Continued from the Introduction.



<Host1> Yes, everybody, welcome to the Office! So glad you could all brave DALnet today!!!

<Host1> This month, we have Our Boys of XF Slash - Riticulan Amanuensis...

<Host1> okay, UnChuck is also one of our Esteemed Guests this morning/afternoon/whatever...

<Host1> and, last but *certainly* not least, we have SpookyBear! AKA "Mik".

<Host1> NOw, we thought for a change that we would start off with the boys asking

questions of their readers...perhaps heach one can give a little introduction of themselves, their work, etc., as well?

<Host1> so, let's start off by giving each boy a chance in the spotlight, huh? Riticulan?

<Host1> As each author introduces himself, they can answer any on-topic questions related to what they have said.

<Riticulan> Well Hello folks, I guess here goes.

* Host1 smiles at Rit

<Riticulan> I have only been brave enough to publish three stories so far.

<Riticulan> All M/K so far, though I have a M/Sk in the works. I am a Canadian and have been watching X Files since the beginning.

<Riticulan> I enjoy other fandoms, but it seems the X Files is the only one that I have been moved to write in so far.

<Riticulan> All have been P?W?P?s but am thinking of doing one with an atual plot.

<Riticulan> But it seems that the more I write, the more of a tease I am becomming. The actual sex is taking a back seat <sigh>

* Host4 disagrees with the honorable author. They aren't all PWPs.

<Riticulan> I guess I would have to classify my self as a Nic-Fix person, always trying to redeem him in my stories.

<Host1> So, Rit, how do you feel your writing is developing? Getting more plot-driven? Are the boys getting less randy? ;^)

<Riticulan> He's not bad.....only some funky poaching.)

<Riticulan> They are saving themselfs up for a real big blowout...pardon the pun...<g>

<Host1> So, do we have any hope for some Skinner from you in the future?

* Host1 giggles at the pun

<Riticulan> One of these days my screen is really going to be wet...

<Riticulan> Yes, I am working on "Old Stone Face" at the moment

<Host1> lol

<Host1> is that the title?

<SpookyBear> lol

<Riticulan> ...I am living in the world of "extreme possibilities" with him at the moment.

<Riticulan> Coming to a screen near you in the near future "Deck the Halls" a little trist with Mulder and his boss.

<Host1> awww...

<Host1> sitting on my hard drive <g>...

* Host1 does not want to let that story's really fun!

<Host1> Riticulan, is there anything you want to know of readers?

<Riticulan> There is one thing that surprised me. It is about sex in stories.

* Host1 gasps in shock...

<Riticulan> The vast majority of the readers who rite seem to enjoy the stories which have less sex in them and more interactions: a little smooch, a little cuddle.

* Guest2 nods

<Host1> what? Sex?? <g>

<Riticulan> So I was wondering how the congregation feels about this...Verily I say unto you, that I was surprised.

<Guest2> Real character development is much more erotic than endless scenes of boinking.

<SpookyBear> agreed

<Guest1> I read for the story, sexual content is secondary, sometimes very nice, sometimes very hot, but usually of secondary interest.

<Guest2> Most readers have their own overactive imaginations to fill in the gritty particulars of 'the act'..not that PWPs don't have their place, but they don't grab the heart like pages of real dialogue and discovery.

<Guest2> Of course, that's much harder to write. But the payoff is worth it :)

<Host4> Reading between the lines is one of the great plaeasures of slash, I think.

<Riticulan> The first story I wrote, I did the charactization thing, and suddenly without realizing it, I started to write the sex scene and it covered 8 pages, I think.

<SpookyBear> I've got the opposite prob Rit

<Guest5> It depends what I'm in the mood for and what sccene is being set.. I read, and enjoy, both the hot and Steamy as well as the character development type story.

<Guest1> Hah, yeah, there is something visceral about writing your first slash-sex scene.

<Riticulan> And lastly I would like to say that I am working on a sort of a crossover witht he X

Files, and Jarod of the pretender. Really it's just a x files with Jarod joining up with Alex.

* Guest4 makes sounds of approval

<Riticulan> So anyone out there know this character, and do you think anyone would be interested seeing him with Alex?

* Host4 is *very* interested in seeing them together! But does she count...

<Riticulan> Yea, Drover...I think I was breathing rather heavily at the time. And I asked my keboard if it was as good for it as it was for me >g?

<Guest2> <g>

<Riticulan> Yes, Host4, certainly counts....

<Guest5> I've heard about him, but haven't see any episodes - I'll have to find out if it's shown in the UK - but I'll read anything with Alex in it <g>

<Riticulan> Maybe this might jog peoples memory. He is the guy who played the hunk in Jeffery - the movie.

<Guest1> Yeha, I know the actor, but the character only vaguely, I would think there could be some interesting conflict in that story, seeing which one could out sneak and conive the other.

<Riticulan> Yea, it should be a long one though, have two episodes posted in it. The next one introduces Jarod to Alex.

