The BLTS Archive - Prism Fourth in the Jack series by BratKatze ( --- This is rated NC-17 for highly disturbing language and sexual situations. Proceed carefully. The good guys are Paramount no infringement intended, the bad ones are all mine. --- If Tom thought arriving early for his shift would forestall the inevitable interview with the Captain he was sorely mistaken. Olmark, the Gamma shift watch commander, was waiting for him. Tom had barely set foot on the Bridge before the Bolian's deep voice rang out. "Captain wants to see you in her Ready Room Paris." For a moment Tom froze as twenty pairs and one single eye turned to regard him, their expressions mostly hovering between open disgust and speculative curiosity. One, Martinelli the little Maquis who worked Ops sent him a shy smile tainted with something more than sympathy. Tom returned their regard, holding their gaze with supreme nonchalance. If they had thought to disconcert him, they were mistaken. He'd stared down and been stared down by the best. The Gamma Bridge crew didn't even rate. Tom allowed himself a smal= l smile as one by one the eyes dropped and crew returned to their duties, all except the little Ops officer. She matched his look and in the end it was Tom who broke, unable to bear the sadness reflected there. "Now, Mr. Paris. The Captain." With exaggerated grace, Tom sketched Olmark a bow and sauntered to the Ready Room. Whispers that were not whispered echoing behind him. "I hear he was passed out drunk." "I heard he was in bed with Seven." "I heard Kim finally beat the crap out of him." The innuendoes didn't bother him. He'd been called and been worse. It didn't matter what the crew thought. He had little care for their opinion in general. It bothered him that the Captain might think these things of him, but he had long since given up proving himself to the crew. There was only so much bitter disappointment a body could take before it gave up. He had too many wounds from those who 'cared' about him to bother with those who didn't. The Captain was ready for him, waiting behind her desk, the stern expression of her face softened by the concern in her eyes. Not for the first time, Tom allowed himself to fall a bit in love with her. "You wanted to see me Captain?" "Come in Tom. Sit down." Janeway indicated the seat on the outside of the desk. The "hot seat" as it was called. Tom had sat there often enough to know how "hot" it could get. There were two seats in Janeway's ready room, the hot seat and the coffee seat. If you were called into the Ready Room and shown the couch you were in the coffee seat; more than likely the Captain would offer you a cup, advice, a promotion, or a shoulder to lean on. If you got the hot seat and you were lucky, you'd be in for one of Janeway's famous talks; the unlucky ones got a verbal flailing that would leave scars on even the hardiest of men. Harry was well acquainted with the coffee seat, but Tom rarely sat anywhere but the seat Janeway was now indicating. "Tom, do you care to explain what happened yesterday?" "I'm not sure I can Captain." "Try mister." Tom sighed. She was not going to give him any quarter. He didn't deserve it. "I just overextended myself a bit Captain. And needed a break." "Were you drinking?" "What did Chakotay tell you?' "Answer the question Tom." "No Captain. I'm clean. Honest. It was more a physical thing. I'd overdone some exercising that night and was exhausted actually." She peered at him a moment. Concern flared briefly. "Have you seen the Doctor?" "No." "I think you . . ." "Captain, please. I just got too involved with something, lost track of the time, and didn't get enough sleep. It's no more than that. I'm sorry." She was looking at him with something like pity now. She thought she figured it out. He hated that look on anyone, on her most of all. "Tom what's wrong? Is it because of Harry and B'Elanna?" She spoke gently as if he were fragile, crippled, emotionally infirm, she leaned forward, her hand resting lightly on his sleeve. "No ma'am, it's just about me." She hated it when you called her ma'am. He'd used it deliberately to tell her she gone too far, gotten too close. The message was understood and acknowledged. She withdrew her hand and leaned back in her chair, lips pursed. "You do understand I will have to discipline you." "Yes Captain. I understand. It's Ok." "I doubt that, but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. Very well, holodeck privileges are suspended for a week and you'll put in extra shifts with the Doctor in sickbay. If this happens again you will be staying in sickbay; as a patient. Is that understood?" "Yes Captain." "Very well. Dismissed Lieutenant. " She still thought it had something to do with Harry and B'Elanna, Tom could see it in her eyes. She was hurt he hadn't confided in her, but trusted him to fix the problem on his own. That implicit vote of confidence meant more to him than all the pips Starfleet could offer. "It won't happen again Captain." "It better not." She snapped but softened her bite with a smile. --- After Tom had left, Kathryn Janeway sat in her ready room lost in thought stirring a rapidly cooling cup of coffee. She'd let Tom escape without pushing the issue for a couple of reasons. First, her helmsman still looked a bit frayed at the edges. The whole debacle with B'Elanna had taken its toll on all of them. But Tom most of all. Harry and B'Elanna at least had each other and might in the end find some measure of happiness. But Tom was alone, without the support of either a lover or a best friend. It couldn't be easy for him, facing them day to day in staff meetings, but he'd handled it well. She was proud of him. She could have asked Chakotay to rework the shifts to limit their exposure to each other but that would be setting a bad example for the crew. Ship board romances were always a problem when they didn't work out, but she couldn't start reordering the shifts because two people just didn't get along. Her crew were professionals and she had every right to demand that they perform as such. It would not be fair to make exceptions. Chakotay would not agree. For him the sensibilities of the crew came first. But she didn't have that luxury to indulge in. The good of the ship as a whole outweighed any single individual, including the Captain. Their best chance, the only chance to make it home was to function as a unit, a single team. It was not how she would have chosen to run her ship. She was a scientist, not a military commander. But out here, alone, with no support and even fewer options, she had no choice. She promised the crew she would get them home and she would. Even if they ended up hating her. Chakotay disagreed with this. They'd had several discussions on this and politely agreed to disagree, yet still he fought her. The other day, when Tom failed to show for his shift, they'd almost come to open conflict on the Bridge. She had backed down mostly because it was Tom who was at issue. But also because open argument between the Captain and her First Officer was a recipe for disaster. Again, she and Chakotay disagreed, for while he felt the crew would benefit from the knowledge that their commanding officers had ope= n discussions, she knew it undermined her authority. And at crunch time, when life or death decisions needed to be made based on her instincts alone, doubt and hesitation could be deadly. A good XO