The BLTS Archive - Gene Blues Seventh in the Crisis Team series by Blue Champagne ( --- This goes from "For the Uniform", which comes just after the last ep I included in "Married to the Mob", namely "The Begotten" (because that's when Yoshi was born) to "Call to Arms". I don't have "Business as Usual" on tape, and I've only seen it once, so I had to sort of coast on memory and the Continuum Site there. --- GENE BLUES Or; K-Tel brings you the Mamas and the Papas, singing 'You're Having My Baby' Or; Sweet Child of Mine--no, Mine!--Mine!--Mine! --- "For the Uniform" Pt I: Rich Beyond Nightmares of Avarice --- "Excuse me." The Vaneth Province Security, Kenach district-uniformed person looked up. "Can I help you?" Julian handed the man a padd. "I've been given clearance to take Molly O'Brien." "And you are...?" "I'm her father," Julian said tightly. The man consulted his computer screen. "You're Miles Edward--" "No," Julian told him with barely restrained impatience. "That's my husband. I'm Julian O'Brien." "I see. Well, then, let's have your print right here..." as Julian imprinted the padd he was shown, the man examined the padd Julian had handed him. "Looks like everything's in have the date for her court appearance?" "I have everything I need except my daughter, blast it!" The man eyed him briefly, then said "Right this way." They proceeded to the holding cells, stopped outside one, and a girl with a mess of dark hair hanging in her face sat up on the bunk, pushing the hair back. "Oh. Um...hi, Julian." She got up and the force field dropped; she emerged. Julian stared at her, incredulous, catching her by the elbows firmly and demanding "'Hi Julian'? Is that all you've got to say?" He hugged her suddenly, then pulled back, holding her arms again. "Sweetie, you *are* all right, aren't you?" "I'm fine, Dad. I was hoping it'd be Da who came to get me. He always melts if I cry." "Well, no such luck, miss Molly sir." He hugged her again. "How do you feel?" "Like a moron, but other than that I'm fine." "Let's get you home." They started back for the front office. "Now before we get back, I want you to tell me everything. Were you put up to this? What were you *thinking*, for Gods' sake?" "Oh, hell, Julian, I wasn't thinking! It was supposed to be a joke." "You lobbed a grenade through an open chem lab window and blew up half the building! You're only LUCKY there was no one working in there!" "It wasn't luck! I'd never have hurt anyone. And I didn't expect the blast to be so powerful, I didn't think I used that much explosive. It was only supposed to wreck ONE PROJECT. Mine. And I saw it land on my worktable. I guess I inherited your hand-eye coordi--" "Mind telling me why you'd want to incinerate your own project?" "My instructor said the only way it could be more disorganized was if terrorists blew it up." "Is this the same instructor that printed your term paper on a sheet and ran it up the flagpole outside the main hall? With a big red C- on it?" "That'd be her." "The one you faked the termination of tenure notice to?" "Right again, Dad." "The one who--" "You know who she is!" "You may survive this one yet, at least on the home front. But if you make me bail you out of jail even once more during this semester, I'm sending your mother to do it." "You wouldn't." "Try me. It's hell having a genius daughter." "Damn, Julian, I love you too." "Well I should hope you do. How many fathers would be this understanding?" "You've got a point. Speaking of which..." Julian stopped walking. ", please...can't you save this one for Miles?" "It's medical. My contraceptive implant seems to have gone dead, and...uh...oh hell, I got hold of one of your sperm samples from Hana and we're having ANOTHER one, Dad!" "AUUUUGH!" "Bloody hell, Julian, what's wrong?" "A nightmare?" "Yes..." Miles sat up and put his arm around Julian. "What happened?" "Molly was sixteen and I was bailing her out of jail on Bajor for blowing up a lab." "Ew!" said Keiko. "At least," Miles agreed in sympathy. "Anything else?" "She was pregnant with my baby." Keiko stared in the dimness. "Julian, my GOD." "Oh, it's not what you think. She procured one of the samples from stasis." "Well, we can explain that part right enough, though I don't know about the rest. Was she a terrorist or something?" "No, it was a joke on an instructor she traded pranks with." "Pretty violent joke," Keiko muttered. "She hadn't expected the magnitude of the destruction. I think I'm going to have to talk to Telnori if this keeps up." "It's keeping us all up, for that matter. No, I didn't mean it, come here, lie down...after all, you put up with my nightmares, and sleepwalking all over creation, for months after Argratha. Let's try to get some more rest before the crack of the alarm." Julian sighed, created the back-supporting human cradle that Keiko liked to sleep in with one arm and leg, and let her get situated. He controlled the impulse to suck on the raw places on his fingertips, lest Keiko notice--he couldn't keep healing them after practice, or he'd never get serviceable playing calluses--and closed his eyes. --- (The Next Night...) --- "AAAAUUUGH!" "AAACKH!" Keiko echoed, her hand flying up to the ear that was being screamed in. "Bollix!" Miles snapped, sitting up and throwing his pillow across the room. "What now?! Hana again?" "Um, Miles," Keiko murmured in concern. She'd turned onto her back, one hand to her belly, to touch Julian's face. "Don't yell. He's crying." "Bloody hell...I'm sorry, Julian," Miles groaned in self-reproach, moving up to Julian and helping him disentangle himself from Keiko and sit up. "You know it isn't you I'm upset with. Tell us." "It was Molly," he whispered, wiping his face angrily. "She was screaming. It wasn't the teenager I've been having dreams about, it was our Molly, and she was pregnant, she was dying...and it was my fault..." Keiko gasped. "Oh no, no...Julian..." Miles turned around in the darkness and slapped his badge where it lay on the bedtable. "O'Brien to counselor Telnori." "Miles, no--" "Telnori here." "We've got an emergency in our quarters. Julian's been having nightmares, they're taking a turn for the god-bloody-gruesome and he's in tears, shaking like a leaf. I think you'd better come and give him something." "Is his heart rate up?" "Computer, lights." Miles touched the pulse in Julian's neck. "Hell yes. His pupils've shrunk, too." "Sounds like he's finally having that classic attack. Took long enough. I'll be right there." "Right." "Chief, you didn't have to do that." "Shut up, Julian." --- (And the Next Night...) --- "Keiko,'s it coming?" "Two minutes apart. Let's get me in the chair." "And...up we go. You're sure you want to do this here?" "I'm sure. You worry too much, Julian." "Kei, *you've* done this before!" "You're telling me you've never delivered a baby?" "You know what I mean." "Well, you can wake everyone up now, I guess. Why do my kids come in the middle of disasters or the night?" "We could delay..." "NO way. I've had it with this. Next kid Molly has, she carries herself." Julian hurried out of the room to wake Miles and Molly in the master bedroom and Kira in the spare room; all of them scrambled. As they all headed back to the baby's room, which had been set up as a delivery room, Kira asked "How is she?" "I think the best word to describe it would be bored." Miles said anxiously "Then she's not in pain?" "No. The central's working perfectly. I may never have seen one work better." As they all reentered, Julian got into position at the business end of the chair and Nerys and Miles each came up to kiss Keiko. Miles went to scrub. Molly, after exchanging smiles with Keiko, climbed into a chair by the door. Kira was saying "You really should have let us stay with you..." "Lighten up, I've been drowning in emotional support for months, and having experienced the joy and wonder of natural childbirth at the tender mercies of Worf the midwife, I decided that the only pain I wanted to feel this time was guilt that I can't get more worked up about this. She's been real, she's been Hana, for so long, this almost seems like a footnote, at least without the screaming and sweating and beating people up. How am I doing down there, Julian?" "Crowning." "Good. I was nearly done with my book and I hate starting a new one when I know I won't have time to finish WHOOPS gonna push now, stand back. Except you, Julian. You just brace yourself." "You're doing wonderfully, honey," Miles gushed. "You sure are, Keiko," Kira confirmed. "Yeah, I sure am, aren't I?" Chuckle. "Julian, whatever was in that stuff...okay, time for another push..." "My Kei, have you been taking lessons from Nerys? Hana was practically falling out before you even started pushing." "Well don't let her hit the floor for pete's sake. Lemme just get my breath, one more good push and I think we're through with the main event...HEEEAAAVVVE..." "And that's got it, this is a second baby all right...Miles, would you...we need to...oh dear..." "Catch Julian, I'll get the baby!" Nerys supported Julian to a chair while Miles began the postpartum cleanup, scans and checks, inoculations, etc. Keiko appeared cross. "Somebody get that basin over here and catch this damn afterbirth." Molly calmly crossed the room and pulled the wheeled basin and its accoutrements away from the wall and over to where they could do some good. "Thanks, honey, but you need to scrub if you're going to help." "Okay." Molly turned away to do so; she let the light play across her hands a moment and then was back, overseeing the disposition of the parts of the miracle of birth that you don't keep. Her small face wrinkled at the strong smells, but otherwise she was composed. "What's with Julian? Is he overcome by fatherhood?" Keiko wondered. "Um...I think he's overcome by this." Miles held Hana up carefully. In small clear characters across her forehead was a fourteen-digit number, and printed under that were the words "Property of Edigion Prime Medical, Genetic Engineering Dept." "AAAUUUUGH!" "Holy Aine, Julian, what was it this time?" "Hana was born with a logo on her head from Edigion Prime!" "Shhh...there know there's no way she can be affected by your, um, alterations..." Miles quickly put his arms around Julian and pulled him close, partly in comfort and partly to keep him from seeing that Keiko had both hands to her face and was desperately trying to stop laughing. "No, but...what on earth WAS that, a combination wish-fulfillment/nightmare?" Keiko had herself under control, and came over to apply herself to Julian's back, resting against it and holding his shoulders. "Sounds like you're worried you didn't quite get everything worked out..." "No, I know I did, there should be no problems..." Keiko sighed. "Jadzia is right. Pregnancy--well, incipient fatherhood--makes men insane." "She said it makes us hysterical," Miles asided. Keiko continued "I think you just never expected to have children who were related to you--you didn't even really think you were going to be able to make the fertilization of Molly's egg work, at least not right away, so I guess this is partly my fault for insisting..." "It's no one's fault, Keiko. You're right, I'm just not prepared for this, it's not something I ever thought could happen. I *am* happy about it, I'm only at sea..." They all lay back down. "I don't think anything's ever undone my equilibrium so unequivocally," Julian muttered. "Elizabeth Lense ignoring you blew you right out of the water," Miles muttered back. "Elizabeth never gave me nightmares. Well, all right, in med school, I had a few involving her, but that's not the point." "We understand, Julian," Keiko said softly. "You have a worry here that Miles and I didn't have, the first time we had a baby that was genetically ours." "Then you aren't frightened for Hana?" "No. I have faith in you, and besides, we have no reason to think that whatever it was that made you the way you were is genetically transmissible. It's never occurred before in your family, has it?" "Not in living memory, no." "There you are," Miles said, kissed Julian, then rolled over and pulled his pillow over his head. "Someone's going to get cranky without their sleep," Keiko whispered in Julian's ear. "Beware of big growly Irish bears lurking around the house in the morning..." --- (The Following Day...) "For the Uniform" Pt II: Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends, Once More... --- "Hi, Julian." "Oh, hello, my Kei." Julian hugged Keiko and kissed her forehead. "What brings you by?" "How are you? After being up with Yoshi half the night, I mean." "It's all right, I wasn't planning to go back to sleep anyway after that last dream." "As long as you're feeling all right, then...I'm in labor." Julian stared. "You can't be." "Oh, I assure you--I can." "You're early." "I know that, Doctor Bashir. Seems your dream was prophetic. Molly was early too; I think my body gets bored and decides to get things over with." "Well, here, come on up, we'll make certain..." Julian started scanning. "Oh...dear." "What? What's wrong?!" "No, not that, nothing's wrong, really, everything's as it was at your last check in terms of your and Hana's health. But she hasn't turned." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure. Feel that." Julian laid Keiko's hand on her own belly. "That firm round object isn't your gall bladder no matter how much it may feel like it; it's Hana's head." "Darn it," Keiko sighed. "I know I'm in labor. Why didn't we notice this before?" "Because you're early. Weeks." Keiko stirred uneasily on the biobed. "Should we halt labor?" "That's up to you. Hana's well enough developed to live on her own; prenatal exams indicate that if she were in the right position, there's no reason she shouldn't be born, and your water'll break soon. She'd be a little small, but nothing worthy of concern in this day and age." "What are the options?" "We can turn Hana ourselves, or we can delay labor, but there's no guarantee she'll turn on her own soon." Keiko pondered. "What are the risks to her?" "As I said, risk to her is nearly as low if we turn and deliver now as if we delay labor. Risk to you, on the other hand, is a little greater if we halt the proceedings. *Your* body wants to do this *now*." "Sounds like I can't make the choice that way." "No, all things in that respect are fairly equal. Only if we were forced to a fetal transport would risk increase anything like significantly for either of you." "What do you think I should do? As a doctor, not as her father." "Midwives have been turning babies for many hundreds of years; and of course, the methods these days are far less uncomfortable. As your physician, I recommend turning the baby and delivering." "And as a father?" "As a father I want drugs, lots of them, pumped directly into my bloodstream until--" "Okay, I get you, you're worried. Well, slip into your little red doctor beanie, Julian, I'm about to become a grandmother. Is the Defiant back yet? I'd like Nerys and Miles to bring Molly instead of the sitter..." "Right. Nurse? Care to help my daughter and me become parents?" --- "Keiko!" "Hello, Nerys." "How do you feel? The Defiant just got in. Miles is on his way to Yoshi and Molly; two of his people are having to drag him feetfirst out of the stabilizer gyro compartment--he kind of repaired himself in. He sent me ahead." "I feel strangely fine. Since Julian and Imachram got her turned, Hana seems to be handling this okay on her own. Julian, how soon can I get up off my back?" "In a bit, Kei, and I don't want you pushing yet, either. You're dilated eight centimeters already and your contractions are hardly worth mentioning." "There's a problem?!" Kira stood bolt upright. Keiko winced at the sudden increased pressure of Nerys's hand on hers. "No, not really, nothing to be concerned about. In fact..." Julian was busily running scans. "This is Keiko's second baby, and her labor with the first one was quite rapid as well, if more difficult." "Not the least of which difficulty was that big old Klingon staring up my--say, just where is Worf, anyway?" "Still on the Defiant, I think," Nerys said. "Has he heard I'm in labor?" "Everyone in engineering heard it when I ran down there to tell Miles and he started yelling something--what's that language again? Irish." "If he was yelling anything very extensive in Gaelic, he's learnt it in the past year or so without any of us knowing," Julian supplied. "He's probably just incoherent." Nerys differed "He *can* swear in Irish, and I think he was. He was ripping out all the work he'd just done so he could get out of the compartment. Anyway, Keiko, I'd imagine everyone on the Defiant knows you're in labor by now." "Good. Worf won't come anywhere NEAR the infirmary until he's sure it's over." --- "KEIKO!" "Relax, Miles, the show's barely started," Keiko said, being helped off the biobed and toward the delivery room by Julian and Kira. "Julian says I can get in the chair and push now." "Much pain?" "A few twinges. Technician Carter has been standing by with the central analgesic block, but I haven't needed it yet...wait just a damn OUCH!" "All right, my Kei?" "Bring on the drugs, Julian." --- "Doctor...come now, let me take her," Nurse Akula said gently, and Julian sank onto a stool, glassy-eyed, as the Andorian took Hana up for a meet-and-greet with sister, aunt, mother and additional father. Or mother, aunt and grandparents, whichever. Julian abruptly got up and stumbled out, but he didn't get far; he banged into Jadzia right outside the door of the delivery room. "Julian, what's--oh, God! What--" "No, everything's fine--" Julian managed to choke. "You can see her in a minute--she's so beautiful, Jadzia..." "Julian," Jadzia crooned, her face melting into a maudlin beam of appreciation for Julian's tears as she hugged him. "You must be so happy!" "I don't know what I am," Julian whispered. "I never felt like this. I never thought I ever *could* a...well, genetically, I mean..." "Everyone thinks that for at least part of their life--sometimes even after you *are* a parent," she reassured him; she didn't understand, obviously, but she meant well all the same, and he clung to her shoulders for a moment. She continued "But as often as I've been a parent, it seems like you have to get used to it again every time." Julian just nodded before saying "Come on; they'll be getting Keiko comfortable. I'll introduce you to Hana Keiko O'Brien." --- "Honey, for all practical purposes, she's your sister, not--" "Julian says she's my baby." "He meant in a technical sense, not--" "Are you saying she's *not* my baby?" "You're related to her in the same degree as you would be to a real sister--" "Then are you my sister too?" "Fine! You can get up at two in the morning and feed her, and you can change her and bathe her and--" "Okay." Molly picked Hana up and left the front room. Keiko screamed. Julian sighed. Miles slugged Julian. "Hey!" "'Tell her' you said! 'Be honest' you said! I could bloody well choke you!" "Let me talk to her," Julian tried, following Molly to the baby's room. Both spouses accompanied him. Molly had put Hana in her monitored crib and was climbing agilely up on the dresser in order to get the bottle of newborn formula to her. "Molly," Keiko began without preamble, before Julian could speak, "we need to get this straight. Whatever the genetic factors may be here, I am Hana's mother. You are her sister. Clear?" "Then Aunt Nerys is Yoshi's mother, right?" "Molly--" "Since he's genetically from you and Daddy--but she's the one who carried him, so he's hers. Is that what you're saying?" "NO!" "So Hana is Julian's and mine?" "Sure! Fine! Great! Here." Keiko handed Molly the stack of diapers she had in one hand and stalked from the room to see to Yoshi. Julian sighed. "Doll, we need to talk. Miles, take the bottle. Molly...I'm becoming more than a little tired of people giving me looks which patently wonder if I've been having it off with my little girl." Molly blinked up at him in shiny-eyed, completely feigned innocence. "Let 'em wonder." Miles nearly dropped the bottle and turned abruptly away to fish Hana back out of the bed with one hand and go find Keiko, smothering laughter. Julian rolled his eyes and settled in for a marathon session of sweet reason with a seven-year-old. Who was better at it than he was. --- "Julian." Julian didn't even realize anyone had come in until there were large warm hands on his wrists, pulling his twisting digits apart. Miles's throaty voice, muted further for the sake of the sleeping children, continued "Stop worrying your fingers. They'll bleed again and I hate watching you practice like that, me love." "They're only sore," Julian said absently. Miles folded Julian's hands in his and raised the injured fingers to his mouth, kissing them softly. Julian looked up, away from the crib, and smiled at him. Hana Keiko and Kirayoshi Subatoi slumbered on. "I'm not Diancecht," Miles smiled back, "but maybe a little sympathy'll do some good, in the absence of healing magic. Or of a regenerator." "Thank you, Miles my love. They feel better already." "Can't you numb them or something?" "I injure them on things when I do that." Julian looked back toward the somnolent infants with a puzzled sigh. Miles said wryly "All betwixt and between? Don't know if you're overjoyed or terrified?" "Oh yes. She *is* all right, I know..." "I know what's worrying you, and there's no way to tell about it right away, you know that. But it won't be long. And as we've established, your problems were probably the result of a mutation or exposure to something no one can fathom--whether it was your parents, or you, as a baby. But Keiko isn't worried. And if anything's wrong, she'll worry. Hell, *I'm* not worried, and when *nothing's* wrong, I worry." "True enough." "Besides, you have enough to stew about--Keiko and I have had a baby before; I can tell you, you'll be in quandaries enough over these two without fretting over the nearly impossible, though I understand the impulse. Now come on; you can't stand in here all night. You'll need *some* sleep and these'll let us get little enough as it is." "Mm." Julian reluctantly turned away from the crib and let Miles put an arm around him and lead him from the babies' room. "Been thinking of names?" "Names? Oh, you mean, not really. When you told me names are customary I didn't give it much thought, we had too much to do before it became an issue. What do you think of Tahir?" "Pretty. Where's it from?" "It's Sudanese. It was my grandfather's name. Really, though, grandfather wasn't very musical that I recall, not that I remember much about him. Do *you* have any ideas?" "Hm...half my family's musical, but I had one favorite family member who loved to sing more than just about anything else but hunting." "...hunting?" "Luchtigern. My cat. Huge grey cat, tough as nails. Voice like a war-harp on that cat." Julian grinned. "Luchtigern..." ("In Purgatory's Shadow"-"By Inferno's Light") "Benjamin, I think you should let the Chief break this to Keiko." "It's my responsibility, Old Man." "She doesn't *need* Julian's commanding officer talking to her right now, she needs her husband! She's going to be worse than horrified, she lived with a changeling for a month--their *children* lived with him!" "Have you spoken with Miles?" Dax was quiet a moment, then whispered "Yes." "Do you think that it would be any kindness to him to force him to tell his wife something like this?" She sighed. "Maybe not. All right then, let me. If not her husband, then at least a friend, not an official notification. They're going to blame themselves for not recognizing the fact that this...person was not their husband!" "That's probably true. But the changelings are famous for their ability to catalog detail with a degree unparalleled by any species thus far known in any quadrant. All that was necessary was for the changeling to arrive in their quarters through any number of possible routes, emulate various objects around the house--wall surfaces leap to mind; no one would have noticed anything odd, even if the shapeshifter moved around the house to observe the doctor in various different situations. A few days of such observation, and no one--not his own mother--would have been able to detect the impersonation. And that doesn't even include what the changeling would have learned about him while researching medicine as it's practiced on this station." "They're not going to fasten right on to that rationale, Benjamin. I mean, Julian and I are close too, and *I* feel guilty for not having known any better. How much worse are *they* going to feel?" "That much is obvious," Sisko sighed, slumping in his chair and steepling his fingers against his chin. "I understand if you want to be here, Old Man, and the Chief's welcome as well, of course. But I'll be the one to deliver the news." "Is Julian still in the infirmary?" "Yes. He's undergoing comprehensive nutritional supplementation and autotoxin removal, along with Worf, Martok and Garak." "He'd want to be here." "But he shouldn't be. Keiko ought to be free to express her...discomfiture, without being afraid she'll upset him--since Doctor Bashir...can't feel any better about this than they do, and he's known about it for thirty-seven days, helpless in a Dominion prison." "I suppose it *would* be best if they got the worst of it out of their systems before they saw him. Okay, you're right. You want to call them in or shall I?" "I think I'll meet her and the Chief at the transport, help them take the children to the care center, and tell her when--no, I'll ask them to come to my office. They'll need privacy, and telling them something like this in their own living room seems...uncalled for. When are they due?" "Any time. In fact..." Dax looked at the chronometer. "They should be coming in now." --- "Keiko!" Miles and Jadzia both jumped for her, but Miles, in his somewhat distracted mood, was a little too slow and Jadzia got there first. She half-carried Keiko to the couch and sat with her, holding her up in both arms. "Chief, would you get us some tea?" "Mouthwash," Keiko groaned, covering her face and turning slightly green. "I kissed him! Oh, God, I--I--" "You and me both," Miles agreed, visibly wincing. "And you couldn't even tell from THAT?" Jadzia said, her jaw dropping. "Wasn't more than once or twice, busy as we've all been," Miles muttered almost inaudibly, "but still..." "God," Keiko said again, clinging to Dax. "Then how long HAD it been watching us?" "The changeling, or its compatriots, certainly would have researched anything it needed to know to perform all the functions aboard that Doctor Bashir does, including that of...