<Riticulan> And the possibilities for a menage a trois, ar endless <BEG>

* Host4 giggles

* Guest5 Yum

<Riticulan> Well I think I will pass the torch to unchuck.

<UnChuck> hi y'all. <g>

<UnChuck> You may know some of my work, the PROJECT series is the biggest thing I've done.

<UnChuck> I've posted 5 1/2 parts to it.

<UnChuck> Project is mainly M/K but has lots of Skinner too!

<UnChuck> I also recently posted stories to both X/stories and M/K

<UnChuck> Did anybody read the new stuff?

* Host1 did, Chuckles!

<UnChuck> LOCK and KEY was posted to X/stories

* SpookyBear read that

<SpookyBear> greatstory

<UnChuck> L&K features the mystery man in Mulder's bed

<UnChuck> so, who do you think it was?

<SpookyBear> seemed very Skinnerish to me

<Guest5> WEll, I hoped it was Alex ;)

<Host1> The Surly Man!

<SpookyBear> but I am partial to the Surly one

<Riticulan> Since he wasn't named, I put Alex in that bed in all his splendour. <g>

<Guest5> but then I'm a Krycekaholic :)

<UnChuck> did the mulder/doorknob analogy work?

<Guest1> Frohike? <just kidding...really>

<SpookyBear> LOL

<SpookyBear> yup, sure did

<UnChuck> don't forget pendrell

<UnChuck> a piece of PROJECT 6 as also posted to M/K. anybody read that?

* Host1 forgot which one was 6...did I get that from you, Chuck?

<UnChuck> P6 featured M&K in the shower

<Host1> oh, didn't see it 8^(

<UnChuck> and Krycek tripping over Mulder's superman costume. <G>

<Riticulan> Ohhhhhhh! I'll have to find that one.

<Guest5> It came in my download this evening so unfortunately, no

* Guest2 snorts laughter and stifles it.

<Guest2> Sorry, my mind's in the gutter.

<Host1> oh, Chuck, want to mention your webspace?

* Host1 thinks Chuck hides his stuff away too much ;^)

<UnChuck> Host1, let's save that for later, I have a surprize there...

* SpookyBear snorts along with Guest2

<SpookyBear> mine resides there

<Host1> oh, cool..I like surprises.

* Guest1 thinks the gutter is getting crowded

* Host2 enjoys the gutter pretty much when crowded <eg>

<UnChuck> So, a question for the crowd...

* Host1 stays over near the drain hole...

<UnChuck> is there something you get very little of in slash that you'd like to see moreof?

* Host2 ponders...

<Host1> hmmm...

<UnChuck> ie-SpookyRat asked me to examine more day to day stuff, like how the guys deal with "the first date" or just spending time together

<Guest1> Action & adventure, a real plot driven story that isn't all kissing, boinking and angst.

<Host2> May I speak freely here?

<UnChuck> speak up Host2

<Guest2> Spit it out, Host2

<Host2> Heavy angst and s/m - maybe even unconsensual... with h/c in the end.

<Host1> yes, Mulder, of course!

<Guest2> Oooh! I'll go along with that.

<Guest5> I don't like "character dies" very much, and I like lots of plot and some light

bantering, some everyday stuff too

<UnChuck> You like it rough?

* Host1 sighs...agreeing completely...

<SpookyBear> whats h/c?

<Guest2> Hurt/Comfort, Spooky

<Host2> Uh Chuck... yes. I do.

<Riticulan> Well, Mulder, I am mulling over a very s/m one with K/O will that do?

<SpookyBear> I also liek to see more friendship developement with Scully

<Host1> yeah...if you hurt our boys, we want them comforted just as much afterward!

<SpookyBear> thanks Guest2

* Guest2 can't hack death stories either, but that's all personal preference.

* Host1 would like to see better Scully characterizations overall

<UnChuck> to plug another one of my stories, SHADOWS AND SPITE is pretty rough.

<Host2> I have to ranges... either very rough with comfort... or smooth and very - I m e a n very erotic, sensual...

<UnChuck> but it's m/k

<Riticulan> You know, I guess I'm a real smuck I like the happily every after stories, too.

<Guest5> As long as my darling K get to have hapy times with M or Sk or even both of them, I'm happy

<Guest1> Rit, me too

* Host2 never wants to see Snuff stuff.

<Guest5> K/O works for me too

<Riticulan> I'm with you, Host2.

<Guest1> As I've been known to say "I want my happy ending dammit!"

<Host2> Rit... I'm very anxious to see you s/m story...

<SpookyBear> or at least a mostly happy ending

<Host2> Guest1.. that the comfort part for me :)

<UnChuck> Do y'all go in for long stories or the short kind? I seem to run out of patience after about 10 pages.

<SpookyBear> the longer the better - I'm such a size queen }:]

* Host1 admits to being more likely to read short ones, just due to time restrictions and ease.

<Host1> lol, Mik!