helped relieve that burden. Unfortunately, Chakotay did not. He was a good man, a great man in many ways and she did care for him, once she even thought she loved him; but as a First Officer, he left much to be desired. Tuvok, even Tom, would have filled the position better. It was only natural she supposed, as he had been captain of his own ship, to have his own style of command. He was her conscience but he wasn't her foundation. He'd kept at her with his good intentions and moral judgments, wearing more and more away at her confidence and commitment to command till she'd come dangerously close to second guessing her instinct. That had been unacceptable, and that was when she'd broken off their relationship. He made her a better woman but a poorer captain. And there were 150 souls on Voyager counting on her to be the best captain she could be. It didn't matter if her bed and her heart were lonely, that was the price of command. --- The summons to the ready room awaited Chakotay when he reported to the Bridge for his shift. Tom was already at his station looking much his old self. It was as if the man from yesterday had never existed. Chakotay watched him for a moment, then went to beard the lioness in her den. Obviously the discussion with Tom must not have gone to her satisfaction. Kathryn was at her desk; her eyes distant, absently stirring a cold cup of coffee. "Penny for your thoughts." She looked up and gave him a tired smile for the effort. "Come in Chakotay." "You looked so far away. Am I disturbing you?" "No," she shook her head. "Sit down." When he was seated opposite her, she continued, " I don't suppose you care to tell me what's going on." "What did Tom say?" "First he asked me what you had told me. What's going on Chakotay?" "I'm not sure." "Is it because of Harry and B'Elanna? Is he still . . . ?" "Yes and No. I think that's part of it, but there is more." "Was he drinking?" "No. He was exhausted." "That's what he said." "Believe him Kathryn. I think Tom's going through a rocky patch at the moment. For many reasons. He was working out his frustrations physically and over did it, nothing more." "That's what he said." "It's the truth. I'm sure all he needed was a good rest. He looks much his old self this morning." "Why are you lying to me Chakotay?" "Pardon me?" Janeway sighed and pulled two padds from her desk. "I had Tuvok pull all the holodeck logs from the past week. Tom hasn't used either deck in the last four days. He lied to me and so did you. Tom was in his cabin the entire night. What's going on?" "I'm sorry Kathryn. It's a private problem. Tom is handling it. And as a counselor and a friend, I strongly suggest that it remains private for the moment." "If it effects the running of my ship. . ." "It won't. Trust me on this. Making a larger issue of this will only make it worse. I'll see to it that there won't be more incidences." She was clearly not happy. She wanted to know, but in the end she decided not to push. Tom obviously had not wanted to confide in her but since Harry was no longer an option he needed someone. That it should be Chakotay was somewhat surprising given their past animosity but not completely unexpected. They had put their differences behind them to forge a solid working relationship, professionally they were a good team. A captain knew when to let go; so in the end, she let him off with only a warning. "There had better not be." --- Tom watched the Commander disappear into the ready room. It could have been about anything, but from the look the Commander flashed him, Tom was fairly certain the topic du jour would be him. When he wasn't called in immediately afterwards, Tom knew Chakotay hadn't told the Captain why he'd missed his shift. So now he owed the big guy another one. Yesterday had been a surprise. Chakotay had been more understanding and supportive than one would have supposed given their history. When Tom had awoken several hours later, a fully programmed meal was waiting his authorization for replication as well as a change of clothes and some topical analgesic purloined, he was certain, without the Doc's knowledge. It was better than he deserved and he felt oddly humbled by the gestures. It was more than he would have expected from anyone especially the straightlaced Commander. You never knew. It gave him something to think about. Something other than Jack. There'd been a message on his computer this morning. It was as close as an apology as one was likely to get from Jack. Tommy, Heard you missed your shift. Everything OK? Guess we got carried away. I downloaded some extra rations, replicate yourself something, a nice bottle of whiskey? Soon. Jack Though he supposed he was as much to blame as Jack if they overdid it. With the new rotations starting, it was unlikely they would be together again for some time. He ought to have realized Jack would be insatiable and it wasn't as if Jack deliberately hurt him. He was simply sore from too much sex. Which, under different circumstances would not have been a bad thing. Jack had just been more persistent in getting his way than Tom had been in denying him. That was something the Commander didn't understand. Chakotay was probably a pure vanilla and woman-only kind of guy. He was probably more into naked emotions than naked skin. Rough sex was something "other" people did and only in dark shadows. For Tom it was as natural as breathing; there had always been a "rough" sometimes violent side to sex even when he was younger. A dangerous edge of excitement to it from those first hasty fondlings in his room during Admiralty dinner parties to stolen moments in the back of his father's shuttle. It was one of the reason he'd thought it would last with B'Elanna. Wild Klingon sex didn't scare him. He could let B'Elanna free her Klingon instincts without fear. But in the end it hadn't been enough, for either of them. He wondered sometimes how Harry was dealing with it. It hurt, almost physically sometimes, not having Harry to talk to anymore. At night especially. He could always comm Harry at any time, day or night when the need struck him, but those moments in the dark, when he reached for the badge even as he remembered he no longer had the right hurt the most. His hand would stop only millimeters away and he'd sit there staring at it until the pain and the shaking stopped. At first he didn't give Harry and B'Elanna a week, but they were still together. Then, he'd been afraid Harry would try to tame B'Elanna's spirit, repress the Klingon for the human aspects in her personality. It hurt to think of all the natural power and energy chained but three weeks into their relationship Harry had come to the Bridge proudly displaying a Klingon lovebite. Granted, he was blushing to the roots of his hair, but there he stood defiant and proud, certainly not Mama Kim's little boy any more. There was more to Harry Kim the man than any of them had suspected. You just never knew. --- Midway through the Alpha shift Chakotay sent Tom a request to report to his office once he was done securing his station. Tom had been his old self, but even so the Bridge had been tense. Not even Tom's terrible quips had done much to alleviate the tension. Several times Chakotay had caught Janeway, Kim, and even Wildman gazing at the back of Tom's head with undisguised concern. Only Tom and Tuvok seemed oblivious to the atmosphere. If anything Tom was overly