leather whip from the table. This was not one of the fiercest whips that Garak possessed, but it could still cut into flesh and cause significant blood loss. Garak remained silent and watched him carefully, assessing his mood once more. He decided that Dukat was angry enough to carry the rest of the scene through on his own now. As turned around to return to the bed, Dukat noticed the water jugs and decided to cool himself down with them. He realised that this would leave Garak without water to wash himself with later on, and this pleased him. "If everything in this room is mine to use, then so is this water," Dukat told him spitefully. Garak merely waited quietly on the bed for his beating to resume. Dukat poured two of the jugs over himself. The water sloshed down his fully-clothed body, soaking his clothes and splashing onto the floor. He enjoyed this sensation, even though the liquid wasn't cold. Then he noticed the third jug and picked it up. This one Dukat decided to use for drinking, because his mouth was uncomfortably dry. "Dukat, please leave me that water at least," Garak pleaded urgently. "I'll need it to clean up when we're finished here. Please don't use it, I beg of you. It's not proper drinking water anyway - it's only suitable for washing." Dukat was across the room in a second, to give Garak a slap so hard that he almost fell off the bed. A second and third blow quickly followed. By now, Garak had a severe headache and was feeling nauseous. He remained quite still as he was beaten, hoping that the session would come to an end soon. <> "Shut up! Don't dare question my actions in future or I'll give you worse than that," Dukat promised. He quickly drank from the jug and threw it aside once it was empty, then he retrieved the whip. Dukat repeatedly laid into Garak's back, buttocks and chest with it, relishing the sight of every drop of blood that was brought to the surface as his blows struck home. Each stroke of the lash seemed to have a discernible effect on Dukat's groin. As he applied it vigorously to Garak's prone body, his erection grew harder and harder. By the time Dukat had given him about a hundred strokes, Garak was sobbing and clearly distressed. The pain had reached a level where he could no longer control his own reactions to it. Not all of his clients could take him this far, but Dukat had strong arm muscles and had handled the whip with terrific force. Dukat, on the other hand, was having the best time of his life. He felt in control, he felt powerful, he felt magnificent. In the end, he stopped using the whip only because he could no longer ignore his body's need for sex. This slut was now clearly repentant; it only remained to fuck him and make sure he knew that Savrin Dukat was *never* unable to perform sexually. "Ever had a real man's cock up your ass?" Dukat said, his voice jarringly loud in Garak's ear. <> "No, never. Please, sir..." "Please, what? Please fuck me? No problem." Dukat unzipped his trousers and sighed with relief as his swollen penis sprang free. It was slick with natural lubrication, but Dukat wiped off as much of this as he could against a sheet. No point in giving the little bitch an easy time of it. Garak himself was not lubed up, since many customers liked to penetrate him dry. Dukat had never, ever felt so perfect. None of his previous sexual experiences, either free or paid for, had given him this transition to ecstasy. He laughed joyfully as he flipped Garak over onto his stomach, provoking a groan from the other man when his abused skin was rubbed against the bedcovers. Then Dukat pulled him up and plunged his cock into Garak's ass. Dukat had a fairly large penis, and since he hadn't bothered with lubrication or preparation, this was very painful for Garak. A scream was forced from his throat for the first time. "Don't pretend to dislike it. This is what you really wanted, isn't it?" Dukat hissed into Garak's ear as he quickly thrust in and out. <> "Yes. Yes, this is what I wanted. Fuck me hard, make it hurt, do me..." "I knew you were a dirty whore all the time," Dukat hissed triumphantly. He pushed in and out of Garak with explosive force. Garak's face twisted with pain and he was unable to prevent more tears, this time genuine ones, from falling. "Hurts... ahhhhhh...." As he fucked Garak, Dukat gripped the sides of his body so tightly that his fingers drew blood. The rhythmic force of his thrusts kept shoving Garak forward, and his head was thumped against the wall each time. After about fifteen blows, Garak started to lose consciousness. By the time that Dukat climaxed, he was out cold. --- When the doctor eventually arrived, he showed no emotion at the sight of Garak's battered, naked and unconscious body. Nor was he surprised to see that the customer who had caused these injuries had already left. When he had first started to practice medicine in the eastern quadrant, seeing the damage done to some of the prostitutes could make him cry. Nowadays, the doctor was able to maintain a solid emotional distance from it. He'd also learned how to cure severe wounds on the spot whenever possible, in order to avoid the need for hospital treatment. Most prostitutes wouldn't go to a hospital for anything less than a life-threatening injury. They knew that the diligent staff there would