The BLTS Archive - That Little Boy's Smile by Regina Bellatrix ( --- Series/Sequel: Sequel to *Soft Southern Style*, for everyone who asked that I write one. Beta: shakespearespot Archive: Yes to EntStCommunity, Tim Ruben, and BLTS. Anyone else, please ask. N.B.: The thing about the pineapple juice is supposedly true – heard it on the *Sunday Sex Show*. I knew there was a reason to be watching it other than boredom! ~RB --- The wedding had been spectacular. Everyone on the ship had thrown themselves into the festivities with glee. The ship had been decorated throughout with crepe paper, Main Engineering and the Armoury being the hardest hit. Chef had had a marvellous time baking the three-tiered cake, topping it with a little pair of Starfleet officers in dress uniform. The crewman who had made the figures had even gone so far as to make one blonde and the other brunette. Hoshi had talked Malcolm out of two potential nervous break- downs, and Jon had kept Trip happily drunk the night before, Phlox fixing the results of Jon's helpfulness that morning. The men had made it through the ceremony with a little prodding from Travis and Hoshi, and now Malcolm sat on his bed, staring at the ring on his finger in disbelief. "Hey, Mal darlin', you okay?" The mattress sunk as Trip sat down next to him. "Fine. I'm fine." Malcolm looked up, smiling into his husband's perfect blue eyes. "Just a little stunned at the speed of everything. I got engaged three weeks ago and now I'm a married man." Trip chuckled softly. "Yeah, who knew everybody would get so into the idea of a weddin'? `Specially the cap'n." "He was rather thrilled by the opportunity to marry us, wasn't he?" "I think that j'st about made his year." "Mmm... Mine, too." Trip smiled happily, leaning in to place a reverent kiss on Malcolm's lips. "Love you. Can't imagine what I ever did to deserve you." "All you had to do was be you. I often wonder what I did to deserve *you*." "You didn't kill me for knockin' you out an' draggin' you back to my lair." Trip gave Malcolm a wry smile, which was answered by a kiss. "Never would, love. Never." --- Ten days. They had ten days to themselves in a little forest on an uninhabited planet. *Enterprise* had a science team surveying a spot some thousand miles away, so that while Trip and Malcolm were enjoying a rustic honeymoon, work was still being done. Putting his scouting skills to work for them, Malcolm directed the set-up of the camp, fixing lunch when they were done. The first thing Trip wanted to do was to go exploring with his camera, insisting that he needed "lots of pictures for the scrapbook and the folks back home." Malcolm had other ideas about what they ought to be doing, but he figured that he could spring them on Trip out in the forest as well as anywhere. An hour into their explorations, the newlyweds found a happy little brook next to which Malcolm convinced Trip they should sit down and rest. The engineer didn't suspect a thing until his husband was pinning him to the mossy ground, slipping a hand up under his shirt. Calloused fingers found a nipple, tweaking it lightly, and Trip gasped into Malcolm's mouth, allowing his tongue entrance. All the while Malcolm's hands were wandering down Trip's body, stopping at the fly of his jeans to make a concerted effort at getting them off the blonde. "Mmm... Malcolm! What're you doin'?" Malcolm inserted his hand in Trip's open fly, rubbing his palm across Trip's growing erection. "What does it feel like I'm doing?" "Gettin' me all wound up. But Mal ... outside??" "Why not?" He nipped Trip's bared midriff. "There's no one around for hundreds of miles, and I like this spot." He got an evil glint in his eye and grinned broadly, working the camera from Trip's lax fingers. "In fact... I think I'd like a picture to remember it by." "Oh no. No no no..." Trip lunged for the camera, flopping, undignified, on the ground. "No, Malcolm!" "No one will see them but us." Malcolm fiddled with the camera, programming it to take one shot every minute and then wedging it in a tree so that Trip's current position was fully in the frame. "We can have a private honeymoon photo album." He walked back over to Trip, kissing him just as the camera went off. The kiss stopped Trip's protests, and he helped Malcolm strip off his jeans and briefs. In the next moment, Trip was mumbling incoherently because Malcolm's mouth had transferred itself to his cock. Malcolm was laid out between Trip's legs, arms twined around the blonde's thighs, hands holding his twitching hips still. He applied himself with a single-minded zeal to the task of sucking off his husband, and before long the man was coming with a deep- throated cry. Releasing Trip's now-limp member, Malcolm slid up to claim a languid kiss. He rubbed his still clothed erection against his lover's body insistently. Trip kissed back with as much enthusiasm as his sated body would allow, fumbling with the button on Malcolm's jeans. Malcolm took the hint and finished what Trip had started, unzipping and shucking off his pants. Trip watched admiringly as his husband removed his clothes and grinned up at the brunette when he threw the legwear over to join Trip's clothing. "You were plannin' on this weren't you?" "What makes you say that?" "You were goin' commando, darlin'." He licked his lips, eyeing the other man's nakedness, as Malcolm turned to rummage in his pack. "I came prepared, too." Malcolm brandished a tube of lubricant triumphantly. "Boy scout." "Eagle scout," said Malcolm archly. "There is a difference, you know." He lay back down next to