jovial, overly outrageous as if to compensate. He was even prompt in reporting to Chakotay's cabin. "You wanted to see me Commander?" "Come in Tom." For a moment they stood in awkward silence. Tom smoothed his hands on his uniform and fixed his gaze on the floor. "Thanks Chakotay for yesterday. I really appreciated what you did." "Tom, I'd like to talk to you about that. . ." "Commander . . ." "I have no right to interfere in your personal affairs." "I sense a large 'but' coming." "But as a friend and as your superior officer, what I saw yesterday concerns me." Chakotay kept his voice neutral, his posture relaxed. Though he hid it well Tom was clearly agitated. His eyes kept darting about the room while his fingers teased with the fabric of his uniform. "I'm fine Chakotay. Like I said, things simply got out of hand." "Tom, please. I've seen how Feeney treats you." "Seen how Commander?" Tom's eyes snapped to Chakotay's face and his fingers stilled. The temperature of the room seemed to suddenly chill. "I came across the two of you one night on the quai." Tom spoke her name with a mixture of exasperation and reproach. "Sandrine." "Has nothing to do with this, I was studying your program and heard a sound. When I went to investigate I saw Feeney pin you against the bridge, kiss you, then the two of you . . ." Chakotay stopped, his face reddening. Tom folded his arms against his chest. His eyes pinning Chakotay with their gaze. "Get your kicks watching Big Man?" he whispered. Chakotay didn't answer. To his shame he had gotten off watching them or to be more honest watching Tom. "Tom, Feeney was using you and he hit you and then the other night . . ." "Chakotay, I can't believe I'm going to say this to you. But I owe you for what you did. Jack likes sex a bit rough and sometimes so do I. It makes me forget. Maybe we went a bit too far, it won't happen again." "Tom there is a difference between mutual 'rough' sex and abuse. Feeney crossed that line." "I think I'm the one to draw that line." "Tom please." "Listen, I appreciate what you are trying to do but Chakotay, honestly, it's none of you business. I know you all mean well. You, Neelix, Meg, and Jenny, even Sandrine but I know what I'm doing. I'm a big boy I can take care of myself." Tom had both hands on Chakotay's desk now, he leaned forward, his voice hard. Desperate Chakotay played his last card. "You do know Jack has a history?" "And so do I Commander. I wouldn't pair someone like Harry with Jack, but I can handle it. I have a damn sight more experience in these matters than any of you and can judge for myself. I can't see why you people won't admit that I know what I'm doing. I'll admit that the other night I let things get too far. It won't happen again. I promised the Captain and no one breaks a promise to the Captain." Tom was trying to lighten the mood, but Chakotay wanted none of it. "What I saw could easily qualify as sexual misconduct. Not to mention insubordination for striking you." Tom released the desk and stepped away. He drew himself up to his full height and looked down at Chakotay with a mixture of anger and disdain. "And may I point out again," he said softly, "that it's none of your damn business Chakotay. Thanks again for the other day Commander. Now if you'll excuse me." Before Chakotay could stop him, Tom was gone from the room. It was a good thing, Chakotay mused, that he had a store of replicator rations, as the antique bowl lying shattered across the room had been one of his favorites. --- Harry Kim was heading to Chakotay's quarters when Tom Paris exited them pushing past him as if a horde of demons were at his heels. Almost immediately following Tom's departure came a resounding crash from inside. For a moment Harry considered turning back, then remembering why he was there, resolutely entered the still open cabin door. The story on Voyager was that Chakotay was rarely angered, that he channeled all his strong emotions including passion into the spirit world. In some ways he could be colder and more impassive than Tuvok. The man in the cabin however, was very angry indeed, if one could judge by the reddened face and clenched fists. The moment he spotted Harry in the doorway, the Commander's aspect calmed as if it had all been illusion. "Yes, Harry? What can I do for you?" The Commander's voice wasn't quite its usual calm even welcoming tones and his eyes kept returning to the shattered bowl lying near the far wall, obviously the source of the crash. He could come back, Chakotay was obviously upset. But if he left now Harry knew he probably wouldn't return. Stiffening his spine he voiced his request. "Permission to speak freely, Commander." "Of course Harry. Please come in." Dignity rapidly returning, Chakotay ushered him into the office, away from the door and away from the bowl. "What the hell is going on Chakotay?" "I'm not sure I understand you Mr. Kim." "With Tom. Is he all right sir? I saw him leave just now, he seemed angry." For a moment Chakotay studied Harry. Do you really care, Ensign? he thought. But that wasn't fair. Despite all the rumors, Harry had not orchestrated the breakup of Voyager's most volatile couple. B'Elanna herself had told him she'd only started to look at Harry as more than a friend afterward. Sighing Chakotay shook his head. "Honestly Harry, I'm not sure." "Is it because of B'Elanna and me? Is that what's bothering him?" "Maybe, I'm not sure." "He's not going to do anything stupid, is he?" Nervously Harry voiced his deepest fear. Though staying with Feeney probably qualified as stupid Chakotay was pretty sure that wasn't what Harry meant. "No, I don't think so. Tom's gotten himself involved with something/someone and there are issues he needs. . ." "Damn it." The crack against the wall this time was Harry's fist and it was Chakotay's turn to jump. "Are we back to that again? Is that what all this is about?" "What do you mean by 'that' Harry?" "Shit Chakotay." Running an agitated hand through his hair, Harry paced the cabin with long angry strides. "You know, all this time I was driving myself crazy and B'Elanna worrying herself sick that Tom was hurt or depressed, that he might even do something rash. And he's just taken up again with that asshole. I don't believe it." "Harry I'm not sure I . . ." "I've heard the gossip Commander, but I didn't think Tom would be stupid enough to take up with Jack again. You don't have to confirm it, I can see it your face." Chakotay sighed, he didn't want to break the confidences Tom had shared with him but Harry might have some of the answers he needed. Carefully he asked, "I take it Tom and Chief Feeney had a previous relationship?" "If you want to call it that. I don't know what to call it. They've been on and again off again since a couple of months after we got out here. And every time they're on again Tom exhausts himself. It started one night at Sandrine's, I think they actually had sex on the pool table. Tom could barely walk afterwards, it looked like they had gone at it pretty heavy." Chakotay didn't really want to know. He could guess pretty much how 'heavy' it had gotten. "I've tried to tell Tom he could do better, but I guess Feeney's got to be good since he keeps going back." "What do you mean by better Harry?" "Come on Chakotay, you've seen Feeney. Would you want to wake up next to that?" "Harry, of all people I would expect you to know better than to judge. . ." "I