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Behind Bars


Blair is sent to jail and falls under the protection of his big, buff cellmate.

Chapter Text

This story has been split into two parts for easier loading.

Behind Bars

by Mia Athlas

Author's disclaimer: Not mine. Not making any money.

Behind Bars


By Mia Athlas

Blair's heart lurched as the clang of the doors closing behind him sounded down the hallway. He closed his eyes, clutching the bedding he held in his hands until the guard behind him prodded him with his nightstick.

How had this happened? His life lay in ruins around him. Armed Robbery? Attempted Murder? Drug trafficking? How could those words be associated with him? All this from an assumingly simple date. Blair felt sorrow grip him as he walked. Ten years--parole in three.

He cursed his court appointed attorney yet again. The man had been more concerned with getting the trial over with than his innocence.

They went through another security door, moving deeper into the prison. Blair glanced covertly around and found that they were passing the high security cells. No bars at least. Though the clear fronts to the cells would mean privacy was a thing of the past. Catcalls began as they walked through the gauntlet of pods causing Blair to cringe away from thinking about what his future held.

"Hey honey! Over here bitch," a voice called out. To spite himself, Blair glanced over and the man exposed himself. Blair swallowed hard and looked away. The guard rapped on the front of the cell.

"None of that, Wilson. Do you think anyone is interested in seeing that!"

"Put him in here with me," another voice called out, rich with innuendo and the others laughed.

Blair drew in a sharp breath as his panic built. He had been so stupid. He had honestly believed it when Captain Banks told him that truth would win in the end. He had believed he would be set free.

"Here we are." The guard pointed into a small cell. Blair swallowed and took a hesitant step inside.

"Watch your back, kid," the guard said as he closed the door. Blair heard the man moving away but didn't respond. He was too busy staring at the room that was to become his sole residence for the next three years.

A small sink and toilet stood off to the left. To the right were bunk beds. Other than that the room was bare. He took a step forward and fear gripped him again. The top bunk was made up and a razor and toothbrush sat on the sink. He had a cellmate.

Blair sighed. Of course he had a roommate. He prayed for a small, timid man. He had no illusion about prison. What was it Naomi always said about him? Yes...short but sturdy. In this place where strength ruled he was sadly out of his element. With his long hair and lack of fighting ability he would be an easy target. Blair shook off the thought.

"Not so easy," he said aloud.

He needed to plan. First thing, as soon as possible he needed to find some sort of weapon. Next he need to find not who would watch his back.

In return for what? Blair sat heavily onto the bed and lowered his face into his hands. He stiffened as the door opened again and someone was pushed inside but didn't look up.

"Another stunt like that, Ellison and you'll find yourself in solitary again!" a voice barked out.

Blair heard the guard walk away and then he was alone with his new...and very angry cellmate.

"Son of a bitch!"

Blair couldn't resist any more. He removed his hands and looked up, just as Ellison slammed his hand into the wall. The man's back was to him, giving Blair a few moments of uninterrupted viewing. His first impression was that the other man was big. Over six feet tall with a strong well formed body. The muscles in his arms and back moved intriguingly under the white T-shirt. While he wasn't huge, it was clear that he was very powerful...and with a temper it seemed. Blair swallowed nervously. He was in big trouble. "Might as well get it over with," he whispered to himself, then cleared his throat.

The man ignored him, and continued to lean with his hands braced against the wall.

"Ahh, I'm Blair Sandburg...I guess I'm your new roommate," he said hesitantly. Blair flinched and put his hands up defensively as the man spun to face him and stalked over to stand in front of him.

"Put your hands down," the hard voice ordered.

Blair lowered his hands and looked into the deepest blue eyes he had ever seen.

"Shit!" Ellison swore as Blair's face came into view. "That's just fucking perfect," his tone was full of disgust.

Blair looked up at him in confusion. "Did I do something wrong." He looked around to where he was sitting. "I'm sorry....I thought you had the top bunk," he stammered.

The bigger man sighed and ran his hand over his face. "How'd you end up in here, sport," Ellison asked.

"The guard brought..."

"No!" Ellison said with a grimace. "In a maximum security prison. What did you do kid--kill your parents or something?"

"No!" Blair exclaimed. "I would never!"

"What then?" the bigger man asked with a speculative gleam in his eye.

"Would you believe that I'm innocent?"

"Riiiight," Ellison said sarcastically. "No one is innocent, kid."

"I was convicted of Armed robbery, attempted murder and drug trafficking. What I'm guilty of is extreme bad taste in women. You're probably looking at the only truly innocent man in this prison."

Ellison frowned. "Whatever you say. Here's the one bit of advice I'm going to give you. Make that the last time you say so. True or not...all it will get you is pissed off inmates. Or worse than that, the animals who prey on perceived weakness." Ellison jumped onto the top bunk.

Blair laid down stiffly in his own. "So...are there any rules I should know about?"

"Stay out of my way and shut up and we will get along just fine, Chief."


Ellison interrupted again. "Starting now."

Blair closed his mouth and stayed silent. No sense angering the man. At least he didn't seem inclined to kick the shit out of him. 'Looks can be deceiving,' Blair thought as the light went out. He would do well to remember he couldn't trust anyone inside the jail. They were all here for very good reasons...including the man on the top bunk. Blair closed his eyes but knew that he would not sleep.

The following morning, Blair opened his eyes and was surprised as he realised that he had drifted off after all. Only a couple of hours of sleep but more than he had been anticipating. He looked around and found Ellison already using the small mirror to shave.

"Good morning," he said in spite of himself. A grunt was his response. The door clicked. Blair looked at Ellison in question.

"Breakfast. Straight there, then to the common room. If you're late you don't eat."

Blair jumped up and had just enough time to change his shirt and brush his teeth before Ellison finished dressing. Even with the man's gruffness, something told Blair that he should stick close. Blair turned and followed Ellison as he headed for the door to the cell. He turned and stared hard at him, then sighed.

"Keep your head down, don't make eye contact, keep your mouth shut and stick close to me and you'll be okay."

Blair trailed behind Ellison, trying to do as instructed. He kept his head down so that his face was partially obscured by his hair. The noise grew as other men stepped from their cells and joined the procession to the cafeteria. Blair stayed close to his cellmate but couldn't help himself from glancing around. Men of all sizes and shapes surrounded them. All so different. Blair realised he would have to reassess his preconceived notions of prison inmates. Even though he knew better, he had half expected everyone inside to be big, tattooed men. The reality was startling in its complexity. Blair was brought out of his thoughts as he was jostled from the side. Another man stepped in front of him cutting him off from Ellison.

"Well now, what the fuck do we have here?"

Blair gritted his teeth and met the man's eyes. The convict's smile grew as he saw Blair's face. Then Ellison was there.

"Back off Reynolds, he's taken," he growled, stepping in beside Blair.

"By you?" the man laughed. "What the fuck, Ellison, I thought you weren't interested in shit like that?"

"I've gotten interested," Ellison replied with a hard voice.

The man leered down at Blair, adjusting himself rudely. "I can see why. The bitch is pretty."

Blair bristled at that but clamped down hard on his response. He needed time to assimilate this place. Time to figure out the score. He could not afford to make enemies.

"Move along!" the guard called out. With one more grin, Reynolds and his cronies turned and moved on into the cafeteria. Jim gripped Blair's arm tightly and pulled him into the large open room, and into the food line. Once they had their meals, they sat down at a table already populated by three men who regarded him with curiosity at he sat down. At least it wasn't the open hostility he found on the other inmates' faces.

"What's this, Jim?" A tall dark skinned man asked. Blair tucked away the information-- Ellison's first name was Jim.

"My new roommate," Jim said with a grimace as they began to eat.

"Damn man," a big mountain of a man with curly blond hair exclaimed. "Phelps either hates you or loves you, putting him in there with you...I can't decide which."

"Hates," Jim said seriously, then turned to Blair who was simply staring at the other men. "This is Blair Sandburg. Sandburg, from your right, Peter Murphy, Gregory Wilson and Mike Barnes."

Blair nodded to each man and then settled down and began to eat. As he expected the food tasted like crap.

"Did I really hear you say that he belonged to you?" Murphy asked in amazement.

"Look at him," Jim said. Blair blushed as everyone turned and stared at him. "See," Jim said as if the blush proved something. "How long do you think he'd last here?"

"Not your problem. Come on Ellison, you've got enough of your own problems," the dark-skinned man argued.

"Hey guys...I'm no one's problem. I can take care of myself." Blair was beginning to get annoyed that everyone seemed to talk over him, like he wasn't there.

Everyone except Jim burst out laughing. Blair glared at them.

"Listen Chief," Jim began. "Unless you're a black belt in karate or have magical powers I wouldn't be saying that. But want to leave--leave. I'm certainly not stopping you. It's nothing to me if you get yourself killed." Jim turned back to his food.

Murphy leaned forward. "Listen up kid. I don't know you, I don't even want to know you. The only reason I'm talking to you is because Ellison here seems to have adopted you for unknown reasons. You better pray to god that he doesn't change his mind. A good looking kid like you...all that pretty hair...the men in here would eat you up without someone to stand in their way. You'd better just shut up and count your blessings that you landed in Jim's cell and not somewhere else." Murphy paused and licked his lips. "Hell. I might even have had a go with you if It'd been me...maybe I still will if Jim allows it?" He leered and it was all Blair could do not to back down. But he held his ground and he held the man's gaze.

"You're welcome to try," Blair hissed. "You'll be one body part short at the end though...guarantee it."

Murphy held his gaze for a moment longer then his face collapsed into laughter. "I think the little shit just threatened to cut my dick off," he howled.

"If he could find it," Mike whispered and Blair felt the tension ease.

"Asshole," Murphy shot back.

"I guess you'd know one wouldn't you?" Barnes replied.

"Boys!" Jim barked. "Enough."

Blair was amazed as the men fell silent. Jim hadn't even spoken that loudly. He regarded the man in a new light. These men respected Jim. Blair wondered why? What would someone have to do in this place to earn respect...and the fear he saw in the hallway...from hardened criminals? Blair wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer. He felt drawn to the soft spoken man beside him. He wondered how he had come to be there.

"So what's your story, Sandburg?" the big curly headed man asked. "How'd you end up in this shithole?"

"Wilson right?" Blair paused as the other man nodded. "Well Wilson, I trusted the wrong woman," Blair mumbled. At a sharp glance from Jim he continued. "Armed robbery and attempted murder and I don't want to talk about it."

"Wow," Murphy exclaimed. "Our little flower has thorns after all."

"Fuck you," was Blair's only reply.

"What happened to your eye, Mike?" Ellison asked suddenly, halting all other conversation.

Blair turned and focused on the man for the first time. Mike was mid-twenties with short dark hair and clear, clean cut features. It was obvious that he had some Spanish in his background. His build was slight yet without the appearance of weakness. He was a strikingly handsome man. Currently his appearance was marred by dark bruising around his right eye.

Mike shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny. "It's nothing Jim, let it go."

"I'm going to kill that goddamned son of a bitch," Jim swore, his jaw jumping as he clenched his teeth in anger.

Mike laid his hand on Jim's arm for a second before removing it and glancing around nervously. "Let it be, Jim. There's nothing you can do. Remember what happened last time you tried?"

Jim looked straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge the younger man.

"Remember?" Mike hissed.

"I remember," Jim ground out finally.