*ahem*...husband," Sisko muttered almost inaudibly. "Oh, you poor things," Jadzia whispered. "I hadn't even thought of that." "I've got plans for a week-long bath in industrial grade solvent," Miles vowed, sinking down onto the couch and handing Jadzia the mug for Keiko. "I'll join you," Keiko said weakly. "How much does Julian know?" "No telling what he's surmised, but even though he's asked for me, they haven't let me see him yet," Miles told her. "I imagine it's him they're more worried for than me, as far as *that* goes." "Miles...the children..." "I know. At any time, it could have--" "That isn't why it was here, Chief," Sisko cut in stentorily. "The changelings didn't kill even Julian, though they easily could have; and harming your children in any way wouldn't have got the changeling what it wanted. In fact, such action would have drawn attention to it and compromised its primary mission. The children were never in any danger." "Well, no more than the rest of us were," Jadzia muttered. "If Kira hadn't made me take the Defiant to warp inside the system, we'd *all* be dead." "Tell us about it," Miles muttered, "and *we* certainly didn't spot the danger, we hadn't the native wit to realize it wasn't our husband we lived with for over a month. I *did* think he seemed far too busy with far too little reason, considering Yoshi and Hana and Chairiste--and Molly..." Miles whispered. "What?" Sisko said in concern. "Has something happened to Molly?" "In a way," Keiko sighed. "Why didn't we *see*, Miles?" "What is it?" Jadzia demanded. "I want to see Julian," Keiko said. "Captain, make them let us in. many people know about the changeling?" "That there was one on the station, and Kira and the Old Man destroyed it before it could wipe out several fleets of ships, not to mention all Bajor? Half the quadrant. Specifically, though, who the changeling was impersonating...our crew returned from the prison, General Martok, Dax, the Chief, major Kira, report to Admiral Ross...I don't believe it's become general knowledge." "We'd rather it didn't," Miles said firmly. "This is bad enough without that." "It won't," Sisko said solemnly. "Count on it." "You really can, you know," Jadzia murmured, hugging Keiko close. --- Molly looked up when the front door opened and shut. Da. "No, Julian, just come on in and lie down. God, you've lost kilograms and you didn't have them to spare. We'll bring everyone round to you. We' someone to introduce." IT. "Whatever does that mean?" Mom. "We're going to have a guest for a while. Come on, Miles..." "They're coming," Molly whispered in Hana's ear. She reached a hand through the crib railing to pat Yoshi and, holding Hana, faded toward the railed bed where the little blonde girl sat. "I'll be here. It won't get us." "Molly?" Miles peeked in. "Honey. It's all right. We...understand what's been bothering you about Julian." "It...Miles, how do we tell her?" Molly watched them suspiciously. They *didn't* understand about Julian. He wasn't Julian, and if he was, something was *wrong* with him. He looked and talked and acted the same, he even smelled like a cinnamon roll like Dad, but something she couldn't quite put her finger on was wrong. It might not seem like much, but it was wrong, and it was ALL wrong. And there was no way grownups would believe her, even if she was dumb enough to try to tell them the truth. She remembered that business with Mommy and the pagh wraith. No grownup but Da would have believed her then, either--and he only believed it because the wraith had told him itself. All she'd been able to do this time was keep trying to act normal so IT wouldn't catch her out, and try to keep her daughter and the other babies away from it. It hadn't seemed to mind that much. It always seemed to be off doing other things. It would ask her to watch the little kids and go off to do something, and ask her not to tell Mom and Da. That was when she knew her suspicions were right--Julian would never have done that. Left them alone, *or* asked her to lie to Mom and Da. But she *did* know whose word would be taken over whose if she tried to make a stink about it. Being seven was hell. "Honey," Daddy started again, getting down on one knee next to her. Mom came to take Hana, but Molly faded back another step, turning Hana away from the outstretched hands with a defiant look. "I know where you wanna take her," Molly whispered. Keiko sighed. "All right, keep her for now. You won't have to be afraid much longer." "We owe you an apology, sweetie," Daddy said very quietly. "We didn't know what you knew...we were frustrated, we didn't understand the way you were acting. And you're so young, we didn't think it was good for you, insisting on caring for the little ones so much. We know why now. The man who was living with us this past month...wasn't Julian." Molly glared. "Well I know *that*." "Right.'s just that now, we know it too. But he's gone now, and Julian's home." "Who was IT?" "It was a Founder, sweetie. It fooled everyone on the station. You're the only one who had any clue. Anyway, Dad's had kind of a rough time, and he's not looking quite himself, but it's him, you can count on it. The Founder impersonating him is gone now. I got a message from the real Julian, and Jadzia and Aunt Nerys got rid of the fake one." "How are you sure it's him?" "He's had all kinds of tests in the infirmary, including DNA, over and above the usual." Keiko offered "The only reason the changeling fooled everyone so long was that Dad is one of the people who run the tests, so the changeling was able to falsify results and records. Now there'll be better security against that." "Uncle Julian's been replaced by changelings before," Miles added, "and that's why. He's right at the door to the gamma quadrant, and he's the chief medical officer." "But you're telling me they can't take him again?" Molly said challengingly. "They may try, but they'd fail. Julian's going to be checked regularly by a medical officer not under his command. Which was actually his idea. He's scared of what might have happened to you and the other children while he was gone, Molly. He knows that from your point of view, you've no reason to trust him. Come see him, sweetie. If you knew it wasn't him before, you'll know it *is* now. It'd make him feel better if you'd let him see Hana and the other children..." "Miles, never mind." They looked around. Julian was standing in the door, but not inside the room. His hands were held unthreateningly at his sides. "You're right," he said, voice deep and rough and quiet. "She hasn't any reason to trust me after what's happened, and I might add she's got precious little reason to trust anyone. Even you two. It's all right, Molly. And I'm sorry." Julian vanished again in the direction of the master bedroom. Miles and Keiko looked at each other, in obvious chagrin. Molly watched them a moment as no one spoke. She made up her mind. "Come on, Hana," she whispered to the baby. "We'll go see if it's him." She readjusted her grip on the blanket-wrapped bundle--she almost smirked when she realized, from the look on his face, that Da only just now saw that Hana was in Molly's favorite old baby blanket, the one she'd slept with for years--and walked out past them toward the master bedroom. She went in. Julian, if that was his real name, was sitting on the edge of the bed sort of slumped over, looking at the floor. She marched up and stopped. He lifted his head. His eyes were red and he looked thin. He looked older. She held Hana out. "She's growing fast." Julian stared at the bundle a moment, then carefully and slowly took it from her, pulling the blanket back to look at the baby. Hana cooperated by waking up and looking back. "She'll cry in a minute," Molly said. "She likes to eat when she wakes up. That's probably why she's getting so big." Julian was nodding slowly, his expression rapt, giving the baby a little finger to suck on. "She is big, for six weeks, as early as she" Julian looked back at her. "Did he ever hurt you? You can tell me. We'll believe you." "You mean the IT? No. I watched him. If he had the little kids by himself I MADE them let me be there. He tried to take Hana off once to show to some people in the infirmary; I screamed until they all had to let me go, too. When Mom said I had to go with her to Bajor while Da was gone--I threw a fit, but it didn't help, I just got sent to my room--I called aunt Nerys and said you hadn't been feeling good but you wouldn't admit it, and asked her to come and stay whenever you got in and sent the sitter home. I was really relieved when she just laughed and said she bet she shouldn't say anything to the proud new father about helping out, and I said no, just say she wanted to visit. That was the only time I was REALLY worried about the little kids. I got tired having to get up when he did for feedings, but that wasn't too bad, the babies' crying sometimes wakes me up anyway. They never caught me. I hid, but I watched." Mom and Da had come in, but they were quiet. Molly knew they felt bad, and she knew they hadn't meant to be wrong, but they had been, and DAMN it she deserved to be told she did a good job, after all the crap she'd had to take from *them*. She could hardly hear him when he spoke. Julian said "You're very, very brave, Molly, and I'm glad you were here. I'm glad the little ones could count on you...oh, Molly I'm so bloody damned *sorry*!" He bit his lip, and his throat tensed up, just the way Molly's did when she was trying not to cry, and she took Hana, turned around and handed the baby to Mom, and climbed into his lap. He held on to her so tight it squished a little, but she didn't complain. She'd complain later. She wanted to cry too, she'd been so scared and now she was so glad he was back, even though he looked sick...but not now. Now she was going to be brave, like Julian needed. "It's him," she said to Mom and Da, and patted Julian's back. --- Julian was spoon-feeding the little blonde toddler later, after the other children were asleep. This one wouldn't go down; Molly had informed them that the girl wanted applesauce, but someone else could give it to her because Molly was tired; then she'd promptly fallen asleep on the sofa. Miles had concurred with the applesauce hypothesis, it being part of his list of instructions, and gone to procure some; Julian insisted on administering it. "Chairiste, you're a mess," he said softly, blotting her with her bib. "I thought you wanted to *eat* this." "Yah," Chairiste agreed, grabbing for the hand Julian held the spoon in to haul it back to her mouth. Julian looked up at Miles. "Miles my love, I'm not complaining, but why in heaven's name did your father ask you? Living here, of all places? You do have two brothers." "You mean my brother Mac, the--sorry, I mean Michael Junior, the Special Services munitions expert, presently stationed near the Cardassian border--or Sean Oisin, touring violist with the European Symphony Orchestra?" " have a point. But couldn't she be *somewhere* safer? A care center on Earth?" Keiko shook her head, but not at Julian. "You know how Miles's family is about that kind of thing. I'm afraid that for one reason and another, we're the best choice to be had, as far as they're concerned. Miles did ask us, before he agreed. Well, he at least thought he asked you. So we have a miniature of Miles in the house until his stepmother is out of stasis and on her feet again." "And I can tell you," Miles said, "Da could never have kept up with this creature. I've been worried as hell about Molly, but on a level, shaming as it is to admit it, I've been glad of her help." "We all have, at one time or another," Keiko said. "Were you really this charming as a toddler, Miles?" Julian wondered as Chairiste grinned a fruit-puree grin at him. He grinned back. "Um, no, not really, Sean was the charmer. Julian, you should lie yourself down and rest. Go with him, darlin', I'll take charming Chairiste here. C'mon, little colleen..." "Da! Da!" "No, I keep telling you I'm not Da, sweetie, though I can see why y'might think so. I'm your *brother*. Say 'Miles'?" "Da Mile!" "Well, I *was* hoping a bit for "uncle" if you can't manage Miles, but...close enough. Come on..." the transfer was accomplished and Keiko got up to go with Julian into the bedroom. As they settled to the bed, Keiko muttered "I'm thinking of burning this mattress." "We'll have Miles irradiate it. Anyway, it would be a pity to let anything happen to Deanna's lovely linens just because some Founder...heavens, I can't even say it." "I can't even think it." "Has Telnori spoken with you?" "Not yet." She smiled faintly. "Good old Telnori. He's been around almost since before the beginning, hasn't he?" "He has been for me. And I think he saved Miles's sanity after Argratha, though I doubt Miles will ever be over that. I never would be. In any case, Telnori came to see me in the infirmary; he mentioned that he'd already cleared time on his schedule for the three of us, together and separately. Molly, too." "Saves us the trouble of calling him. Did he tell you when our group session is?" "Tomorrow. Eighteen hundred." "Actually I think Molly may have the *least* trouble getting over this. She did at least know that something wasn't right...but she also knew she couldn't trust us, or anyone else, to help. That has to have been horrible." "I was disbelieved by my parents when I was telling the truth, on a fairly regular basis. Not quite the same circumstances, but in general, it is indeed enough to make one tear sheet metal." "I only *hope* she's more angry than hurt." "I understand that nightmare now. The one in which Molly was seven and pregnant, and it was my fault..." "How could you have known, Julian? Either that this would happen, or that she'd react this way to it?" "I don't know. Perhaps it had to do with her insistence that Hana was her own. I didn't question telling her, and everyone else, the truth at the time, any case, the coincidence as far as the dream seems too much to ignore." Julian crawled in bed and plopped against the pillows. "Oh...despite *what* was here in my absence, it's good to be back." Keiko lay down with him. "I'm still trying to adjust to the idea that you weren't here. Brrrr." She shuddered. "True, we have very different sorts of circumstances to get used to. By the way...I...hope you took quite a number of holorecordings of Hana in the last five weeks." Keiko squeezed him in sympathy and genuine grief. "Oh, Julian...I'm so sorry you've missed so much. You only had--three days with her?" "Three very short days...that conference was only supposed to take two. Damn well mandatory..." "We know." "Don't be surprised if you see me bolting into the bathroom and locking the door. I don't like to be so sour in front of the children; it's upsetting to them." "We took a couple of dozen recordings, stills and otherwise. Molly has the recorder in her room." "Were they for her, or do you suppose she figured somehow that I'd make it home?" "I wouldn't put it past her..." "Chairiste's down," Miles said, coming in and starting to get out of his uniform. "And I asked Molly where *she* wanted to sleep, and she said the living room with the lights on." "Not in here?" Julian puzzled. "No. I tried to convince her to come in--then asked if she wanted me to stay out there with her, thought she might be worried over sleeping in a room with you--but she got the same look on her face she's been getting all the last five weeks. Plain as day, it said this time, 'I'm out here, you're in there, no questions, goodnight, Da.'" Keiko hid her face on Julian. "She's standing guard." "Bloody well is," Miles sighed, climbing in on Julian's other side and arranging them all in a heap with Julian in the middle. "But I think the best thing we can do for her is to let her, as suspicious of the world in general as she is right now. Force the issue, and the first thing she'll think is we've got something to hide. If she's not reassured in a few days, we'll worry then. Computer, lights." There was a long silence. Keiko whispered "Were you afraid?" Julian nuzzled her hair. "Not for my life. They treated Worf in ways we'd think of as abominable, but he doesn't, though he was getting pretty sick of it before it was over, as were we all. Jem'Hadar prisons are considerably more civilized than, say, Cardassian or Klingon. We were free to move around the compound, since there was nothing outside but vacuum. We weren't physically harmed unless we disobeyed. We weren't starved, though I took exception to the fact that many of the meals were lacking in nutritional content, and I got thrown into solitary for five days--" Keiko winced. Julian stroked her back. "Far preferable to being beaten within an inch of my life, as would have happened in many alpha quadrant prisons. It was only thirty-seven days, my Kei. It wasn't pleasant, but Miles went through *far* worse, for infinitely longer. The worst part, I suppose, after knowing that there was a shapeshifter burping the children, was having to kill some of the Jem'Hadar--put a knife in one, and you can imagine how that would affect a doctor. Some of my fellows were killed. And it was...a very difficult time for my enigmatic friend Garak, for several reasons." There was quiet for a long time. Keiko had been stroking one hand lightly down Julian's chest, a sort of idle comforting touch which she was prone to; Julian thought Miles might have fallen asleep--which he could do practically anywhere or in any position, another legacy of the soldier he'd once been. But then Keiko slid up partly over Julian and kissed him with a soft insistence. He returned it, but whispered "Kei...I'm not sure I'm--" "Let me," Keiko whispered. "I want that...that damned--" "--lying, murderous piece of slime," Miles added for her softly. "--out of this bed. And out of--of--" "--of us, too," Miles finished for her again. He kissed along Julian's neck and jaw, murmuring "We know you're all in. It's all right, just let us...but we won't push, if you really don't--" "No, it's not that--I suppose I'm feeling so guilty over Molly, taking such comfort from you feels wrong." "I know what you mean," Keiko said, "but Molly's had all the comfort she's capable of taking right now, and she'll have more as soon as she can accept it--and you didn't kidnap yourself, Julian. You can't blame yourself, over the children or Miles and me, either. If anything, we're the ones who should have *known*..." Julian whispered "Oh, we're *not* going to get into another contest of humility, are we? It seems to happen whenever we hit some sort of unexpected snag." Miles countered "S'better than screaming blame at each other." Still working on Julian's neck and its environs, which fact Julian was, by this time, appreciating deeply, Miles was helping Keiko get all their clothes off, any that they happened to be wearing. "Wait...if it's going to be the way I think it is? I'll be back in a moment." They let Julian slide away from them and move, a slim shadow in the darkness, toward the bath. They reached up when he came back, and he sank into their embrace, and they kissed him and laid him down between them. For a while, Julian wondered if they'd decided to stroke him into sleep, also an appealing prospect at the moment. Curled close with him, they ran their hands gently over all his skin, caressing each hollow and curve of his body. Keiko and Julian had petted Miles into a safer-feeling unconsciousness just this way, almost every night, for months after Argratha, and sometimes still did; they'd started doing it for Julian, too, after the nightmare that precipitated his anxiety attack. But soon their touches became more insistent, still all over him, but more specific in intent, and he felt himself reacting. Arousal stirred within him, growing to a low throb, his breath and pulse deepening; he could feel an invisible flush starting across him. Keiko began to use her mouth as well as her hands, Miles following her lead; Julian realized they had likely been reassuring themselves as much as they had him--of his presence, his existence there with them. He longed to touch them, convince them--'It's really me, I'm really the man who loves you, don't be afraid--' but whenever he moved to do so, they gently caught his hands, turning them up to kiss his palm, the delicate flesh inside his wrist, run soft lips over each fingertip. They whispered to him, telling him to be still, that everything was all right, that they loved him and how much, even a phrase he'd never found it easy to believe--that he was beautiful--but for that moment, from them, he believed it. They brought responses from him, body and soul, that he hadn't suspected he'd had the strength for right then. With a shudder, he abandoned worries over his lack of reciprocation, and just let them make love to him. He lay in Miles's arms, his back against the older man's chest. He let his head fall back against Miles's shoulder so that Miles could rub his lips softly across Julian's, pause and kiss him deeply, let his breath flow warm over Julian's sensitive ear. Julian felt his skin caressed with velvet-soft lightness, hands, mouth and tongue raising gooseflesh in their wake. A brush of Miles's fingertips across Julian's nipples made him shiver again. Keiko was sliding down his body, exploring each tiny alteration that the loss of flesh over the last five and more weeks had wrought on him, kissing and pressing her cheek to the slight indentations between his ribs, stroking her hands down his sunken flanks, over his prominent hipbones. Julian hadn't thought the changes that marked, but the way Miles and Keiko had reacted when they saw him told him he might look more different than he'd thought...or perhaps Miles and Kei had simply been hurt by the sight of it more. As if she could hear his thoughts, Keiko opened her mouth and ran her teeth lightly down the length of his hipbone, something that always made him quiver--as though saying she wasn't *that* upset by the change..."It's all right," she whispered again, and lowered her mouth to his swollen penis. Julian gasped softly and tensed, his back arching against Miles's chest, as Miles caught him closer, arms pressing firm across his chest and belly, sliding his own darkly-flushed member against Julian's buttocks. Julian moaned, just barely pushing back against him. Miles sighed shudderingly, lightly biting Julian's neck and allowing his own body to respond to the rocking of Julian's pelvis, moving against him with firm intensity; Keiko slid her arm up over Julian's hip and across Miles's, grasping him firmly, helping to hold them all steady. Julian's hands twined loosely in Keiko's glossy hair as she caressed him with her tongue, by turns sucking, kissing and licking until Julian gasped and moaned again, a sound of entreaty. Miles's erection was sliding loosely against Julian as their hips moved, in clear, warm fluid. Julian's back arched again at the feel of it. "Miles..?" he whispered as Keiko began to move back up Julian's body. She slid her hand across his testes and he sucked in a sudden breath, letting it out on a long sigh as she held them, massaging lightly. Julian whispered "God," as he felt Miles touch him, first one, then two slicked fingers gently inserting themselves inside him, reaching deeper...stretching him slowly, caressing muscles into relaxation. Helplessly, Julian's body continued to move against Keiko's hand and Miles's as they kept on, kissing him across belly and chest, shoulders and back and neck. He was lost in sensation...he felt on the verge of begging, he didn't know what for, he was still too weak, he couldn't stand this... Keiko's hand released him; she took his waist and slid her leg across both men, folding her lower leg up between herself and Julian. She pulled his arm over her and he encircled her with it across her lower back, pulling her in close, and she began to press herself down on him, taking him inside her; one gentle push, two--and he slid in all the way, the slick warmth of her engulfing him, drawing a groan from them both. Miles murmured in satisfaction, flushed and shivering, at seeing their faces, feeling the reaction of their bodies against his own. Tears barely glittered in the lashes of Julian's closed eyes. Miles began sliding into Julian with agonizing slowness. Julian's body spasmed. Miles, his lower arm around Julian, reached over and slid the other arm around him and Keiko, his hand