know, one ought not to judge by physical appearances but have you actually talked to the guy? He's a complete Neanderthal, a Philistine. He has absolutely no appreciation for music, beauty, or other cultures. How he ever made it into Starfleet, I'll never know. One night in the mess we were discussing the Kenabian system. I was trying to explain the singing plains to Neelix and you know what Feeney said?" "I . . ." "He said. . ." Harry paced, clearly still agitated by the memory, "He said the plains were a waste of land that could be better put to use by creatinga Risa-like complex since there wasn't a decent brothel in the sector for 20 light years. Do you believe that! A Federation treasure, one of the only naturally occurring instances of pure multiple harmonic pitch and he wants to convert it to a brothel!" Harry was right of course. It was a disgraceful statement but it was still refreshing to be reminded how young Harry still was. "I'm afraid I lost it and told Feeney in no uncertain terms exactly what I thought of him. I also told Tom that if he wanted to fuck, excuse my language Commander, but I can't see other describe having sex with that man, Feeney that was his business but I did not want to be a part of it. I didn't want to hear about it, discuss it, or even know about it. Tom is on his own here. I told him he could do better and if he didn't want to listen, it was his problem. When he started seeing B'Elanna seriously, I thought it was over. Now you tell me he's gone back to Jack. Well, that's his choice. I am not going to feel guilty over that. I felt bad enough that Tom and B'Elanna didn't work out after I pushed them together, I felt even worse when I started to feel more for B'Elanna that just friendship, but I am sure not going to beat myself because Tom Paris can't spend a night alone and has taken up again with Feeney. If Tom is lonely, there any number of people on this crew willing to share his bed. If he's with Jack it's his choice." Kim was obviously agitated, words and spittle flying heedlessly from his lips. "Harry. . ." "Commander, please. We might have been OK, Tom, B'Elanna, and I with everything that happened. I think we could have worked it out between us. But everybody had to get into the act. Everybody had their own interpretation, reasons, fingers to blame. 'B'Elanna dumped Tom', 'Tom dumped B'Elanna", Harry stole his best friend's girl', 'poor Tom all alone'. It got so bad B'Elanna started to believe the gossip. Believed that Tom was alone, broken, and putting up a brave front. If you think her anger is hot, try guilt Commander. You know how insecure she really is. Tom did a lot to help that, but it all came crashing down in the weeks after. There were days she didn't even want to report for duty. It took me the longest time to convince her that she had nothing to feel guilty about, that these things happen, and that maybe she and Tom just didn't work out through nobody's fault. Then Tom missed his shift yesterday and she was terrified he was depressed and had done/would do something stupid. Half of Astrometrics has him on a suicide watch like some damn Romeo. Now you tell me he missed a shift because of Feeney, excuse me if I am not too sympathetic." "Harry, you mentioned that Feeney is a rather rough customer. Have you ever speculated that perhaps Tom was," Chakotay paused trying to phrase his words delicately, "in over his head." "Chakotay, I've been through the Feeney ride a couple of times. Tom is a Starfleet officer and a grown man. If he continues to see Feeney, it's his choice. No one else's. Tom likes sex with a edge on it, you've seen what happens when he goes on shore leave. He always picks the women with the most jealous and dangerous husbands or irate fathers. Maybe he likes risk, maybe he's afraid of commitment, so he assails the unassailable. That might have been what first attracted him to B'Elanna, the thought he could never get her. I don't know. All I know is that every once in a while he hooks up with Feeney, and it gets hot and heavy and then . . ." Harry turned away finishing abruptly, as if suddenly aware he may have said too much. Obviously Harry knew more about Feeney than he did, but did Harry know that Feeney sometimes needed to be stopped by force. Chakotay didn't believe Harry would abandon Tom to that if he did know, no matter how much their friendship had broken. Very carefully he asked, "Harry, are you aware Feeney has a reputation?" "I am aware of rumors and gossip Commander, and from what I know of him, I'd believe it of him. But, there never have been any charges filed, no investigations, no complaints logged. Feeney gave the Maquis a bit of a rough time when you first came aboard. The gossip is probably retaliation for that. If there were substance to it, someone would have gone to Tuvok and filed a complaint. Feeney's not well liked below decks Sir, and makes a convenient target. Those sort of things don't happen anymore, especially not on a Federation ship. I don't know about Maquis ships but if there were a problem, someone would have said or done something long before this. Now if you'll excuse me, B'Elanna should be about finished Engineering." As Harry Kim left the cabin Chakotay was left wondering when he had gotten so old. At least with the double shifts in sickbay Paris and Feeney would have no communal time for at least two weeks. That gave him time to think. And maybe, he deluded himself, if he were really lucky the situation would resolve itself. --- Tom woke with a start as hands tugged off his sleep shorts. "What the. . . ." "Shhh, I only have twenty minutes. I'm suppose to be doing rounds on Deck 12." "Jack!" "Shhh. Come on, lift your hips. That's it Baby." Jack slid the shorts down Tom's legs and tossed them. "Won't somebody notice you're not doing rounds?" "Nah, Gavin will cover for me." Jack dismissed the questions as he climbed on the bed and positioned himself between Paris' legs. His hands ran up Paris' thighs till they rested at the point where leg met body, splaying there. "Jack, I'm tired and I've got the early shift tomorrow. I really . ." "I got some time now Baby, and I want play. Come on." That said, Jack still in uniform, moved to lie full on Tom and captured Tom's mouth with his. His tongue slid past Tom's teeth and began claiming Tom's mouth with hungry aggressive movements whilst roughly grinding his pelvis into the body beneath his. Tom parted his legs and shifted beneath Jack, trying to ease the weight pressing down on him. Jack felt Paris writhe beneath him and groaned. It made him so fucking hard knowing this body was his for the taking. He'd planned this little visit for days and he was so damn horny, he'd been barely able to complete the first part to the shift. All day he dreamed of fucking Paris, having Paris naked beneath him writhing and helpless as he drilled his hot hungry cock into him. Of having Paris arch and moan, taking whatever Jack gave him again and again and again. Jack felt his groin tighten and knew he'd ruin his uniform if he wasn't careful. With a groan he lifted himself from Paris and began undoing his uniform. Paris pushed at him. "Jack, no, I'm not ready, the lube. . .." "S'okay Baby, I got some ready." "Jack. . ." "Come on Tommy, look what you do to me. I'm in agony here. I need this." Jack slid his uniform past his hips freeing his ready cock. "Jack . . ." "Turn over Baby, I'm ready for