probably insist on keeping them in for observation overnight, if not longer. As this would prevent them from earning more money until at least the next evening, hospitalisation was viewed by the prostitutes as something to be avoided at all costs. The doctor spent an hour with Garak, concentrating on the major injuries to his body. He healed the wounds made by the whip but did not bother to work on the bruises or smaller cuts, knowing that Garak might decide to keep them in order to attract more customers. The doctor hoped that he would not be requested to come back and carry out the same process later in the evening. On this square, it was quite usual for prostitutes to need medical treatment several times a night. "Thank you for coming here, Doctor Vessai," Garak said as he returned to consciousness. The physician stopped studying the readings on his tricorder and looked up. "Awake, are you? How do you feel?" "Just fine," Garak said with a polite smile. The other man simply nodded; Garak gave the same reply every time he was asked this question. "I suppose it would be useless for me to ask you to take some time off, so that you can fully recover from these injuries?" "You know the answer to that." Garak made an effort to sit up, but Dr. Vessai pushed him back down again. "Not just yet; I haven't finished the treatment. "I need..." "Don't get up yet," Vessai insisted. Then he reached into his medical case and picked up a bottle of fabril. Garak stared at the yellow fluid, his face instantly alight with greedy anticipation. "Just one or two sips," the doctor instructed him as he lifted his patient's head up. Garak consumed the drink eagerly, then lay back on the bed. Waves of warmth and contentment shimmered through him as the fabril took effect. <> Vessai was watching him with understanding and resignation. He saw the expression on Garak's face change from discomfort to joy within seconds and sighed. "Garak, I don't approve of alcohol, especially a substance as deadly addictive as fabril. I carry it for medicinal purposes only. I gave it to you just then only because I can see that you don't have any left, and you're not well enough to go out and get more." "You're a good man," Garak told him. <> "And you're a fool. How long have I known you for?" "I'm not quite sure," Garak admitted. He kept no track of time and each day was almost identical to him, so the years passed by without him really being aware of it. "Well, I am - it's nearly four years. And you once told me that you've been drinking fabril and selling yourself since you were a young man. What age are you now - fifty or so? That's half your life wasted, and the best half too. I could get you into a rehabilitation programme tomorrow, if only you'd let me." "Wouldn't do any good," Garak said playfully. The fabril had taken him to his usual exalted place. As always, he found it unbelievable that anyone would strive to take that away from him. "Yes it would. You're worth saving, Garak." <> "I don't need saving." "Garak... please reconsider. Fabril is killing you." "You know that's not true," Garak said dismissively. "It is in every way that matters," Dr. Vessai insisted. "You're an intelligent, able man. You could have accomplished anything you set your mind to in life. But here you are, living a mindless, aimless existence without a single redeeming quality to it. You let yourself be used as a combined punchbag and fuck toy night after night, just so that you can get enough money for alcohol. Isn't that totally stupid, Garak? Don't you think so?" Garak giggled. "You sound so very disapproving. You should try fabril yourself, then you'd feel differently." "Heaven forbid," the doctor shuddered. "This poison really should be banned, then there'd be no more addicts." <> Garak gave him a faint smile. "There'll always be a market for fabril, whether it's legal or not. Even if you could 'save' me, as you put it, there are always others. I saw a man drink it for the first time today. Another new addict, probably one of many. I expect you'll meet him, in time." "There's room for that man in the rehabilitation programme too," Vessai hinted. <> Garak laughed tiredly. "Speaking for myself, I'd rather stay as I am. Why do we have this same talk every time you patch me up?" "Because I have to try." "I admire you for that," Garak said lightly. <> "But you never listen. When was the last time you spoke to your family, Garak?" <> "I can't recall exactly. Some time ago - I've been busy," he replied evasively. "How about the last time you took a holiday, had a meal at a nice restaurant, redecorated your home, spent time with friends?" <> "Are we done yet?" Garak asked in an irritated tone of voice. Vessai managed to hide his own anger. "Yes, I'm finished here. Put in your code." Garak entered his personal account details into Vessai's handheld computer and authorised a fifty credit payment for his medical treatment. "Thank you, Doctor." "No need to thank me; it's my job. Now you can go out and hire someone else to beat you up and undo my good work. But next time, I hope I won't be the medic who comes to treat your wounds. In fact, I don't want to see you again for a long, long time." Garak heard the bitterness in Vessai's tone and was puzzled by it. He was used to being lectured about his use