clasping Julian's forearm where the younger man held her. The softness and shocking heat inside Julian made Miles's joints go loose; he held on to Keiko and Julian and felt their motion, matched his own to it, until his flanks pressed hard against Julian's hips and his mind seemed to dissolve. Julian had to hold his breath a moment as his free hand jerked and twisted in the sheet at the sudden, incredible intensity of feeling Miles stretch and fill him slowly, as Keiko controlled her own motion until she felt him suddenly push back against Miles, sliding him home. The sensation of holding Miles inside him was powerfully potent, heady; he could feel Kei and Miles exchange a wordless caress, Miles's hand trailing across her throat and breasts, the silken inside of her leg running up his side from thigh to waist and back down. And they began moving again, and so did Julian...his heart thudded painfully at the overwhelming stimulation that washed him in double waves...oh, firm, steady...faster...panting, whispering, moaning aloud, cries becoming gradually more urgent, desperate--so close-- With a dizzying effort, he whispered "Wait, please--oh, God--" They stopped instantly, even as Keiko let out an involuntary noise of frustration, quickly cut off, and Miles collapsed shaking with the effort not to keep on; but he controlled it, still hard inside Julian, and whispered "What is it? Are you all right?" "Oh..." Julian panted for breath. "Don't let it be yet, just...hold me like this...I don't want it to be yet..." "Mmmm..." Miles made a soft sound of appreciative consent for the idea, too, as Keiko used her hold on Miles to pull her sweat-dampened body up against Julian's; Julian moved his arm from her back to carefully stroke the tendrils of black hair from her face, turned his head to receive Miles's kiss, and the other man took the chance to refirm his hold on them both. They were all still burning, trying to still the incessant quivers and involuntary contractions that ran through them, but they savored the sensation, and the feeling of lying wrapped close, so thoroughly joined. Julian inhaled the heavy scent that hung in the room, never quite the same with any combination of only two of them; he didn't think he'd ever been so intoxicated by it. They caressed each other absently, their panting abating only slightly; Keiko was slit-eyed, her expression rapturous. To feel them, in whatever way, feel this...he would have done anything he had to, to feel this again... Miles shuddered and pushed against him. He and Keiko both felt it, and they both responded without thinking, moving, Keiko pumping harder, clinging to them both; Julian letting them lead him, control his motion as pleasure built in a rapid crescendo within him. The blood roared in his ears so that he couldn't hear his own cries; Miles anchored them, eyes shut tight, Julian's slamming heartbeat counterpointing his own as he thrust over and over...rhythm increasing... "Oh--NOW--" Keiko cried, "--NOW, let go--" Miles's sharp shout was inarticulate as he came, his body arcing in a spasm that went on, and on, until his muscles shook in protest, as Julian cried out repeatedly and writhed, sobbing for breath, only their iron deathgrips on each other preventing him from thrashing them all apart, and Keiko kept gasping "Now, yes...oh, now..." --- "You need to do that more often, Kei," Julian commented to her as they sprawled in various attitudes of exhaustion. "You don't usually, but when you do..." "Does seem to work, doesn't it," Miles agreed. "I don't really plan it," Keiko murmured. "It just sort of happens when things are coming together the way that makes you think you know the meaning of universal existence. Which with the soundproofing around here I guess is a good thing." "Hope we didn't scare Molly," Miles said worriedly. "I did beef up the soundproofing in here, but..." "She's heard us do this before," Keiko said. "It's true we don't usually scream quite so much, though," Julian admitted. "Nothing scares Molly," Keiko asserted. "Even through the last six weeks, I haven't seen her show a single qualm for herself. For the babies, yes, and Julian..." "Now that you mention it..." Miles agreed. "I've always known she had the heart of a lion," Julian sighed. "Maybe we could arrange for her to spend some time charging into the teeth of battle in the holosuite with Worf and Jadzia." "Gor, Julian!" "I'm only joking," Julian giggled softly. --- (The following afternoon...) --- "DEFEND YOURSELF!" Molly screamed, and swung. Jadzia parried almost too gently, startled at the power the graceless double-overhand blow carried, let Molly land a few more glancing strikes, then plucked the bat'leth from her hands with the point of her own weapon through the blade of Molly's. Molly reached for it and Jadzia dropped it back into her hands. The weight overbalanced the girl and she landed on her rear with a wuff. "What'd I do wrong THAT time?" she demanded. Jadzia leaned down to take the huge--if blunt--weapon off of Molly. "What I've said all along you're doing wrong--you need to start with a light practice blade, against a holopartner, preferably one not much taller than you, at the novice level. This bat'leth nearly weighs as much as you do." Molly scowled, getting to her feet. "Y'mean I'm wasting your time." Jadzia let both blades fall forward to rest with their tips in the holosand. "Relax, Molly. I told you that's how I started." "No you didn't. You were Curzon. You started with a full-weight blade." "But I was a full-weight person, and I still had to learn how to fight as Jadzia, not Curzon. Molly, it's impressive that you can even lift this thing, much less do overhead work with it!" "Klingon kids fight with real ones! Against grown-ups!" "Klingon kids also stagger home bruised and bleeding, and if that happened to you your parents would take turns, two of them holding me down while the other one pounded me with my own war axe." Molly sighed. "Come on, you've had enough for one day, I know how tired your arms must be. Mine were a lot longer than yours, and they were tired after this much work, at first." "Okay, okay..." Molly let Jadzia conduct her from the room and out to the Promenade. "Has Keiko told your fathers you're practicing with me yet?" Jadzia wondered. "She told the IT about a week ago. It didn't say anything to Da. Dad only just got back; I don't think he'll mind. Da's going to have a fit, though." "You're probably right," Jadzia surmised, with a lopsided smile. "Let's go by my quarters and leave the bat'leths, and spruce you up a little, before we head for the care center." "Okay." --- "Doctor. Julian? Wake up." A very cool palm was laid against Julian's bare shoulder. "Mmm...what...?" Julian twisted, legs tangled in the sheet, and realized the figure by the bed was too big to be Keiko and too small to be"*Garak*?" he murmured as his eyes focused. "What--is something wrong?" "That's what I was asked to determine, Doctor. The Chief has been trying to raise you, periodically, for four hours." "What? I *slept* through the *comm*?" "Apparently so." Julian pushed himself up groggily on one elbow. There was a time Garak's unannounced presence in his bedroom while he slept had sent him right through the ceiling. "Computer, put me through to Chief O'Brien." "O'Brien here." "Hello, Miles--sorry, I was sleeping like a stone. What did you need?" "To know if we'd killed you last night or something. Do you know what time it is?" "" "Past fifteen hundred. The only reason I'm not up there with a med unit is I'm still waiting for this damn access shaft to complete a full decontam cycle before I can get back through it; the radiation plays hell with transporter signals. Are you all right?" "I'm wonderful, except for being shocked. I haven't slept through a comm summons since I got my physiology degree." "I know, that's why I was worried. Maybe Guirani released you lot rather soon." "Actually I might have her run a check. I can't afford this sort of thing happening. But I feel fine, at the moment." "Well, just take it easy. Keiko's going to be late again, so I'll need you to meet me at the care center at eighteen hundred. Up to it?" "Of course. I'll see you then." "Right." The comm went silent. "Well," Julian yawned, curling his legs up to one side as he sat up, stretching his shoulders, "I wonder why Miles called *you* and not one of my staff. I apologize for him, he's such a worrier..." "*Are* you all right, Doctor?" "Yes," Julian nodded, blinking himself the rest of the way awake and resting his weight on one palm. "Why?" "You appear rather...gaunt." "Gaunt." "Yes." "Garak, I was born that way." "To this degree? I doubt it." "Have you *ever* seen me looking exactly well-fleshed?" "That's quite a delicate question..." "Let me put it another way. Have you ever seen this much of me at once before?" Speaking of which. Julian belatedly checked to be sure the twisted tangle of sheet was covering the more delicate portions of his lap. "No, Doctor, I'm quite sure I'd remember this if I'd seen it before." "Well, there you are. This is just what I look like in a sheet." "Forgive what might seem to be my immoderate concern, but you *did* undergo a high level of...stress, in part due to your family considerations, during our recent--" "Oh, hell, and you didn't? I should be asking if *you're* all right. Here, sit down. How *are* you feeling since Guirani released us last evening?" Garak was motionless. Julian essayed a drowsy half-smile, and took Garak's wrist in a loose grip. "Come on; I won't bite you." "That isn't what causes me to hesitate. Don't you think your spouses would feel that your bed has seen enough of alien presences for the time?" "I won't tell them if you don't." Julian tugged gently, and smiled sleepily again, with a small beckoning toss of his head that made his hair fall across his eyes. Garak sat down. Julian shifted his hand to Garak's shoulder. "Look, no matter how much good I might think it would do you, I'm not about to try to suggest you pour your heart out to me about Tain..." "That's fortunate. I *would* so hate to have to disappoint you." "...but, as fate would have it, I *am* the only one to whom you could embroider history, speak metaphorically, lie like a rug, whatever, on the matter." "And I'm glad you remain so. Thank you for the careful wording in your report." "Think nothing of it. Thank *you*, for...taking me so far into your confidence, especially in such a terribly personal matter." "If I may say, Doctor, in that particular circumstance, there could have been no one else to trust." "Well of course, Worf and Martok aren't exactly--" "I meant in the larger sense, with only one--possible--exception." "I shouldn't ask who it is, should I." "As I said, I'd hate to disappoint you. Suffice it to say I'm not completely certain she's still alive." "I'm sorry." "Don't let it worry you, Doctor. She's one of many people of my past acquaintance who share that characteristic." "I'm sure. But in any case, I want you to know that if you ever *should* feel like talking...well, you always *do* know where to find me," Julian grinned. "Dominion prisons, anywhere on the station--like my bedroom, more than once, now. Apparently I'm not safe from you anywhere." "Safe is such a relative term, my we both have reason to know." Garak gazed into his eyes a moment, the blue of his own oddly lambent. Then he took Julian's hand from his shoulder and set it on the bed, with an almost imperceptible squeeze, and rose. "For instance," he added, turning back at the door. "May I suggest you have something to eat before you walk too near an exhaust duct?" He barely smiled, then left. Julian stared after him with the wondering expression he often seemed to acquire around Garak, followed by the laugh that also seemed inevitable, and fell back bonelessly on the bed with a sigh. Eventually, he rolled over and got up, pulling a robe on and going to the terminal. He tapped keys, and when his contactee appeared, he said "Quark, the Chief and I are going to need to double our holosuite time for a while. I've got some catching up to do." "How do you mean?" "I mean I've been turning off at practice and we've only got a certain amount of time before Keiko's birthday." "Doctor...not that I object, but it seems strange to me that you want to keep using perfectly good money for holosuites when all you and the Chief have been doing lately is playing those instruments. It's a lot of credit just for a nice setting to practice in." "Oh, that's not all we do. Though from now through a month or so it probably will be; as I said, I've been lazy and we've got several pieces to finish." "I hope your wife appreciates this trouble and expense." "We haven't got much choice in the matter; it's a surprise for everyone, and we need the cover--we can't practice at home. Well, Miles can, and he does, but I can't, and we can't write anything together here; either Molly or Keiko's sure to catch me out." "What *is* that thing he plays, anyway? The one time I heard it, the vibrations set my teeth on edge." Julian smirked. "It's called a cello. Humans usually find the sound soothing. He's been playing since he was a boy." "And he never got any better?" "Quark, just book us Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for the next month, will you?" "It's your credit." "That's right. It is." He broke the connection and considered his fingers with a sigh. Thirty-seven days plus a few, and so much for those hard-won playing calluses... --- (Dr. Bashir, I Presume) --- "Yes, I know you thought it was me in the infirmary, but you *mustn't* slip on *this*, no matter what--Miles and Keiko must NOT become known to have been aware of the enhancements. If it's found that Miles knew, he could be bounced from Fleet for not reporting it. Say nothing, ever, under any circumstances," Julian muttered tightly. "Not in public, not in private, nowhere. Have I made myself clear?" Amsha squeezed his hand. "Of course we wouldn't endanger him, Jules--" "That's what you and Father said about the three of *us*, Mother." "Julian, Miles and I will be all right; now that Richard and Amsha know what might happen, they'll be more careful." Keiko tried to mitigate, sitting on the sofa on Amsha's other side, in Julian's parents' quarters. "Bloody hope you'd know we wouldn't get your man cashiered, Jules," Richard muttered, waving the concern off as he continued pacing. Miles, leaning against a port, arms folded and jaw tight, muttered "Bloody hope *you* remember that." Richard shot him a glance. "You. If *you'd* stopped us in time, this rotting well wouldn't have happened!" "And if *you'd* had the god-blasted brains not to open your mouth in the middle of a public area and tell ANYbody who might be just out of sight around any of a dozen--" Keiko yelled "Miles!" at the same time Julian yelled "Father!" Amsha sighed. There was a silence. "Well," Richard began again, pacing. "We're not going to take this lying down. I'll arrange for legal counsel. We're going to fight this thing all the way to the Federation Supreme Court!" "That we will," Miles concurred, starting to pace, too. "Captain Picard has quite a few contacts in the Judicial branch, and he--" "Miles," Julian muttered, his animation disappearing into a lax, stuporous defeat. "Father. We can't fight this." Richard snapped "You'd better change that attitude *right* now if you want to hang on to your career!" Miles temporized "I know how you must feel, Julian. But we can't give up! I'm NOT going to let this happen to you, believe I won't." Amsha stroked Julian's shoulder and pleaded "Jules, listen to them--they're trying to help you--" "--and neither of them is listening to *me*! I don't want to drag this through the courts!" "Damn it, Julian!" Miles turned away in frustration. Richard shouted "We're a little past worrying about your *wants*, Jules! Now we've got a serious problem, and it's time to stop whining and concentrate on coming up with a new plan!" "He's no whiner," Miles growled at Richard. "None of this is *his* fault!" "Yes, of course," Julian was saying wildly. "A new plan! Let's come up with a *new* *plan*! That's how we do things in this family, isn't it! We don't face our problems, we come up with *new plans*! Don't like your job, well, move along to the next one--don't like the law, find a way around it, but whatever you do, do NOT accept responsibility!" "Julian," Keiko hissed. "You aren't helping!" Richard steamed. "All those gifts, all those accomplishments, and you still want to behave like a spoilt child! Well, you'd better grow up *right* now, or you're going to lose everything!" "Him?" Miles demanded. "It's you you're worried about! He's the one thing you've accomplished in your life--" Julian rasped "Miles!" Miles turned away abruptly. "Sorry, Richard. Man shouldn't speak like that to his father-in-law." The words were obviously a complete formality, intended to prevent an all-out rift, but Richard only nodded tightly in acknowledgement. Julian whispered "No. He *was* my father. Now..." He looked slowly up at Richard. "'re my architect. The man who designed a better son to replace the defective one he was given. But your design has a built-in flaw. It's illegal." Richard exploded. "You're so smart, you know so much, you can sit there and judge us, but you haven't the wit to see that we saved you from a life of remedial education and underachievement!" Sitting with Amsha's arm around her shoulders, Keiko, near tears as Julian got up and strode away from them all toward the far port, looked up wide-eyed, wounded for Julian's sake. She cried softly "You don't know that! You didn't give him a chance!" "Keiko," Amsha whispered in a halfhearted defense, "he was falling behind--" Julian spun. "I was six years old. You decided I was a failure in the first grade!" "You don't understand, Jules," Richard replied, "you never did!" "No, *you* don't understand!" Julian roared in full throat. "I stopped calling myself Jules when I was fifteen, and I found out what you'd done to me!" "His name," Miles said with deceptive softness, "is Julian." "What difference does that make?!" Richard scoffed, leaning against another port in an attitude of fury. "It makes *every* difference, because *I'm* different, can't you *see*?" Julian was shooting lightning bolts by this time. "Jules Bashir DIED in that hospital--because YOU couldn't live with the shame of having a son that didn't measure up!" Keiko gasped "Julian--" Amsha let go of Keiko and jumped up. "That's not true! We were never ashamed of you, never!" Julian was staring past her at Richard, trying his best not to shout directly in her face. "I'm sorry, Mother--but the *truth* is--" "No!" Amsha cut in again, desperately. "You don't understand! Your little girl, she is bright, so far ahead of other children her age, and your babies are still so young--you know you have done nothing to harm Molly, you don't know what it's like watch your watch him fall a little further behind every know he's trying, but something's holding him back--to be afraid for his happiness, his safety--you don't know what it's like, to stay up every night worrying that maybe you did something wrong, exposed yourself to something dangerous, that maybe you weren't careful enough. Or maybe there's something wrong with you, perhaps you don't know how to raise a child, perhaps you haven't given him what he--" Keiko had come up and was reaching for Amsha, just ahead of Richard, but Amsha held a hand out to forestall them both. "No, Richard, Keiko; this is important. Jules, you can condemn us for being immoral, or illegal, or whatever you want to say, but you *must* understand this. We did not do what we did because we were ashamed--but because you were our *son*--and we loved you." Keiko, Miles and Richard were very still. Finally Julian closed his eyes and pulled Amsha in for a hug. He released her slowly, and walked just as slowly past her, past Richard and Keiko, to come to rest against Miles at the other side of the room. Miles put his arms around Julian and whispered "Julian me love. What do you want us to do?" "Nothing. I'm going to visit Captain Sisko in the morning, and explain the situation to him...and tender my Starfleet resignation." Keiko wiped her cheeks, approaching to lay her hands on his shoulders. "Are you sure that's what you want?" "Yes." He gently broke Miles's hug and turned to squeeze Keiko close a moment, then let her go, too. "I just want..." he sighed and moved for the door, " leave this station as quietly as we can manage it." The door hummed shut behind him. Everyone stood there, staring after him, for a moment. "Well," Keiko said finally. "Are we all in agreement that the man who just walked out of here is going to remain a full member of Starfleet Medical, no matter what any of us has to do?" "Damn right he is," Richard almost whispered. "Of course," Amsha said shudderingly, head bowing. "Let's get to it, then," Miles said somberly. --- ("A Simple Investigation") --- "If I can't be Agent O'Brien, I'm doing Dunlap." "But Chief, we all *love* your Falcon." "What you all love is the fact that *you* can give me a look that promises me the world in bed that night and I'll always agree to play him. Well, forget it. You play the bad guy for once." "This whole business was my idea, I should get to play whatever part I--" "Keiko! He's being selfish again." "Both of you just want to get your hands on that blonde." They both protested vehemently, to no effect. She rolled her eyes and said "Save it. Lady Wantsomore told me all about it. By the way, Miles, she thinks your thug voice needs work." "Let Julian do Falcon and my thug voice won't matter." Julian contributed "Nonsense. He has a lovely thug voice, Keiko. Makes me shake in my patent leathers." "Well, I'll settle this. Next time...