you. That's it." Jack's hands gripped Paris, rolling him over despite his protests. He moved quickly to lie full on Paris, pressing him into the bed and rubbing his erection against the back of the Paris' thighs and ass. "You feel me Baby? I need you bad." Jack's hands reached under Tom at the waist and slid downward. One circled at the hips, while the other reach further to run thick possessive fingers over Tom's own penis. One tightened, the other squeezed, forcing Tom up so that his ass pressed hard into the swollen cock. "Can't wait for me to fuck you, can you Tommy? You need my dick up your ass, don't you?" Jack whispered the words as fingers now moved to spread Paris open and slid inward. "You want THIS." Jack pressed forward, forcing his thick, barely lubricated, cock into the unwelcoming passage. Paris groaned against the pain and twisted beneath him. "Damn it, Jack." Paris' words came out in a hiss through his clenched teeth. "You're nice and tight Tommy. Just relax." "No, Jack, not . . . " Tom's words were lost in a muffled cry as Jack tighten his grip and forced himself in. "That's it Baby. Told you you could take it." Jack remained still for several moments, allowing Paris' body to adjust to the penetration, and reveling in the feel of warm blood coating him as the muscles gripping him twitched at the intrusion; rippling against him, stimulating and milking his cock. As his orgasm built, Jack began to move, stoking the fire within him with slow, steady strokes. Beneath him Paris shifted, trying to easy the weight pressing on him. Jack moaned, and tightened his fingers in Paris hair. "You're so good Tommy." As his rhythm increased Jack began roughly fondling Paris' cock. "Yo, Jack. You in here?" Paris' body stiffened under him as a voice called from the outer room. "Shhh . . . It's just Gavin, Baby. I gave him the entry code in case he needed to get me." Jack rested a hand on the back of Tom's neck messaging the tensing muscles. "Relax. I'm almost there." "You there Jack?" "Go Away." "Can't." Ensign Marcus Gavin replied easily as he entered into the bedroom only to catch Jack, his uniform crumpled about his thighs shoving his dick in and out the naked body of Voyager's chief helmsman. "Well shit Jack!" he breathed shaking his head in amazement. "What . . the . . fuck . . .do . . .want? Yes, just a bit more." Jack grunted focusing on Paris' arching spine and tight muscles there. "Tuvok's looking for you Jack. He still thinks you're down on 12 since that's where your com is, but since you ain't answering hails he's gone to check it out. You got about 5 minutes before he gets to the Jeffries tube you're supposedly stuck in." "Shit. . . . No, no, don't move Tommy. I'm almost there." Oblivious of Gavin's interest or Paris' increasing discomfort, Jack closed his eyes and accelerated his thrusts, pumping his cock deeper into the depths of Paris' body. He felt the precum seep from the tip as muscles closed tight around him in a velvet caress, pulling him deeper. He was close, so fucking close, just a . . .Yes. Jack surged forward, riding his orgasm, holding Paris still and against him while he shuddered and spilt himself. As Gavin watched them with a speculative gaze, Tom felt Jack stiffen above him and empty himself. For a moment Jack was still then he withdrew, the withdrawal almost as painful as the insertion. Tom was silent, swallowing the whimper of pain that rose to his throat; without Jack's bulk covering him he was suddenly very exposed to Gavin's eyes. The shorts Jack had tossed were behind Gavin and short of scrambling naked over the bed, there was nothing to be done other than to remain lying there nude, eyes focused on the sheets, while Gavin's eyes ran slowly over his body and semen and blood seeped from his battered ass. Still devouring Paris with his eyes, Gavin moved forward and reaching down, let his fingers brush Paris cheek and hair. Tom flinched and a hard hand landed on Gavin's arm, gripping tight. "I don't share Gav. Now let's go. That damn Vulcan is probably about to find my com any minute now." Without a word or a backward glance, Jack hustled Gavin from the room and Tom's quarters. For a long time Tom remained on the bed staring blankly at the sheets. Something had changed about Jack, something he couldn't yet define. For the first time in a long time he was afraid. --- Chakotay had just gotten out of the shower when the door chime rang. Sighing at the interruption, he wrapped a towel around his waist and went to answer. Tom was there. He looked awful. His hair was disheveled, his clothes a mess, and he looked like he hadn't slept. His eyes took in the towel and wet hair. "I'm sorry Commander, I shouldn't have troubled you. Sorry." he mumbled, drifting away. "Tom wait, come in please." "I . . . really should go." Paris looked nervous, stiff. More fragile than Chakotay had ever seen him. A chill settled over Chakotay. "Tom, is it Jack?" he asked gently. Tom looked away, chewed his lip and exhaled a ragged breath. "Come in, please." Chakotay reached forward and taking Tom's arm gently, led him into the cabin. The man was trembling. Not as bad as that morning in his quarters but enough to send all the alarms off in Chakotay's head. "Here, sit down." Tom moved unresistingly into the chair he provided. The blue eyes were dull, almost vacant. Even though he feared the answer, Chakotay had to ask. "Can you tell me what happened?" Tom averted his face, whispering softly, almost as if he'd done something wrong. "Jack came to my cabin last night during his break." Oh Sweet Spirits. Carefully Chakotay knelt next to the chair and very slowly reached forward, taking Tom's two cold hands in his. Squeezing them lightly he spoke using his softest voice. "Tom, did he . . ?" "No! We had sex. I didn't want to, but it wasn't what you're thinking." "Tom if you didn't want to then . . ." 'It's more complicated then that Chakotay. I let Jack fuck me. He didn't force me or anything, I just didn't stop him." Tom's voice was flat, distant. "Did you tell him you didn't want to? "Yeah, but you know how it is?" Tom dismissed his own wishes with a shrug. No, I don't, he thought, but Chakotay didn't speak the thought out loud. Instead he inquired, "Tom why are you here?" "I . . . I'm not sure really. There's something about Jack lately. I didn't want stay in my quarters any more, and I didn't want to go to the mess and Sandrine or Meg would blow it out of proportion, I don't know. I just came here. I . . ." Tom's voice was soft, more as if he were talking to himself than to someone else. Chakotay had to strain to hear him but the message was clear. With Harry no longer an option, he really had no place else to go. "Tom has Jack come to your quarters during his shifts before?" "Not often, but a few times, yeah. I'll wake up and he'll be there watching me. Sometimes he's already naked, mostly he just wants me to suck him off. Last night he wanted a fuck." Oh Spirits. "Tom you should have said something. Jack has no right to let himself into your cabin whenever he chooses." Tom heard the anger building in Chakotay's voice. Hastily, he interrupted, "Chakotay it's ok, Jack and I, I mean, . . . Anyway it's not like I see him at any other time." "Tom, Jack has no right to demand anything from you whenever he wants. If you want to give that's one thing, but he has no right to take. You do understand that, don't you?" Tom looked