of fabril; most of the eastern quadrant's doctors did so. But usually the discussions were good-natured, and over with quickly enough. "Have I done something to offend you?" Garak asked, failing to hide the fact that he didn't really care either way. "Not you personally," Vessai admitted. "Last night I was called out to treat another male prostitute, in terrible circumstances. The whole incident really made me think twice about fabril and the damage it does to people's lives." <> "Was he from around here?" Garak asked. He knew all of the 29th square men, although none of them were close to him; there was no room in Garak's life for other people. "No - the 26th square. He was one of six." Garak nodded to show that he understood. He'd worked in that square for a while himself some years ago. It was the place where groups of prostitutes who specialised in exhibitionism could be hired out. They were often in demand for events such as parties, weddings or business functions. "His name was Fredras," Dr. Vessai said. "He was very young, not even twenty. He drank fabril too. I treated him a few times and tried to persuade him to stop, as I do with you, but he wouldn't listen either. And now he's dead. He broke into a law enforcer's apartment, desperate to find enough money to buy another bottle or two. And they say fabril doesn't damage your brain! Who but an addict would be stupid enough to try and steal from an enforcer? He was discovered, he struck out and he was shot. I arrived at the apartment just before Fredras died. I couldn't save him. A man's life ended, an enforcer injured, his family traumatised - all because of some dirty, stinking alien alcohol. Why do you think the Romulans export it all to us, Garak? Because it's so dangerous, they don't want it themselves..." <> Garak sighed impatiently. "I'm sorry about this man, but everyone knows that you can't earn enough at the 26th to keep yourself in fabril. He should have come to work here instead. I would have been happy to teach him how to please our type of customer so that he could boost his earnings, in return for a small fee. Perhaps if this seems likely to happen again to someone else, you could suggest this to them?" Vassai repressed the urge to scream and shout. He could see that Garak thought he was being helpful. "Thank you, Garak. I'll keep your suggestion in mind. I want you to rest now, you understand? You could jeopardise your health if you don't." Garak shook his head. "I can't do that right now, but I promise that I'll rest soon." Vessai decided that it was useless to argue with him any more. "Until next time, then." "Until next time," Garak agreed blithely. He watched as Vassai went out of the door, then sighed with relief. It was a little while before Garak could find the strength to stand up. He could tell that Dr. Vessai had done a good job, however. There was still pain, but now it had subsided to what Garak mentally classified as 'under the surface pain', meaning that he could function in spite of it. His body was covered with dried blood and semen which would all need to be cleaned off. Still naked, Garak opened the door and limped slowly along to a bathroom, which he was in fact allowed to use. The security guard saw him pass but took no notice; it was a common enough sight. Garak had a quick shower and returned to his room. Despite Vessai's warning, he knew that he was well enough to go outside, and fully intended to do so. It took him about ten minutes to clean up the mess in the room and put on another robe, taken from a small stock of clothes which he kept in a suitcase under the bed. Before leaving, he picked up one of the water jugs and drank the remaining few drops. Downstairs in the lobby, Garak went to the hotel's office and paid the rent on his room. He then made his way back to the 29th square, for there would still be time to pick up another few customers before night ended. At dawn, Garak intended to buy himself a large bottle of fabril and settle down to spend the next seven or eight hours in a drunken haze. He had worked hard all night; he'd earned a little treat. --- Trazerab Road, Hembassik north quadrant 17.00 hours, the next day Garak swiftly walked along the street, checking the building names as he passed each one. He was wearing black trousers and boots with a grey shirt. His clothes were faded, stained and creased. The shirt also had a rip in one of the sleeves. However, Garak owned no other clothes except his robes, and a robe could not be worn during the day in case a law enforcer accused him of illegally soliciting for custom. He was both hungry and tired, so Garak intended to finish his business quickly and hurry back home for a meal and a short nap. He would have to be at work again in three hours, so there wasn't much time to waste. Garak was unsure of his own motivation for what he was about to do. Spite or sympathy, he really couldn't tell. Either way, he'd find a form of satisfaction in it. When he located the right building, Garak walked into the main corridor. The ground floor contained shops but there was living accommodation on the other seventeen floors above. Garak took the lift to the fifth floor and made his way to apartment G568. He then pressed the doorbell and waited. There was no immediate response, which did not