The BLTS Archive- Slow Hands Story Two in the Kathryn, for The Very Last Time Trilogy by Delta Story ( --- The lights were at 60% in his quarters when he opened the door to her. True to their earlier decision, they both were in more casual attire, but Janeway’s sharp intake of air matched the startled expression on her face. She had worn an old jersey shirt over some baggy pants, but her first officer met her wrapped in a short kimono, wrapped loosely and tied languidly around his dark torso. "What’s the matter, Kathryn... never seen this little on a man before?" he asked somberly. She stiffened her posture. "Well... I know we decided on casual, but... but..." "Oh, come on... I know you’ve had massages before. The doc said you used to come to him regularly for them." "Well... he got a little bit too into them... if you know what I mean. After all, I’m not as young as I used to be!" Chakotay tried to belay the chortle that rose within himself. "Ah... well, yes... but then, none of us are anymore." His eyes captured hers as he quietly continued. "But, really... you should get undressed for this." "You’ve got to be kidding!" she retorted. "Okay... wrap your self in a sheet then," he compromised. He walked to his storage area, and pulled from off the shelf a flattened white bundle. "Here... fresh and clean from the replicator." Janeway took the sheet from him, and backed towards his bathroom. When she got there, she turned quickly and entered just in front of the closing "whish" of the door. Within a minute, she reappeared, swathed in the voluminous folds of the sheet. His answering eyes reflected the merriment of his idea a couple of nanoseconds before the grin appeared on his face. ." He paused, as his thoughts continued "All right; that’s better. But now... you must trust me... *completely* trust me," he stated softly. She smiled back at him. "You know that I trust you." He reached over to her, gently plying her clasping hands away from the covering material. Her eyes took on a deer-in-the-headlights look as he slowly pulled back and removed the thin sheet that covered her. Her panic in her eyes quickly changed to horror and then embarrassment. . He answered her multi-expressioned look with a calm, objective statement. He seemed oblivious to the naked form of his captain in front of him. "Kathryn, I'm going to place the sheet on the floor. Then, I would like for you to lie down on it... on your stomach." "On my stomach?" she queried incredulously, still shocked that she had allowed this to happen. "Shhhh," he murmured, as he helped her into position, and then shifted positions himself. "Just put yourself into my hands..." Kathryn followed his request, allowing him to place her arms parallel to her body. She closed her eyes once more, sensing that he was moving up towards her head, straddling the top of her head with his muscular thighs. She smelled the salty muskiness of his body, and ached to take control of the situation on her own, but kept her promise of trust. Her acute ears heard him rubbing his hands together, detecting the sounds of muffled blowing, as he continued to rub his hands. Then... silence. Suddenly, she felt him. His broad hands, opened into their massive expanse, placed themselves in the small of her back. Slowly, he pulled them up her back to her neck, his fingertips barely making contact with her body. He repeated the movement several times, each succeeding one a little firmer in its touch, bringing internal shivers to her. The movement began yet again, but this time each hand was moving in large concentric circles -- his right hand moving clockwise; his left, counterclockwise -- up her back. As he reached her shoulders, he took the time to gently knead the muscles in each area until he felt her finally succumb to his pressure. He again moved to her lower back. This time when he touched her, he had brought the fingertips of each hand together, into a tight circle of finger pads. With the slightest contact, he ran the firm fingertips up either side of her spinal column, repeating the movement several times with an increased pressure each time. Her breathing became slower and deeper with each pass of his touch. Suddenly, there was a change in the fingers. They had spread, and his was walking them up and down, like playful crabs skittering across the surface of her back. The flutter of fingers stopped momentarily, as he deftly shifted positions, quickly moving towards the lower part of her body, and straddling her legs. As she felt him move, she wanted to reach out and grab him... she already missed the warmth and aroma of his body hovering over her face and head. But he did not give her any time to reflect. His hands were once again placed in the small of her back, but this time they moved lower. In syncopation, his hands began a rhythmical circling down to her buttocks, until his fingers lightly grasped some of the firm tissue and lovingly worked it. Slowly he began, not wanting to hurt her... starting at the center of each area, and moving out to the sides. He now gently picked up the sides of each hip and rolled them in his hands for a few seconds, before allowing her body to regain its completely prone position. A repeat of the broad circles across her rounded buttocks led into massaging of the entire area, back up to the small of her back... and then down to the tops of her thighs. He bunched up his fingers as before, leading them down onto the defenseless surface of her back thigh. "Chakotay," she suddenly said, as his motions brought a release of tension of her external muscles... and a tightening of her internal ones. He sensed the changes that were occurring