at him, life returning slowly to his eyes. "Chakotay you make me sound like some innocent on a first date. I know what I'm doing. Jack got in because I gave him the entry code. I know the game and how it's played." "Tom, if you said no and Jack is forcing . . ." "Chakotay, I know what I'm doing. Sex isn't always about gentleness, sweet words, love, and flowers. I knew that even before Auckland. Some people like it a little rough, with an edge, I wouldn't expect you to understand." "What do you mean I wouldn't understand? "Come on Chakotay." Tom laughed "You? You're the consummate gentleman. You're every woman's dream lover, caring, gentle, considerate of their feelings." "Only women?" "I'm sorry Commander, but do you seriously expect me to believe you've ever even been with a man." Oddly Chakotay felt rather affronted. "I'm sorry to disappoint you Tom, but if you'd bothered to check the notches in my bed post, you'd find a few men on there." "Sorry. It's just . . . ." "Tom you said Jack different lately did something different happen last night? Something not usual." "Yeah. I think Jack was different but maybe it's just me. I don't know. Suddenly I felt cheap, dirty. It was like I didn't matter. I know Jack wants my body not me, it's not like he ever said he cared about me. But when I with him everything else disappears, it's just his body and mine and sex. But last night it was different, it felt like he hated me, despised me for letting him come to me." Tom tried to explain the feeling without mentioning Gavin. Sharing that tidbit would undoubtedly land him in the middle of sexual misconduct proceedings. Strange, though, it wasn't Jack giving Gavin his entry codes that bothered him the most. Until recently, Jack never spoke in their encounters. He merely came, took what he wanted, and left. Now he used words as well as his body. And with the words had come something else. Something 'mean'. The game had changed. It had changed in some way Tom couldn't define or explain and that, more than anything, had sent him wandering the halls ultimately finishing before Chakotay's cabin. He just couldn't explain that to Chakotay so he tried voicing it in terms the Commander might understand. "No matter what Jack and I did, I was in control. I could stop Jack if I really wanted to, I just never wanted to." Somehow Chakotay doubted it, "But last night?" "I can't explain it. It was different. I felt something Chakotay, and it made me uneasy." That feeling was fear, Chakotay was fairly certain, but it was the phrase, 'I just never wanted to' that echoed in his mind, gnawing at him. Denial! Suddenly it was as clear as a Dagarian sun, making horrible sense and he wondered how could he have been so blind. The mother of all coping mechanism, probably started when Tom was a child. Overshadowed by a domineering father and the all important Paris name, Tom probably never had any control over his life, his friends, his time. As the last of the Parises, Tom's whole life had been mapped out for him from the moment the doctor told his mother she was pregnant. So he accepted that the choices forced upon him as his, it was either that or face his complete helplessness and lack of value as an individual to the people who should have loved and cared for him. Their choices were justified as his choices. Kathryn had told him once that the Admiral never acknowledged fear or weakness, so Tom had learned to handle fear and helplessness by denying their existence. By deciding to accept responsibility and a part in what was happening into him, Tom could justify away fear, vulnerability, helplessness. It was always ok as long as he allowed it to happen. It would explain a lot. Tom's extreme love of flying, probably his only solo, independent activity growing up; his lack of self worth; his almost seemingly desperate need to go on every rescue mission; perhaps even the aftermath of Caldik Prime. What was terrifying was that this behavior had carried over into adulthood ingrained to a point that Tom would justify sexual abuse and/or rape as a viable choice. For the first time, it made him wonder what kind of hell Tom's life before the Maquis and later Auckland had been, that he could accept Feeney's attention so easily. Apparently he must have been silent a long time. Paris was staring at him rather nervously. Chakotay forced a smile on his face and squeezed the hands he still held. "Relax, let me get dressed and I'll order you some tea and we'll think this through." As he dressed Chakotay could hear Tom wandering idly through the main part of his quarters. Tom was back in the chair blushing guiltily when Chakotay returned dressed with a tea tray. "What now Chakotay?" "First we change your codes. We'll use my clearance. Jack can't break that. Then we'll talk to Tuvok." "Tuvok? Chakotay I don't think it's necessary to go . . ." "Yes, Tuvok." Chakotay knelt before Tom and gently placed a cup of hot tea in his still cold hands. "Tom, Jack apparently has a long history on this ship of pressing his intentions on people. And most have been too intimidated by him and by going to Tuvok to file a complaint. Jack will continue doing this until someone tells him he can't. I know you say you can handle Jack, but what if he takes up with somebody like Wildman or Gerron or Nicoletti? There are no complaints on his record because most people don't want to go through Tuvok. I know Tuvok doesn't scare you." Tom closed his eyes a moment and drew in a ragged breath. Very slowly, he nodded. "All right Chakotay, call in the Vulcan." Ten minutes later, Chakotay was wishing he hadn't. "Lieutenant, if you wish to level charges against Chief Feeney, I will need to make a record of the specifics including times, locations, and the specifics of the acts committed." "Tuvok is all that really necessary? Wouldn't a simple statement suffice?" "These are serious charges Commander. If an official complaint is made Commander, I will need to investigate it. As Mr. Paris and the Chief are in a relationship . . ." "Tuvok, Tom never said . . "Commander, it is well known on the ship that Mr. Paris and Chief Feeney have on several occasions engaged in sexual acts. On occasion, close enough to public spaces to nearly warrant a reprimand. If you do not choose to categorize that as a relationship, that is up to you, however for the purposes of an investigation, it will be deemed so." As always, Tuvok's voice was impassive, logical, and his conclusions unchallengeable. There was no judgment or censure, either in his tone or words, but in them Chakotay heard the nails hammering into the coffin of his hopes. "Chakotay," Tom's voice was soft, almost apologetic. "Please don't. It's not a big deal. I can handle it." "Tom, Jack is abusing his powers as a member of Security at the very least. He has no right to compel you do anything you don't want to. I think you need to get this down on record. . ." "Chakotay, I'm not sure. An official complaint? Maybe I didn't make things clear. Like Tuvok said, Jack and I have a past, maybe Jack took things for granted. Let me talk with Jack first before we start putting things on record." "Tom." "Please Chakotay. It's not like Jack did anything wrong really. Maybe I just feel different about him that's all and didn't make it clear." Chakotay knew he'd lost. Damn Feeney, damn Tuvok and his perfectly correct logic, and damn Paris for giving in. Though the latter wasn't