*I'm* double-ought agent Ishikawa, Julian's Falcon, Miles is Lady Wantsomore and Jadzia's doing Dunlap! I imagine she'd like a chance at that blonde too." "HEY!" "Close your mouths before you drool. Or you could just stop arguing about it, Julian, let Miles do Dunlap every now and then, and Jadzia'll do Falcon. I'll do Wantsomore." "Is this all right with Jadzia?" Julian asked suspiciously. "It was her idea. Deal, Julian?" Keiko pressed. Julian sulked. "Julian..." Keiko leaned over and whispered into Julian's ear as Molly came in with Hana in one arm and a bottle of replicated human milk in the other hand, steadying it while Hana snacked. "*What*?" Julian demanded. Keiko grabbed his shoulder to hold him still and kept whispering. Julian's eyes flew open, and he pulled away and jumped to his feet. "I *NEVER*!" Keiko grinned evilly at him. Julian slumped. "Fine, I'll prove it to you. Chief, you can do Dunlap. I won't say another word." "Well! What'd you say to bring *that* about, darlin'?" "NO! Don't tell him, Keiko, or the deal's off." Keiko sighed. "That's only fair..." In the baby's room, there was a clatter as of a toddler colliding with something, and a lusty Irish wailing. "Better catch that before Yoshi starts in," Miles said, and casually brought Molly with him with a hand on her shoulder on his way to the baby's room. Once there, after Chairiste was picked up, checked for any possible bruising, and comforted, Miles went down on one knee next to the expectant Molly and said "Well, lovey? D'jou catch it?" "Jadzia says it's the black leather." Miles's face was overtaken by a wickedly joyful expression. "Damn, but you've got good ears. *That's* why he always insists *I* do Falcon...?" "She says his eyes dilate when you do the thug voice, too." "Oh reeeally, now, Mr. Bashir," Miles murmured in the thug voice. "Anything else?" "Jadzia thinks there's a reason he always pulls his tux jacket closed when you shove your gun against his back." Miles's eyes went wide and he clapped a hand to his mouth to stifle his reaction. "Jadzia really said that?" "Mom says she did." "Mother Macha. No wonder Keiko decided she wants to play, too. Speaking of black leather...maybe we could trick Mom and Daddy Julian into doing Falcon every now and then..." "I want my cut. Holosuite time of my own. I pick the program. Yeah, yeah, I know, within reason. What am I gonna do, 'Vulcan Love Slave Part Two: The Revenge'? Give me credit for some taste, Da. And I wanna bring Amanda and Yedrin, if it's okay with their folks." "O'course, lovey. Even a thug should pay his debts...y'know Daddy Julian always has liked it high-caliber..." Molly smirked. --- (Later that night...) --- Molly held the screening vial up to the faint light coming from the doorway and tapped it a few times, then scanned it. The scanner bleeped softly and she examined the readout, then nodded and started to tiptoe out. A soft sibilant voice stopped her in her tracks. "How'd I do this time, Molly?" Molly whispered back "B-negative. It's you. Um...thanks." "There's more where it came from, sweetie. I'll see you in the morning." Molly continued out and let the door close. --- ("Business as Usual") --- "All right, Benjamin, once more. Who is Chairiste?" "Miles's niece. No. Half-sister." "Right. So Chairiste is Molly and Yoshi's what?" "Um...aunt." "And Hana's...?" "...cousin?" "Great-aunt, Benjamin." "Right. Got it." "So who is she to Keiko and Julian?" "Sister-in-law." "And Nerys?" "...niece?" "That's right. Nerys is everybody's aunt but Yoshi's, though that's probably what he'll call her. All right, on to Hana. Who is Hana's mother?" "That's a trick question, Old Man." "Technically." "Molly." "So Yoshi is Hana's what?" "Damn it, they're practically twins in age!" "But genetically..." Sisko sighed in long-suffering. "Yoshi is Hana's uncle." "And Miles is Hana's what?" "He's her father, in every way that's important." "And we're all agreed on that, but this stuff does keep coming up and we don't want to seem like we don't care enough to try and understand their situation, do we?" "Miles is Hana's grandfather. And Keiko's her grandmother." "And Julian is...?" "Well, someone's got to be her father, and if it's not Yoshi or the Chief it must be him." "Remember it, Benjamin, you may not have time during party talk to go through a process of elimination. It's not that hard, anyway, she's got Julian's eyes." "True." "Okay now, on to Yoshi..." "Later, Old Man, we're here." Sisko tapped the door signal; it slid open to reveal Molly holding a frosting dispenser, wearing an apron that drug the floor. "Hi!" "Hello, Molly," Jadzia smiled. "How's it coming?" "I think I've got the hang of this pneumatic frosting thingy, here. Come on in, if you think you'll fit." "We *would* seem to be latecomers," Sisko observed; the place was packed. "This way to the buffet," Molly said, led them through the crowd, and then vanished again, presumably to continue work on the cake. "Jadzia, Captain--I didn't think you two were going to make it!" "Of course we're here, Keiko--how could you think we'd miss the first real birthday party you've had since we've known you? Especially just to have a long boring discussion with a bunch of reactionary old Trill Science Ministry fuds?" Jadzia hugged Keiko. "Worf asked me to send his regrets--he was planning to come, but General Martok's ship just docked, and he said he had business with Worf that couldn't wait. What have you done with the children? Hid them under the rug?" "They're at the care center, except for Molly. But the Artinsseks are here with Amanda and the baby--oh, excuse me, I think Molly needs help--" she vanished in the general melee. "Hello, Jadzia, Captain! I'm glad you two could come." "Doctor. I'm afraid I won't be able to stay long, save me a piece of cake--I was supposed to meet Jake and Kasidy here." "They were playing Tongo on the coffee table last I saw, with Luma and Imachram." "Ooh, a Tongo game," Jadzia grinned, and started threading her way toward the living room set. Sisko was pouring himself a glass of something fizzy as Julian took the opportunity of having a personage as important as the Captain to converse with to get the heck off his feet for a couple of minutes. Sisko noticed this and asked "I trust you're fully recovered from your experience with the Jem'Hadar, Doctor?" "Oh, yes, physically." "And Keiko and the Chief?" "Um...there *is* a blood screening hypo on the table next to the bed in our room..." "I can't say I blame any of you one bit for that," Sisko said in the rumbling depths of his voice, "though I think having to look at it whenever I turned in that direction would give me pause." "It did for a while, but we hardly notice it any more. It's more a reminder, now, never to take each other for granted, and believe me, we don't." Sisko nodded somberly and started to sip his drink, then looked at it again and asked "This isn't the same stuff Quark served at your wedding reception, is it, Doctor?" "What? Oh, no, no--Miles made Quark destroy the recipe for that. Then he got into the main computer and wiped every available copy." "Upset over that incident with Keiko and the Old Man, I take it?" "Partly that. Did I ever tell you where Miles and I went when we vanished from Quark's?" "Jadzia did." "I might've suspected. In any case, he blames the punch for the fact that our reception was the party that all others on this station are still being measured by. I do yet wonder where security was during all that, though I know where Odo was." "They'd probably had too much reception themselves to worry. Besides, it seems to have had the property of making people...disorderly, but not actively irritable or destructive." "We'd noticed that, too," Julian grinned, then saw Molly leading Garak a roundabout but fairly clear route to them. "Garak, *there* you are!" He stood up and hugged Garak, quick and firm, which caused Garak to drop the giftwrapped package he was carrying. "Oh, sorry." Julian leaned down, picked the box up and perfunctorily gave it back to Garak, then laid a hand on the Cardassian's shoulder in apology as he turned to Molly, asking "How's the cake coming, lovey?" Molly had a bug-eyed and amused look on her face, but she managed to say only "I'm nearly done, but I want to go check on the babies before we make Mom blow the candles out." "And how many candles are there, Miss O'Brien?" Garak asked, composure largely recovered. Molly grinned at him. "Mom said to put as many as I want, so I just filled up all the space that doesn't say 'Happy Birthday Mom'--oops." Molly developed a disturbed expression and lunged off through the crowd. "Sounds like a typographical error," Sisko observed. "I think she'll be able to turn a 'Mom' into a reasonably recognizable 'Keiko.' Let me just get the door." Julian scuttled off to do so. "Hello, Ziyal! Nerys," he asked, conducting the two of them in, "why are you using the signal?" "We can hear the ruckus even out in the corridor; we wanted an escort. Is Odo here yet?" "He's overseeing the Tongo game. He just gravitated in that direction when people started gambling, even though they're only using chips. Garak's over by the buffet table, Ziyal." "Thank you, Doctor--here, Nerys, I'll take your present with mine," the girl said, appropriating Nerys's wrapped box, and began to thread her way through the room. Kira asked "Quark's not here, is he?" "He is as much persona non grata to Keiko as he is to the rest of us," Julian said grimly. "Let's not talk about him." "No argument here." Molly ran by with a double handful of white frosting. "Problem?" Nerys asked, eyebrows on the rise. "She'll handle it, I'm sure," Julian said as they rejoined Sisko, Nerys and Garak; Ziyal was just coming to nod to Sisko, then smile up at Garak and press her palm to his. Julian continued "She was quite insistent about decorating the cake herself." "A very studious, responsible child, isn't she?" Garak observed. "Do sit down, my dear." Ziyal sank to the chair Julian had been in as Garak positioned himself on the armrest. "She's always been that way," Julian agreed. "Still, as a Cardassian, I must admire her devotion to her younger siblings. An admirable trait for a child so young, to place such instinctive importance on caring for them." "Oh, no--is she *still* saying Hana's hers?" Nerys sighed. "I'd hoped she'd be over that by now." "I think it's sweet," Kasidy said, coming up to join them. "She's so protective." She put an arm around Sisko's waist. "It is pleasant, in a way," Julian agreed. "So many children would quite understandably be resentful if two--temporarily, three--younger siblings were suddenly dropped into the middle of their life. But as her father, I have to consider the potential ramifications of this behavior to her own growth. I still haven't decided if this is something we should be actively discouraging. Keiko's worried, Gods know. Miles, I believe, is trusting to Molly's instincts about it, especially since the, uh...the changeling bit, though she *is* still so young..." Jadzia had appeared at Julian's elbow. "Oh, I wouldn't worry," she said, patting him. "I'm sure it's just a phase. You wouldn't believe the phases I've seen Lela's and Tobin's and--" "--and everybody else's children go through, yes, I'm sure you've seen quite a number, Jadzia," Julian forestalled her; she giggled as he laid a companionable arm over her shoulders. "What do you say, Benjamin? Jake's had his share of phases," Jadzia wondered. "It's difficult for me to form an opinion about a situation like this, since he's an only child. I do wish he'd had the opportunity to grow up with a brother or sister." Sisko just barely smiled. "A daughter in Jake's own age group...would have been nice." "I'm beginning to think we should put our collective foot down, Julian," Nerys grumped. A couple of people looked at her oddly at the word "we", but Julian didn't seem to find it strange. "You know I didn't really have a childhood, and it's not something you can ever get back. I'd hate to see Molly grow up so much before her time. Molly?" Molly was trying to get around them to the door. "Sweetheart, where are you going?" "I wanted to visit the babies before we give Mom the cake." "Molly..." Kira lowered herself to one knee and put an arm around Molly. "*I* was just at the care center, before I came here. They're all fine. Yoshi's asleep and Hana had just eaten; she was playing with a mobile." "How about Chairiste?" Nerys smiled. "I helped the Bolian boy get some kind of whipped fruit out of her hair." "Sweet potatoes." "What?" "Was it orangeish-pink?" "Yes, it was." "She likes sweet potatoes. And applesauce." "Molly, why don't you show me Keiko's cake, hm? I'm hopeless at art myself, you know, let me admire your handiwork." "Um...okay." Molly allowed Kira to pick her up and bear her away through the crowd, though she looked a bit anxious. Garak, Jadzia, Julian, Kasidy, Ziyal and Sisko were all quiet a moment. "Eesh," Julian finally muttered. "Maybe Nerys is right." --- "Fly? Of course I can fly. Do these look vestigial to you?" Imachram swept one wing slightly--any more than slightly and it would have created a hurricane through the room that would have blown the tongo wheel over. The central joints of her wings nearly touched the ceiling when she stood and the main flight feathers brushed the floor. "Could you fly now?" Amanda Artinssek asked. "I'm afraid there's not enough room, dear," Imachram consoled her, patting her shoulder with one clawed hand. "How about on the Promenade?" Molly asked. "Amanda wants to be a hopper pilot when she grows up. She's never seen a sentient person fly for real." "Neither have you," Amanda reminded her. "*I* don't want to be a hopper pilot," Molly reminded Amanda. "Not on the Promenade," Odo interjected. "It's quite against safety regulations for flying species to do so there, unless it's at walking speed or through the upper level near the ceiling, and *only* if it is their sole means of locomotion. The holosuite is a more appropriate location for that sort of activity." "*Anybody* can fly in a holosuite," Amanda grumped. Keiko, over by the dining table where the cake was and presents were stacked, was saying "And this is from...our clan-sister Nerys." She grinned at Kira, who grinned back. Keiko ripped the Happy Birthday paper off and pulled up the lid of a flat, square box--then slammed it back down again before anyone else could get a look inside. "Nerys, my God!" "It's to replace the one that was destroyed at your wedding shower. Your wedding to Julian, I mean." "You should've given it to me in private!" "It's just a nightgown, Keiko," Jadzia said with her "impish" sparkle-eyed smile. "It was my idea for her to give it to you here." "I could've figured that," Keiko muttered. "'Just' a nightgown...?" Julian demanded. "Yeah," Miles joined in. "Y'know we never DID get the final word on exactly what went on at that bloody shower." Silence fell. All the women in the room glanced around at each other, then broke into giggles, including Imachram, who emitted a sort of high cheeping noise. "And we aren't going to get it now, either, are we," Julian grumbled in resignation. Ziyal slipped up next to Kira and whispered something in her ear. Nerys put an arm around her shoulders and began to whisper back. As the girl listened, her eyes got larger, her mouth twisted in what appeared to be an attempt to swallow her own lips, and she began to flush a gradually darker shade of lavender. Finally she was forced to hide her face in Nerys's shoulder, shaking with suppression of scandalized glee, while the Major finished filling her in. "Nerys, you *can't* be serious," she choked. "Oh, all of us were very earnest about it," Nerys murmured back. " *does* sound...well--*fun*," Ziyal managed to hiccup. Garak handed her a glass of something which she took several hasty swallows of. He then conducted her hyperventilating person to a chair. Sisko, who had stayed for cake after all, leaned down to whisper to Kasidy "Kas..." "It's a woman thing, Ben." "In my office is an authorization for Level Four safety inspections for all docked commercial ships, just *waiting* for my thumbscan..." Kasidy growled. "Come on, just tell me about the nightgown." "Did you ever play flag tag?" " elementary school, yes. Each team has a certain color flag, everyone wears a few...when all your flags have been pulled off by members of the other team, you're out...I don't quite remember all the rules." "That's close enough. Well, we were trying to decide who Luma Saire's gift--she's one of Julian's people--would look best on, and we decided to have our prime candidates all model it, and we'd been drinking champagne and things were getting a little silly...well, maybe I should use the word 'rowdy'..." "The Chief said the word the Old Man used was 'friendly.'" "You men *do* have a memory for that sort of thing, don't you. Rowdy in a friendly sort of way. In any case, while Keiko had the gown's a gauzy little, to make a long story short, it became the flags. And a few of us--not me, I was laughing too hard--became the team after Keiko. She's *extremely* agile in a crisis, by the way." "I know, I've seen her run through Quark's. Do Miles and Julian know about this?" "They have the general idea." "Tell me two more things and I'll let the secret lie. Did Major Kira participate in the 'flag tag'?" "She got the, 'flag'. That's why we picked her to give Keiko the new one. If you tell her I told you she'll kill me." "She won't hear it from me. The other 'flag tag' the only secret, concerning that shower, that half the women on this station are protecting?" "No. And you just used your two questions." Sisko grumbled. Leeta was pushing a wrapped package into Keiko's hands. "I got this on our trip to Risa--it's why I grabbed you and pulled you away from the bed when you were going to slide that garment bag underneath. I had it hidden there." "You two shared a room?" Miles said. "Well of *course* we did," Leeta expostulated, all innocence, as Keiko grinned and started ripping into the package, "she was *pregnant*! I couldn't keep an eye on her from a different *room*, could I?" "Nor, apparently," Jadzia whispered to Kira, "from a different bed. They specifically asked for a single." Kira's lips quirked. "Hey, I've slept with Keiko too. It's nice to have someone to help rearrange you when you can't easily turn over by yourself. Or maybe they just wanted to cuddle. Keiko's good at that." "So's Leeta," Jadzia murmured. Kira looked at her. "So I *hear*," Jadzia added defensively. Miles sighed. Julian was sidling past him toward the main bedroom, taking his shirt off, since it had just had cake regurgitated on it by the baby Artinssek. "Miles, we've discussed this. Relax," he murmured. "I know, I's not like I mind, anyway." "Of *course* you don't. Such a jealous creature you are, Chief..." Julian finished pulling the shirt out of his waistband and over his head. "Hey! No need for name-calling. If I'm jealous of *any*'ve gotta admit, Keiko has taste..." "Oh, she does, right enough." Everybody oohed as Keiko held up a bathing suit that seemed to consist of maybe half a dozen shimmering red strings, or of one such ribbon knotted together in half a dozen places. "Leeta! It's beautiful!" "You just *have* to try it on for me I can see if it *fits*," Leeta added guiltily in Miles's general direction. "She was pregnant when I bought it, I couldn't check the size." "This embroidery is Tholian silk! Thank you!" Keiko threw her arms around Leeta and was, briefly, almost entirely concealed in the taller woman's bosom. "I think I'm getting excited," Julian muttered, barely able to keep from laughing out loud. "Me too," Jadzia concurred with a grin, from Julian's immediate right. "Go put some clothes on, Julian, we have guests," Miles admonished him, but altered the shove between the shoulderblades he was about to send Julian on his way with to a pat on the rump instead. "Unless you want to give Keiko her present half-naked." "I'm going, I'm going..." "Might as well go grab your harp, too, she's nearly done." "Right. Back directly." "Grab his what?" Jadzia murmured. "You'll see." Jadzia asked "Say...Chief, you're closer to Rom than most of us...what does he think of Leeta and Keiko?" "Don't think it's occurred to him. Besides, I think sometimes the two're only putting on a show to drive us all crazy with speculating. None of us know for a certainty that there *is* a Leeta and Keiko, beyond gossip-generated artifact." "Yeah. Sometimes it seems like gossip *is* reality on this station," Jadzia noted. Miles snickered. "Does that make you God of DS9?" Jadzia gave him a look as Keiko was saying "And this one's from...Jake," peering at the tag of a present that had been wrapped with more heart than skill. "'To my favorite teacher.'" She tore several layers of paper and tape off, dropping the handfuls on the table, and grinned. "Your stories! You had them bound!" "I wanted it to be something that'd say thanks for pushing me to the Pennington school," Jake explained, smiling, as he put an arm around her and squeezed. Keiko positioned the leatherclad volume on her growing pile and picked up another box. "This one...Nog?" "He asked me to bring it for him. He said he's not really comfortable around people on the station since Quark and Gaila started in with the, know. The weapons dealing. And the same for Rom. They're both pretty upset right now," Jake said. "I understand. Tell them thank-you for me..." she pulled an isolinear rod from the box and looked at the label. "A Standard/Ferengi dictionary?" "He gave me one, too, a while back. It's his way of saying thanks to us for teaching him to read." "It's very thoughtful." She replaced the rod in the box, then attacked the bow crowning the box nearly the size of Molly. Revealed, the gift was a large, latticeworked, embossed metal planter containing a bonsai tree and an assortment of pretty rocks. She looked around for Miles. "So *that's* what happened to Mariko! Miles? Where are you?" "Mariko is the bonsai," Jadzia whispered to Sisko. "Not me," Miles said, coming in carrying his cased cello. "I only stole the tree from your nursery." "Then who--" her scanning gaze paused on the waving Jadzia. "Jadzia? This filigree looks hand-worked!" "Thank Audred," Jadzia said. "Decorative metalwork was a hobby of hers." "Thank you!" Keiko darted over, hugged the stuffings out of Jadzia and then returned to the table while Sisko wondered "Are you ever going to stop coming up with things I don't know about you, Old Man?" "Hey, it could take a while. Eight lifetimes in here..." "And this one...Garak." Keiko pulled the lid off a box and gasped as yards of shimmering fabric spilled from it. She held up the item, which was revealed as a cream-colored length of rich material, embroidered with a stylized pattern of elegant birds and blossoming ornamental trees. "A stole? It''s gorgeous!" She threw the shining silk around her shoulders as everyone made noises of appreciation. "I am glad you like it, Madame," Garak said as she looked up at him with a delighted expression. He apparently didn't expect her to try to hug him, too, but it didn't seem to bother him. Ziyal was smiling at him too. "I had intended to give it to you at the birth of your younger daughter, but the thread for the tree blossoms hadn't arrived from Betazed." "It's really beautiful. Thank you." People were inching over to touch the almost luminescent fall of cloth. "I just hope it doesn't get stroked to pieces before I have a chance to wear it anywhere. It's kind of irresistible. Let's see...Molly's!" She pulled the wrapping off a flat rectangle. "Good night, Molly, what happened?" It was a framed painting, and what could be seen of it depicted a garden or forest scene; watercolor, not quite professional quality, but very pretty all the same except for the large blotch of screaming blue paint that obliterated half the picture. "It *was* the atrium garden of the house on Bajor," Molly explained dryly, "but Chairiste decided she wanted to help me with it. Now it's a concept piece." "And a finer concept piece I've never seen," Julian said, coming back in a billowy white shirt with a yoke, carrying a very big, handled case. He had it in both arms, though, rather than by the handle. Garak saw how heavy it was and went to help him with it, following his lead over to a couch, where they deposited the object. "He's right, Molly. We'll hang it by the door as a way of commemorating Chairiste's visit," Keiko assured Molly with a hug. "I know how hard you must have worked on it, sweetie, thank you." "Yeah, well, easel come, easel go..." Miles groaned, along with Jake and several other people as some, including Julian, cracked up. "Julian! I *know* she didn't get that from *me*!" "Don't look at *me*." Julian fended off blame with a raised hand. *My* line was 'That's one way to start a blue period'." Jadzia turned around and swatted him as Imachram extended a wing and whopped him in the face with it. "Ow! Hey!" "Thank you, " Keiko said to them both. "Julian, what is that you and Garak had, over there?" "A surprise. Go on, finish opening the other presents, then Miles and I will show you." "Okay...this one's from Empala..." --- "Good Lord," Kasidy said. "What *is* that? A giant harp-shaped sieve?" "That," Miles said, "is a Bashir Special, one Luchtigern by name, designed and constructed, with a good bit of help from his best friend, by that gangly bit who's tuning it up as we speak." "I've never seen a harp strung like that," Sisko observed, and Julian said "And you won't elsewhere. Essentially, it's two different harps. See the way some of the strings are just slightly offset? Those are half-tones," he explained. "Which ordinary Irish harps don't have all of," Miles added. "That's why it's so big. He had to be able to get his fingers between the strings. He has a hell of a time with melisma runs." "Julian? You can *play* that?" Keiko said wonderingly. "After a fashion, and after months of practice," Julian said offhandedly, turning his tuning key. "He's being modest again," Miles snorted in mild disgust. "He can play two melody lines at the same time if the chord intervals in each are short enough." "What are the strings made of?" Imachram wondered, leaning close to peer at the shining metal strands. "Bronze," Julian said. "A very old method of stringing." "One that cuts up your fingers," Miles added. "Bronze strings were usually played with the fingernails, and he can't grow his long enough to keep his fingertips from touching the strings entirely, if he still wants to be able to do things like perform surgery." "I envy Imachram that ability," Julian muttered. Miles continued "Ancient harpers used to practice all day in the pitch dark until there was blood running down the strings; he gave 'em a real go on the gore front. It got so I was bringing a dermal regenerator to every practice. Not that he'd use it after the first couple of weeks." "It was keeping me from forming calluses," Julian murmured, touching a string as he turned the key, his ear very close to the harp. "Don't you require some sort of tuning device, Doctor?" Odo asked. "There hundred twenty-seven strings there, after all." "Mister perfect pitch?" Miles scoffed. "I've got a damn good ear, and practicing keeps it that way, but I nearly decked Julian about the dozenth time he stopped us to tell me my E was out. Turned out the peg was loose. You about done there, Julian?" "Nearly." "I still find it amazing that anything human could play that," Keiko muttered. "Maybe they couldn't, but something a little more than human can," Miles reminded her. "Ah, yes, your enhanced hand-eye coordination," Garak nodded. "This certainly promises to be interesting." "We hope so," Julian half-smiled trepidatiously at him, as he put his tuning key down and started getting situated on the couch near Miles, leaving him enough room for his bow arm to move. "We managed to write several of our own pieces in honor of Kei's birthday." Keiko settled to the floor next to Kira, still wrapped in Garak's stole, saying "Wow. No one's ever written me music before, not even Miles." "The ideas are mostly his," Miles admitted. "I love playing, but composing..." "And the technical expertise in theory and notation is courtesy of Miles," Julian said. "Ready, Chief?" "As I'll ever be. Harpers of ancient Eriu were a category of the Druids, and they separated harp pieces into three types--sleep-strain, wail-strain and laugh-strain--" "Suantraigh, Goltraigh and Geantraigh," Julian added. Miles eyed him sidelong and continued "--and we tried to keep to that while we wrote. This first little ditty falls under Geantraigh, and we call it...oh, you say it, it's *your* pet name for her." "'Keiko, My Keiko,'" Julian said. "Miles thinks it's silly." "Sillier than naming the harp after his cat?" Keiko wondered. "I think it's sweet," Ziyal asserted. "Play!" Leeta added. Miles looked at Julian, who sketched the time with one hand, and began. Through the round of applause that swept the room about seven minutes later, Luma managed to half-shout "Doctor, I thought your fingers moved fast when the hemorrhage inhibitor field cut out and you had to finish a corticomedular replacement without it. That was *amazing*!" "It was beautiful!" Keiko was throwing herself