surprise Garak at all. He touched the bell once more. --- Dukat felt dreadful and he could not understand why. Ever since he'd woken up at noon, he had suffered from dizziness, stomach pains, severe headaches, fever and the most terrible thirst. As he rarely got sick, Dukat decided that his illness was caused by food poisoning. He remembered buying some soup from a street seller right after leaving work the previous day; it must have been undercooked. Earlier on, Miso had come over to the apartment for a while at Dukat's request, bringing some medicines with him. These hadn't helped, in fact Dukat was feeling worse by the hour. He decided that he would have to get over to the hospital soon for treatment. And once he was healthy again, Dukat intended to find the soup seller and beat him to a pulp for this offence. When the doorbell sounded, Dukat did not feel well enough to get up from the sofa and take off the security lock. However, the chime continued to ring out. It was a loud noise and he was unable to ignore it. Cursing, Dukat managed to raise his body upright. His balance was so unsteady that he staggered in the direction of the door and slumped against the wall. Dukat deactivated the lock, expecting to find that Miso had returned. He was astounded to see that Garak was waiting outside instead. "What is this? If you want more money, forget it; I paid you plenty last night." <> "I haven't come here to ask for money. I need to speak to you about something else. It's urgent and very, very important," Garak stressed. Dukat didn't care. "I'm not feeling good. Come back some other time." He moved to close the door, but Garak anticipated this and quickly stepped inside. "I told you to leave," Dukat snarled menacingly. "If you don't get out, I'll make you regret it." Garak grinned; it amused him to be threatened by a man who was having to work hard to prevent himself from falling down. "I know what's wrong with you, Dukat. I know why you're ill." "What do you mean?" "You're at the first stage of fabril withdrawal," Garak told him bluntly. Dukat paid no attention to him. He made his way to the sofa and flopped down onto it, unable to stay on his feet any longer. "Go and call me a doctor," he commanded. "I think I ate some bad soup." Garak stared at him. "Dukat, didn't you hear what I just said? What you're going through is a direct result of you not drinking any fabril for more than a few hours. You're a user, Dukat, even though you don't yet realise it. You are a fabril addict." Dukat laughed scornfully. "You're just trying to scare me. Well, it's not working. I never drink that yellow trash - never. Now you either get out of my apartment or when I'm feeling better, I'll hunt you down and kill you." "Dukat - the fabril was in the water jug. The one underneath the table. The one you drank from. Remember it?" Dukat's eyes bulged and his mouth dropped open. "It was... the taste was bitter. I assumed it was mineral water." "No; not water at all. Pure fabril. You drank my last stock of it. Just as well the jug was less than a quarter full..." Dukat shook his head, desperately wanting to reject what he was being told. "You're lying, I know you are. This is some kind of trap. Anyway, the liquid in the jugs was clear and fabril is yellow, so what you're claiming is impossible." Garak smiled faintly. "Two of the jugs were full of water, but the third was not. I added a harmless dye to that one; this gave my fabril the appearance of water by removing its colour. It seemed like a good idea at the time... You have to understand that almost all of the 29th square whores are users. If anyone runs out of fabril and can't get the money to buy more, then they steal other people's. I had three bottles of fabril taken from my room in as many weeks before I came up with this idea. I couldn't know that you'd choose to drink what was supposed to be washing water. None of my other clients have touched those jugs. I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't listen..." Dukat stared at him uneasily. He felt completely sickened, for by now he had realised that Garak was speaking the truth. "But you told me that you weren't a user. You told me--" "I wanted your business; I lied." "All right, so I drank it. Once. Just the once. I'll go through some bad symptoms and then I'll be fine. The fabril will work it's way out of my body in a day or two," Dukat said with defiance. Garak smiled. "No it won't. Once is enough, once is all it needs. You're now a user, just like me. The symptoms of fabril deprivation don't stop, Dukat. They just get worse and worse until you can't see anything but the need. There are rehabilitation programmes of course, but I never heard of anyone who was cured by them, despite what the doctors claim. And frankly, there isn't any need to *be* rehabilitated. I know what you really need, Dukat. I know what will make you well again." Garak reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a small bottle of fabril. As Dukat lay there, watching him with horror, Garak removed the bottle top and drank half of the contents. Then he held the bottle out to Dukat. "Consider this a gift. An apology, if you like, for accidentally making you addicted." "I'm not addicted!" Dukat snarled, his face twisted with rage. He wanted to reach out and smash