"You ended up in solitary for 30 days and I ended up in the infirmary for two months. Next time I'll be dead and you...remember how you were when you came out of that room, Jim?"

Blair watched in amazement as a shudder ran through Ellison.

"Leave it alone, Jim. There's nothing you can do," Mike finished softly.

"Mike!" A voice bellowed. Blair jumped and turned to see an angry and quite immense bald man standing a few feet away. Mike stood abruptly and stepped away from the table. Blair could feel the tension radiating off Jim.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"I'm...I'm just having lunch, Ned," Mike stammered.

The big man glared down at Mike as he moved closer. "What did you call me?" he asked, the warning in his voice was unmistakable.

Mike blushed and looked around. Everyone was watching the two men.

"Please...not here," he begged.

Blair began to feel ill.

"Here. Now," Ned calmly ordered.

"I was just having lunch...Master," Mike said in a low voice, eyes cast down. "I'm sorry, Master." Ned grasped the back of Mike's neck.

"On your knees, bitch!"

Blair jumped to his feet without thinking and strode over to the pair.

"Shit," he heard behind him but chose to ignore it.

"Are you all going to sit there and let this happen?" Blair asked, looking around the room. "What kind of men are you?"

"Uh...Criminals?" a voice said off to Blair's right and everyone laughed.

"I suppose you're going to do something about it, little man?" Ned sneered.

"Fuck you," Blair responded, vaguely wondering when his vocabulary had decreased to only swear words.

"No, I don't think so," Ned said. Releasing Mike, the big man reached out and grabbed Blair by the hair, tilting his face up so harshly that Blair was sure the handful of hair would be pulled from his scalp.

This definitely wasn't a good idea.

"Let him go," Jim said in a low voice. Blair couldn't see him, but he could tell Ellison stood directly behind him.

"Ellison, you dumb fuck! Don't you ever learn?" Ned spat out.

"Let him go and you can walk out of here in one piece."

The hand in his hair released its grip slightly and Blair was able to lower his head again. Jim stepped slightly to the side and was in Blair's line of sight, his hands were down at his sides. Ellison's eyes sparkled with hate and anger. A flick of his cellmate's wrist and he held a stone knife in his hand. Jim stepped forward.

"What's going on in here!" A guard bellowed. Ned released Blair's hair immediately and sent him stumbling forward. He would have fallen but Jim caught him around the waist, steadying him. When Blair regained his balance and stepped back, the knife was gone from Ellison's hand.

"Well?" the guard asked, stepping close to Ned.

"Nothing," the bald man said with a smile.


"There is no problem," Jim said, turning back to the table and taking his seat. Everyone seemed to take the cue and soon eating resumed in the cafeteria. Blair watched with a sense of sadness as Mike followed Ned from the room, before he too returned to his seat.

Jim glared off into space during the rest of the meal. His anger grew with each passing moment. Anger at Ned for hurting Mike. Anger at Mike for taking it. Anger at himself for not being able to stop it. He should be able to stop it! But most of all his anger was for the curly headed young man sitting at his side, eyes glued to his meal.

Of all the stupid, ill-conceived things to do. Didn't he realise that Ned Bloom was no one to antagonize? Shit, the kid was going to end up dead, or starring in his own jail house gang-bang. And now he was Jim's problem. How the fuck had that happened? He was just making some headway here, he could not afford to be saddled with the responsibility for making sure some first-timer didn't get fucked or killed. Jim shook his head.

The young man just seemed so...lost here. So out of place. Jim tried to remind himself that Blair was a convicted felon. He was not as he seemed. He was not some young, good looking innocent who had simply fallen in with the wrong crowd. Or worse--someone completely innocent of his crimes. Either way, he needed to learn how to survive within the walls of the prison. He needed to learn what he could and couldn't say. If he didn't...he would be dead before the month was out, and so would Jim if he tried to shield him. Dumb fuck!

They stood and moved to go back to their cell. Jim felt his anger growing with each step. Blair bounced along beside him with no care to how he appeared. Jim glared at the lustful glances tossed Blair's way.

As soon as they stepped into their pod, Jim felt his control snap. He grabbed the young man by the collar of his flannel shirt and shoved him up against the wall, holding him there with his own body. Wide frightened eyes met his own.

"Jim? I'm sorry, man. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say anything, it just happened. I mean, everyone was just going to sit there and let that man do whatever he wanted to Mike. I didn't think..."

"No you didn't," Jim growled into Blair's face. "Do you even understand what it is that Ned intended on doing? What Mike has been suffering through for months?"

Blair swallowed and nodded. "Yeah man, I'm not that naive."

"You act like you are," Jim said in response. "If Bloom gets his hands on you do you realize what will happen? You do know what happens to young, pretty men here don't you sweetheart." Jim ground his groin against Blair in emphasis.

Blair gasped and began to struggle. "Let. Me. Go. You son of a bitch."

Jim just held tighter and pushed himself more firmly against Blair's body. "Hell, I'm probably going to get killed trying to keep your virtue intact...maybe I should just take it us all a lot of grief?" He leaned down, and took Blair's ear into his mouth. The young man was shivering all over. Jim released his ear and stepped back abruptly. He had made his point.

Blair staggered away, putting his back to the wall on the opposite side of the cell and glaring at Jim. "What the fuck was that, man?"

"Just a little lesson in prison life, kid. No one is your friend. Everyone is out to either use you or fuck you or both. You watch what you say and keep your distance. Get rid of your sense of justice or whatever the hell propelled your butt from that chair and over into Bloom's business. Take care of yourself and let everyone else do the same. Got it?"

"Loud and clear."

"So next time you see someone getting the shit kicked out of them, what will you do?"

Blair didn't say anything, he just glared back at the bigger man. Jim stood with his arms crossed, willing to wait him out. Finally, Blair cracked.

"Why did you help me?" the young man said cautiously. "I mean, it's obvious that you hate my guts...why didn't you let Bloom hurt me?"

"You're my cell mate," Jim said shortly. "If I allow others to have you, it has to be on my own terms...otherwise I lose face. It makes me weak in their eyes." 'Liar', Jim's conscience screamed at him.

Blair's eyes got even wider. "And will you--allow others to have me I mean?" The fear in Blair's eyes made Jim's heart lurch.

"No," he said gruffly.

Blair stepped away from the wall but didn't come any closer to Jim. "And what do I have to do for your protection?" he asked quietly.

Jim laughed abruptly. "You don't have anything that I want, Sandburg."

Blair relaxed slightly. "Really?" he asked hopefully.

"Don't worry, kid. I'm not about to jump you in your sleep."

"And you won't turn me over to anyone?"


"Why? I mean, didn't you just tell me that I couldn't trust anyone...that everyone was out to use or fuck me? Why would you help me?"

"Do you really want to convince me that it isn't a good idea, Chief?" Jim asked, not wanting to get into the conversation any further.

"No no," Blair said, raising his hands a bit. "I withdraw the question." A slight smile touched his lips before he turned serious once more. "I will try to do as you ask, Jim. I will. It's just...I'm not sure..."

Jim shook his head. "It's okay, Sandburg. I know how hard it is. Let's just go find out what your assignment is, and I'll show you around. All I ask is that you think before you act."

Blair nodded and finally moved to Jim's side once more. Jim looked down at him and had the strangest urge to brush back a lock of hair that had fallen into the young man's eyes. "Let's go," he said gruffly, clenching down on the impulse.

Blair was pleased to discover that he would be doing clerical work for the first part of his stay in the prison. Someone obviously had noticed his masters degree.

"Clerical," Jim said in a bemused voice. "You lucked out, Sandburg. That's a good detail. You will be working for Father O'Brien. He's a good man."

Blair nodded. Perhaps he could get through this after all.

"How'd you get this, Sandburg? Most men in here would kill for this job."

"I have no idea," Blair replied. "Maybe someone noticed my Masters Degree?"

"Maybe," Jim did not sound convinced.

Shrugging, the bigger man turned away and proceeded to take Blair on a short tour of the facility. He pointed out the places that they were not allowed access to and explained shortly the rules of the prison.

Always, Jim stayed close and placed a proprietary hand on Blair's shoulder whenever other convicts were present.

Marking him as his territory, Blair realised with surprise. Making sure everyone knew the lay of the land. Blair wasn't sure whether to be relieved or annoyed at the gesture. Then they passed Bloom--who had Mike sitting at his feet as he played cards with another prisoner and relief won out.

Jim followed his gaze. "I hate that prick," he said in clipped tones.

"What's his story?" Blair asked, keeping pace with the older man.

"He's in for life. Bloom will never see the outside world again and he makes everyone he can, suffer for it. Mike's a short timer. Only a two year sentence and he's already served one and a half. He's just trying to survive long enough to be free." Jim turned away from the pair in disgust. "I don't think Bloom will let him go. I think he'll kill him before he would let him leave this place. I've tried to tell Mike that but he just won't listen." Jim gritted his teeth causing the muscle in his jaw to twitch.

"Want me to try talking to him?" Blair offered. "I'm told I can be very persuasive."

Jim stopped and looked at Blair, then pulled him into the shower room. Thankfully the room was deserted at that time of day. "Stay the fuck away from both of them," Jim said urgently, grabbing Blair by the arms and giving him a slight shake. Blair put his hand on the bigger man's chest to steady himself.

Jim gasped at the contact, then froze. Looking up, Blair found Ellison staring down at his hand--not moving...not even blinking in fact. Jim's hands still tightly gripped Blair's arms.

"Jim," Blair said hesitantly. Ellison gave no indication that he had heard him. "Jim," he said a bit louder. "What's going on here, man?"

Blair studied his cellmate. He didn't think that he had ever seen anyone stand so completely still. Jim's eyes were blank, and Blair got the chilling feeling that he was only staring at a body...the mind having traveled to somewhere he couldn't reach. The thought startled him and he moved his hand on Jim's chest.

That was all it took.

The bigger man drew in a deep breath and suddenly the eyes were no longer blank. Jim was looking back at him in confusion.

Blair took a step back and looked at Jim fearfully. "What was that?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

Jim shook his head to clear it. "What happened?"

"I don't know, man. You were just gone. Does that happen a lot?"

"Forget it, Chief."

Blair stepped forward again and reached out to touch Jim's arm. "But..."

Jim slapped the hand away. "I said forget it!"

"Maybe I can help you?" Blair persisted.

"Help me?" Jim laughed bitterly. "The only thing that can help me is getting out of this hellhole."

"How long do you have?"

"Twenty fucking years before a chance of parole."

"Wow," Blair said quietly. "What'd you do, man?"

"None of your damn business." Jim stepped past him and left the room. Blair stared after him for a moment before hurrying to catch up. As he stepped out of the shower room he was stopped by a guard.

"Sandburg, you have a visitor," the guard said tonelessly.

"Sure, just a sec..." Blair attempted to step by the man but found his way blocked.

"Now, Sandburg, or not at all."

Blair watched Jim settle into a chair across from Wilson then nodded and followed the guard.

Blair paused in the doorway of the meeting room. The room was deserted with the exception of the tall police Captain that he would sooner forget. Blair turned his back to where Captain Banks sat, intending to leave the room. He paused at the Captain's voice.

"Come on, Sandburg. At least give me the opportunity to talk to you?"

Blair turned back and glared at the man. "I thought you were my Mom. Why would I bother coming in here to speak to you?"

"Listen, Sandburg. Give me a chance here," Simon took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. The older man looked tired.

"Explain what? How you said you believed me? How you let me believe that I'd never be convicted? How you hung me out to dry?"