to her, but remained resolute in his mission. He switched to long strokes of her legs, starting on the top and finally caressing the soft insides of her legs. All the way down...all the way up, careful not to touch anything but her legs. Her breathing was slow, but frequently it was caught in short, irregular gasps as he continued. His fingers gently grasped the muscular tissue of her legs, starting at the tops, and worked in a molding motion all the way down to her ankles. He took each foot between his hands. With his miraculous fingers, he found every ragged nerve fiber in them and teased away any residual tenseness. He took each toe, not wanting to deny these ignored parts of her body their time of contentment, carefully pulling and stroking each one. Small whispers of delight came from the woman beneath him. When he was satisfied that her legs had been ministered to appropriately, he applied long, upward strokes, bringing him once more to her back. He stopped momentarily at the small of her back. Leaning down, he planted several kisses in the deep, dimpled crevice. His tongue quickly anointed the area with its wet warmth, followed by the relaxing kneading strokes of his healing hands. Her arms became subject to his tranquilizing touch... long penetrating strokes down their lengths several times, followed by deep, firm massage. He moved to her left side and took her left hand between both his hands. He turned the palm up, and allowed his fingers to trace their dancing designs of small circles across the surface. Beginning with the smallest finger on the hand, he patiently massaged each finger, from base to tip, several times. He repeated the motions with her other hand. While still holding her right hand, he moved himself into a position above her head. He took her left hand. Pulling her arms above her head, he twined his fingers with hers and in a chorus of movement, massaged all of her fingers at once, stretching and pulling them into compliant submission. His fingers continued this grasping movement down and around her hands, until his fingers completely encircled her wrists. He lowered her arms to the floor surface. He knelt down, and, taking each hand in turn, with cat-like strokes of his tongue he languidly licked the exposed palm surface of each hand. The cool air of the room felt cooler still as his moisture evaporated from the warm, dry surfaces of her hands. The assault on her senses was not over, however; for now, starting with the thumb on her left hand, he grasped each digit in his mouth , as far down as its joint with her hand, and closed his lips around their find. He slowly withdrew each appendage, anointing its length with his sweet wetness. Her sighs obliterated her senses to his next moves. He released her right hand, and gently rolled her body over, so that she was now on her back, as he himself assumed a new position of straddling her lower body with his legs.. He placed his hands on her shoulders, and, barely touching her skin, skimmed down the long length of her body in long, sure strokes, stopping only when he reached her groin. Another time.. and yet a third... and his hands finally came to rest at the tops of her legs. Like butterfly wings brushing against sunflowers on a summer’s day, his fingertips delicately beat against the soft, sensitive inside areas of her legs, only to whisk up and outwards at the crevices between her legs and pelvis. Her arms instinctively rose to guide his hands to another place of delight, but she caught herself short, willing herself to submit to his tender, torturous touch. Just when she thought that it was impossible for him to arouse any other feelings from her, he leaned down and flicked his ever-moistened tongue across the receptive skin of her abdomen. The satin sheen of moisture was starting to evaporate when he hastened the job by blowing warm whoofs of air from his mouth over her, bringing cascades of shudders from her. His moisture was disappearing from the surface, just as more was beginning to form rivulets inside her. His hands moved upwards, alternately massaging and stroking until he came to her sides directly under her arms. His hands remained motionless. He silently leaned down and caught a nub of the soft, sensitive flesh of her underarm between his teeth, barely holding onto it. A series of gentle nips made her catch her breath, as paroxysms of sensation soared throughout her body. Chakotay tenderly slid his hands inwards, allowing his fingers to palpitate her flesh as they moved, until his hands encupped each of her breasts. His thumbs began making lazy circles across her breasts, meeting their matching index fingers at her nipples. The dimpled tissue was firm and erect, anticipating the arrival of his touch. In a single movement, he delicately pinched and stretched each tit upwards, urging her entire body to follow their movements in an elegant arch. He released his hold, still supporting her as she eased back into her prone position. He now took each nipple in his mouth, tugging and tasting her sweetness; re-igniting the implosions within her. As quickly as he had started, he stopped. Leaning down, he encompassed her mouth with his. She raised her arms, this time allowing herself to wrap them around his broad torso. Her hands eagerly explored his body, as each of their mouths greedily gulped that of the other. Finally, he drew back. He gazed into her gleaming eyes, and, smiling broadly, he asked, "Kathryn, for the very last time...are you relaxed now?" Looking up at him, she hastily licked her lips in feral anticipation, and she huskily responded, "In all but one way; what can you do about that?" --- The End