entirely fair. He caught Tuvok's eye and motioned for the Vulcan to step away out of Tom's hearing. "I am at a loss Commander as to what my presence here will accomplish. Since Lt. Paris does not want to file charges, there is not much I can do." "Fine Tuvok, just do me a favor. Change Mr. Paris' door codes to my authorization level and set up and internal alert, my comm only, when Feeney and Tom are within 20 feet of each other." "Commander, the latter action is contrary to regulations and could be construed as a violation of the crew's free right to . . ." "Tuvok, do you acknowledge that there is a problem?" "I will agree Commander, that there is the appearance of a situation." If that was all he was going to get, Chakotay would work with it. "Then as de facto ship's counselor accept my recommendation that Mr. Paris is incapable of dealing with it effectively. And it is because of Mr. Paris that I am recommending the monitoring not, Chief Feeney." "The result, Commander, is the same. However," Tuvok held up a hand to still to silence the protest rising to Chakotay's lips. "I am not unaware of the potential for emotional manipulation among humans. I will authorize the alert. It will be recorded in my private logs only. Not even the Captain will be aware of its existence. Is that acceptable?" "Yes, Tuvok. Thank you." "Very well. It will take effect within the hour. Commander." With a nod Tuvok was gone. "Well?" Tom asked from the other room. "Everything is being taken care of. There won't be any reports, but I don't want you to see Feeney Tom. At least not right away. I think you need some time to think before you talk to him. Ok?" Paris nodded slowly "Tom, I'm serious. I think you need a break from Jack to think things over clearly. I don't think you should see him, just send him a message that you need some time. " If anything that would probably anger Jack, but as it seemed he didn't have many options Tom nodded. Right now it was easier to let the Commander take control. "So now what?" "First I finish dressing, then we change your codes, and then we take our lives in our hands and see what delicacy Neelix has created for breakfast." "I heard he was trying the Voraain egg remoulade again." "Urgh, you're replicating me breakfast Paris." "Is that an order Sir ?" "Yes Lieutenant it is. And I'm feeling rather peckish this morning." "Is that wise Commander? Your uniforms seem a bit tight of late." Tom smiled, his infamous impudence slowly returning. "Shut up Paris, else you'll be buying me dinner as well." --- That night after a sumptuous dinner hosted by Paris' replicator credits Chakotay went to see Sandrine. The bar was nearly empty. He took his old seat. The one from which he had first observed Tom and Jack. "Well, mon ami?" Sandrine slid in next to him. She was expecting good news. He hated to tell her how he had failed. "We made a mistake Sandrine." "What 'appened?" "I reordered the shifts as we discussed and things got rough. Tom missed the start of his shift and when I went to see to him I found him bruised and in shock. He'd spent the night with Jack and he was obviously in pain, frightened, and he was still bleeding." "Merde. What did you do?" "I cleaned him up a bit, used the regenerator, and put him to bed. I tried to get him to talk about Feeney but he keeps insisting it was just rough sex that got out of hand. I didn't know what to do. The Captain put him on double shifts which meant he wouldn't see Feeney for a least two weeks. I found out this morning Feeney has been coming to his cabin during shifts. Tom came to me this morning. I think Feeney all but raped him but he won't admit it or press charges." "That would be admitting he can't handle this and I do not think he is ready for that." "I can't see that I am doing any good here Sandrine." "You are doing fine mon ami. I never said it would be easy or quick. Just be there for Tom. Spend time with him wean him away from Fe'nay slowly. Show him he does not need to forget or give in. Show him what true strength is." "Sandrine, there are issues here I'm not qualified to deal with. I could be doing more harm than good." This was moving too fast for him. Once he got rid of Feeney then what? There were long term issues here not in the least his own feelings. He was attracted to Paris, he'd admit that. He'd even come to like the pilot as a friend and fellow officer. He had respect for him, but more? Chakotay didn't know. Maybe, but Paris was a long term emotionally rocky commitment, that beautiful body came with a lot of baggage. B'Elanna freely had admitted to him she couldn't handle it, but then she had her own as well. Torres and Paris together had enough baggage to ground a large shuttle craft. Did he want to get involved with that? If he didn't he'd have to back out quickly, now, before he did serious damage. "You care for Thomas, non?" Sandrine watched him her eyes serious, sad almost. "I'll admit that I am attracted to him sexually, but you know that. I've come to care for his as a friend, yes. As to more I don't know. I don't think he's ready for more at the moment." "Then you are qualified." She said simply, dismissing his fears. "You must show Thomas he does not need Feeney in his life." "How Sandrine?" "Tell me Commander how are you at surfing?" --- "Have I told you recently how much I hate you Chakotay?" "Jealous, Paris?" "In your dreams, Chief. Here comes one." "I'll take it." Tom grinned good naturedly and rolled his eyes. "I've created a monster." "Watch and learn, Mr. Paris. Watch and learn." And then Chakotay was gone, his board expertly catching the edge of the wave as he surfed his way to shore. The man was a natural, cutting and slicing through the water with grace and power. It was impossible to believe the Commander had never even seen a surfboard much less ridden one until three weeks ago. At first the Commander had been dubious, staring at the board as though it would bite and at Tom, like the lieutenant had lost his mind. It had taken Tom an hour to get the man onto the board and into the open ocean. An hour spent positioning Chakotay on the board, guiding his arms and legs, and reassuring him that this was not some elaborate plan on Tom's part to cancel out the life debt. An hour in which Tom learned exactly how well muscled and toned the Commander's body was. Tom had not expected to have fun. He had agreed to show the Commander the surfing program simply because he could figure no way to politely refuse the offer of friendship. Spending time with Chakotay also helped keep his mind off Jack. At first the messages had been plaintive. Then once Jack discovered he couldn't override the door codes, the notes became angry, resentful. The last had been vaguely threatening. Tom hadn't told Jack why he changed his codes nor had he answered any of the notes, simply deleting them from the padd after he'd read them. He knew he'd have to deal with Jack one day and he probably should have done so before but it had been so easy to let Chakotay take charge. Usually he and Jack drifted apart naturally, with no hard feelings on either side. Obviously, Jack hadn't been ready to drift, and now he felt he'd been dumped for the Commander and he was angry. Tom couldn't blame Jack, but that didn't mean he wanted to deal with him. He hadn't told Chakotay about the notes, preferring to spend their off-time together enjoying the sun and the surf. He'd tried