"I didn't do that, Sandburg and I still believe you're innocent. When Naomi came to me and asked me to help for old times sake I never dreamed it would turn out like this. I'm sorry...truly I am."

Blair could see the sincerity in the Captain's eyes. Naomi had known Simon Banks a long time ago, before he ever became a police captain. When Blair had gone to his mom with his problem she had automatically thought of Banks and swore the Captain would help him. He sighed and flopped down across from Simon.

"Are you all right, kid?" Simon asked with concern.

"No Simon. I'm not all right. I'm in fucking jail!"

"I'm sorry, Sandburg. I never dreamed you'd end you here when I encouraged you to come forward with what you knew. Hell, even a half way proficient lawyer could have gotten that video throw out. And for you to end up here..."

Blair tuned out the other man. How many times had he heard the same story from his friends and mom. The lawyer sucked. The video that had damned him was not even him and should never have been allowed. All evidence was circumstantial. The real villain was still at large. And why would they send a first timer like him to a hard-nosed maximum security prison?

Blair sighed again. Only the judge knew the answer to that question for sure. Regardless, here he was...for the next four years of his life. He turned to the Captain, interrupting him.

"I know it's not your fault, Captain. This is just so fucked up."

Simon nodded. "I feel bad about what happened. I should have known that they'd go after you--a sure thing. I helped Naomi get a new lawyer. She'll get you out of here."

"I only hope it's not too late," Blair murmured.

"Why?" Simon asked in alarm. "Who'd you land with? Is your cellmate giving you trouble? Did something happen?"

"Ellison?" Blair noted with curiosity the slight relaxation of Simon's stance as he told the man his roommate's name. "I don't want to think about what would have happened to me if I hadn't lucked out with Ellison." Blair shifted in his seat slightly as a thought occurred to him. "You arranged that didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sandburg," Simon said with an emotionless face.

"Riiiight," Blair replied with a sudden grin. "And the clerical work too I'll bet."

"You've got an active imagination," Simon said gruffly.

Blair regarded the uncomfortable man carefully. "I don't think so, Simon."

"You're nuts, and it's Captain Banks." Simon stood. "I've got to get going, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Sure, Simon. Drop by anytime."

The Captain snorted but didn't correct him again. His hand touched the doorknob before he turned back. "I'm still looking for the real crook, Sandburg. No one has forgotten you."

Blair just nodded, feeling very touched by the reassurance. Simon nodded back then stepped through the door.

"Let's go, Sandburg. Back to the cell for you," the guard prodded him. Blair scowled at the man, but offered no resistance.

Blair stripped self-consciously wondering what had ever possessed him to come here before Jim returned to the cell. He looked around the deserted shower room nervously. He had heard stories about the things that happened in showers in men's prisons.

Blair pushed the thought aside and finished undressing quickly. He felt dirty from his first day spent incarcerated and didn't think he ever felt more in need of a shower. Plus, he couldn't shadow Ellison 24 hours a day. Eventually, he would have to begin to do things without the other man. Now was as good a time as any to start.

Blair turned on the water and took was he figured was the fastest shower of his life. Maybe he needed to begin doing for himself...but he was far from stupid. He was just toweling off when he heard voices approaching the room. Deciding on caution, he grabbed his things and stepped around the corner and into the locker room.

Blair hurried to the back of the room, where he was concealed by the last row of lockers, just before the men entered the room.

"So where is he?"

Blair's heart jumped. They knew he was there.

"Ellison will be here, don't worry," a second voice answered. "He always shows."

Blair let his breath out slowly in relief.

The voices sounded vaguely familiar. Blair heard rustling as the men disrobed and chanced a quick look around the locker. He immediately recognized the half-dressed men. It was Murphy and Wilson from Breakfast.

"Did you check the place out?" Wilson asked.

"Sure, man. What the fuck do you think?" Murphy replied.

An obvious lie, Blair thought. Looking around the room, he tried to figure out how he could get out of there without them seeing him. Murphy was the last person he would want to be caught alone in a shower with.

Finally, Blair decided to simply wait until Jim showed before he revealed himself...just to be on the safe side.

The men moved into the shower and Blair carefully pulled on his clothing. He could still clearly hear their conversation.

"You like these little sessions with Ellison, don't you Pete?"

"You better fucking believe it...I still get hot thinking about our last transaction."

Blair could hear the smirk in the other man's voice.

"He has the best ass I've seen in a long time and sooner or later I'm gonna get me a piece of it."

"I thought you wanted these meetings in the shower for security reasons, Murphy?"

"Of course! But I don't mind taking advantage of the added perks." Murphy laughed.

"Watch yourself, Pete. Last time you tried to grope Ellison he almost took your arm off." Wilson's voice was heavy with warning.

"He's softening...I can fucking feel it," Murphy insisted.

"Whatever you say Pete. Sure he is, you just keep on with your faggot dreams."

"Fuck you," Murphy said sharply.

"hmmm, didn't think it was me you wanted," Wilson replied in an amused tone.

They were interrupted by another arrival.

"Ellison. It's about fucking time. Did you bring the merchandise?" Murphy asked.

"Shut the fuck up," Wilson hissed. "Not till he's undressed and in here.

Blair hesitated from coming forward. Just what was Jim involved in?

"Glad to see you too, Wilson," Jim said in a dry voice. Blair found he was both relieved and confused by his cellmate's presence.

"Hey it's nothing personal, Jim."

"You'd think that after 6 damn months I would be finished with this shit," Jim said angrily.

Blair pressed himself out of sight with his back against the locker as Jim stormed in and began stripping. He slammed something down onto a bench then strode back into the shower.

Curiosity overwhelmed Blair. "This is so stupid," he murmured as he slowly made his way toward the bench that his cellmate had just left.

The men in the shower continued to argue. Blair figured that it was the cover he needed to discover what sort of deal they were arranging.

"Don't feel too bad, Jimbo," Murphy said in a cheery voice. "I've known my mother my entire life and I still wouldn't leave her alone in a room with five bucks."

"Knowing your mother I'm not surprised," Jim shot back.

Blair was close to the bench. It looked like Jim had left behind a package of some sort. He looked up and realised that once he was beside the bench he would be able to just see around the corner into the shower. Which meant that if Murphy, Wilson or Jim were in the right spot...they could see him.

"Why don't you two shut the fuck up. Are we here to do business or get into a pissing contest over who's is bigger?"

Blair stared at the package for a moment before deciding to risk it. It would only take a few seconds to check it out then get back to the shelter of the lockers.

"Fine by me, Wilson," Jim said.

"How much do you have?" Murphy asked.

"More than you can handle," Jim replied in a hard voice.

"I can handle whatever you can dish out, Ellison," Murphy said, his voice growing low and suggestive. Jim made a disgusted sound and Blair made his move.

One stride took him to the table and he opened the bag quickly. Drugs. He knew he shouldn't be surprised but still...he found he was.

He looked up and found to his horror that Jim was staring directly back at him.

The other two men were faced away, towards Jim. Blair swallowed and held his cellmate's eyes...praying that the other man didn't give him away. He didn't know what they would do to him for walking into the middle of a drug deal...but he definitely didn't want to find out.

Jim stood perfectly still and said nothing.

"So how bout it, Jimbo. You finished with the coy routine or are you ready for a real man?" Murphy asked.

Blair watched as Wilson threw his hands up in disgust and walked off to the right, out of Blair's line of sight.

And still Jim did not move.

Murphy stepped directly in front of Ellison and ran his hand down Jim's bare side.

"Do I take that as a yes?"

Jim did not so much as twitch from the touch. Then Blair realised what had happened. It was just like earlier in the laundry room. Jim was in some sort of disassociative state. Before though, Jim had returned to himself as soon as he had touched the older man. Blair watched nervously as Murphy reached up and twisted one of Jim's nipples then laughed.

"Holy shit! Come look at this Wilson," Murphy laughed. "Ellison has got incredible control." He twisted the nipple again harder and still got no reaction.

"I'll take that as permission to do as I please," the man murmured reaching around Jim to stroke his buttock. "You'll stop me if you don't want it?" Murphy sneered.

Blair didn't completely understand what was happening but he knew there was no way he was going to stand there and let that disgusting pervert run his hands all over the only man who had shown him any kindness since his arrival.

Blair stepped out into the shower and the two men whipped around at the noise of his steps.

"Sandburg," Murphy hissed.

"Get away from him," Blair growled, stepping further into the shower, ignoring the hot water that soaked his clothing.

"Fuck off, Sandburg. This is none of your business." Murphy stated.

Ignoring the bigger man, Blair strode right up to Jim and grabbed his arm hard. "Jim, let's get this over with and go back to the pod," he said in what he hoped was a controlled tone of voice.

Immediately Jim snapped out of his trance and blinked in confusion. He looked down and met Blair's eyes. Blair tried to communicate with him silently, praying that Jim would take his cue and pretend that he was supposed to be there.

Jim seemed to quickly grasp the situation. His intelligent eyes darting around the shower room, as his mind cleared. Jim's gaze finally came to rest on Blair's face. "I told you to stay the fuck in the locker room, Sandburg. Can't you follow simple instructions?"

"What the hell, Ellison!" Williams ground out, coming to a stop beside the other man. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

Jim turned to Williams, his gaze hard and unwavering. As he turned he drew Blair behind him a bit. "Did you think I'd come in here without back up of some sort Williams? After last time?"

Williams held his stare for a few seconds, then grinned, breaking the tension. "No. You never did strike me as a fool, Ellison."

"Fine, then let's get on with it. Do you have the money?"

"Murphy," Williams gestured towards the lockers. The big man sullenly stalked in the direction indicated. Williams turned back to Jim.

"He is your responsibility, Jim. Any trouble and it's you we will be coming after. Understand?"

"Yes," Jim said, with a twitch in his jaw.

"You think we can trust him?" Williams spared a glance to Blair, who was trying to look as non-threatening as possible.

"He'll do what I say," Jim said succinctly.

Williams nodded. "See that he does."

Then Murphy was back, carrying a plastic bag. Jim turned to Blair. "Get the merchandise."

Blair opened his mouth to refuse but caught himself before he made the error and put his head down, stepping away from Jim to fetch the bag.

When he returned Jim was glancing into the plastic bag.

"It's all there, Ellison," Williams said.

Jim nodded and gestured to Blair to hand over the drugs. Blair tried to keep the distress he was feeling as being a part of the transaction off his face as he handed the bag over. He caught the look in Jim's eye and knew he had been less than successful.

Quickly, he moved back to his position slightly behind Jim. The men talked briefly about the next drop and Blair was struck by the bizarre situation he was now in. Standing in the middle of a running mass shower, fully clothed, with three naked men in the middle of a drug deal. He felt like he should be calling the guards to put a stop to this but still he held his tongue.

Finally, bag in hand, Williams headed for the locker room to dress. Blair looked around Jim as he felt the bigger man tense.

Murphy was grinning at the older man. "That was some trick earlier, Ellison. You sure do have control over your reactions. How bout you get rid of the kid and we stick around for some fun?" Murphy reached out and caressed Jim's hip.

Ellison moved quickly. He spun away from Blair and had Murphy on his knees in an instant, his arm twisted behind his back painfully. Blair stared wide-eyed as Jim leaned over Murphy's naked back to whisper into the man's ear.

"Touch me again and I'll kill you."

Blair shivered as he heard the hard voice. He believed that Jim would do as he promised.