on Miles, then Julian, nearly squishing him under the harp's sounding box. "Easy, Kei! This thing weighs as much as you do," Julian cautioned her, hugging back. "The truss rod's made of duranium, it was the only way the wood frame could withstand the tension of so many bronze strings." As Miles answered questions about the song's composition, Julian looked over his shoulder to where Garak was perched on the sofa back just behind him. "What'd you think, Elim?" "I think that you used to be almost predictable, Doctor," he replied, softly enough that only Julian and Keiko could hear him. "And that you've obviously grown past that. Though I *do* remember you fondly that way." "I'll never equal you for unpredictability," Julian smiled up at him. "You're my role model." "I'll try to live up to the expectation." Keiko had looked up at Garak, then back at Julian, then up again at Garak, then raised a hand to her mouth, failing to completely hide a knowing grin as she scuttled back to her seat by Nerys. "What has got into her and Molly, I wonder?" Julian puzzled. "Are you hiding some joke from me, Garak?" "Joke? I swear to you, my dear Julian, I'm not hiding any joke from you." "Play another one!" Amanda Artinssek demanded. "That was *neat*!" "It certainly was," Kira grinned. "I've heard *you* play, of course, Miles, but you really outdid yourself on that piece." "Funny you should say. The next one up's called 'Clan-Sister'," Miles told her. Ziyal put an arm around Kira and squeezed. Kira blinked. "For *me*?" "Why not for you? Julian, give me a slower time, all right? I'm still having trouble with the middle section on this one." The reaction this time was much quieter, but no less heartfelt. Kasidy whispered "That was...was--" "Moving," Leeta sobbed prettily, blotting her eyes with a paper napkin. "It wasn't really sad, but I sort of want to cry, too," Jake said. Miles shrugged. "Goltraigh. What do you think, Nerys?" "It sounds like the story of my life, all right," Kira whispered. "Thanks, you two. Can I get a recording of it?" "We already made recordings in the holosuite," Julian said. "Play more!" Molly demanded, seconded by a bunch of people pulling themselves together, with various words of appreciation and encouragement to Miles and Julian. "'Stars' next?" Julian asked. "Everybody'll fall asleep." "We'll play 'White Water' afterward and wake everyone." "Right, then..." --- "No, Constable," Garak was saying to Odo as the two filed out the door with the larger portion of the guests, "Chairiste is Molly's aunt, not the other way around." "I thought Chairiste was the younger one. She's certainly smaller." "That's irrelevant in this case." "Are either of the babies hers?" Empala wondered. "Chairiste's? She's less than two years old," Kasidy protested. "Well, one of the babies is Molly's--the girl, I think--so I thought maybe--" "*Molly's*?" one of Keiko's students cut in incredulously. "She's *seven*!" "I thought Hana was Doctor Bashir's," Akula said. "She does look like him." "Hana *is* Julian's," Garak said reasonably. "And Molly's." "Is that even *legal*?" Miles's technician Jarvis wondered, alarmed. "Molly's mother actually carried the child," Garak interjected. "You mean Hana? Does that mean--wait a minute, does that mean Chairiste is the baby Major Kira had?" "Major Kira had a baby?" said a friend of Leeta's who lived most of the time on Bajor. "Kind of," Ziyal explained. "She had the Chief and the Professor's baby." "Then the baby Keiko had..." "Was Yoshi!" exclaimed Jarvis triumphantly. "No, no. That was Hana," Garak said. "Then who had Chairiste?" "Nobody had Chairiste," Jadzia cut in. "No, I mean--Miles's father had Chairiste." "At his age? Can humans that old carry babies?" Odo wanted to know. "No, I mean his stepmother had her. Miles's stepmother, I mean, not his father's." "And that was which, Hana?" "No, wasn't that Molly?" "Which one is Molly?" "The big one that looks like Keiko, isn't it?" "Right. And Hana is her daughter." "Hana looks like Dr. Bashir and Keiko, though." "*I* think she looks more like the Chief than Keiko." "Hana's his granddaughter." "Whose?" "Shut up! Everybody just shut up!" Leeta's friend snapped. "I'm getting a headache. I'll never remember all this. I'm just going to assume the children all belong to all three grownups. No, wait. All four grownups." "They *do* all belong to all the adults," Garak smirked. "According to them." Kira looked up tiredly from her spot in a chair, feeding Yoshi. "Give it up. I lived with the whole bunch, in various stages of development, for months, and it still confuses me." "Gladly," Odo snorted. "Thank you, Chief, Doctor, Professor. A thoroughly enjoyable evening." "We're glad you could come," Keiko said; she was being hauled into the bedroom by Leeta, who had the red monofilament swimsuit in her other hand. "Yes, thanks everyone for coming," Julian said, picking Chairiste up before she could charge out the door with the general flood. Ziyal got up from her seat on the arm of Kira's chair after exchanging a peck with her and went out to where Garak was waiting for her. "Lordy," Miles muttered, plopping onto a couch. "I'm beginning to think the ability to describe how everyone in this family is related to everyone else will be Odo's new security check for Dominion infiltrators on the station." "Most of the station would fail," Julian said, setting Chairiste down and going to help Molly pick up all the wrapping paper and party dishes. "First thing in the morning, *I'd* probably fail." "Dax gets the sneakiest look on her face whenever she has to explain it to someone," Kira chuckled. "I think she gets a kick out of confusing people." "Does sound like her. She's the only one we didn't have to repeat things to fifty times before she got it," Miles said. "Eight lifetimes of familial connections to sort through," Julian surmised. "But Garak understood at once, too. Used to it, with his culture's families being so large and complex, I suppose." "Ooh!" came a happy Leeta-squeal from the bedroom. "It sounds like the suit fits," Kira surmised. "Or it's way too small," Miles muttered, making Molly snort. "You know, I don't think, in five years of working with Captain Sisko, that I've ever heard him sing before," Kira observed. "He's got a great voice, doesn't he?" "Not surprising, with a speaking voice like that," Julian noted. "Dunno 'bout that," Miles disagreed. "You're always going on about *my* speaking voice, and I sing like a truckload of gravel falling down a hill." "Oh, hush, you do not. Falling gravel wouldn't put the children to sleep." "Not to mention Keiko and me," Kira pointed out. "How does it look?" Keiko asked, coming out of the bedroom sort of wearing the suit, with the beaming Leeta in tow. Miles glanced over. "How does what look?" "I think I can see Tholian silk glinting," Nerys offered. "Shut up, you two," Julian said. "You're ravishing, my Kei." "It's pretty, Mom," Molly contributed. "But doesn't that, uh, that one part there hurt a little?" "Leeta says you get used to it," Keiko shrugged. "Is Garak gone already, Julian?" "Yes, why?" " reason," Keiko smirked, exchanged the expression with Molly, and pulled Leeta back into the bedroom with her by one hand. "What was that all about, Molly?" Kira wondered. "Oh...nothing," Molly giggled, running for the disposal chute with an enormous load of shredded paper. --- The door of the O'Brien's quarters slid open; it was the older child, whatever her name actually was. "Hello, um--" "Molly." "Thanks," Jarvis stammered. "I'm sorry to bother you all so late, but my friend Thomas left his carrysling, and we've got a transport to catch in the morning." "Someone at the door?" came Chief O'Brien's sleep-blurred voice from somewhere back in the hallway. Molly turned at the door to look off to her left and behind her. "I've got it, Da, your technician's boyfriend forgot his purse. Go back in the bedroom, you're naked." "I am? Great Scott, so I am. Thanks, sweetie." Molly turned back to the glaze-eyed, embolism-suffering Jarvis. "It's in the spare room with some other things people forgot. I'll be right back." She padded away, her nightgown trailing on the carpet behind her. He had started to breathe again and managed to thank her when she came back with the bag; she handed it to him, returned his cordial goodnight and the door slid shut. Shaking his head in dismissal of it all, he turned to start back to his quarters. --- ("Ties of Blood and Water") --- "I thought you should know that Gamorr's condition has deteriorated. He'll be dead within the hour." "Thank you for the information, Doctor." "Is that it? 'Thank you for the information'? Gamorr is *dying*." "I heard you." Julian paused, then said "Nerys...he wants to see you." "Well, I don't want to see him." "Major, please. It's almost over. There's no more questions to ask, no more work to be done. Just go to his quarters...and sit with him." "I said no. Don't ask me again." Julian tensed. "Fine. You must do what you want, but I think you're making a mistake. Regardless of what Gamorr's done in the past, he doesn't deserve to die alone. Nobody does. You know that better than most." He turned to leave, then looked back. "Letting him die alone won't change what happened to your father, Nerys." Her head jerked up, eyes huge. "Had you forgotten?" Julian said softly. "You told me. One night early on in your pregnancy, when Miles and Keiko were on Bajor with Molly, and we slept in together?" She was motionless. He continued softly "You were crying. You tried to get up without waking me, but we were wrapped together in a coverlet. I asked you what was wrong..." "I tried to tell you it was just the damn hormone surges..." "But I could see you'd had a nightmare, and I wouldn't let you up, so you told me." "I don't remember..." "I think you do. Some, at least." He came back into the room and over to where she was standing by the prayer mandala. "You told me that you missed your father's death by less than an hour." "Less than an hour," she repeated, whispering, eyes turned away from him. He touched her shoulder. "You always told yourself that it was bad luck, bad timing, will of the Prophets...but the truth was--" "--I didn't have to go when I did. I could have stayed a while longer. I saw my chance to get out and I took it. I saw so much death during the occupation, I felt so much pain...but my father, he was my strength, and I couldn't stand to see that strength slipping away, so I ran..." "Please, Nerys. Don't run from Gamorr. I don't like the thought of the way you'd feel afterward." "He reminds much of my father. Going through it again...I just can't face it." "You can. You have to, for your own sake, if not his. You're one of the strongest people I've ever met, Nerys..." She was still, under his hand. Finally she whispered "I owe it to my get it right this time..." Her head bowed. "I'll go. Just give me a moment." He kissed her cheek gently and left. --- "Cause of death was CNS failure brought on by Iaran Fel syndrome. One witness was present--a Major Kira Nerys of the Bajoran Militia. Witness's statement is attached." He closed the entry and turned to her. "Nerys, we're done here." "That's it? A quick post-mortem, a statement from the witness and a little paperwork? It seems so straightforward." "It never is." Her gaze dropped back to the rug; he waited. She murmured "He got so quiet, toward the end...I could hear him whispering things...his wife's name, Ileana's, even mine...then, when the pain got too much for him, he'd just lie there. Breathing. And at the end of every exhale, there was this pause, and I thought, that's it, it's over...then he'd force another breath, and another...I started counting them. One hundred, two hundred...three hundred...he fought for every last second. I don't think he even knew that I was there." "He knew. You gave him what he needed. He didn't die alone." "He gave *me* something I needed..." "Yes," Julian said softly. "I understand. In the end, you did face it. You were there for Gamorr." "Like I said, I owed it to him." He went to her, where she sat on a stool, and sank to a crouch next to her, covering her hands with his. "Come home with me tonight, Nerys. Miles and Keiko are worried. And it's been a while since you and I shared a cocoon of hand-embroidered linens--I've been told I make an excellent hot-water bottle..." She glanced up at him, then away again, managing a half-smile. "Thanks, Julian. You three and the children *are* the closest thing I have left to family now. But...I think I need to be alone." "You always say that," he grumbled disapprovingly. "If you change your mind..." "I'll call you." "Very well, then...if you won't come with me, you should go to your quarters and get some rest. You've been through a genuine wringer." "I will." She got up, wiping her cheeks hurriedly as she left the infirmary. --- ("Ferengi Love Songs") --- "Well done, Chief," Julian grinned as they watched Leeta and Rom below them on the main level of the promenade, where the latter two were making known the fact that they had made up. "Or shall I call you 'Cupid'?" "What can I say?" Miles grinned. "I'm just an incurable romantic." They chuckled a moment, then Miles turned to Julian, pulled him close and gave him a slow, soft kiss, comparable to the ones Leeta and Rom were exchanging. His eyes wide in surprised delight, Julian smiled. "Well I should say so. You're not usually so demonstrative in public." "So let's go home then." "You mean I'm allowed back in now?" "That's why I came to get you. Jarvis and Ambron and I are all through." "Well thank goodness. Sleeping in the infirmary was getting old. Have you or Keiko picked the children up yet?" "They're at the Artinsseks." "I still find it odd that ours was the only set of quarters you had to rip up the floor in to make those adjustments..." "We're just lucky, I guess. Let's call the Artinsseks after a bit--there's something I want to show you at home, first." Julian grinned lasciviously at him. "I'd wager I've seen it, but by all means..." He draped an arm from Miles's shoulders as they started down the Promenade. "I don't mean that, David the machine, though I wouldn't slap ye for trying..." "Then what exactly *do* you mean?" "S'a surprise." "Miles. I hate surprises." "You'll like this one. It was actually Keiko's idea, something she's been talking about for a while now. I only wish I'd got off my gleaming white Irish behind and done it while she and Nerys were still pregnant." "All right, fine, I'm even more curious now." They got in; Julian glanced around the front room looking for signs of structural upheaval, but everything seemed to be in order. "You cleaned up thoroughly, I see. I could have helped you." "Wasn't necessary. I think I pulled something in my shoulder again, though, while we were working; would you take a look at it?" "Of course. Is my kit still in the back bathroom?" "I think so." Julian headed back for the kit while Miles turned to the replicator. The bathroom door whooshed open; Julian stopped dead for a second, then turned around and went back to the front room. Miles was leaning against the wall by the replicator holding a mug of coffee, looking insufferably pleased with himself. Julian stopped about five centimeters from him. "Miles." "Yes, Julian?" "There is a marble tub the size of an Olympic swimming pool, with massage jets, sunk half into the floor in the back bathroom." "That's so, Julian." "And there's what looks like a thermal hood in the ceiling." "Indeed there is." "You never needed access to the conduits under the deckplates in here, did you?" "No, Julian." "Did you by any chance divert the technology compatibility adapter parts, and everything else you'd have needed to install that thing, from that shipment of luxury goods that went missing from Quark's storage?" "Yes, Julian." "He's going to be apoplectic when he finds out. Not that there's anything he can do. He needs you too badly." "That's right, Julian." "Thank you, Miles." "You're welcome, Julian." "There are times," Julian considered as he stepped up against Miles and slid his arms around the other man's waist, "when I am almost overwhelmed by how convenient it is to be married to the station's chief engineer." "It's so nice to be appreciated," Miles replied with an answering smile as he set his mug on the replicator shelf and responded to Julian's advances in kind. --- "Julian--here, that's right, like that--" " God--Miles, closer, *yes*--" Keiko whimpered something inarticulate, her body flexing between them demandingly; Miles moaned steadily, Julian was seeing stars--his teeth closed on Miles's arm-- "Da Mile!" Julian abruptly managed to focus on a sound outside of his immediate--extremely immediate--environs, and realized someone was messing with the bathroom door lock plate. "What the--" "Hey, guys," Molly yelled through the door. "Chairiste thinks you're drowning! Are you?" "Droooown!" wailed a tiny but piercing falsetto brogue. "Da Mile!" "Molly! Don't open that--oh damn it--" Julian redoubled his hold on Miles and Keiko, threw his weight, and, as a unit--they really didn't have much choice about that as things stood--they toppled from not-quite-full view up near the tub's edge into the deep swirling jet-propelled water, with a result not unlike a block of dry ice falling into a vat of champagne. "Bloody damn blasted worthless soundproofing--" Miles expostulated as he tried to get Keiko's head above the air-bubble-opaqued water without either putting his own under it or causing any of them painful and embarrassing, if temporary, injury. "Molly, don't! We're fi--hi, sweetie." Julian sighed. "Where's Mom!?" Molly said in consternation from the doorway, holding Chairiste's hand and trying to see through the steam. "She's right--" Julian's eyes bugged slightly and Keiko's head erupted from the depths at that moment, shining and black as a seal's as she blew water and gasped. "--here," Julian finished weakly, managing not to wince. Not that he didn't understand. She hadn't even had a chance to grab a breath. "Julian, what the hell!" Keiko yelled. "Is this some new method of prolon--" "Company," Miles hissed at her, helping her get out from under the blanket of sopping hair that entirely masked her face. Her eyes focused after a bit of wiping. "Molly?!" "Uh...Chairiste started yelling that you were drowning, and then you didn't answer me..." "Oh for pity's sake, Molly," Keiko groaned, finishing getting upright in the water as final separation was completed, "you know perfectly well what we were doing!" "Um, yeah, I kinda had an idea...but we haven't had that tub long, and you haven't had much practice in it. Plus Chairiste was going to wake the babies in another minute." "What *else* could happen...all right...just a minute, I'll come--" "No," Miles demurred, sighing and hoisting himself out up the set of steps he was nearest. "I'll go. Fair's fair. I've already had all kinds of fun this evening thanks to you two." "Let him," Julian whispered to her. "He's *got* to be the reason Molly knew how to jimmy the lock plate." "If you're sure..." Keiko said. Miles said "Of course. Besides, Chairiste goes down fastest for me. But I *will* be back," he promised them, sotto voce. He got into his robe, went to the door and picked Chairiste up. "Uh...sorry, everyone," Molly said uncomfortably. Julian managed a resigned chuckle. "We had the babies, Molly, not you. This sort of thing happens. Next time, though, maybe you could try convincing Chairiste that we've all passed our water safety qualifications?" "Yeah, I'll do that." She escaped out the door with Miles and Chairiste. "A little backfloating practice while we wait for him?" Julian whispered, easing up behind Keiko and pulling her against him. She snuggled there a second, then turned in his arms and kissed him, holding on as they both floated up horizontal in the churning, relentlessly agitated water. No surprise, what with weight considerations, she wound up on top of him. "I could stand some work on my whitewater rafting," she informed him. "Do I get a lifejacket?" "Oh hell, let's forget being cute and just *do* it, okay? I'm about to explode!" "No argument here, let me just grab the edge..." --- ("Soldiers of the Empire") --- Julian came up to the table where Jadzia and Miles sat, sipping from his tea mug. He sat down next to Miles. "Chief." "Julian." Jadzia looked between them for a moment as they pretty much ignored each other, pictures of a.m. sloth, concentrating on their mugs; she was apparently looking for signs of either a quarrel or deliberate casualness for her benefit. She must have concluded there was none such. She said in her softly-wondering voice "My *goodness*. You two are so...*effusive*." Julian gave her his sidelong smile, eyes half-lidded. "We're tired," he said simply. "*Very* tired," Miles contributed. Jadzia was quiet, then grinned slowly in comprehension. "I see," she said. "You *have* had a lot of extra work lately, those repairs and modifications you've been doing in your quarters...?" "Mmmm...maybe that's it," Julian allowed. Miles snickered. Jadzia gave them her you-naughty-creatures-but-I-love-you expression. "How's Keiko?" "Pretty much like us. Half-asleep and grinning," Miles said, having another swallow from his mug. "Julian, you can thank the Commander, partly, for the surprise. She got the news of that shipment of luxury goods out of Quark, and shared the specifics with Keiko." "Just practicing my information-gathering skills," she said demurely. "I need to bring a little more authenticity to Lady Wantsomore. Or Falcon, whoever I'm doing next. Oh, I've already had Garak fit me for a black leather jacket and slacks. I've already got the boots. Can I borrow your eyepatch, Chief?" Julian glanced at the near entrance. "Heads up. Here comes Nerys, looking positively apologetic." Nerys came up and sat down between Miles and Jadzia, holding a padd. "Revised duty roster," she informed them in a voice like doom. "Read it and weep." She set the padd down; Miles picked it up. "'Small arms recalibration'?" he read disbelievingly. "Does that mean all the small arms on the station?" Kira sighed "Afraid so. And I need an experienced combat officer to do it. Worf has already set up the parameters; all you need to do is just make sure it gets done." Miles was handing the padd to Julian, who gaped "I'm the new *intelligence* officer?" Miles guffawed as Jadzia snickered. Nerys explained, with a sympathetic half-smile, "It has to be a command-level officer with a level four security clearance--that means either you or Dax, and I need her to take over as Fleet liaison officer." "Beats retuning phaser rifles," Miles pointed out to Julian. "Well," Julian grumped, "I hope Worf's enjoying himself while we're all stuck here taking over his duties." "Julian, have you ever been on a Klingon ship?" Jadzia asked, with a raised eyebrow. "If you think the Defiant is cramped and uncomfortable, try spending a week on a Bird of Prey. Worf isn't exactly taking a luxury cruise." Conspiratorially, Miles added "Serving on a Klingon ship is like being with a gang of ancient sea pirates. You advance in rank by killing the people above you--so everywhere you turn, you're surrounded by potential assassins." "Well, that's crazy," Kira opined, "how could a ship function like that?" "It's not quite that chaotic," Jadzia hastened to correct them. "The social and military hierarchy of a Klingon vessel is very strictly enforced--a subordinate can only challenge a direct superior, and then only under certain conditions." "What sort of conditions?" Julian asked. "Dereliction of duty...dishonorable conduct--cowardice--" "Cowardice? A Klingon?" Miles scoffed. "It's been known to happen," Jadzia admitted. "The Klingons are as diverse a people as any. Some of them are strong, and some of them are weak." "I'd say those two," Julian opined as two large and feral-looking Klingons entered the establishment warily, "definitely fall into the 'strong' category." As they watched the two vanish toward the back of Quark's, Odo faded through the door and over toward Kira, his eyes also trained on the Klingons' departure point. Kira murmured to him "Trouble?" "Not as yet," Odo mused. "I can see why they caught your attention," she said. "Are they off Martok's new ship?" Miles asked. "Just docked," Odo nodded. "They seem quiet enough," Miles observed. "For the moment," Odo agreed provisionally, "maybe. Did you see the one on the left, wearing the necklace?" "Yes," Julian said. "Those were neck bones. Cardassian neck bones." Jadzia frowned. --- "What do you suppose *she* was thinking?" Miles wondered. "I don't want to know," Julian sighed. "I just hope we see her again someday after whatever it is she's planning. God. Buried in extra duty, and now there's likely to be riots as well. I'll have to pull people in on their off shifts." "And me overseeing the spreading of the guts of all the small arms on the station across the deckplates," Miles agreed. "Perfect time for riots. You'd better give Garak a call, Julian. Tell him to lie low for a while." "I plan on it, though I think it's a good bet he already knows about this." --- Julian ascended to Ops on the lift, eyes focused on a padd he wasn't really seeing. Miles came up the stairs on his way back to his station. "How's the intelligence business?" "Oh, I can't talk about it," Julian said, walking with him. "All I can do is read these fascinating reports, and analyses, and analyses of analyses, and then keep it all to myself because no one else has a 'need to know', so I have to walk around the station feeling like don't really care, do you?" "No, but feel free to natter at me about it later tonight." He raised his voice, speaking to Kira. "A vessel's decloaking fifteen kilometers off the station. It's the Rotaran." "Martok's ship?" Nerys responded, looking up. "Yes, sir. There's an incoming transmission." "On screen." Martok appeared, backed by a crowd of Klingons. "Major," he said, in his fairly-pleasant-for-a-Klingon voice. "We have just rescued thirty-five survivors of a disabled Klingon battle cruiser. Request permission to beam them directly to your infirmary." Before Kira's "Permission granted" could reach his ears, Julian was in the lift and halfway gone. He never did get the chance to natter at Miles that night, or at anybody else. --- ("Children of Time") --- "Damn it, Odo! I said I needed to think!" "It's not Odo," Julian said. "It's Miles and me." Nerys sighed and sat up on the bunk again. "Come." The door slid open and the two of them wedged in. Typically, Julian stepped forward to her side to sit on his heels on the floor near the bunk, while Miles hung back, unsure at first. She almost smiled. 