the bottle away, but he was too weak to do anything but stay where he was. Garak knelt at his side and held the bottle up so that Dukat could clearly see it. "I'd reconsider, if I were you. Two or three minutes, that's all it takes to get back to normal again after you drink some. Better than normal - it puts you on a high afterwards that nothing else in the universe can equal. Drink it. I promise you, you'll never regret it." "You must be insane," Dukat hissed. "The fabril must have rotted away your mind." Garak smiled tolerantly. "You say that because you're still thinking like a non-user. I feel so sorry for people who don't use it. There are so many misconceptions about fabril; everyone who has never experienced its benefits views it negatively. But after you start using properly, everything is different. It is so wondrous, Dukat. One or two glasses of fabril will take you to another world. Imagine being in a cold and empty street, then suddenly you see a secret doorway. You open it, step inside, and there's paradise all laid out and waiting for you. I'm not doing it justice, I know. Mere words can't make you see what fabril gives. And the full effect of it cannot be felt until it has been within your body for about fifteen hours, so you only had a glimpse of its potential last night. Drink some more fabril and you will see the truth for yourself. Then you'll wonder how you ever managed to survive without it." Dukat was almost shaking with fear. "Never! I don't need this. I won't turn into someone like you, letting my life drain away into nothing, a mental vacuum, ruled by a bottle. I'm stronger than that, I'm much stronger. I'll fight this and I'll win. Now get out of my apartment, whore. You've had a wasted journey." His face expressionless, Garak stood up and put the fabril bottle onto a nearby table. "I'll leave it here, in case you change your mind. I expect I'll see you soon, Dukat." "We won't meet again," Dukat said hoarsely. "Unless I hire you to finish what I started last night, that is." "Now that's very unlikely to happen," Garak told him briskly. He went to the window and stared dreamily down at the busy street below. "You see, fabril doesn't walk away from you that easily. After the first drink, you feel only the thirst for more. Soon that desire overpowers you. You start consuming fabril more and more frequently. Within a week or so, you've spent all your wages on it, but it's not yet time to be paid again. So you sell anything you have which is worth something. Maybe you borrow or steal from friends or family too. You get credit, take out loans. But it's not enough to buy all the fabril that you want. So you take a second job, and it's still not enough. Probably you lose one or both jobs soon anyway, because you can't concentrate on them properly. Eventually, when there isn't any other option, you exploit the only source of income you have left - yourself." Garak turned back to Dukat, who looked completely terrified, and gave him a cheerful smile. "I'll see myself out, shall I?" He left the room without waiting for an answer, leaving Dukat and the bottle alone together. --- Epilogue - 22 years later Maximum security unit, Hembassik city prison 19.00 hours Two old men had occupied the seventh cell in the unit for the last five days. It was a large corner cell, warm and well lit. The furniture was basic but the room was clean and the beds comfortable. They were brought plenty of nutritious, tasty food and given frequent opportunities to leave the cell for bathing or exercising. But for Garak and Dukat, both going through severe withdrawal symptoms after being denied all access to fabril since their arrest, Hembassik prison was the heart of hell itself. Garak hazily thought that they must be about due for another injection of DxD, the drug that was supposed to totally repress the devastating symptoms of fabril withdrawal. Like many users he had nothing but contempt for DxD, a drug which usually caused severe side-effects. Certainly it didn't make him feel any better, but DxD did seem to ease Dukat's suffering for an hour or so. He glanced up at the vidmonitor impatiently and pointed to his friend, who was flat out on one of the beds, heavily shivering and uttering pitiful whimpers of discomfort. Garak hoped that they would take the hint and bring some DxD in, but nobody came. <> After a few minutes, Garak got up and went over to Dukat. He lay down next to him, in the hope that his own body heat - slight though it was - would help Dukat to get warm. Ironic that this man, who had complained about the southern heat to Garak on a regular basis for years, felt so very cold now. "I let you down," Dukat whispered, his teeth chattering. "Don't be stupid." From Garak's point of view, they were equally responsible for what had happened. "I am to blame." "Why? Robbing the Pattafra Bank was my idea. We used my plan to do it and we were well and truly caught. I wasn't as smart as I thought, my dear friend." <> Dukat shook his head. "No, yours was a good plan. I was the one who ruined it by killing that security guard. You told me to run, not to fight him, and I took no notice." "His death was an accident, one which wouldn't have happened if you had not started to panic," Garak reproved him, but very gently. "You're right," Dukat