Jim shoved the big man away, sending him sprawling onto the shower floor then turned to Blair. "Go back to the pod."

Blair opened his mouth to protest.

"Now!" Jim barked, then turned his back heading for the locker room. Reluctantly, Blair did as the older man instructed.

Blair stared straight ahead, ignoring the catcalls and odd looks he got as he walked back to his cell soaking wet. A couple of the guards looked at him curiously but let him pass. He reached the pod unchallenged and quickly changed into dry clothing. That done, he sat down on the bed and waited. He didn't have long to wait.

Blair stood up, ready to attempt to defend himself if necessary as Jim stormed into the pod. "Calm down, man," Blair said with his hands up, palms out.

Jim's face grew darker as he stepped close. "Calm down? What the hell did you think you were doing, Sandburg?"

The older man came to a stop a couple of inches from Blair. "Maybe you don't understand the stakes here? Is that it? Let me spell it out for you." Jim poked Blair in the chest and the young man stepped back until he felt his back touch the wall of the cell. "You get caught alone in the shower by Murphy or any of a dozen like him and they will throw you down on the cement and fuck you right there. If you're lucky they'll let you crawl out of there once they're done...if you're lucky."

Jim poked Blair in the chest again. "If you're lucky they'll let you crawl out of there once they're done...if you're lucky. If you get caught messing in someone else's business...spying...hiding and listening to conversation that could get the cons more're dead. Dead, Sandburg. No conversation, no explanation...just dead. You're nothing to them. Your life is nothing to them. When are you going to get that through your thick head?" Jim tapped Blair on the forehead before stepping away.

Blair took a deep breath to calm himself before responding. "What was I doing there? Saving your ass it would seem!" he said angrily. "Literally! Oh, and you're welcome, big guy. It was my pleasure," Blair said sarcastically. He felt a moment of satisfaction as Jim looked away.

"Oh, I'm sorry....maybe you got off on that...that pig touching you?"

"Fuck you, Sandburg," Jim growled.

"That's it isn't it? I interrupted your little drug-deal orgy. Take a few hits to cement the deal...fuck in the shower...all in a day's work." He knew he should shut up. He knew he shouldn't antagonize his cellmate. But Blair couldn't seem to stop his mouth.

Jim strode back to him but came to an abrupt stop, with what seemed like every muscle in his body tensed, right in front of him. The older man's face was red with anger. "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about, Sandburg. You have no fucking idea."

Blair swallowed at the anger in Ellison's face but couldn't stop the words. "Here I was wondering how a good guy like you ended up here...What could have happened that dropped you in this hell? Seems I had you all wrong. You're nothing but a two bit drug dealing addict."

They stood face to face each waiting for the other to make the first move...the move that would end in violence.

But neither did.

They held their positions for a few minutes before Jim's shoulders sagged and the anger left his face. "You don't know anything about me, Sandburg." Jim moved away and sat down on the bottom bunk.

The look on his face touched Blair deeply. So defeated. Blair's feelings were a mess. He knew he should dislike the man for what he was yet...there was something about him. Blair took a step towards the other man, intending on offering comfort, in spite of his feelings about what the other man was doing. Jim looked up at him and for an instant something clicked in Blair's memory.

He'd seen that look before...he'd seen that face before.

Perhaps Jim's crime had been infamous enough to make the headlines? He would remember eventually. Blair had found that he had a good eye for faces. For the time being, he completed his motion and knelt beside the older man, unconsciously putting a hand on Jim's leg to balance himself.

"You're right. I don't know anything about you, man. But I want to...I truly do. I want to understand how the man who took me under his wing, who protected me...who showed such compassion toward that man could be involved in drugs? I know you probably think I'm the most naive person you've ever met Jim...but I just don't understand."

Jim looked up from the floor and met Blair's eyes. "I can't explain it to you Blair...really I can't. You'll just have to trust me."

Blair swallowed again, his mouth suddenly dry as their gazes locked and held and Jim's hand covered his own.

He found, much to his surprise that he did want to trust Jim. He wanted more than anything for there to be some reason...some explanation that he could live with. He stared deep into Jim's eyes and found only sadness and honesty there.

He realized more than anything else, he wanted to make that sadness go away.

Blair leaned forward a bit and before he formed the intention in his mind, he ghosted his lips across Jim's. Then, he leaned back on his heels again and waited for a reaction.

Jim stared at him in surprise. A long moment passed and Blair began to fear that perhaps Jim had faded away again. Before he could speak, the older man took a sharp breath and gripped the back of his neck with one hand and pulled him forward, catching his lips with his own.

Blair was shocked by his own eagerness to get closer to his cellmate. He was kissing a man who he knew dealt drugs and who by his own admission was in jail for a crime great enough to warrant 20 years behind bars. It was craziness to get involved.

Blair groaned and deepened the kiss, touching Jim's lips with his tongue. The older man opened his mouth and Blair thrilled at the first touch of his cellmate's tongue against his own. He leaned into the kiss more, wrapping his arms around Jim's strong body.

A sharp rap on the outside of their pod made them break apart abruptly. "Cut it out you two!"

Blair looked over and found one of the guards frowning at them. The man lowered his nightstick as they separated. "Ellison?" he said in surprise as Blair moved away from the other man. Blair blushed and ran his hand through his hair.

Jim simply stared back at the guard.

The guard smirked. "Just keep it off my watch," he said finally. With one last grin the man moved on.

Once the guard was gone, Blair shifted uncomfortably. What now? He had no clue what to say to his cellmate.

"Come on, Chief. Let's go have supper." Jim stood and headed for the door. Blair followed in confusion.

"Jim..." he began.

The older man turned back and cut him off with a look. "I don't want to talk about it, Sandburg."

Blair found himself nodding in agreement. To be honest he had no idea what he would say even if Jim was willing to discuss it. His life was so completely and utterly out of control, he had no idea how to deal with it.

Blair followed after Jim. He found himself walking just a bit closer and standing in the cafeteria line so that his leg touched Jim's. If his cellmate noticed, thankfully he didn't say anything.

They sat with the other prisoners but to Blair it seemed as if they were separated from them. They ate silently, not getting involved in the conversation going on around them. For the most part Blair kept his head down, studying his food. Now and then he would glance up and across the table at his friend. Always Jim would meet his eyes and a jolt of longing would hit Blair, making it hard to catch his breath and he would have to look away once more. It was both the worst and most exhilarating meal he could remember eating.

Finally, they finished and headed back to their cell. Blair's stomach began to flutter. He wasn't sure if it was due to the hastily eaten meal or the prospect of being the dark...with his cellmate.

Blair was drawn out of his thoughts when Jim stiffened and stopped abruptly. Blair had been walking close to the other man and ended up coming to a swift halt as he collided with Jim's back. He stumbled but caught himself immediately and looked up at the other man.

"Jim, is something wrong?"

The older man had his head cocked to the side with a faraway look in his eyes. Blair touched his arm and just as before, Jim was back.

"No fucking way," Jim growled.

"Stay here, Sandburg," he said as he ran down the hall, leaving an astounded Blair behind.

Blair paused a half second, then ran after Jim's retreating figure. They passed by a guard who Blair saw immediately raise his radio.

Blair ran faster as Jim charged in to a pod at the end of the hall.

It took him five seconds to reach the doorway, and when he did he stopped abruptly in surprise.

Mike lay still on the floor. The young man was naked, his back a mess of criss-crossed cuts. Jim had Bloom pinned to the side of the cell and was beating the shit out of him.

"Jim!" Blair yelled as he knelt beside Mike, feeling for a pulse. Jim didn't seem to hear him. Blair sighed in relief as he found a slow steady heartbeat. Thank God Mike wasn't dead. He had just reached down to turn the young man over when he was shoved to the side.

The cell swarmed with guards and Blair held his hands up and didn't resist as they tried to control the situation.

Two of them grabbed Jim and pulled him off Bloom. Jim snarled and fought like a man possessed, but soon they had him overwhelmed. Bloom slumped to the floor now that Jim was no longer holding him up.

"Stop!" Blair cried out as the guard wrestled Jim to the floor. "Bloom was killing Mike. He was only trying to help him!"

One of the guards looked up at him. "Save it Sandburg. I think a week in the hole will calm Ellison down." The guard rubbed a bruise that was forming on his cheek.

Talk of the hole seemed to reanimate Jim, who had gone still.

"No! Fuck. Let me see the warden," Jim yelled, renewing his struggle.

"It wasn't his fault," Blair asserted, moved by Jim's desperation. He had to get the guard to listen to him. When the guard ignored him, he tried to go to Jim's aid but was stopped by a baton across his chest. He watched helplessly as Jim was subdued once more and hauled to his feet.

"Jim," Blair said intently, trying to reach the older man. "Please calm down. You won't get anywhere by fighting."

His voice seemed to help and Jim met Blair's eyes briefly before he could be taken away. "Go to Williams. Tell him it's time to honor his contract...tell him. Promise me!" Jim cried out as they drew him towards the door.

"I promise," Blair said. He saw the relief in his friend's eyes before his cellmate was dragged from the room and the medical team rushed in.

Blair looked up as the nightstick across his chest pressed tighter for a moment.

"Are we going to have a problem?" a young guard asked.

Blair tiredly shook his head, and the pressure across his chest was gone. The guard escorted Blair back to his cell and the lock clicked behind him as he entered. The fight ensured that they would be in lockdown till the morning. Blair collapsed onto his bed and stared at the upper bunk blankly, stunned by the violence of the last few minutes.

The adrenaline seeped from his body, leaving behind an exhaustion worse than he could ever remember. What did he do now? He was on his own for a week. Without Jim's protection he was facing a difficult week. He knew that he should be afraid and he was...but his fear centered around his cellmate.

He had seen the fear in the big man's eyes. Fear of returning to the hole. Fear of what would happen to him there? Blair realised that he needed to honor his promise to Jim. He would find Williams in the morning and pass on Jim's message. More importantly, he would find some way to make Williams tell him what had happened to Jim in the hole that made his cellmate so afraid of returning. Once he knew, he could find a way to help him when he was returned to their pod. With that thought in mind he closed his eyes. Eventually succumbing to sleep.

Jim managed to stay calm as the guards prodded him towards the small dark room that everyone referred to as the hole. He remembered the room well. 8' by 7', cement walls, a hard floor and dim lighting. The room was surprisingly sound proof and devoid of any comfort.

He kept silent, his fear only betrayed by the slight shaking of his hands as he removed his clothing. A shake that he knew wasn't visible to the guard but one that he felt to his bones.

"Let's go, Ellison. We haven't got all day." The guard prodded.

Jim frowned at him. The guard, Baker, had been on his case ever since he had arrived. "I want to see the Warden," Jim said softly, keeping his anger under control.

"Yeah, yeah," Baker replied. "Not tonight, Ellison. He has better things to do that hold the hand of some fucked up inmate."

Jim held his tongue. He would just have to hope that the Warden heard of the fight and decided that he didn't want a repeat of Jim's last stay in the hole. He dropped his underwear and stood naked before the guard, refusing to lower his eyes. He glared at the other man.

Baker smirked. "Move it, Ellison."

Jim was shoved into the small room. The door slammed after him, leaving him alone in the silent, vacant space. Jim looked around then sat down, drawing his knees up so that he could wrap his arms around them. He leaned his head against the wall and tried not to think about the silence that surrounded him.