surfing with Harry, but Harry had never gotten the feel for the ocean and constantly wiped out. It hadn't help that Harry was not a great swimmer. But Chakotay, Chakotay could swim, and once he got his balance on the board that was it. Quickly something formed between them, something Tom had never anticipated, friendship. An easy camaraderie based on friendly competition. Chakotay was a quick learner and very competitive, more so than Tom actually. With Harry, Tom had always held back from doing his all out best. Harry didn't compete, not with his friends. Their times together had been mutual pleasure in a shared activity, the joy of friendship and being together outweighing anything else. To Harry, Tom had always been the better. so there was no point in pushing the matter. Tom in turn had held back from pushing his own limits. Chakotay on the other hand, never conceded anything to him. He made Tom work to be the better and never held it against Tom when he was bested. Tom also discovered that off-duty the Commander had a wicked sense of humor, a beautiful smile, the tightest buns this side of Alpha Quadrant, and an ego even stronger than Tom's. Tom had been escalating the wave levels steadily over the weeks and they had reached a point where he was challenged by the difficulty level. Besting the Commander was an achievement, which was why Tom opted to try for the large irregular wave. Successfully riding it would give him bragging rights for weeks. The moment he hooked into it, Tom knew he botched the entry. He was too low, there was no way he could successfully complete the run. He was going to wipe, but not he vowed until he held it as long as possible. Chakotay watched him from the shore, his stance ridged, knowing what was coming. Tom did his best, better than even he thought possible, but the in the end, the wave overtook him and both he and his board disappeared in a curtain of crushing water. For several long minutes Chakotay prowled the shore scanning the churning surf, until the sea spit a bedraggled, dazed, and bloody Paris onto the shore. Running, Chakotay was at Tom's side immediately. "Spirits, Tom are you all right?" Tom coughed, spitting out the sea water. He leaned a heavy hand on Chakotay's leg. "Yeah. I'm fine. I think the board glanced off my head." "You're bleeding, lean back and let me . . ." "I'm fine." "Tom, let me see it. Please." Done in by the tone of Chakotay's voice Tom nodded and lay back on the sand. Very gently Chakotay smoothed the hair back from Tom's forehead. There was a small bruised gash darkening near the hairline, but already the flow of blood has stemmed. "Well doctor? Will the patient live?" "You have a hard head Paris." Smiling Chakotay found himself brushing the hair gently from Tom's face, then tracing the hairline, stroking the still damp cheek. Turning his face into the hand, Tom nuzzled it softly, nipping lightly at the salty fingers. Breathing deeply Tom raised his eyes to Chakotay's face. What he saw there made his groin tighten. Desire swirled in the indigo depths of Tom's eyes, drawing Chakotay in. Tom's breath was warm and sweet on his face. Slowly Chakotay lowered his lips to Tom's, brushing them lightly. As their lips touched, Tom's part slightly. Pressing harder, Chakotay deepened the kiss, his tongue tentatively entering Tom's mouth. When Tom didn't pull away, Chakotay began stoking the inside of Tom's mouth, exploring the welcoming warmth. Tom groaned into Chakotay's mouth and reaching up, pulled the Commander onto him. The shock was electric. Every inch of Chakotay's body was pressing into Tom, skin against skin, chest, hips, legs, the wet trunks little barrier between them. Almost frantically, Chakotay's hands roamed down Tom's sides sliding beneath the swim trunks. He reveled in the contrast between their skin tones, in the feel of the fine golden hairs on Tom's thighs, arms, chest as they brushed against him. His hands and lips burned a trail over Tom's body. This was what he had wanted since that first night on the quai. Tom under him, his for the taking. He needed to possess Tom, ravish him, plunder his beautiful body and mark it as his. Beneath him Tom writhed and moaned, arching into him and pressing a growing erection against his own. Tom was as responsive under his hands and Voyager was under Tom's, and with little effort, he could probably kiss the man to orgasm. "Fuck me Chakotay." Tom's eyes were raw with need, a need more than physical. A need for something more tangible than Chakotay was sure he could or wanted to supply. It was as if he was looking into to Tom's naked soul and it brought him up short. It would be wrong. To take Tom without being sure. Wrong for both of them. He was here to help Tom, not use him; and to take him without knowing his own feelings would be using. He would not satisfy his physical lust at the cost of Tom's fragile psyche. "No." With Herculean effort Chakotay rolled himself off Tom. "What!?" "I said no. Not now. It's a mistake." "What the hell to you mean mistake?" "For both of us." "It sure as hell wasn't a mistake for me Chief. And you were pretty much into it yourself." "No. Tom it would be a mistake, for you and me. I'm not looking for a one nighter in the sand . . ." "And I'm not good enough for something more. Is that what you are saying Chakotay?" "That's not what I meant." Chakotay said it quickly, trying to stem the bitterness creeping into Tom's voice. "Sure it isn't." Tom snorted. "Tom, I'm supposed to be helping you, not fucking you. A counselor . . ." "Counseling! Is this what all of this is about?" Tom looked at him, the bitterness suddenly replaced by something else, something worse. "Oh Shit. Stupid Paris, of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? I forgot, why would anybody voluntarily want to be with me? To get in good with my Admiral father, to get free drinks at the bar, to get a stupid and easy lay, or a quick rough fuck, access to the best women on the ship, or brownie points with the Captain for straightening out her 'pet project'. Or maybe you just get off playing with people's heads since so many aliens seem to like playing with yours." "Tom, I . . ." "Shut up Chakotay. Damn you for doing this to me." His voice almost cracking, Tom flung himself from Chakotay's outstretched hand and scrambled to his feet. "You want to know something big guy. At least Jack never lied to me. He may not have cared what I wanted, but he never fucking lied to me. I always knew where I stood with him, what he wanted from me. And that's a damn sight more than I can say for anyone else on this ship. Computer end program." The seascape paradise disappeared, leaving them alone. "Computer delete . . ." "Tom, don't." "Computer, delete program Paris-Alpha Kauai 10. All subroutines and matrices." "Please reconfirm deletion authorization." "Tom, please. . . " "Authorization Paris Alpha Vector Pi." "Program has been erased." "Thanks for your help Chakotay. I don't think we'll need any more counseling sessions." Helpless Chakotay bowed his head and let Tom go. Had there been bitterness or anger in the tone of Tom's voice, he could have dealt with it, but there was only a cold, flat, emptiness. An emptiness reflected in eyes more grey than blue. The eyes of a stranger. The cold eyes of the man from Caldik Prime back from the grave. It was a chill not even a cup of hot, plain, tomato soup would break. --- The End