snivelled. "And because of my actions, we both received the death penalty. If it had just been attempted robbery, then we would only have served about ten years in prison. As it is..." "We die tomorrow morning at dawn by lethal injection." "My fault," Dukat said solemnly. Garak laughed. "Our fault. Hush now, Dukat. Don't blame yourself. It was a gamble and we both knew it. I'd rather go quickly, wouldn't you? Better this way than spending years without fabril." Dukat shuddered at the thought of that. "Isn't there any chance that they'll bring us some tonight?" "You know that I have asked them, many times. They insist that it's impossible. They are deaf to our pleas, Dukat. They just don't care." "They still deny us, even on our last night?" Dukat queried incredulously. "Oh, yes. They won't break the law to help the likes of us. Now that fabril is illegal, the guards could be prosecuted if they procured any." <> "I'd get fabril for someone else... if they really needed it." <> Garak chuckled. "But you know how horrendous it is to be deprived of fabril; these people don't." The cell door opened and two armed guards entered, escorting a prison physician. "How are you both feeling?" the doctor asked. His cheerful manner was obviously feigned. Garak could see that the man felt uncomfortable to be in their presence. It was, he supposed, difficult to know how to interact with people who would be dead in half a day. Garak had been treated by hundreds of doctors in his lifetime, and he usually made some effort to maintain good relations with them. However, he was definitely not inclined to be nice to this one. "My friend Dukat is very ill, as am I. If we could be given some fabril, our last hours would be bearable. As it is, we suffer torments that you can barely imagine." "You only have yourself to blame for that," the doctor said defensively. "Everyone knows how addictive fabril is. If you hadn't drunk it in the first place--" <> Garak glared at him. "Apply that faulty logic to myself if you wish, but Dukat became a user against his will when he drank fabril by mistake. Give him some of it, at least. It would be a merciful act." The doctor looked annoyed now. "Even if I were willing to commit a crime, which I am not, let me point out to you that fabril is extremely expensive." "I am well aware of that," Garak replied tartly. "Ever since it was declared illegal two months ago, fabril has to be smuggled in from Romulus and bought on the black market. The price of it has tripled already and it keeps on going higher. Why do you think we turned to bank robbery in the first place? Even working every hour of every night, we couldn't earn enough from prostitution to cover our alcohol bills any more." The doctor looked at him scornfully. "Ah yes, I forgot that you two are street whores. I can't imagine why anyone would want to hire you. You're old..." Garak laughed derisively. "Yes, we are old. Our hair is grey, Dukat suffers from high blood pressure and I have difficulty in walking far. To you, that means that we could never be the object of anyone's desire. But many older men like to use prostitutes of their own age; it makes them feel more comfortable. There's always business to be had, even for people as ancient as us." <> "But not enough, it seems. Why else would you have turned to crime?" the physician sneered. "We tried to manage on our legal earnings," Garak said quietly. "When fabril was first banned, we cut down on meals to pay for it - maybe you haven't bothered to notice how thin we both are? Then we gave up our hotel rooms and slept in the street. But the price of fabril regularly increased and we just never had enough money to buy all that we needed..." "That's your problem, not mine," the doctor replied rudely. "No, it is Hembassik's problem," Garak said angrily. "By making fabril illegal, this city has created a monster. People like us are getting desperate. We won't be the only ones who try and steal money to--" "I'm not interested, whore. Now shut up and remain still while I complete your injections." He quickly gave both men a shot of DxD and left the room without a backward glance, the guards following. Garak watched wearily as the door was closed and locked behind them. "In the old days, I would have beaten him senseless for daring to talk to us like that," Dukat said faintly. "Of course you would have," Garak agreed. "You were very strong back then. You didn't tolerate any disrespect in others." <> "It's true; I was stronger than them all. But Garak, I never went back for Anxal. He stole from me, deceived me - I should have taken my revenge on him..." <> "There wasn't any time for revenge. You'd have lost at least a week of earnings," Garak said dryly. "Yes, I couldn't afford that. And Anxal really didn't matter so much - afterwards." "Who does?" Dukat's shivers had slowed down and he was getting sleepy. "We used to be so strong. And I was so beautiful..." "You still are. Rest now," Garak told him firmly. Better that Dukat sleep away his final hours than spend them awake, pining for what he could no longer have. "I will. Garak... is there fabril in the afterlife, do you think?" Dukat whispered, his voice hopeful. Garak's amused laughter echoed around the cell. "If there is, I promise you we won't rest until we find it." --- The End