Blair was up and waiting by the cell door when the locks released the next morning. He spent a few frustrating minutes trying to find Williams. Finally an old inmate cut him a break.

"He's right over there, sweetheart." Blair dodged the hand that tried to pat his ass and looked into the direction that the old man had indicated. He found himself staring at a huge mountain of a man. The man was easily 6' 5" with broad shoulders and a trim waist. His shaggy blonde hair did little to hide the jagged scar running down the man's left cheek. From where Blair was standing he could still see that Williams' arms were covered with tattoos.

Overall, the man looked like Blair's worst biker nightmare. He stared open-mouthed.

"Good luck, honey," the old con said with a laugh. "You'll need it."

Blair nodded absently and headed for William's table. He promised Jim that he would go to this man--so go he would. Williams was sitting with 3 other burly inmates. One of them nudged Williams and gestured Blair's way with his head as the young man approached.

"Isn't he Ellison's bitch," one of the men remarked as he drew close. Blair fought to keep his face expressionless and ignored the man. He stepped around the table until he could face Williams.

"Are you Williams?" he asked, slightly surprised when his voice came out steady. Blair stood uncomfortable, trying not to shift from foot to foot until the big man finally looked up at him.

"That's me," he said in a surprisingly soft smooth voice. Lively, intelligent eyes met his own.

"Can I talk to you for a minute, man?" Blair asked politely. He gestured to the other men. "Alone?"

The big man stared openly at him for a few minutes before dismissing the other men with a regal wave of his hand. They scowled at Blair as they left.


Blair took a seat facing Williams. He rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together in front of himself before beginning. "Ellison got thrown in the hole yesterday."

"I heard," Williams responded blankly.

"He told me to come to you and tell you that it was time to honor your contract." Blair silently prayed that this 'contract' wasn't anything illegal. Probably a moot point considering where he was at the moment.

"He did, did he?" Williams said with a frown.

"Yeah, man." Blair paused trying to decide how to approach the questions that he really wanted to ask. "And I was hoping you could help me."

"Isn't that the whole idea."

"What do you mean?" Blair asked in confusion.

"Helping's your dime after all...or more accurately--Ellison's dime."

"What are you talking about?" Blair asked again.

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Blair's voice rose in frustration.

"Hey, calm down, little man," Williams said with a grin.

Blair took a deep breath. "Will you please just tell me what you're talking about?"

"The contract...Ellison paid me--and very well I might add--to make sure nothing happened to you should he become...incapacitated."

"Really?" Blair said in surprise. He hadn't even thought about what might happen to him without Jim's protection. He'd been too busy worrying about his cellmate.

"Yeah. Don't worry kid. I'll pass it around that if anyone messes with you they'll answer to me. You'll be okay."

"Uh...thanks, I guess."

"Don't thank me, thank the man with the deep pockets. Personally, I couldn't give a shit what happens to you...but Ellison's got money and connections and I'd rather keep him happy." Williams paused before adding, "plus there's the fact that he's one crazy son of a bitch."

"Why do you say that?" Blair asked quickly.

"Everyone around here knows the story, Sandburg."

"Hey, I'm new. Cut me some slack." Blair tried to play it cool, to pretend that he wasn't desperate for information about Jim.

The big man leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Last time they pulled him out of the hole he was comatose," he began.

"The way I heard it, two days later he just woke up...woke up screaming. He tore out his IV and trashed the infirmary before they subdued him. They had to strap him down and still he was screaming about how bright the lights were, how his clothes hurt him, how the place was on fire cause he could smell smoke. Crazy stuff. They sedated him but it didn't didn't take or something. Eventually he just calmed down and acted all confused by what had happened. The doctor chalked it up to some sort of fit and released him two days later."

"How could they do that?" Blair broke in.

"First thing you learn in here is if you can walk, you don't stay in the infirmary. Hell, half of them thought he was just bucking for a transfer to a psych ward."

"You don't?"

"No kid. Guy I know was Jim's cellmate back then. He said the man used to have fits. One day he woke up and Ellison was sitting on the floor in the cell holding his ears and rocking back and forth...muttering 'shut up', over and over. My buddy touched him and Jim freaked out. Jumped like he'd been burned and broke my friend's arm, then started choking him. Fred said that he was sure Ellison meant to kill him...but then he just jumped back. He accused Fred of cutting him with something...but there wasn't any wound."

Blair sat back in his chair. Suddenly everything clicked into place. Fuck, how had he missed it. Hearing, smell, touch, sight...only thing missing was taste...and Blair was willing to bet that it was there too. Blair shook off his shock and focused back in on Williams.

"Did Jim get into trouble?" he asked attempting to control his growing excitement.

"Nah, Fred said he broke his arm falling out of bed. Ellison really scared the shit out of him...Fred always was a pussy. A couple of the other guys have had similar experiences. Now, no one will room with him...till you of course." Williams grinned.

"I wish you luck when Ellison gets out."

Blair ignored the comment. He was certain now that he knew what was going on and certain that he could help Jim. Finally Williams spoke again.

"Get your breakfast, kid. Eat it here with me. That'll send a message."

Blair nodded absently and did as Williams said. The other men had returned to the table by the time Blair returned. He paid no attention to them as he sat down beside Williams and began eating.

He found it easy to ignore the hostile side-glances the men threw him. He was too caught up in his own thoughts and plans of how he was going to approach Jim with what he knew when his cellmate returned from the hole. He only hoped that Jim would return without serious damage.

Finally one of the other men couldn't stand the silence. "Fuck this!" he swore.

Blair looked up from his plate and found a wiry tough-looking bald man staring at him. The man glared at him then turned to the encompass the rest of the table. "Since everyone else seems to be just accepting pretty boy's presence here I guess I gotta ask. Why is Ellison's fucktoy here?"

Blair glared back at the other man but stayed silent as Williams responded. "He's under my protection."

That seemed to shut the other men up and the rest of the meal passed without problem, leaving Blair to his thoughts and plans.

Jim shifted uncomfortably on the hard floor and wrapped his arms more tightly around his knees. He wondered how long it had been? It seemed like days. It was getting harder and harder to keep it together. He found his attention being grabbed and held with unnatural intensity by the oddest things. A crack in the far cement wall. A grain of sand on the floor. The crack of light that shone under the heavy door.

"Shit," Jim said aloud and then winced at the sound of his own voice. This was how it had started last time. He stood abruptly.

"Keep it together, Ellison," he coached himself as he paced in the narrow space. "Keep it together."

He jumped as the lock clicked and the cell door swung inward. Jim turned to the door in relief. The Warden must have been informed. His relief turned to wariness as Baker stepped into the room...nightstick held in his hands and a smirk on his face. Jim backed up, staying out of the guard's reach as much as he could.

"Someone wants a word with you, tough guy," Baker said, stepping to the side. Jim watched as two men stepped into the small space. His eyes widened. Assistant Warden Gardner was flanked by another guard.

Jim stood his ground as he felt the Assistant Warden's eyes rake the length of his naked body.

"Leave us," the man said to the guards. The guards looked at each other with raised eyebrows but left without comment.

Jim took a hard look at the second in command of the prison. He'd seen the man around but was never able to arrange much contact with him. Perhaps he had been mistaken in dismissing the man so easily.

Assistant Warden Gardner was an unassuming man of about 45. He was short by normal standards, probably reaching about 5'6" and stocky, though not overweight. He was average looking with indistinct features. In fact he looked like an accountant or a banker.

"Ellison. I've been meaning to speak with you. This seems to be the perfect time."

Jim shifted uneasily. Gardner's words and tone were pleasant--even friendly--but his eyes never stopped moving over Jim's chest and further down.

"What do you want Gardner?" Jim growled.

The man took another step closer. "Now, now Jim. I can call you Jim, can't I" Gardner continued without waiting for Jim to respond. "Listen Jim, I hear you've been a very bad boy. Fighting, selling drugs, screwing around with your new bitch. I think that you could use a friend right now. Someone to help you out when you get into those predicaments."

"Yeah," Jim asked, taking a step back form the man. "And what do you get out of it?"

"Me? You wound me. You don't believe I'd just want to help my fellow man?"

"NO," Jim said seriously.

Gardner laughed. "Well, as it turns out, you're right. My sources inside and outside tell me that you're connected to all the right people and I've been thinking about expanding my operations."

Jim's heart took a leap of joy at the words. Finally. Not showing his internal elation he responded. "Your operation?"

"Don't play dumb, Ellison." Gardner's expression turned hard. "You have heard the rumors. You can't have been inside for six months without learning something about the little enterprise that has been going on in here."

Jim shrugged. "I've heard the rumors. Drugs available that no one brought into the prison. Drugs heading out...not in. Inmates who suddenly are taken off their regular detail and put to work somewhere that they won't talk about. That you?"

"Yes," Gardner said proudly. "A lucrative sideline with all the free labor I can convict." He laughed. "IN fact production has been going so well, I have quite a store built up that I'd like to move. That's where you come in."

Jim leaned back against the cold cement wall and crossed his arms. "So you think I can help you? Why would I do that? Help the competition."

Gardner stepped close but didn't touch Jim. The smaller man looked up at him, his lips set in a thin line. "The most basic of reasons in the world. Self preservation and money."

"Quit jerking me around and spell it out for me."

Gardner leaned closer. "I have five million dollars worth of cocaine built up inside this prison. You're going to help me move it. My network can't handle a buy that size. From the talk I hear...yours can. Marvin Styles is a big hitter and you work for him. In fact, the way I hear it you're one of his right hand men. He owes you for standing firm and taking the rap for murdering his wife."

Jim narrowed his eyes and tensed.

"Now, now...we're all friends here. You are in a unique position to make a lot of money...and to keep breathing," he added.

"I won't be threatened," Jim growled.

"But you will be bought?" Gardner asked with a smile.

"How much?"

"2% of whatever purchase price I agree on with your boss."

"Fuck off and quit wasting my time," Jim said, sliding out from between Gardner and the wall and stalking across the cell.


Jim turned back. "15%"

"10%. Any more and I'll just kill you and find another way to Garibaldi."

Jim thought about it. I would not do to push Gardner too hard. He nodded, forcing himself to grin at the distasteful little man. "Deal...but," Jim held up his hand. "...I want to see and test the merchandise myself before I go to Garibaldi and vouch for you...just in case."

Gardner looked angry for a moment then his face softened into a nasty smile. "Reasonable, but...If I do this for you...I think I should get know...extra in return to sweeten the deal. In fact I insist on it."

Jim glared back at the assistant warden. "What do you want?"

"It's nothing really. Such a minor thing." Gardner reached down and lowered his zipper.

"What are you doing, you fuck?" Jim asked, in reality knowing all too well what the other man intended.

"Nothing you and your new bitch haven't been doing I'm sure. Prove to me that you want this for me. What'll it be, close to a quarter of a million dollars or...nothing. I won't force you into anything, it your choice." The smirk was back in full force.

Jim gritted his teeth. It had taken him six months to pull off this deal. This is what he had worked toward since he had arrived at this prison. It was within his grasp. Maybe Gardner was bluffing. It was certainly possible that the little man needed this deal too much to throw it away for a quick fuck. But...could he take the chance? If he didn't service the reprehensible little man it could all be for nothing. Jim made his decision and then called on all his acting skills.

He stepped close to Gardner and lowered himself to his knees...keeping his eyes locked with the other man's all the way down.