'I wonder if I'd have volunteered to take Yoshi if I'd known I'd wind up with gruff-but-lovable brother Miles and annoying little brat brother Julian...' "Odo told Miles what happened with him and the future Odo," Julian said. "He said, because Miles and I were so adamant about wanting to go back home, and even if it was largely for the children and Keiko, it was at least partly for you...and we're..." " only family, that were involved," Kira said, and nodded tiredly, staring at the floor. "Did he tell you *everything*?" "If you mean," Miles said, "do we know he's in love with you, we do. He didn't tell us, though." Kira looked up at Miles. "We've known it for a while," Miles admitted. "Keiko spotted it quite some time ago. Never said anything to anyone, wasn't any of her business...but then you became much more our business, and, well...we *are* her husbands..." "It's all right, Chief," Kira sighed. "People shouldn't have to apologize for telling what they know to their own spouses. Are you two just here to pat me on the head? Because if you are, thanks, but--" "Not *just* that," Julian admitted. "I *would* like to scan you and determine the rate of neural degradation, but that can wait. For one night. No more. But right now, we wanted you to know that even if there had been Bashirs or O'Briens living down there, we still would have insisted on returning to the station, for your sake. We know you don't agree, and that's fine. Major, we love you too--maybe not the way Odo does--" Kira did something she'd had the impulse to do occasionally before, but never had; she reached over and gently rumpled Julian's hair. 'Face it, when he *is* endearing, he's a truckload of endearing.' "I know you do. I love you all, too. But honestly, if you *did* have descendants on that planet, I think you'd have come to see it my way. Not that it mattered, as it turns out..." "No. Nerys, I honestly believe--so does Miles--that the path of your life has a good many years left to stretch. You and Edon weren't meant to separate because you were supposed to die; you and he simply weren't compatible for all your lives. And there's Odo, and the children--they shouldn't grow up never knowing their aunt Nerys. Especially not Yoshi." "But!" she interjected. "Keiko and the children *could* have gone on without us all, and these people were--" "Gone on, perhaps. But think what a horrific blow it would have been. Do you think they'd ever really recover from a loss that severe? All three of us gone?" Kira was quiet a while, then said "Do you think that knowing that, being so aware of why neither of you ever had children? In the future." Miles and Julian exchanged a glance. "We've talked about that," Miles said. "According to Dax--the future Dax, I mean--Julian and I never considered ourselves anything other than married until I died, despite lacking Keiko, and Julian never married after that. We think it's partly grief over Keiko and the children, and you, but also..." Julian added "It's entirely possible that none of the women aboard could deal with the concept of being married to *both* of us--they might have been drawn to one or the other of us, but the fact that we came as a set...well, think about it. How many people could manage to fall in love with any other two people as disparate as Miles and I are? Love, perhaps, as you do, but not marriage...and as Miles said, it's possible that under those circumstances, neither he nor I had the heart to simply...have children with someone, need to increase the gene pool or no." "Was *that* what Dax said?" Miles said "Not quite. He thought we were just too wound up in each other, and our shared grief, to stand the thought of trying to develop an interest in anyone else, or in having more children. Also possible, I s'pose. Look, we'll leave you to think, we know you've got all hell on your mind, but we wanted to ask you--would you rather Keiko didn't know? About your decision to stay." "Are you going to tell her about your decision not to? To go back to the station?" "We have to," Julian shrugged. "And knowing Keiko, it's impossible to tell which choice would upset her more...she'd probably feel like you do on the subject of eight thousand lives, versus one life and forty-eight people who never see home again. But there's also our children to consider...we can't say what she'd think. *She* likely couldn't say what she'd think, at once." "Let me talk to her," Kira said finally. "I wouldn't feel right not telling her. She'll only ask me, anyway, if I don't tell her first. I guess maybe that was what you were really asking? Whether I wanted you to tell her or do it myself?" "I suppose that's it," Julian murmured. "Well," Kira continued, "you're right, she's probably going to feel just as torn, and just as worried she's being selfish in her opinions about it, as all of us were." "Miles and I weren't," Julian said softly. "Oh, it wasn't an easy call to make by any stretch of the imagination...but we still believe leaving would have been the right thing to do." "You two are sort of unique. Separately, you're oil and water, but when you do click, you get nearly as psychic as Keiko. Look, I appreciate this...especially after that crack I made. The one about how you two should be even more willing to stay than everyone else, since you had each other here..." Miles shrugged. "I've been called selfish for my family's sake before." "Not by someone who's sort of *in* your family, someone you were being selfish for the sake *of*, I'll bet." "Nerys, you and I have called each other every name in the book. If you ever completely stopped stating me your opinion of my behavior in the universal language of the royally hacked, I'd have Julian on you with a medscanner." He came over, leaned down and hugged her, gave Julian a hand to his feet, and waited while Julian put an arm over her shoulders and squeezed. "We'll see you at breakfast," Julian said. She nodded. "See you then, unless..." "Oh," Miles said quickly. "Right. We'll check if you're with him." She nodded again, and they left. She pulled her boots off, lay back on the bed and, despite her assertions of needing to think, did her best to keep her mind as blank as possible. Part of her was thinking that she could use one of Miles's bone-crusher massages right about now... Nah. She'd live. --- ("Blaze of Glory") --- "*Totally* naked?" "That's what Nerys said," Julian confirmed, swinging Yoshi like a pendulum, which was sometimes the only thing that would calm the baby down. "Molly, Hana's going to blow up if you keep stuffing those beets down her." "Deal with your own damn baby over there." "Hana *is* my own da--Molllyyyy..." "Okay, okay. I'll get her into the sink." Molly hoisted Hana and vanished toward the front bathroom. "You know," Julian said, "perhaps we shouldn't swear in front of her quite so much..." Miles chuckled. "Who's we? You've got a mouth like a Franciscan friar. Besides, I've never heard her swear around anyone but us." "Da Mile? Up'eem!" Chairiste braced herself on Miles's knee and jumped up and down. "Right, little sis, come on up..." Miles helped Chairiste into his lap and tried to keep her from appropriating his comm badge. (She liked to make it chirp.) "But how can a child Molly's age have such selective discretion?" Keiko said wonderingly. "She's *our* child," Miles explained reasonably. "She's Molly. Eek, can you just imagine Morn naked?" "I'd rather not," Julian said, making a face. "Me neither," Keiko agreed. "I hope Nerys recovers from the experience." "She worked out her trauma by browbeating an answer out of Quark, about what it was he'd said to send Morn over the edge like that," Julian assured her. "What was his answer?" "Apparently, he casually mentioned to Morn that there are missiles headed for Cardassia, sure to inspire a Dominion counterstrike that will leave none of us alive." "Do you believe that?" Keiko wondered. "I believe that there is a healthy margin of events between the possibility of invisible missiles striking Cardassia and the death of everyone on the station. The Captain is being oddly secretive about the situation, though he hasn't taken any of the precautions he would have if disaster really might be imminent. In any case, if we want to know more, we'll probably have to ask Nerys, but I won't guarantee she'll answer." "Do you think we should send the children to Bajor?" Keiko fretted. "Not yet," Miles said. "He's right. That'd be premature." "How's Morn?" Keiko asked. "Resting comfortably on board his ship," Julian smiled. "I sedated him." "Water's ready, Dad!" Molly yelled. "Bring Yoshi!" "Coming, sweetie," Julian said, and with a final swing lifted Yoshi to his shoulder and proceeded to where Molly and Hana were waiting. --- ("Empok Nor") --- "If I *had* killed him, Doctor..." "Garak..." Julian clasped Garak's wrist lightly as they strolled down the upper level of the Promenade, and squeezed. "It wasn't you. We all know that. And he'd have killed you, too. It was only luck he didn't." "He, however, is your husband, whereas I--" "--you are not, yes, I know, and if you mean that losing you wouldn't have been the blow that losing him would--" "--and it *is* true that if he hadn't tricked me, your children would be short one father at this point in--" "Garak, are you *trying* to upset me?" Julian released Garak and paused briefly to face him. "Never, my dear Julian." Garak touched his arm to indicate they should continue on as he added "I'm merely trying to ascertain whether your calm over this matter is the result of professional detachment and self-control, or a genuine belief that there was no fault to be found, save that of the inventor of the biogenic compound in question. As you know, I do not particularly care for...grudging companionship." "Garak, Miles has forgiven you himself. For that matter, I don't think he ever blamed you, willing as he was to kill you to save himself and Nog. He was simply doing what had to be done. I think there's more on your mind than you're saying." They paused on their route, and Julian leaned against a port. The wormhole opened, and he watched it idly a moment, then looked back at Garak. "Why does there need to be anything more to my attitude, Doctor? After all, I was locked in a full-scale death-struggle with the man--and the first thing you said to me, after releasing me from the infirmary, involved an arts seminar featuring a panel discussion of Plutarch. I do believe there is a question being begged here." "So do I, but not that one, or not only that one. You've not been entirely sure where you and I stand to each other ever since I married Miles, have you?" "It's true he isn't particularly fond of Cardassians." "Do you actually believe I'd allow anyone at all to tell me who my friends are? After everything you and I have been through, can it even be a possibility in your mind? Neither Miles nor Keiko would try, in any case; it's not the sort of people they are." "Believe me--if they thought you'd listen, they *would* try." "But they *know* I *won't*. And it's not as though they hate you. Keiko's...a little distraught, yes. But she hasn't anything against your people as a race; you in particular...I don't think she really knows what to think about you and me. And Miles...well, of late, he's actually coming to respect you, not that he'd say so. Biogenic xenophobia and all." "Very amusing, Doctor." Julian stood back up away from the port, threaded his arm through Garak's, and tugged encouragement to continue their slow walk toward the habitat ring. He noticed when Garak adjusted his own arm comfortably through Julian's, because it took Garak a moment to collect himself enough do it. "Great heavens, Elim. I think I've finally managed to surprise you." "You first did that some years ago during that unfortunate episode with the wire, Doctor. Tell me--is this intended as a reassuring gesture?" "That depends. Is it working?" "That depends. Do you mean it honestly?" "Oh, my dear Elim. That *would* be telling." "I maintain high hopes for you, Doctor..." he paused as Julian grinned, then continued "Have you noticed that since your marriage, you've become...considerably more tactilely oriented?" "There *is* something about living with a husband, a wife and four small children that renders one a bit touchy-feely." "Not to mention swaddling oneself in a blanket with one's first officer on the occasional night for several months." Julian sighed. "Jadzia?" "Indeed. While I was fitting her in the black leather." "Nerys will kill us all if that goes all over the station, Garak." "Really now, Julian. Do I *look* like our good science officer? She probably told me *because* she knows how well I keep a secret." "You've got a point," Julian chuckled. They were quiet then until they reached Julian's door, where, rather than letting go, Julian laid his other hand on Garak's arm too and said "Come in for a moment. The children will have forgotten what you look like by now." "Which may be their fondest wish." "Oh, please. If it's Miles you don't want to see, he won't be in until later." "In that case..." They entered. Miles looked up from where he was feeding Hana. "'Lo, Julian. Garak." Garak eyed Julian. "Hey, I'm sorry, so he's early," Julian whispered with a helpless gesture, eyes wide. "The next time you set me up, Doctor, could you try to be a *little* more subtle? Such... blatancy is terribly unsophisticated." "What setup? I just told you--oops." In the bathroom, Molly was yelling "Da! Chairiste's eating soap by the handful!" "Damn flavored stuff," Miles muttered, getting up and handing Hana to Julian, who had hastily approached to take her. "Whose idea was that?" "Molly's," Julian said. "Remember she couldn't bathe Chairiste because Chairiste was too worried about getting soap in her mouth?" "So the solution is edible soap?" "It's harmless, I checked it myself." "In small amounts it's maybe harmless, but you're not supposed to shove a whole container down of it at once," Miles grumped, heading for the bathroom at a rapid clip. At that moment, Yoshi started caterwauling in the babies' room. Julian rolled his eyes and shoved Hana against Garak's chest. "Here, hold her a moment, where's her bottle--there, coffee table. And watch out, she'll grab your ridges--she's always going for Worf's, and for Imachram's beak. Back in a trice." He was out of the room by the time he got the last of the sentence out. Garak rolled his eyes and sat down on the sofa with baby and bottle. "So you appreciate a nicely turned set of ridges, do you, my dear?" he murmured to the baby, who was indeed staring at him in fascination. He managed to divert her attention back to the bottle. She seemed satisfied with it and he settled back to wait for Julian's return. The child certainly did have Julian's eyes, he noticed, contemplating the small, pale-golden-brownish face. But it was Miles who emerged a few moments later, herding two damp little girls in towels ahead of him. "Dad's in the babies' room, take her in and then get your own pajamas on, Molly love." "I'm not tired yet." "So you'll be awake in your pajamas. Thanks for taking her, sweetie." "I wanted to take *Hana*." "Well, Hana's making friends with Garak right now, apparently. You can kiss her goodnight when we've put her down." Molly disappeared, holding Chairiste by the hand, walking slowly so the toddler could keep up. Miles came over and held his arms out to Garak. "I heard Yoshi go off. Thanks for the hand." The speed, however, with which he reappropriated Hana almost made Garak smirk. "Not at all," was all he said as he surrendered the baby. "I'll just take her in; I think she's nearly through with her bottle. Be right back." Miles was, in only a moment. "Julian's going to be busy for a bit. There's a song he sings that none of the children will sleep without, at least not without a fight or a substitute. Don't know how Maeve and Da are going to get Chairiste down when she's gone home. Have to send a recording with her or something." "That charming Gaelic ditty?" Miles stared at him. "He singing it for the patients in general now?" "Not exactly. I heard him humming it yesterday before he released me, and I asked him what it was." "Not surprising. It probably runs through his mind half the time by now. I'm having a single malt. Get you anything? Oh, I know, there's a bottle Julian's been keeping around for you, where is it in here...some kind of heavy blue stuff?" "It's Isatei." "Sounds Japanese." "If you say so." Miles had been messing with the contents of a cabinet and now came back and handed Garak a glass, taking a sip out of his own. "Speaking of whom," Garak wondered, "where *is* your other spouse?" "On her way back from Bajor, under a very full head of steam." "I take it she's not sharing the relaxed attitude you and Julian seem to have concerning my recent biogenic experience." "No, not quite. I didn't want to tell her just what had happened, but Julian convinced me she deserved to know. For a man with a passion for intrigue, in many and various ways, he just roundly hates secrets within the family, even when we're only trying to protect each other. Maybe that's one reason he likes *you* so well. Someone he can play those games with on something like a real know, judging from what I saw a moment ago, I don't know who's more uncomfortable right now, you or him." "I beg your pardon. The Doctor doesn't appear at all distressed, and I--" "As he said to Keiko once about my relationship with him, what you two have is a game he gets a lot out of, and he's got pretty good, if you hadn't noticed. But this time there's something not between you and him--to his way of thinking, it's you and me. He's keeping pretty well shut about it, though he's worried as hell." Garak was quiet a moment, started to speak again, stopped, and looked back toward the door Julian had exited by. "So how long's it been?" Miles asked quietly. "Excuse me?" Garak looked back at him. "That you've been carrying such a thing for 'imself in there." "I don't understand." "The hell you don't. The whole station has been watching the two of you flirt for years. You've been friends with him since before I was--he latched onto you like a puppy on a chew toy the minute he laid eyes on you. You had him eating out of your hand almost at once--but you're not like that with him any more. I'm not trying to be insulting, honest-to-God trust him, I think. You respect him now." "To whom are you trying not to be insulting, Chief? There has never been a time that I did *not* respect the Doctor." "Not like you do now. Everything he's done for you, anybody else would trust him, and it wouldn't be any shock, but we're talking about you, here. *Nothing* should be enough to make *you* trust anyone, but you do. I think it rattles you." "I don't know whether to congratulate you on an unusually creative imagination, or wonder exactly what it is in your glass." "Fine--it is you I'm talking to, we'll play this your way. Anyhow, I wanted you to know... ah, bloody. I know it's none of my business. But I don't want you to drop him just because you don't want to cause him upheaval at home, not even after this." "Did...the good Doctor, by any chance..." "Julian by any chance would bring that overgrown harp of his down on my head so hard I'd hear bronze strings crashing and see stars for the rest of my life if he knew I was talking to you like this. He'd forgive me, o'course, but it'd be one body-slam later." "Hm." Garak considered. "And what next, Chief, were I to confirm your suspicions? Would you maintain this...equanimitous viewpoint if you received actual verification that your beliefs were correct?" "Hypothetically, you mean?" "Naturally." "I wouldn't have much to say beyond join the club. How could I blame you, for Erin's sake? I *married* the scrawny blighter. Keiko and I don't lose sleep over you two making those eyes at each other and whatnot. Not anymore, we don't, at least. He knows you two are flirting, but he doesn't know...that you might consider it, hypothetically, to be something else, too." "I know what it is, Chief. And that it *never* will be anything else." Miles blinked, more than surprised that Garak had said so much. 'He must really feel like hell about what just happened,' Miles surmised. The ex-spy continued "Despite my recent display of uncontrol, in ordinary circumstances, I am a man whose emotions obey orders. Otherwise, I could never have survived so long." "Look, Garak--I can't believe I'm about to say this. See, I told myself that, too, once, about him, trying to keep hold of what we had...and it nearly *wrecked* what we had. I know, I know--most of the time I'm the raving hothead and you're cool as stone, true enough, and I don't put it past you to be able to do what I couldn't--namely keep a lid on it and stay friends with him without the hell I went through. But...maybe there isn't any reason for you to have to." Garak considered this, taking a sip from his glass, then looked back up at the Chief. "I'm afraid I don't follow you." "I almost believe that. This sounds crazy coming from his husband. I'm not going to tell you how to handle things with him; you know best what'll work for you, and him. But if you wanted to tell him about your hypothetical situation...I can say from experience that he'll be damn big about it, and he won't change the way he is with you." "At the time you're speaking of, Chief, the Doctor was not married. Now he is. It is entirely probable he wouldn't feel he had the luxury to be so...tolerant." "Yeah he would. Trust me. I *know* him, in a way you don't--Julian and I may like to wrangle, but we've thrown our very souls on the floor in front of each other a lot more than once. That's not the way you are with him, so there are things you don't know." "Such as? If, of course, you truly feel it's appropriate to say without his knowledge." "He's always pulling that sort of thing on me; turnabout's fair play. Anyway, what I mean is...even if Julian--if he felt things for you past what he's already shown, that wouldn't...make as much of a difference to us all as you likely think, because...y'see, he never thought he'd have what he has--Keiko and I and the children, we're the center of his heart now; he'd never, *ever* give it up. And like I said, I can't tell him who his friends are, and I can't tell you not to feel like you do." "Chief." Garak's intense blue gaze was locked to Miles's. "Are you saying...that were the Doctor and I to--" "I don't *know* what I'm saying. Morrigan, Macha and Badb, maybe I just sympathize with you because I've been where you are. But don't mistake it for pity, Garak, and don't take it as advice. All I'm doing is giving you information, because I don't want to live with the way the man would be if you dropped him completely. Am I clear?" "Quite clear. At least...clear enough." "Clear as you usually are, at any rate." "You do obfuscate like a master, Chief, though it comes through with a...much more heartfelt ring, in your case." "Clumsy like a boar on ice, you mean?" "I wouldn't put it that way." "Of *course* you wouldn't..." Miles chuckled. They sipped their respective beverages a moment, the silence broken by the low sound of Julian's voice in the babies' room. Garak finally spoke. " the beginning of our--physical altercation, on Empok Nor's promenade..." "Yeah?" Miles looked up suspiciously. "You performed a very graceful evasion that should not have been possible--I thought I had guarded for all maneuvers. I suspect you could have performed many such if you hadn't been allowing me to land blows in the interest of drawing me in the direction of your improvised grenade." "I fought in the Cardassian wars, Garak. I was, as you were so stinking bloody fond of pointing out for the whole trip, the hero of Setlik Three. Among other things, I know a feint-evade-applesplitter that'd stave in a Cardassian head, thick hide and stronger bones or not. And no, I wouldn't have had to take so many knocks if I hadn't been trying to position you on one side of those cargo containers, with the grenade, and me on the other." "Indeed? Then why did you bother with the grenade?" "A few reasons. Nog was watching, for one, and I didn't want him coming to equate killing with heroism, as he seemed to be doing. Two, I wasn't sure just exactly how bad my marriage would ultimately suffer for my bringing back your pulpheaded body for Julian to do the autopsy on. Third...I didn't want