Trip, kissing him sweetly. Squeezing a generous glob of the lube out onto his fingers, he began to stretch his husband out. "That's right," Trip gasped out, "Eagle scouts got more skills." "Yes," said Malcolm, slicking himself up, "like this." Bringing Trip's legs up to his shoulders, he pushed inside, making the Southerner moan and squirm beneath him in pleasure. "Oh yeah... Oh darlin'... More, move, gimme more." Malcolm complied, capturing Trip's lips in gentle kisses at the deepest point of each thrust. When he came, it was with the blood pounding in his ears and Trip's name on his lips. --- "I do love a clear night's sky," said Trip, snuggling against Malcolm as he gazed upwards. "It's like black velvet with diamonds sprinkled across the surface." "Mmm..." Malcolm nuzzled the blonde head resting on his shoulder. "It is lovely. Not so lovely as you, though." "Silver tongued devil." Trip tilted his head back and reached up to claim a kiss. "Funny, it doesn't taste it." "Smart alec." "It's why you love me. I shoulda known you wouldn't taste anythin' but sweet. You always taste sweet. All of you." Trip cupped Malcolm's groin meaningfully, waggling his eyebrows. "It's because I drink pineapple juice." "Beg pardon?" "Pineapple juice makes ejaculate taste sweeter." "Does it now?" "It does." "Maybe I should start drinkin' it." "If you like, but don't feel pressured. I like the way you taste just fine. Very manly." "That's what I like t' hear. How about we organise somethin' of a taste test here?" "Right here?" "Uh-huh." "That's what I like to hear." --- "Hey, Malcolm! I brought you some flowers." Trip proffered the alien blooms triumphantly, a bright smile on his face. The smile vanished when Malcolm waved the offering away weakly. "Take them ah... ah... away." A look of relief passed across Malcolm's face as the sneeze was circumvented, only to be shattered as he sneezed anyway. "Shoot me now." "Aww, honey, your allergies buggin' you? Did Phlox send any medicine?" "Yes, and I already took it. It hasn't kicked in yet. It's not fair. I shouldn't have to deal with allergies on my honeymoon." Trip tossed the flowers off into the bush and stepped into the tent, settling next to his miserable spouse. He pulled Malcolm's head into his lap and began to stroke the dark hair. "I'm sorry you're sick. Is there anythin' you want me t' do? Make you some tea?" "Tea would be nice," he paused to blow his nose, "but stay here for a bit first. This is comforting." "Anything you want, darlin'. You j'st tell me when you want me to go make your tea for you." "Thank you, dear." He patted Trip's knee and grabbed one of his husband's hands, bringing it up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on the knuckles. "You're too sweet." "Thought I was manly." "That too, but you'll always be my sweet blonde boy." --- "I believe in miracles, since you came along, you sexy thing," Malcolm belted the old song out as Trip ducked into the tent, their dinners in hand. He smiled beatifically up at the blonde. "Do you now? I'm cuttin' off your allergy medicine. It's makin' you loopy." Trip sat down next to Malcolm, handing him his food. "Eat, maybe it'll make you sane again." "But I feel good." "I'm sure you do, but you're trippin' out on me here, and I'm used to you bein' the level-headed one." "Tripping out," Malcolm grinned, looking goofy, and sat up, wrapping his arms around his husband. "I prefer tripping out on Trip. I'd like to do that right now." He giggled, then batted his eyes at Trip. "None of that until after dinner. Eat." He tapped the end of Malcolm's nose and kissed it, repeating, "Eat." "Yes, dear." Having a full stomach made Malcolm tired, and he curled up next to Trip, falling asleep at once. Trip looked down on his spouse, wondering if the decision to stick out the last four days of their honeymoon was a wise one. Malcolm could hardly be enjoying the vacation, filled to the gills with drugs as he was, and Trip worried about him too much to leave him on his own while he took off to enjoy the countryside. He made an executive decision, then, and disentangled himself from his sleeping love, walking outside so as not to disturb the man. Trip would call *Enterprise* and request a morning pick-up for the two of them. The rest of their honeymoon would be more enjoyably spent in their quarters, he felt, and hoped that Malcolm would agree. --- Once the medications had cleared from his system and he was in his right mind again, Malcolm approved of Trip's choice to return to the ship. Getting him to agree to leave the planet while high on allergy medication had been another matter. Luckily, Trip and Travis had managed to convince the recalcitrant Englishman to get in the shuttlepod with a minimum of embarrassing outbursts. It was currently mid-afternoon, and the newlyweds were spooned together in the new, double-sized bed the engineering crew had installed in their revamped quarters. Trip felt positively sinful, lying abed, naked and sated at a time during which he was usually on duty. "This is much nicer than sleeping in two sleeping bags zipped together." Malcolm rolled over, snuggling into Trip, placing kisses along his collar bone. "Ain't it, though?" "Mm hmm... Not so romantic as the forest, but very nice. Although..." He trailed off, a devilish glint in his eyes. "Although what?" "We could peruse our photo album." Malcolm traced circles around Trip's nipples. "Our private photo album." Trip shivered with anticipation. "You are a naughty boy." "Your naughty boy." "Damn straight. And I'm your sweet blonde boy." "Always." --- The End