Jim felt sick to his stomach as he leaned back on his heels after Gardner had finished. Shit. He fought the urge to spit or gag at the taste of the semen in his mouth. He pulled his head away as Gardner placed a hand on his hair. "You know Ellison, this isn't about sex."

Jim glared up at him. "Felt a lot like it was to me," he said with a grimace.

"No, this is about having a strong man like you...a man who could break me in half...who wouldn't give me the time of day otherwise...on his knees in front of me with my dick in his mouth. Servicing me of his own free will--and hating every minute of it." Gardner laughed and stepped back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jim asked, climbing to his feet.

"Back to my office of course." Gardner the sweat from his brow as he straightened his tie, regarding Jim with disdain. "What about me?"

"What about you? It would look suspicious if I let you out of here now."

"You're not leaving me here, you fuck!" Jim swore.

"Sorry Ellison but I can't risk making the Warden'll just have to do your time."

"What a line of shit. Do you think I don't know all the stuff you pull around here, the Warden never even bats an eye. What is this? Some sort of power trip?!" Jim was yelling now. The panic at being left to himself in the cold dark cell was overwhelming all other thought.

Gardner turned his back to him and stepped toward the door.

"No wait!" Jim called out, trying to get a hold of himself. "Just listen for one fucking minute, okay?"

"What?" Gardner demanded as he turned back.

"If I before...promise you'll just take me back to my cell...not to the infirmary." Jim was thinking of his cellmate. The young man with the soft blue eyes and the magic touch that seemed to reach him when no one else could. Blair had brought him out of his--whatever they were--twice, with just a touch of his hand. Jim wasn't sure he could deal with the confusion caused by the drugs again if he was sent back to the infirmary and maybe, just maybe Blair could help him again. Gardner simply stared at him without speaking.

"Tell them I'm just bucking for the psyche ward. Hell, half of them already believe it anyway. I don't care how but just get me back to my cell."

Gardner finally spoke. "Okay, I'll see what I can do." Jim opened his mouth but Gardner held up his hand, stopping the bigger man's words. "'ll owe me." Gardner brought his hand back down to caress his cock through his pants, leaving Jim with no doubt as to just how he'd be expected to pay the debt.

"Fine," Jim said through gritted teeth. 'Never again,' he swore silently to himself.

Gardner smirked again, making Jim have to struggle really hard not to bash his face in. Then, the man was gone.

Jim was alone once again. He stood still for a while--his mind replaying the events of the last hour. He could still taste Gardner in his mouth and feel the Assistant Warden's semen on his chest.

He felt filthier than he had ever imagined he could. Jim moved to the corner of the cell and spat...then spat again--but still the taste permeated his mouth. He looked down at the white drops that covered his chest with a grimace of disgust as he realised he didn't even have anything to clean himself off with. Jim wiped at the sticky substance with his hand but all it accomplished was to rub it into his skin. Somehow that was even worse and left Jim feeling nauseous.

Giving up, he finally crossed to his old position and sat down, resting his forehead on his knees. As time passed, the feeling of the foreign, unwanted come on his flesh and in his mouth intensified. Soon, all he could feel was its presence. The rest of the cell faded away, leaving him trapped in his misery and disgust with himself.

Blair felt his heart rate spike as the soft click of the magnetic locks on the door sounded. He stared wide-eyed with relief and concern as two guards drug Jim into the room and unceremoniously dumped him onto the floor.

"You wanted him--you got him. He's all yours, kid," the older of the two guards said before swiftly turning around and leaving the cell.

Blair knew what the attitude was about. He had spent the day lobbying to have Jim released. He had finally been granted an audience with the Warden and had called on all his oratorical skill to convince the man that his cellmate did not belong in the hole.

He'd been sure that Warden Jarvis had not been swayed and yet, here Jim was. Blair shook his head and jumped out of bed.

The other guard--a young blond-haired fellow with big dimples and a baby face, paused before leaving the cell. "We had orders to bring him here but I'd be willing to fetch the doc?"

The mention of the medical personnel put Blair into action. No way was he going to let them get their hands and drugs on a Sentinel if he could stop it.

"No, no, it's okay. I can take care of him."

The guard nodded. "Okay, just yell if you change your mind."

Blair nodded absently as he knelt down beside Jim's still form and put a pillow under his head. Blair heard the door to the pod click after the departing guard, but didn't take his attention off his cellmate.

Jim's eyes were open but it was clear that the sentinel wasn't seeing anything. Blair had read about this. What did they call it? A zone out. He ran his hand across Jim's cheek.

"Jim, man, are you in there? Time to come back now," Blair said quietly. He tried to moderate and equalize his tone, as if soothing a skittish horse. He hoped that he would be able to draw Jim back from whatever had captured his attention.

"Goddamn bastards," Blair swore as reached over and snagged a blanket from the bed. They hadn't even bothered to dress the older man. Blair was thankful that everyone was already back in the cells. One thing was clear in the time he spent with his cellmate. Jim was a proud man and wouldn't soon forgive being dragged around in front of the other inmates, stark naked.

Blair lowered the blanket over the other man, covering his shivering body then resumed his soft murmuring. He continued attempting to coax Jim back for what seemed like hours. He was close to giving up and calling the guard when finally he felt the older man's biceps twitch beneath his hand.

Then Jim blinked.

"Thank God," Blair said with a smile. Jim blinked again then his face contorted into a grimace.

Before Blair could stop him, his cellmate sat up and pulled away, scrabbling backward until his back rested against the side of their pod, leaving the blanket behind.

Blair stared over at the naked man in confusion. "Jim, what is it?" he asked.

Jim clasped his hands over his ears as Blair spoke. He lowered his voice and spoke again.

"Are your senses spiking, man?" At Jim's blank look he continued. "Everything seems too loud, too bright?"

Jim nodded and grimaced again, one hand rubbing at his chest. He looked up at Blair with pleading eyes.

"Is your skin bothering you?" the young man asked as he cautiously drew closer.

Jim nodded again. "Get it off," he whispered hoarsely before clutching his head again.

Blair moved closer still, till he was close enough to see the dried white flecks that littered Jim's chest. He stared down at his roommate in disbelief. "Oh my God, Jim. What did they do to you?" he asked in a hushed voice as scenarios played out in his mind. Blair firmly pushed the concern aside and grabbed a facecloth from the small sink in their cell. After wetting it, he returned and knelt at Jim's side.

"Concentrate on my voice, Jim. Nothing but my voice, while I take care of this for you."

"Off," Jim whispered again. At that point, Blair didn't really think that Jim had the ability to concentrate on anything but the substance he so desperately wanted to be rid of.

"Okay Jim...take it easy," Blair soothed as he gently wiped away all traces of semen from his cellmate's chest.

Jim twitched painfully with each brush of the cloth but didn't move away. Finally it was done and the older man's shoulders dropped a bit in relief.

"Now," Blair said, settling himself more comfortably in front of Jim. "I can help you but I need you to do as I say here. Can you do that?"

Jim nodded. Blair took a breath and began.

"I know what's wrong with's natural and you can control it. I'll explain later but for now I want you to close your eyes and picture 6 radio dials in your head. Each one of these dials are a sense. One is taste, one is touch, one is sight, one is smell, one is hearing and the last will control all your senses at once."

Jim closed his eyes and nodded.

"You see the last is set on 10...I want you to take that dial and turn it down slowly. As you turn you will find that your senses become less intense. Keep turning everything is at a manageable level, then stop." Blair stared hard at Jim's face. The older man's brow was wrinkled in pain and intense concentration. Blair was just about to speak again--to try something different--when Jim's brow smoothed out. The older man's eyelid's pulled back and he gazed up at Blair with such a look of wonder and amazement that the younger man had to grin.

"Better?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Jim breathed. He swallowed and made a face. "Except..."

Blair jumped as Jim reached out and grabbed him, pulling him against his cellmate's naked body.

"Jim," Blair squealed. He found his words cut off by the other man's lips. And it felt good. Blair melted against Jim and parted his lips with a sigh, winding his arms around the Sentinel's neck. Jim explored his mouth deeply and thoroughly before finally pulling back.

"Now, I'm better," the older man said hoarsely.

Blair sat back and licked his lips, a bit stunned.

"Can I get that blanket now, Chief?" Jim's brow crinkled a bit as he spoke and Blair was instantly concerned.

"Is it still bothering you man?" he asked as he reached back and snagged the blanket.

"A bit," Jim replied, taking the offered blanket and wrapping it around himself. "But no where as bad as before. I could kick myself for my own stupidity."

"What do you mean?" Blair asked, as he helped Jim to his feet. It took the older man a few seconds to find his balance. Blair was happy to support him.

"Come on, Chief. You helped me get control of...well, whatever this 20 minutes flat, when I've been struggling with it for several months." Jim blushed a bit at the admission. "I feel like an idiot."

Blair eased Jim down onto the bunk bottom bunk and took a seat beside him. "No man, don't be so hard on yourself. I've studied this stuff for a long as I can remember. You've only had to deal with it for a few months."

Jim pulled himself back so that he could lean against the wall at the head of the bed and Blair settled himself cross-legged at the older man's feet, preparing for a long discussion.

"It's a long story, man. It all began when an explorer named Burton..." Blair went on to explain how he had been drawn into the study of Sentinels and how he had reached the conclusion that Jim was indeed the real thing.

Through the speech, Jim sat silently, his eyes never leaving Blair's face. Finally Blair finished and Jim closed his eyes, sitting perfectly still.

"Jim?" Blair asked quietly, reaching forward to lay a hand on his cellmate's leg. "Are you okay?"

Jim took a deep breath. "I thought I was going crazy." He opened his eyes, sharing his relief with Blair. "I thought that this place was too much for me...that I was truly losing my mind." Jim shivered and pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders.

Blair wanted nothing more at that moment than to hold Jim. But he held back, still uncertain whether the gesture would be appreciated. Instead he gripped the leg under his hand harder.

"You're not crazy, Jim. You're a Sentinel."

They sat in silence for a time. Instinctively, Blair knew that Jim needed some time to deal with the news. He was mildly surprised that the other man had taken it so well. But then, given the last 48 hours of Jim's life, maybe it wasn't so surprising after all. It was obvious that his cellmate's defenses were beaten down.

"Are you really okay, Jim?" Blair asked hesitantly. "I mean, are you hurt?" The young man struggled for a way to ask the question he really needed to ask.

"I'll be fine." Jim leaned his hand back against the wall, closing his eyes again.

"You know, if you were any could tell me. I'd never tell anyone and I could help you."

Jim's eyes popped open and he regarded Blair curiously. "Just what do you think I need help with, Sandburg?"

Blair's eyes traveled down to Jim's chest, where he had wiped away the residue earlier. "What happened to you, Jim?"

Jim went a little pale at the question and Blair's fear grew.

"You were in lock up for God's sake! What the hell kind of place is this?"

Jim just stared at him.

"Okay, subtly doesn't seem to be working here, I'll just ask you straight out. That was semen I wiped off your chest and obviously not yours. Given your reaction to it my assumption is that whatever happened to you, you didn't want it to happen. So I'm going to ask straight out. Did you get fucked in lockup? And if you did, are you torn?"

Jim stared at him as if in shock. Blair scooted forward and grasped Jim by the shoulders, getting in his face, trying to get some sort of reaction. "Listen to me! This is nothing to fool around with. Trust me! Tell me...were you raped?"

Jim's hands came up and grasped Blair's waist. Blair found himself gently set back to where he'd been before. "No," the bigger man said. "No, I wasn't raped."