you dead. Not even after what you'd done. Yeah, I was willing to take the chance on killing you; it wasn't looking like I had a lot of options...but. You are one dangerous bastard, Garak. In a straight fight, sure, I could've killed you...or maybe you would have killed me." "And with the bomb..." "It *would* definitely take you out of action, and save Nog and me. And it *might* also leave you alive. It was the best shot to get me, you and Nog all out of there." "Eminently logical, Chief. You confirm my suppositions about what a fine military strategist you are." "Garak, let's not get into that again." "Of course, of any case, for a man who *has* been an engineer so many years rather than any sort of...fighter, your skills and coordination are most impressive--they don't seem to have deteriorated at all." "As far as footwork and coordination, I play regular racquetball sets with a genetically engineered tennis champion who has the reach of me. And fending off boulders in the Colorado River with nothing but a fiberglass paddle will keep your lead hand up and your eye sharp, too." "I see. Would you perhaps show me that manuver? The evasion, I mean." "After what happened I'm not sure I shouldn't keep it in reserve." "You needn't show me your entire hand-to-hand Cardie-killing arsenal, Chief. Only the one evasion." "You're tempting me right now to show you a few maneuvers, all right...fine, here, c'mon." Miles stood and moved toward the open area of the room near the front door, setting his glass down on his way by the endtable. Garak followed suit. They faced off and dropped into their own customary defensive postures, and Miles said "Okay, now watch. This is a close-quarters manuver, works best when space is limited. What you look for is your opponent putting his weight behind an upper-body blow, like so, the way you did. The tricky part is that the middle of the pivot happens right when the weave bottoms out; your head's down and you can't see. You've got to have your spot to come out of the pivot, balanced, already picked out--which means you also have to know where your opponent's going to be when the pivot's over--and where he's going to be and which way he's going to be facing *during* it, since you have to come up blind." "That being the reason the move is most effective if your opponent has put his weight behind a blow he's throwing while fully upright." "Right. His options are limited, and he's going to pull up and stop when you're not where he was expecting you to be, so you know where he's going to land--probably right where you were before, or a little past that, if he's slow on the pull-up. Okay, try that swing you used bef--" Miles cut off and evaded when Garak lunged without warning; the manuver came off and they circled again, from opposite sides this time. "Indeed an effective tactic, Chief. Once more?" "Right." Garak lunged and Miles evaded again. Miles said "Okay, I'm gonna come at you, now. Remember you aren't gonna be able to see for a split second, so don't try. If you raise your head too soon it'll likely get knocked, hard, or else you could lose your balance." "Thanks for the warning." Miles lunged; Garak came out of the pivot wide and slightly off balance. "Not bad for a first try," Miles admitted. "Again." He swung and they traded spots again. "Good, right in position. Your footwork's good, by the way, nice and loose. All right, now I'll show you how to pull off basically the same move if your opponent comes at you low. Go for a hard shoulder block to the midsection. Try to trap me at the sides." Garak did. "How did you manage *that*?" he asked a second later. "I've got to admit, I came up with this one, and only my squad second ever really got the hang of it, but if you're interested..." "Oh, by all means." "Okay. You go down like you're going to roll under the block, first--" "Roll *under* a block coming in low?" "No, just go down like it's what you're going to do. Mostly the difference here is the depth of the duck; you still pivot away, rather than roll. Here, step back and watch me a moment." He demonstrated. "Ah, yes, I see. There's often a sweep with the leg to take the opponent's feet out from under him at the midpoint of that manuver, but you..." "Right, that leg sweep means a length of time your balance is canted and one hand's on the ground for leverage." "Whereas you kept your weight entirely on the balls of your feet. A delicate trick." "Yeah, the move's only really useful if you're not that interested in hurting your opponent. Otherwise you'd either stay up, pivot and, as you came out of the turn, swing at your man with the opposite arm, or shove him into the wall from behind, if there *is* a wall. Or, like you said, you'd go down and trip him." "Are you trying to make a point with that explanation, Chief?" "What point? Okay, come at me low, I'll show you again; then you can try it." They circled. Garak came at Miles as though he was aiming to take him into the wall with a shoulder in his solar plexus; Miles spun under it and came out of the sharp pivot without even the lightest brush of contact between them, poised in anticipation of the next attack. "Very pretty indeed, Chief. My turn?" "One more...come and get me, Garak." Miles gave him a playful--yet possibly a little bit dangerous--smile. Garak returned the expression in kind, then gave the Chief what he'd asked for, with a vengeance. Just as he did, Miles caught a flash of motion out of the corner of his eye and they both heard a horrified yell-- "GARAK!" They both lost their poise, startled out of balance, and Garak crashed into Miles like a freight drone, square in the chest, taking them across an occasional table and into the wall, with the smash of the deposed tablelamp. Julian was diving for them before they even made it all the way to the floor. "What the hell are you *doing*!" Julian threw Garak off Miles with enough of his genetically-engineered strength to send the breath out of the Cardassian in a grunt. "Sparring, damn it, Julian!" Miles explained, struggling to his feet. "I was showing him some evasions and you scared the bloody lights out of us both! Ugh. You've got a damn solid shoulder block, Garak." "Why, thank you," Garak replied graciously, managing to get to his feet. "Oh, my. Doctor, I believe my head made fairly intimate contact with the wall." "I'll get the medkit," Julian sighed, slumping in exasperated relief. "Damn it. Don't *scare* me like that, you two! Miles, go see if the noise woke the children, I'll be right back." As he was returning to the babies' room, Garak murmured "You were right, Chief. He *is* a bit on edge, isn't he?" Miles paused. "Yeah. And, uh...maybe I am, too, a little." "I must confess to disquiet, as well," Garak muttered, but so softly Miles wasn't sure he'd heard it. --- ("In the Cards") --- "Julian? Hey, you in there?" "What?" Julian glanced up from the lab computer screen. "Hello, Miles, did you hurt yourself again?" "I can't get into this outfit without you asking me that." "You never make it out of the river without hurting yourself. If you're not hurt, why are you bothering me?" "Bothering you? I'm trying to rescue you. You've been in front of that screen since the middle of yesterday, which makes it what...thirty-eight hours now?" "Don't be silly. I've had a nap." "Any food?" "Not hungry. This is the first chance in months I've had to get any work done on this project!" "The prions'll take care of themselves for a few hours. C'mon; the river's cold as a fluorine relay these days, I ought to check the programming--" "Then get out of those wet things before you catch a chill." "I plan on it, and on having a soak. Come with me. Won't be quite the same with Keiko gone, but it'll still get us warm." "Miles--" "Doctor Bashir!" Nog ran in past Miles. "Oh, hi Chief--how was the river?" Miles grinned. "Wild. Thanks again. To Jake, too." "Not at all!" Nog grinned toothily with his customary overenthusiasm. He sidled up to Julian and muttered "I've got it! I didn't know if you wanted me to give it to you here, though." "You *have* him? Where is he?" Julian actually abandoned the computer board for a moment. "In my quarters. Should I bring him?" "Take him to my place. I'll be heading back there in a moment myself. Wait just a minute, Miles, and I'll come with you--this *is* worth a break," Julian smiled. "Nog, let me put together that anaerobic metabolized suspended-in hydrosaline solution. How many liters did you say you needed?" "Five. Thanks, Doctor!" --- "They did?" "Yes. What do you suppose they're up to?" "No telling. Jake's behind it, though, I'll guarantee you. Nog's too worried about screwing up his Academy record to go leaping into any sort of shenanigans on his own. How's here?" "No, no...I should probably put him in a closet...the children will be after him..." Miles took Kukalaka off the bedroom shelf he'd just set him on and turned around. "You want him where you can see him, not stuck in the closet. When the kids are back, whenever that turns out to be, we'll find him a spot out of their reach. Here, let's have him on the bed, he'll be comfy there." Miles positioned the bear on Julian's customary pillow. "Why didn't you just ask Leeta for him?" "Felt foolish. She likes him so well, and I *am* a grown man...well. I imagine she'll get by without him. Go ahead and start the water; I've got some calls to make." Miles got in the water while it was still pouring in and turned on the jets, wincing as they began beating the soreness out of his river-wrenched body. "I saw that look. You *have* strained your shoulder again, haven't you?" "No--well, no more than I've strained everything else." Miles opened his eyes; Julian, already stripped, was setting something down on the floor next to the voluminous tub. "What's that?" "Muscle relaxant." Julian made what appeared to be pouring motions and came around the tub wall to hand Miles a glass. "How hot did you set it?" "It shouldn't turn us into soup. No burns past first degree." "Good. If I fall asleep, drag me out." "No problem." Julian stepped up the near stairs and then back down into the tub. "I'll admit my attention *was* starting to wander a bit. Perhaps another short nap when we get out...oh, don't look that way. I have to take advantage of this window of the children being gone and the Dominion situation not having evolved any farther--when things do heat up in this sector, none of us will have time for pet projects. And there likely isn't much time. Those damn convoys are still coming through the wormhole, and the Dominion military buildup is--" "All right, all right. Just watch out for yourself...Julian, why are there three glasses?" "I've asked Garak to join us." "*WHAT*?" "It's all right, we needn't get up, I've told him just to bypass the lock and come in." "Julian!" "What's wrong?" Julian's glowing, dark-honey eyes gazed guilelessly at him through the thickening steam. "Computer, lights down; floor lights, half. Miles, I've asked you already if you have any problem with my having him here. You know how cold the station is to him--the heat's good for his metabolism, and the moisture for his skin, at least in occasional doses. He's been feeling torporous lately, poor fellow." Miles growled dangerously. "Oh. It's *your* being here too, isn't it? I can ask him if it's all right to postpone..." Julian trailed off, waiting. He took a sip of his drink, knowing that if he smiled so much as an iota Miles was going to drown him and stuff him down the pipes. They locked gazes in separate bids to wait each other out. "Bloody," Miles finally sighed. "What the hell. If it makes you happy. But you owe me one. A big one." "That's the spirit, Miles my love." "Don't call me that while he's here." "Wouldn't dream of it." --- "So how *is* your prion project coming, Doctor?" Julian ducked himself briefly in the turbulent, air-bubble opaqued water, and re-emerged smoothing his hair back from his forehead. His skin was taking on a deeper flush beneath the fair golden-ash-brown in the dim floor lights. "Hard to say at this point, I was quite close to some significant results three months ago, but I've hardly been able to look at things between then and now. How's business at your end?" "Busy. Captain Sisko has me literally buried in navigational charts. I almost find myself regretting having volunteered my services." He took a sip from his glass. "I must say, Doctor, it's terribly civilized of you to maintain such a...convivial atmosphere in the face of such dire circumstances." "You *are* ever on at me to be more sophisticated." "Why do people always equate civilization with plumbing?" Miles wondered. "Perhaps because it's so much easier to feel civilized under hygienic conditions," Garak pointed out. "I do appreciate this invitation, Doctor. This is the first time I've felt warm in months." "Miles, can't you do something about the environmental settings in his quarters?" Julian wondered. "They acting up on you again?" Miles asked Garak. "I'm afraid so." "Maybe you should think about moving," Miles mused. "The programming circuits in your quarters obviously won't put up with being that far out of synch with the neighboring environments." "I had been giving that some thought, actually." "Hey, maybe you could move in with Ziyal," Miles came up with. "She likes it about as warm as a full Cardassian would, I remember having to adjust the--" "*That* would be unwise for a number of reasons, Chief," Garak demurred, and Julian chimed in with "Really, Miles, Nerys would take off his head and both legs." "S'pose that's true." "In any case, it would hardly be proper," Garak continued. "A child her age?" "A child her age with a massive crush on you," Julian noted. "That's true, too." "Indeed. I care very much for Ziyal, but it would be unkind of me, to say the least, to initiate a situation like that in view of her feelings." "Ziyal's got a thing for you?" Miles wondered, eyebrows rising. "Thought you two were just friends." "We are," Garak confirmed. "I'm afraid that's all we can be, under the many and various circumstances...even as charming a creature as she can be." "Well, there's no shortage of empty quarters on the station at the moment, what with the mass exodus," Miles said. He noticed that Julian was apparently right--while the two humans were getting progressively more relaxed, Garak seemed to be growing more animated, his eyes brighter and his voice more clear and clipped. And rather than turning darker blue, as the humans were pink, his skin seemed to be getting paler and more even-toned. 'Guess I do know what it's like to be cold for too long, at that,' Miles thought. Not that he was making plans for a thrice-weekly soak with Garak, for God's sake, but at least there weren't necessarily any ulterior motives involved here. Necessarily. "You *are* looking chipper, aren't you, Elim? We don't want you overcharging your system too quickly, though, as externally regulated as your temperature is..." Julian floated off the cushioned bench he was on and over to Garak, lifting both hands from the water and setting his fingers against the Cardassian's neck. Miles doubted that Julian noticed the way Garak's eyes widened. "Where *has* your pulse got to, we've been in long enough that my own's up so much, it's hard to--ah, there. Heavens, it's pounding. Not dangerously, I'd say, but your metabolism is quite enjoying the heat--I'm going to get you a dose of the supplements I've been telling you you should take; the systemic elevations you're experiencing will be ideal for dispersal." Julian braced his hands on the tub's edge and surged upward with a wave and a splash, swung his water-slick person over the side and hopped down, pausing a moment on the tile to stretch and shake a shower of glinting droplets from his hair. He grabbed a towel on his way out, wiping perfunctorily at his dripping anatomy. Garak set his glass down and sank under the water. Miles waited sympathetically. The older man was back up a second later, thick black hair streaming, with a hand over his eyes. He sighed. "How you holding up, there, Garak?" "Adequately." "You didn't *have* to tell him yes..." "I'm afraid I was a bit shortsighted. I didn't think my reaction to the heat would be so...invigorating." "The water's heat or his?" "It seems to be a combination of the two." "You'll be wanting me to get him out of here before you get out of the water?" "Please. And don't let him turn the jets off." "No problem." "I hope you aren't enjoying this *too* much, Chief. It would be so puerile." "On the contrary. He can be bloody damned oblivious, can't he?" "I would say 'you have no idea', but I'm aware that you do. " "Aye, it's--" he broke off. "Here we are, Elim." Julian emerged through the steam, skin gleaming, the slide and flex of his heat-relaxed muscles almost catlike. He settled on the steps next to Garak, laid one hand on the other man's cheek and gently turned his head in order to reach the carotid past the neck ridge. "Hold still now," he murmured. "And...there we are." He went and set the hypo on the counter and came back, slipping into the water between Garak and Miles, ducking his head once, and coming back up moving toward the spot he'd been in before. "You know, Garak, this thing has a thermal hood. It can be set for dry heat, too." "I'll...keep that in mind." "Oh, I've just had a thought--Elim, until we can get you into quarters with a less temperamental environmental computer, why don't you stay here? Then you could use the tub whenever you liked, and Miles, we can reset the temperature in Nerys's old room, can't we?" "Um..." "Doctor," Garak cut in quickly, "that's very generous of you, but I wouldn't dream of intruding on--" "Oh, it's no trouble, it's not as though we don't have the space. The place purely echoes with Keiko and the children gone. It wouldn't be for long, of course, you'll want to get quarters where you can adjust the entire place to a more congenial environment for your physiology, but in the meantime, this would certainly be better than where you are. Miles, is there some problem readjusting the heat in the spare room?" "What? Oh, no--nothing wrong with the programming circuitry 'round *here*, Gods know." "Of course there wouldn't be--you live here. In any case, I can speak to Nerys, see how soon she can arrange something for you, Garak. In fact, I think I'll get on it right now, before I start shriveling up--you two stay, Miles until you get dizzy, and you--" he pointed at Garak, "at least another half hour. You both have actual medical need to be here." "And you have actual medical need for supper and bed, laddo. Don't be nipping off to that lab of yours again--see to yourself or I'll come do it for you." "I will, when I've spoken with Nerys, Miles, don't fuss so." And he was out of the water again, by God, and this time he took a moment to towel himself down, his movements slow and languorous in the steam-diffused light. "We'll see about the environmentals in the spare room, and we can have you here tomorrow, Elim." Finally he wrapped the towel around his waist, its whiteness stark against his flushed skin, grinning at them both as he headed for the door. "It'll be fun. You'll see." There was a silence. "Looks like you're doomed," Miles remarked. "I suppose you and I both are; I'm aware of the less than unbridled joy with which you're greeting this development, Chief. I've always considered you to be a very lucky man...but it I'm forced to conclude, from this and other occasions, that your admittedly captivating husband can be something of a mixed blessing." "He *defines* 'mixed blessing.' I want to kill him half as often as I want to...well, anyway, this might be a good time to break your hypothetical news to him. He'd back off this idea if he understood the situation." "It's easy for you to recommend that course, Chief. But such resolution as you found to the matter is quite out of the question in my case, for more than the obvious reasons." "Okay, you've a point there. I've said my piece. You'll have to do what you think's best." Miles sank down in the water and let his head settle to the rest. "Chief? Are you...supposed to be that color?" "What color?" "You're not quite as red as your blood, but you're getting there." "S'all right. Pale-skinned humans do that in high heat. Our capillaries get all huge trying to vent the excess." "Of course, but so markedly?" "I'm Irish, all right?" "Exactly what part of Earth would that be?" "An island in the northwest quad of the planet, in a cold ocean. Best place on Earth. Or anywhere else, for that matter." "I suppose we're all fond of our homes past the point of reason..." "You must miss yours." "The knowledge that I cannot see it again *has* rendered my recollections of it in a romanticized color palette, I will admit." "Well, I sympathize, but it's a good thing for *us* you're here." "It *is* nice to feel useful, though one can hardly base an existence on that." "Himself makes it easier for you, doesn't he?" "He does. As much as any non-Cardassian can make it. And so does Ziyal." He let his own head come into contact with the headrest and slid down in the water a bit. "They both make it difficult for me to remember...that sentiment *is* the greatest I now know several times over." "With the importance you people place on family, you should know that it can be a source of strength, Garak. If you let it." 'I don't believe this,' Miles thought. 'I'm actually rooting for Garak. For that matter, I'm sitting naked in a tub with him chatting about home and family. Julian...some how, some way...' "For certain people, perhaps it can," Garak partially agreed. "But in my case it would entail unacceptable risks." "Whatever, then. It's your show. Good luck with it." "Thank you, Chief. No matter my course of action, I *am* going to need all the luck I can get." After turning that comment over in his head for a few minutes, Miles decided he wasn't entirely sure he liked the sound of it. Oh, nothing overtly menacing about it, no, but well, this *was* Garak... "Chief." Miles could barely hear the word. "Chief, I believe you've overheated. We'd better get you out of here." Miles felt the water push against him, jostling him off the rest, and then he was caught by a hand around his bicep and one at his waist. He blinked. "Garak! What the--" "Relax, Chief. I've seen unclothed humans before the Doctor, you know." "Aye, and I bet I know where." "Yes, likely similar circumstances to those in which *you've* seen variously dead and dismembered Cardassians. Clothed or not." Miles sighed. "All right, whatever." He let Garak steady him as he climbed the steps and then descended to the tiles surrounding the tub. Garak handed him a towel. Miles muttered "And it's not the seeing that bothers me so much anyway." "I assure you, Chief, our contact of the moment is strictly utilitarian." "I know that. That's not what I meant." "Dizziness leaves you feeling vulnerable?" "Oh leave off, can't you? Get back in the tub, your doctor-ordered half-hour's not over." --- "Why are you editing yourself out, Doctor?" Julian had just felt the wash of warmer air that signaled Garak leaving his room; he glanced away from the holo controls a second, over his shoulder to where Garak was standing. "That's not me," he muttered, then went back to what he was doing. "Ah. I take it then that these recordings were made during our stay with the Dominion?" "Most of them before you got there. You know, Garak, if anybody were to be able to realize that the changeling wasn't me, I would think you'd have. That sort of thing is right up your alley." "I should have, when the creature was waiting for me in the runabout with a phaser and a flimsy excuse for being there; you've never acted quite that emphatically on your suspicions of me. was an almost unbelievable resemblance." Julian stabbed the control again. "Can you think of a way I can keep this shot of Molly and Hana without that not-me involved?" "Let me try." Garak reached for the control, which Julian gave him. "May I ask why you chose to work on this in the middle of the night?" "Just couldn't sleep. Miles and I are always hauling these things out when Keiko and the children are gone, but this stretch we can't bear to look at." "Of course...up to what date should I effect the changes?" "The day we got back is close enough, they didn't make any recordings for a few days before that." There was a quiet stretch while Garak worked with the control; Julian ran his hands contemplatively up and down his bare arms and considered getting up to put something more on. The temperature in most of the place, by Julian's decree, was a compromise between what Garak found comfortable and what the British Isles-born Miles and Julian did. Garak's room was, in Miles's words, "ungodly stifling"; the master bedroom's temperature was set lower than the rest of the house. As a result, Garak would put on something fairly warm before leaving his bedroom, and Julian would take off most of his clothes before leaving his own. Miles was staying in the bedroom a lot while he was home, to nobody's surprise, but when he wasn't, he usually just removed the outer layers of his uniform. "I do envy you and the Chief," Garak mused while he worked. "As you know, now, I was not born to a situation that involved much direct connection with family..." "I'll say. Your own father bloody regretted not having killed your mother...sorry, I did promise not to make judgements." "Quite so. And in the profession I entered, it's considered poor form to deliberately develop close ties." "I suppose that sort