Blair remained uncertain at the confusion he heard in Jim's voice.

"Could you tell me what happened?"

"No," Jim said firmly. "I don't want to talk about it. I'm fine...let it go."

Blair met Jim's troubled eyes and finally shrugged. "Your choice man. The offer to talk is open."

The young man stood. "I'll take the top bunk for the rest of the night. You should rest."

Jim grabbed his arm before Blair could jump up to the top bunk. He looked down at his roommate.

"Thanks, Chief."

"For what?"

Jim chuckled. "How about everything. Helping me control my senses, going to the Warden, caring enough to ask know."

Blair smiled down at the older man.

"Why?" Jim asked.

"Why what?"

"Why do you care what happens to me? You know what I am."

Blair sighed and sat back down on the bed. "My mind tells me that I shouldn't. That you are a drug dealer, a thief...and most probably a murderer but...since I've arrived here you've been my protector, my teacher and have shown compassion toward other prisoners. Hell Jim, you hired someone to look out for me, just in case! The way you act and talk doesn't fit in with what I know you've done. I can't reconcile the two in my head. All I know is that with you I feel safe in what is probably the most precarious position I've ever been in. Regardless of what you've done, you have a good heart, Jim, and I intend to see that you realize it and find out what you could become." Blair hadn't realised the depth of his feelings until he said the words but he knew them to be true. He would...he could help Jim start a new life. One that included him. Blair shook his head. God, he sounded like one of those women who fell for and married convicts, convinced they could change them. It didn't change the fact that he wanted to try.

"If you'll let me," Blair finished quietly, staring down at his hands. He kept his head down until Jim cupped his cheek in his hand and gently raised his face till he met the older man's eyes. The gaze was tender and the corner of Jim's mouth tilted up in a gentle smile.

"You don't belong here, Chief. You are too good to be in a place like this...but so help me...I thank God that you did end up here...with me. Everything will work out, Blair. Trust me."

Blair smiled back at his cellmate, putting his hand over Jim's, where it rested on his cheek. "I know I shouldn't but I do trust you, Jim. Please don't betray that."

"Never, Chief. I promise."

"Okay," Blair sighed. Jim tugged him forward and soon he found himself pressed against the bigger man, folded in his arms. Blair snuggled in happily, laying his cheek against Jim's chest, wrapping his own arms around the other man's waist. Neither man had the energy to do more, and soon they both drifted off to sleep.

A couple of hours later, Blair woke, cradled against Jim's chest. He smiled lazily. It would be another hour before wake up call. Looking up at his cellmate's face, he saw that Jim was still in an exhausted sleep. Blair wiggled into a more comfortable position but the bigger man didn't so much as twitch. He was sure that nothing short of a full scale riot would bring Jim out of his sleep.

Blair leaned back a bit and took the time to study his friend's face. He looked much younger asleep. His skin was smooth and unmarred. He was beautiful even through the stubble. Blair took his time studying Jim's features. Prominent cheekbones, high forehead, receding hairline, all in all he was the most handsome man Blair had ever seen up close. The young man's eyes traveled up, past the long dark lashes to the ultra short hair cut. Blair smiled. The haircut looked like it was right out of the Army.

Right out of the Army?

Blair's eyes widened and something in his mind clicked. It was like a switch being thrown. As quickly as that, he made the connection. He remembered why Jim looked so familiar.

"Oh shit!" Blair barked as he untangled himself from the other man. Jim woke with a start as the younger man jumped out of the bed and stared at him in confusion.

"Blair? What is it?" he asked blearily.

"What is it? What is it? You're James Ellison--Captain James Ellison, Special Forces," Blair replied in a low harsh whisper. Jim sighed and shook his head to clear it.

"Give me a minute, okay Sandburg?"

Blair nodded sharply and sat back down on the bed, his mind going over what he knew of this man, as Jim quickly put on some clothes and washed his face. That done, he pulled over the one chair in the room and sat down facing Blair.

"Okay, what do you know, have you told anyone and how do you know it?"

Blair bristled at the interrogation. "I'm not the one who should be answering questions here, man." He glared at Jim for a moment then spoke through clenched teeth. "Fine. Guess where I'm from?"

Jim shrugged. "I assumed you were from here, Texas."

"Nope. Not even close. Cascade, Washington."

Jim sighed.

"Yeah. I finally placed your face. You are Detective Jim Ellison, one of Cascade's finest. Not to mention a decorated military hero, returned from the dead."

"Keep your voice down," Jim hissed.

"Sorry," Blair hissed back sarcastically. "What's really going on here?"

"I'm undercover, as I expect you figured out."

"Yeah I did. No way would you really have been sent up without a huge splash in the newspapers."

"Listen to me Blair. I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell anyone. This is too big," Jim said urgently.

"So all this," Blair gestured from himself to Jim. "...has been part of the act?" He couldn't help but be hurt by the thought that all he was to Jim was another way to cement his identity. "And what happens to me when you get your man? Bad enough that everyone thinks I'm the bitch of another inmate. When this all comes out and you're gone I'll be known as the bitch of a cop. How long do you think I'll last after you go?"

"That's one of the reasons I haven't told you anything."

"Do you really think anyone will believe me when I say I didn't know?" Blair could tell from the look on Jim's face that the older man didn't.

"We'll protect you," Jim protested.

"How?" Blair demanded. "And while we're talking about impossible situations, what about you? I figured it out Jim. How long before someone else does? There are new prisoners arriving every day. How long before one of them recognizes you? You weren't exactly low profile in Cascade, for God's sake!"

"The powers that be felt that it was an acceptable risk, given the distance. That's why they chose me...someone out of state."

"Your picture was in fucking-Time-Magazine, man."

"Eight years ago. The odds of anyone remembering..."

"You're willing to take chances like that with your life?"

Jim shrugged. "I'm a cop. I take chances with my life every day. And it wasn't like my life was so hot anyway."

Blair stared at the other man. "That is so fucked up."

Jim shrugged again, his jaw twitching.

"You know what's going to happen to you--to both of us--if anyone finds out you're a cop."

"They won't find out. I'm close Blair. It will be over soon."

"Great," Blair said sarcastically. "So basically, here's the best case scenario. Everything goes like clockwork for you and you catch the bad guys and get out of here. I, on the other hand, get to finish my sentence entertaining all the inmates who are upset over being duped by an undercover cop. Inmates who will turn to me to vent their anger because they assume I mean something to you."

"I won't let that happen, Chief."

"Really? And how do you think you can stop it?"

"We can put you in solitary till I can arrange for a transfer for you."

"You think I'll be safe in solitary? Are you that sure that you will take down everyone that's involved in whatever's going on here?"

"Shit, Blair. I don't know what you want me to say. I'm a cop. I'm just trying to do my job here. I'm sorry you got mixed up in all this but what did you want me to do?" Jim stood and began pacing the small cell.

"They drop a young, good-looking, naive college student into my lap. What was I supposed to do? Demand that you get reassigned? Leave you to someone like Ned Bloom? Do you have any idea what would have happened to you if you had landed somewhere else? Damn it Blair, you would be eaten up in five minutes!"

Blair paled, taken back by Jim's emotion. He knew very well what could have happened. What would happen once Jim left. Jim returned to his seat and took Blair's hands in his own.

"I'll do my damnedest to make sure nothing happens to you till I can get you transferred to Washington. You have to trust me."

Blair blinked. "Washington?"

"Yeah. There's a prison just outside of Cascade."

"Why would you want to transfer me there?"

Jim moved over to sit on the bed beside the young man. "What did you think this was, Blair? What do you think I'm doing here, with you? I can't very well visit you if you're in another state."

Blair accepted the arm that Jim put around his waist without moving away. "You want to visit me?"

"Just until I can get you out of here. I don't believe for a minute that you're guilty. Somewhere, there's someone who can help me prove it."

Blair clasped the hand that rested on his stomach. "Really?"

"You don't think I'm going to let you get away now do you? I still haven't got the slightest clue how to deal with these sentinel abilities and besides...I've gotten used to having you around," Jim finished gruffly.

Blair smiled slightly and leaned over against the bigger man. "Shit, Jim. This is such a mess."

He felt Jim's nod against his shoulder. "That's a fact."

"So what do we do?"

"Take it one day at a time. We'll get through this."

Before Blair could respond the buzzer sounded and the lights came on. He pulled himself off the bed and held his hand out to Jim, pulling the bigger man to his feet. "Okay, I'll help you," Blair said in a determined voice.

"No, Chief. I don't want you any more involved," Jim protested.

"Forget it, Jim. I couldn't possibly be more involved than I am. It looks like my best chance of getting out of here is making sure you get out of here in one piece. I'm going to help you whether you like it or not, so I'd advise you to let me in on what's going on."

Jim frowned down at the younger man. "You're not going to back off no matter what I say are you?"


"This is a really bad idea but if I agree it has to be on my terms. I don't want you going off on your own, are we clear?"

"Clear as mud--partner," Blair said.

"Sandburg..." Jim's voice held a note of warning.

"Don't worry, Jim. I want to help you, not hurt you. Whatever you say goes."

Jim studied him then finally nodded. "Tonight I'll fill you in. Good enough?"

"I can live with that. Right now, let's get to breakfast before we're missed." Blair began dressing. He had a bad feeling about the future. He couldn't see any way that this could work out for him--for them.

He followed Jim out of the cell and saw the young guard from that morning watching them. Blair met his eyes briefly and then looked away. Something didn't seem right about the guard but he couldn't put his finger on what. Hell, maybe everything was just making him paranoid. Blair shrugged and followed closely behind his cellmate.

The next few days passed quickly for Blair. Jim had told him all he knew about the organization within the jail. He had been busy keeping his mouth shut and his eyes open over the past three days.

Things stood out to him that he had never noticed before. Things he wasn't sure how he could have missed.

Items covertly passed from guard to prisoner. Cons missing from their cells overnight, showing up the next day looking exhausted. Special favors seemingly given for no reason. Blair watched and learned and shared what he saw with his cellmate.

He and Jim seemed to grow closer in this time. Blair knew he could write a whole dissertation on captivity and interpersonal reaction between those thrust together but it didn't feel like that. It felt more real, more solid than any relationship he had ever engaged in.

Blair wet his lips as he remembered that morning in the shower. Jim's body naked and glistening through the spray. He hadn't been able to stop himself from reaching out and running one hand possessively down Jim's side and over one hard buttock. The older man had stiffened then turned and looked at him with such a heated gaze of longing that it took Blair's breath away.

Unfortunately, they weren't alone in the shower and he had forced himself to avert his gaze. Tonight he would invite the older man into his bed. He knew that time was growing short. Events seemed to be escalating and he didn't want to let the opportunity slip by him. Blair grinned at the thought of the night ahead then jumped as a hand came down on his shoulder.

"Sandburg, you have a visitor."

Blair looked up, then stood and followed the guard out to the meeting room. He wasn't expecting anyone. He saw Captain Banks through the window before he entered the room and wondered why the man had come.

"So why did you want to see me?" Blair asked as soon as he sat down at the table across from Simon. He wanted to get the meeting over with as quickly as possible so that he could get back to Jim. Blair struggled to rein in the smile that threatened to break free at the thought of the older man. He could hardly believe he had such strong feelings for his cellmate. Who would have thought that he could find such a thing in prison? They were perfect together. Well, almost perfect. There was the small matter of captivity and the danger Jim was in and the worry that sooner or later Jim would leave and he'd still be inside. Blair's need to smile faded and he focused back on the Captain with a frown.

"So what is this all about?"

"Look at me Blair," Simon said. "What do you see?"

Blair examined the other man. "You're grinning," he said in astonishment. "I don't think I've ever seen you even look slightly amused before, let alone this."

And the older man was grinning, actually smiling, a huge smile that lit up his eyes. Blair's breath caught. "What is it? Tell me?"

"I got him."

Blair blinked, frozen.

Simon leaned forward. "Didn't you hear me, I got him. The real drug dealer. You are getting out of here."

Finally, Blair leaned forward fixing Simon with a hard gaze. "What does that mean exactly?"

Simon sighed in exasperation. "It means that a couple of days from now you will be walking out of this prison, a free man with apologies from the court."

"For certain? No possibility of mistake?"

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't certain, Sandburg."

Finally Blair's face broke into a huge smile. He let out a cry of joy as he stood up and leaned over the table, throwing his arms around the Captain's neck.

"Hey, none of that," Simon blustered, not so secretly pleased with the younger man's exuberance.

"Calm down, Sandburg," the ominous voice of the guard called from the corner of the room.

Blair unwound his arms and settled back into his chair. "Two days and I can get back to my life?" A cloud fell over Blair's face. "What a joke--back to my life."

"What are you talking about Sandburg. I'm being straight with you here. Two days for the paperwork and you're a free man."

"I believe you Captain and I appreciate all the effort you've put into this but I know there's no way I can get my life back."

"Sure you can, Sandburg," Simon said.

"No, it's all gone: my scholarship and teaching fellowship at Rainier, my apartment. Hell, I even had Naomi sell most of my things, including my car to pay the useless lawyer. It's not going to be over for a long time--if ever," Blair added.

"I'm sure you can get some sort of settlement Blair, to help with that stuff."

"Yeah, I suppose I probably can," Blair sighed. "More lawyers, more courtrooms." Blair slapped his hand down on his leg. "Enough of this. I'm going to be free," he smiled. "I need to concentrate on the good. The rest will come along soon enough." Blair stood and Simon followed.

"You can spend your last two days in solitary if you'd like Blair," Simon informed the younger man.

Blair shook his head quickly. "No, man. I'd rather stay where I am."

"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of days then." The Captain held out his hand. Blair took it, shaking it firmly, before moving in and throwing his arms around Simon's waist in a short hard hug. "Thanks man," he said quietly before turning away and following the guard out of the room.

Simon grinned after him feeling lighter than he had in months. Sandburg would be okay. He'd learned a lot about the kid over the last few months from his mom, his teachers and his friends. One of the main things he'd learned was of the young man's resilience. Simon was certain Sandburg would find a way to take back his life. The Captain's smile faded. Now if he could only get Ellison out of the prison.

"Are you ready to go, Sir?" the guard asked. Simon nodded and left, following the guard in the opposite direction Sandburg had taken, his mind filled with the coming raid.

Jim looked up as the door to his pod opened, expecting Blair. He had gone by his cellmate's work station earlier and learned that Blair was off seeing an unscheduled visitor. He was surprised when Baker, Gardener's right hand man stepped into the cell.

"Baker," Jim said warily as he stood up.

"Ellison," Baker sneered back at him. "Time to go for a walk."


"The Warden wants to see you," the man replied, stepping to the side and gesturing for Jim to precede him.

As much as Jim didn't want the man out of his line of sight, he saw no option but to do as the guard asked. Jim felt eyes on him as they passed by the other cells but kept his gaze facing forward until he felt Baker tap him on the shoulder.

"That way," the man ordered, pointing to a hallway in the opposite direction to the Warden's office.

Jim shrugged and turned. "So, I'm guessing that we're not really going to see the Warden. What's going on, Baker?"

"Gardener asked me to bring you down for a little tour of our business." Baker put his hand back on Jim's shoulder as soon as they were away from prying eyes and turned him around. Jim stared at the other man impassively.

"Before we do though, we need a little insurance." Baker pulled a dark piece of cloth from his pocket and waved it under Jim's nose. "Gardener doesn't quite trust you with the location of our enterprise yet. Put this on."

"And if I don't?"

"Then we'll be marching right back to your pod and the deal is off. Oh, and I'd be careful of sleeping for the next, say, 20 years or so." Baker smirked, amused by his own threat.

Jim wordlessly took the blindfold and tied it around his eyes. He felt the air shift around him and knew that Baker was moving. The tug on his blindfold didn't surprise him, but he made a show of jumping as expected.

"Looks good, Ellison. Let's go."

Jim allowed the man to take his arm and lead him away. The sentinel was surprised to note that if he concentrated he could sense their position in the hallway. The sound of their footsteps seemed to bounce back to him off the walls. They walked for several minutes, going up and down stairs and turning several corners until Jim wasn't sure which direction they were headed. Finally, Baker stopped and with one sharp tug, the blindfold was gone. Jim blinked rapidly for a moment, until the shock of the sudden sensation passed.

"Hello, Jim," Gardener said with a smile. "So glad you could make it."

Jim regarded the man coolly. "I assume it's show and tell time?"

"This way Ellison. I'm sure you'll be more than satisfied with our little operation." Gardener gestured for Jim to go ahead of him. Jim complied and forced himself not to rip the Assistant Warden's arm off when the other man patted his ass as he passed. Instead he concentrated on how good it was going to feel when he put the handcuffs on Gardener and put him into his very own cell.

Blair arrived back to his pod, eager to share his news. He was surprised to find the room empty. Sitting down on the bed, he waited, bouncing nervously in place. His mind worked furiously. Where could Jim be this close to lights out? Had something happened? Did he get thrown back into the hole? Was his cover blown? Blair felt his concern grow with each passing moment.

Lights out came and went but still no Jim. Blair was almost ready to make a racket and demand that the guards tell him where his cellmate was when the door opened again and Jim finally stepped through.

Blair impatiently waited until the guard had left before sitting up in his bed. "Where've you been, man?" he whispered as Jim walked over to him. The bigger man sat down on the edge of Blair's bunk.

"Impromptu visit to the lab, Chief. Sorry if I worried you."

"Well I was worried. God, Jim. I thought they'd chucked you back in the hole...or worse." Blair left the 'worse' unsaid. They both knew what the stakes were.

"I'm fine. Really. It was just Gardener flexing his muscles and showing off. He has a major operation going on here."

"Yeah?" Blair tried to see Jim's face in the darkened room.

"Yeah," Jim answered seriously. "Without a doubt."

"Hey, now that you know where it is, you can call in the big guns," Blair said in excitement. Maybe this was close to being over for both of them.

"Not that easy. They blindfolded me. I guess they don't completely trust me yet."

"So what, man?"

"So what? We went through at least a dozen turns and up and down stairs. This is a big complex."

Blair scooted closer to Jim, curling his legs underneath himself. "You're a Sentinel. You don't need sight to be able to see."

"Yeah, and I don't need a mouth to be able to talk," Jim said sarcastically. "Care to start making sense, Blair?"

Blair was close enough to see the wry expression on his friend's face. "It's like know how they say if you take away one sense all the others intensify to compensate?"


"Well, it's the same for you...but multiplied by about 1000 times." Blair grabbed Jim's hands and tugged. "Let's try something. Get down here on the bed and cross your legs and relax."

The older man groaned but complied. "Okay, Sandburg. Now what?" he asked as he settled down.

"Close your eyes. My theory is that you should be able to trace your steps using your sensory memories." He felt Jim shrug. "Try to relax, Jim. Do the breathing exercises that we've been working on." He felt the tension slowly leave the other man's body.

"Now envision what happened. From the moment the blindfold went over your eyes. Instead of trying to see--feel...listen." Blair spoke softly to Jim, keeping his hand always touching his cellmate.

Finally Jim spoke. "Yes. It's working. It's working, Chief." Jim opened his eyes. "I think I can do this." Blair heard the smile in Jim's voice.

"Great!" he exclaimed, then glanced to the door nervously. "Excellent," he said in a softer tone. "I wish we could get out and test the theory."

"I think that can be arranged, Sandburg. I'm not all alone in here. I do have backup."

Jim shifted so that his back was against the wall, his feet dangling off the edge of the bed and pulled Blair over beside him. "I'll draw out a map and hand it off. God, I can't believe after all this time this might be over soon," Jim said quietly.

Blair jumped. "Shit! I can't believe I forgot." He pressed closer to his cellmate. "You'll never believe it."

"What? Does this have something to do with your visitor earlier?" Jim asked.

"Yeah man. It was Captain Banks. He caught the real guy...can you believe that, Jim! I'm getting out of here."

Blair felt Jim's arm come around his shoulder and squeeze hard. "God, that's great," the older man said with feeling. "That's so great, I knew he could do it."

Blair threw his arm around Jim and squeezed back, almost climbing into Jim's lap as he reveled in the closeness he felt for his friend. If he could just stay like that forever he'd he happy. Blair was startled by the stray thought and even more so by the certainty that it was true. He found himself hoping that Jim was telling the truth about wanting him around after this was all over. The day after tomorrow he'd be out of here and free to get on with his life...hopefully with the man in his arms. But Jim wasn't in the clear yet. Worry began to creep into Blair's mind. What if Jim had a problem with his senses after Blair left? What if someone discovered who he was? He'd have no one to watch his back. Blair pulled away trying to see his friend in the darkness.

"Maybe I could delay my release somehow?" he said. He could feel Jim's surprise. It was like the older man had received a physical blow.

"What? Are you nuts?" Jim said intently. He grasped Blair's arm and brought his face closer to his own so that the young man could easily see him. "No way. Do you understand me, Sandburg? No way in hell are you going to spend one more day than absolutely necessary in this place. Get that thought out of your twisted mind right now."

"But, Jim, what if you zone or something?" Blair argued.

"You listen to me," Jim broke in. "You want to help me, I can understand that, but staying in here won't do that. Look at it logically. With you here I have one more person to look out for. If you go, I can concentrate on my job."

"Oh," Blair said sadly. "I get it...sorry to inconvenience you."

Jim sighed in exasperation. "It's not like that. I've loved having you here but if I were a religious man this would be the answer to my prayers. You'll be out before this all blows up. You'll be safe. Knowing that will be the best help that I could ever have. I won't have to leave you behind in here." Jim grabbed Blair and pulled him close, his arms wrapping around his cellmate like a vice. The young man could feel Jim's breath against his hair. "Thank God," Jim whispered.

Blair gave up and twisted his arms around Jim's back. "Instead I have to leave you," he whispered back.

"Don't think of it like that. It's not the same thing. We know where the lab is, we know who's involved. All that's left is to take them down. I'll be out by this weekend."

Blair leaned his head back to look at the older man. "You really think so?"

"I'd bet on it."

Blair began to feel better. "Then what?"

"I meant what I said you know--about you coming to stay with me. I've got lots of room. If you want to..." A note of uncertainty crept into Jim's voice.

"Want to? Yeah, man. I definitely want to."

"Good. It's settled then."

Blair nodded, resting his cheek on one broad shoulder. "You know what?" he asked after a few minutes.


"I'm really beginning to think that this could all work out."

"Believe it." Jim sounded as if the mere force of his conviction could carry them through.

"What would I have done if I hadn't found you in here?" Blair asked quietly.

"You'll never have to find out," Jim responded in a voice that left no room for argument.

Continued in part two.