of thing is seen as a liability in every intelligence organization. Well, Elim, times like this you can be grateful you don't have a family. We could keep them here and worry about them, or we could send them away, and miss them...and *still* worry about them." "Part of the territory, I'm informed." "Yes, I suppose it is...besides, I'm sure Keiko and Molly are far more worried about Miles and I here, while they're all staying with Maeve and Michael." "And how is the elder Mrs. O'Brien?" "She's on her feet, still moving slowly, though." He sighed. "Earth *is* the best place for them, Doctor..." "The best place for all of us. Too bad we can't all go with them." "That isn't why you joined Starfleet, is it?" "I didn't expect ever to have a family when I entered the Academy." Julian ran a hand over his face and let it fall back to the couch. "I'm sorry, Garak, I suppose it's just this damn waiting getting to me, like it is to all of us..." "Let me record these edits...and there you have it. Changeling-free. Except the one shot featuring the Constable, that is." Julian took the control, shaking his head. "It's hard to believe that even *Odo* couldn't see..." "You're still having a great deal of difficulty with that whole episode, aren't you?" "How could you tell?" Julian grumped. "You needn't waste time listening to my post-midnight maunderings, Elim--but thanks for the help with the recordings." "You're quite welcome, and I can't sleep, either, so unless you'd prefer to be alone..." "Not at all. Game of Khal'to?" "I'm afraid Vulcan Cotra is beyond my capacities right at the moment. I was wondering...might we have a few words from Luchtigern?" Julian blinked. "Oh, of course. How very apropos. Let me get her." He was back in a moment with the harp; Garak helped him get it to the sofa. "Did you know," Julian asked, "that 'harp-bearer' was an official functionary designation in some courts? Outside of court, too, in some cases." "Then most such harps are this heavy?" "Not lap-harps, usually, but floor-harps were." "Well, then--at least I can feel I serve a purpose around here." "You don't *need* to serve a practical *purpose* here, Garak, you're my friend. Here, help me get her up...she's had a bit of a knock, I'll need to check the tuning..." He got arranged with the spine of the sounding box on his shoulder. "Ow. I'm usually wearing my uniform--or some heavy shirt, anyway--when I do this, it protects the clavicle..." "Allow me." Garak pulled his own shirt off, folded it and carefully tucked it between the sounding box and Julian's collarbone. "Go put something else on, then, you'll get cold." "I don't think that's going to be a problem, Doctor." He sat at the other end of the sofa. "All right..." Julian finished tuning and said "Tell me what you think of this one. I don't write music easily without Miles--as I've said, he knows theory, even if he doesn't play harp. Everything I've tried to write myself has come out less than traditional; most of it fell by the wayside." "Perhaps you define 'tradition' too narrowly. Is there some reason the Chief didn't contribute to this piece?" "Ahm...soaking myself in research is only effective to a degree; I needed some additional diversion, goes nothing." Julian took a breath and began to play. After a pause when he finished, Julian looked up at Garak in query. Garak licked his lips and answered "Quite lovely." He looked briefly away from Julian, then back, and said in a stronger voice "Odd how you manage to evoke an almost martial sound from such an instrument. The Chief would refer to it as...what was the word...'Goltraigh?'" "It is rather melancholy, isn't it? But not Goltraigh, exactly--not written with those categories in mind, at least." "Do you have a title for it?" "Yes. I called it 'Exile'." Garak blinked. Julian smiled, a bit shyly. "Do you like it?" "I no longer feel qualified to judge. I now have a bias. Unless, that is, the title is a reference to the state of exile in general, or refers to the Constable, or--" "*Why* would I play you someone else's song?" "For a critical opinion before presenting it to your intended recipient?" "Elim! Of course it's for you. So what do you think?" "I'm hardly an expert on Terran music, but personally I found it...complex, evocative, dark, intriguing...perhaps a bit contrary, in those two melodic lines that almost seemed to fight each other--" "Good. I did it right, then." "May I ask what brought on this display of..." "Sentiment?" "For lack of a better word. Of course, perhaps I don't need to ask. You *have* written a piece for the Major...perhaps you simply find your inspiration in the intricacies of sentient existence?" "Nerys is our clan sister as well as our commanding officer, and we owe her a massive debt of gratitude. I wrote this for you...because I still find you as fascinating as I always have." Julian shrugged, trying to make it look casual, but the harp's contact point slid to his pectoral and Garak's shirt slipped off, and his collarbone got bumped when he lowered his shoulders. "Ouch. I mean...this was my way of trying to express that. I always *have* wished that in some wise, I could be as fascinating to you. Despite however mercenary, or stubborn, or bone cold you've struck me, in whatever situation. There's one real secret I had, it applied only to me, and now it's general knowledge--you know everything about me of any relevance. But that being the case, I never have understood why, since you disvalue sentiment so, you've been as...tolerant of me as you have, except when you're in the mood for a little distraction yourse--" "No. No--Doctor...Julian." Garak drew in a breath, looking away. He was quiet for a few moments, and Julian, feeling he'd overstepped a boundary, was quiet, too. Finally Garak continued. "Please understand, Doctor, that...over time, you have become more to me than a repository for my stored wisdom--more than someone to impress, mystify, whatever word you choose--and I would certainly like to think that I have become more than a source of fodder for your tendencies toward intrigue." "Of course you have, Garak--I just said you were my friend--" he stopped. "True," Garak continued, "there are things you have done for me, in the past, which made me suspect I had more than your curiosity--risks you have taken, on my behalf--but you have taken similar risks for people you hardly knew. It's in your nature, both as a would-be adventurer and as a healer. And we both know that it is unwise to make assumptions--even as often as you *still* do that very thing, you're aware of the ill-advisedness of it." "Garak--" Julian started trying to set Luchtigern down, and Garak got up to assist him. "It's not making an assumption to believe me when I say I care about you. All right, the way we usually communicate, I admit *I'm* forced to make a damn good many assumptions, though not nearly as many now as in the past...but I've always been an open book, to you. It never occurred to me you wouldn't take what I say to you--about you or anything else--at face value." "At one time, I would have--or at least would have been confident in my ability to fathom your actual meaning and opinion, despite your attempts to cloud the issue. In fact, I do retain most of that confidence...except as pertaining to the subject at hand." "Subject mean how I feel about you? Do you want me to just blurt it? You usually hate it when I'm so, how do you usually put it...'unsubtle'. But if it will help...there haven't been many in my life I was so instinctively drawn to--even if, in the beginning, my motives were a bit questionable. They aren't now. I love you. 'Plain and simple'." Julian smiled dryly and touched Garak as he'd been prone to lately, with a loose clasp around the wrist. --- Julian wandered slowly into the main bedroom, letting the door slide shut behind him; he stood very still for a while, then slowly advanced into the room and sank onto the bed, where Miles was visible only as an oblong lump in the bedclothes. "Miles." "Mm." "The most extraordinary thing has just happened." "Did he only tell you, or did he actually make a pass? Or have you already been experimenting with interspecies mating rituals?" Julian blinked, then turned dazed eyes to focus on the dark-shrouded pile where Miles was. "No, did you..." "You can blame me." "What?" An upheaval disturbed the bedclothes and Miles sat up slowly, pulling a pillow off his head. "I told him he ought to say something to you. Well, I didn't put it like that, exactly, but I suppose that's what it comes to." "You *knew*?" "Julian. *Molly* knows. Keiko wonders when the two of you are going to bloody get on with it." "Well, that's not as surprising..." Julian swallowed and stared into space a moment. "Love you too, pet. You want to tell me about it?" Miles asked quietly. "That''s why I came in, actually. I played him that piece I've been writing...I don't think I ever mentioned to you that it's--" "--for him. I'm not exactly shocked, as nervy as you'd get when anyone heard you working on it. I like that double melody line, by the way. Counterpoint from hell, sets my teeth on edge. But you were saying?" "I played him the piece, and told him the title, and asked what he keep it brief, we wound up telling each other--well, things we haven't said, not outright. So we did, in the half-dark, in the middle of the night, oddly appropriate for the two of us. I said I loved him. He said he wished it were true. I asked him to please stop fencing for once and tell me what the devil he meant, and he...did." Miles laid a hand on his back. "You're really rocked by this." Julian nodded. "I was hoping you'd take it as well as you did with me, when I first...when you figured it out, with me." "It's different. I know that *he* doesn't mean what you and I both thought *you* meant, when you told me--you and I didn't know how serious it was going to become for both of us." "Whereas Garak is as serious as a core breach." "At least. Miles, knowing who he is...some of the things he's done--both in the past, and since I've known him--you know, no matter how many times I've had to go up against him myself--to save *your* life, once, and Nerys's see, I knew that he never did anything, any of it at all, but in the belief that he was doing the right thing, and that was always enough for me to get past whatever abominable thing he'd done, or tried to do, or been willing to do. And he's not the same man he once was, I know that, I know enough about him to know that to some degree, he's changed. I've *seen* many of the changes happening. But Miles, *oughtn't* there to be some things, as a Fleet officer--and, far more importantly, as a doctor--that I should never accept under any circumstances? And aren't there things that no one should ever accept?" Miles thought a moment, stroking Julian's back. "I know you've seen examples of some of what he's done being done by others, and you *didn't* accept it then, no matter how righteous the people in question were about it. Garak does seem to be unique to you that way. But that's just it--you didn't accept those *things* even when it *was* him. You fought him when you thought he was wrong. It's not him entire that puts you off. Julian..." Miles slid his arms around Julian's waist, pulling him gently back to rest against Miles's chest. "I know I'm waxing all sophistry on you here, in a way, but just for the sake of argument...if it weren't possible to love someone without loving everything they do, would you and I be sitting in the same bed right now?" Julian groaned softly. "It's not the same thing, you know that." "Yeah, I know, we're talking matters of degree, here, though, not a difference of type." "Even so. You see, I...once I understood what he's just said, and was faced with the prospect of..." "Getting a hell of a lot closer to him?" "Close in ways we've never been, more like. It made me wonder if I should...should have *admired* him so. Been so terribly fascinated, as I still am...should have let myself be blinded to what he was *capable* of by the glamourie of who he was." "You were damn young, me love." "But I'm not now. And once I realized, once I knew, just what he'd been...I suppose the only word for what I did is excuse. I excused him. I wouldn't have excused anyone else who's done what he has--well, all right, to some degree, anyone who has truly changed from something unforgivable deserves some forgiveness, and I'd have at least given the benefit of the doubt. But Garak hasn't completely changed. He never will. He's never even tried to lie to me about *that*--in fact, he's gone to extraordinary pains to rub my nose in just what a scurrilous character he can be. I suppose I started excusing him reflexively, it became a game--his deflowering of my virgin sensibilities, his trying to outrage me, or scandalize me, to the point I'd...stop idolizing, perhaps even stop associating with him. And me, refusing to let that happen." "You play that game with a lot of people," Miles muttered in his ear, then kissed the ear. "I know. But *you* aren't by any stretch of the imagination him." "Could you be a little more specific?" "I mean game or no, loving you doesn't put me in any kind of compromising ethical position--in fact it probably makes me look better than half everything I've ever done--but just being Garak's friend *does*." "At least as far as you see, it does. Now, anyway." "You don't see that?" "Julian, maybe I'm slanted, here, because I want you to be happy, but...Garak told me once that he's a man whose emotions obey orders. Well, you aren't. You're a loving, sensual, impetuous, *emotional* man, you're as responsive to everything that touches you as a thoroughbred." "That sounds more like you." "It's prettier on you, that's all, most things are. But how can you blame yourself just because your head and your heart aren't seeing eye-to-eye? We both have good reason to know that it's something that happens to us all at some point. And Julian...a lot of the quandary you went through about whether and what you should be doing with me, and then Keiko and me--how close you should be getting--doesn't apply with Garak. You may love him, and I think you do, though right now you aren't sure of it. But is there any question in your mind of having with him what you have with Keiko and me?" "God, no. I never meant to imply that. And perhaps that should...I mean, what will it, whatever I decide, do to *him*? What's it perhaps done to him already, all this? What if--if the sort of thing I have with you and Kei *is* what *he* wants?" "You were worried you should be blacklisted by Fleet Medical for eating lunch with the pitiless amoral bastard, and now you're fretted about breaking his heart? Garak's old enough to make us both look like pups, you needn't guard his welfare for him. He's quite literally made a career out of looking after himself. And I don't think taking your friendship with him to new territory is going to sink your ethical boat, in terms of who he is or what he's done, any more than it has been." "Maybe it's already sunk, Miles, that's my whole thesis here." "So tread water. Just quit harping on what amounts to an academic sore point, will you? You can't change how you feel about him. That's that. All you can change is what you do about it...but if backing off from each other isn't going to change the way either of you feels, how will it help? Isn't that the issue plaguing you? How you can't help feeling about him, despite yourself? Really, now, and not what you do or don't do about it?" Julian was quiet a long moment, then whispered "I suppose it is." Miles kissed Julian's shoulder. "You may as well stop fighting. It's in your nature to love, and to forgive." "And quite obviously in yours, as well. I almost wish you were outraged. It'd make this far more simple." "Anything for you, love. Want me to go lay him out and toss him through an airlock? Then refuse to touch you for a month?" "I adore you, Miles." "You always say that like you're doing it instead of slapping me." "I am, usually, but it's true nonetheless." Julian turned in Miles's arms and embraced him, rubbing his face on Miles's shoulder. "When he told you," Miles asked, nuzzling Julian's neck, "what did you say?" "What do you think?" The Chief's head came up. "Oh for--y'said 'I'm flattered' again, didn't you, y'little--" "I'm *sorry*, Miles, I was in shock!" "Surprised you didn't say it to Keiko." "I had a lump in my throat when she told me, I couldn't say much of anything." "Julian, is he waiting for you? Right at the moment, I mean, not in the larger sense." "Not exactly. I'm sure he isn't sleeping any more than I will, but we're going to absent ourselves from our various projects for an hour or two in the morning, and talk then." "At least lie down and rest a while, try to clear your thoughts. Want a backrub?" "I'd love it. Thank you. Mm...ow. Yes, there...if you ever get tired of being an engineer, I can get you a job nearly anywhere as a physical therapist." "I'll keep it in mind." "There's one thing he said, before he told me he...before he told me. He said "Would you mention to the Chief for me that while I realize he *can* afford to be gracious in this instance...I must in any case laud his generosity of spirit." "Translated, I guess that's a thank-you." "From Garak, to you, that's practically a kiss on the lips." "Speaking of which, did...?" "Yes, once. I nearly lost my shorts. And I made the mistake of touching his jaw ridge and he nearly lost his, too. That's when I said I needed some time to think. I may need more time than I thought, now...I can't believe you're doing this." "Rubbing your back?" "You know what I mean. This is *Garak* we're talking about, the man you've never trusted any farther than you could throw." "Give me a big enough sling, I could--" "There was a time before we were married that you wouldn't say hello to me if I was with him." "I thought you being friends with him was a radically stupid idea, and I didn't want to seem as though I was endorsing it. Right, I was being patronizing. But it was only because I cared about you, and you were so damn clueless at the time about the depth of the spoilt fertilizer you could land in, messing about with him. But it's as you say, he *has* changed. Granted we may never give over needling each other about our pasts. I don't much like him and he feels the same about me. But we can agree on you. And, lately, a few other things as well.'re older, and you've always been a little wiser than I gave you credit for. In some ways, at least, and've got us. He *can't* eat you alive, you'd never be taken so far in, and away from us." "He's grateful to you for doing your best to save his life on Empok Nor. He wouldn't have gone to that much effort in your place, you know, especially not at that kind of risk to himself." "I know." "He didn't tell you, did he?" "No." "There's one thing, though..." Julian was quiet a few moments, then rolled over and took Miles's hands. "You said it's in my nature to love. But's not in my nature to love murderers and torturers. I mean--well, take you. I have a hundred reasons to love you. You're a warm, strong, caring, intelligent, honest, talented, witty, honorable man, with a heart the size of a small planet--" "I like the way this chat is coming out." "--that I have so very much in common with--" "V'you been self-prescribing, love?" "--and where we *aren't* similar, the differences aren't upsetting to either of us. Annoying, at worst." "Well, bloody *damned* annoying in some cases." "And you make me *happy*, Miles, being with you makes me feel *good*, not...pressured or confused or on my guard." "I know we're already married, but I think I may have to propose again." "It's not like that with El--Garak. just doesn't make sense. Certainly I was dazzled at first by the intrigue, but you'd think I'd be over that by this late date, wouldn't you? Why feel *this*? Still? Why love him?" "Couple of reasons. Like I said, forgiving is in your nature too. Plus you still find plenty of that intrigue about him, and it fascinates you no end, always will, most likely. You *do* love the mind games, admit it. Frustrating as they can be to you." "Mm...perhaps. But that still isn't enough." "There's one thing maybe hasn't occurred to you because you're not used to it happening to you so much as you're used to it happening to other people *because* of you. What was the first thing you thought, that day in the replimat he introduced himself to you? I mean, after the 'Oh my God it's the Cardassian spy' part." "I thought...that he wasn't like I'd expected, at all." "And how not?" "He was...smooth. Urbane. He made me feel twelve years old. His...the way he simply *looked* at me was enough to make me feel...naked, peeled through like an onion, and also like I was the only thing alive or dead that could possibly hold his attention, maybe forever. Some of the things he said were really quite banal and blatant, but when he said them they a curtain over a treasure, not only a tired phrase. He touched me--I couldn't see him, he was behind me, he laid his hands on my shoulders, and I didn't think I'd ever felt anything so intimate in my life...Miles, what does this have to do with why I still--" Miles chuckled. "I'll give him this, he *is* smooth. He simply *charms* your *socks* off, Julian me love, he knows just what humans respond to. You're like an animal hypnotized by the proverbial serpent. The man just *does* it for you. Which may also be why he can't get past how he feels for *you*." Julian gazed up at him a moment, then let his eyes fall closed and covered them with one hand. "Oh, dear...please, tell me I'm not that juvenile?" Miles lay down with him, gathering him close. Julian rolled to hide his face in Miles's chest. "You may be a retooled version, but you're still only human. Notice I never said you'd marry him or anything, that's not what you are to each other at all.'ve seen him at his God-bloody-worst, he's nearly killed you, nearly killed *me*...and he still does it for you. Think of it as a weakness if you want--I know he does, in his case--but you're like the rest of us in that regard. No matter what. That's just the way it is." "You're wrong about one thing, Miles my love." Julian raised his head and kissed Miles, intending it to be brief, but it turned out otherwise. Miles sighed in satisfaction as their mouths finally separated a little. "What's that?" "He does like you." Miles pulled back slightly, brow contracting, to meet Julian's eyes. "The hell he does. He thinks I'm boring, obvious and simplistic. Not to mention sanctimonious." "Believe it or not--in your case...I think he rather envies that." --- ("Call to Arms") --- "Doctor." Julian turned from a supply cabinet in the Defiant's small medical bay and grinned. "Garak! Well thank God, you did make it." "I did promise you." "I still don't know why you gave me that ridiculous line about being able to take care of yourself. Dukat would have hunted you down with trained voles and then let them eat you." "He's tried even less tasteful methods. Never underestimate my capacity for survival, Doctor." "At least not with Miles and I bullying you into it." "Your perhaps overly avuncular husband did threaten to snatch me with the ship's transporter and leave my clothes behind unless I came aboard voluntarily." "What did Captain Sisko say?" "'Welcome aboard'. I believe he plans to keep me even more busy than as of recent." "Good, I didn't think he'd have any problem with this. Listen...we're both--I mean, we're all busy now, and we'll be joining the task force soon, and there's no telling how intense things will get after that, for no telling how long...I wanted to say--even though we can't really--" "No need to explain, Doctor. This is war; duty calls to us both. I agree we have no option but to table our personal concerns for the time." "Right, but..." Julian dropped his voice a bit, moving around the worktable to where Garak stood. "Miles told me what he said to you, about how I wouldn't change how I am with you--I won't, really--I'm all right with us. We've...been able to get a little distance into something different, but since there hasn't been nearly enough time to--" "Doctor, as far as I'm concerned, until such occasion as we have leisure for further investigation--of whatever particular type--you and I are two friends who, like everyone else, have been forced to reduce to a low priority status questions such as the exact nature of their relationship. It's not as if we're alone in these neces--" "I do love you," Julian whispered, taking Garak's shoulders in his hands. "Remember that--promise?" Garak touched the younger man's face and said "If you'll promise to remember it, too, my dear." After a moment, Julian nodded understanding, gathered his courage and kissed Garak; the other man responded, wrapping his arms around Julian's waist and pulling them close. When their mouths separated, Garak murmured, blue eyes bright, "Anon, my love." Then he straightened, releasing Julian, and nodded to him with the customary slight bow, and his usual inscrutable smile. "Doctor," he said in his normal tone. Julian nodded back to him. "I'll see you later, Garak." Garak turned and left the medical bay. Julian slumped against the table a moment, fingertips just touching his lips. He was a little surprised to find that, even in this time and place, he was smiling. He glanced up toward the corridor by which Garak had left. "Anon, Elim," he whispered. After a moment, he shook himself and returned to inventorying the supplies. --- The End