<Riticulan> Host2...should be done in about a week...I have no life<g>

* Host2 did read most of Mistress lately. That's quite a bummer. But 13 hrs on a plane needed to be filled wisely.

* Host2 hugs Rit. Can't wait :)))

<Guest2> 20K - 40K is about optimal for me

<SpookyBear> I like both short and log stories but like to sink my teeth into a really long story

* Host1 is halfway done with Betaing it, Mulder.

<Guest1> Depends entirely on the story. I think its harder to maintane story quality as it gets overly long.

* Host1 is to blame for any delays in Rit's stuff.

<SpookyBear> though I have seen some short ones that made me think for days

* Host2 hugs Host1 for his "no life" attitude and finishing the story up :)))

<Guest5> Drover, I've been know to say that too

* Guest6 thinks Mistress would have been better if Walter had been brought in to screw Mulder while he was wearing a blindfold

<SpookyBear> lol

* Host1 hugs Mulder in gratitude

<Host2> Hey Guest6... agreed

* Host1 melts at KMS's vision

<Guest5> If I'm enjoying it, I'll read War and Peace

* Host1 fans himself

* SpookyBear didn't read Mistress yet

<Host2> I read a piece by someone who wrote an insert part. Skinner giving Mulder what he needed in this time.

* UnChuck turns the floor over to our next author... SPOOKYBEAR!

<Guest5> I have long train journeys to and from work

<SpookyBear> Hi all

* Host1 highly recommends Mistress for anyone who likes/wants to learn about's very accurate, IMO.

* Host1 claps and whistles for SpookyBear

<Host2> Guest5... best time for novels :))

<SpookyBear> well, lets see...I'm a MiSker but will read just about anything as long as it doesn't have CSM screwing anybody

* Host2 grins in appreciation

<SpookyBear> up until recently i hadn't written any Krycek stuff but have started on a story that should be done soon

<Riticulan> Oh! good a convert.

* Guest5 thinks Walter and Alex would have been good

<Host2> Wanna share a little more about your ideas, SpookyBear?

<SpookyBear> I'm also heavily involved in a M/Sk saga that started out as a little idea and somehow became a novel

<SpookyBear> ibegan writing pure smut but its evolved into realtionships with hot sex in themiddle

<UnChuck> in the middle of what?

<UnChuck> in the middle of the ocean? the street? hmmm? the mind wanders...

<SpookyBear> in the middle of the relationship. i try to balance it out so that it somewhat mirrors real life

<SpookyBear> of course, in the middle of the board room could be fun }:]

* Guest5 thinks, goody more Krycek

<SpookyBear> I too want to see more SM etc in the stories - Mulder is a natural player in my mind

<SpookyBear> So - my question for the room is....

* Host1 has considered starting an all BDSM stories/discussion list...might encourage more.

<SpookyBear> Do you think it makes Mudler seem weak when he is put in the role of bottom either in SM or in sex in general?

<Guest2> Depends how it's done.

<SpookyBear> there have been mass discussion lately on this topic - i want to know, does it make you, the reader, uncomfortable?

<Host1> yeah, how it's done...

<Guest2> Just bottoming in and of itself doesn't equal weakness or anything else necessarily

<SpookyBear> can you see Skinner taking the bottom role at all?

<Guest1> Actually no, but I think many people do equate the passive sexual role with weakness

<Host1> no - I don't think being a bottom is weak.

<Guest2> Spooky, I think that's a matter of whether it pushes a particular reader's buttons or not. I don't think there's one right answer.

* Host1 would be interested in seeing more Skinner as bottom stories

<Guest2> And oh yeah, I can see Skinner bottoming.

<SpookyBear> I have my own opinions on this just was womdering what y'all thought

<Riticulan> But I like it when Sknner takes the bottom every once in a while.

<SpookyBear> krycek i see as a switch no matter what - or as in the leather community - a pig

<Guest1> I've seen *one* Skinner as bottom story, thought it was very good.

<UnChuck> this is weird talking about Walter, when he's sitting right there. <g>

<Host1> I think this is something that the guy writers can present well...push away that myth that bottoming is weak.

<SpookyBear> he'll take it no matter whos giving :)

<SpookyBear> Other question for the room - can you tell if the author is male or female?

* Guest6 likes Mulder as a reluctant bottom

<Riticulan> In those storis which use as their basis for plot development - a power struggle - then I coul see bottoming as weak. But in an equal, loving relationship, no I don't see it as that.

<Guest1> Often, but not always, I've been wrong once or twice, but usually yes.

<SpookyBear> how do you tell Guest1?

<Host1> I can sometimes spot when it's clearly a woman writer...some stories sceam it, IMO.

<Host1> but most of the time, can't tell.

<Guest2> The only consistently reliable tipoff, for me, is that the male authors tend to use cruder language..if I try to guess based on something other than that I'm usually wrong

<SpookyBear> forgive my ignorance but waht do you mean by cruder Guest2?

<Guest1> I'm not entirely sure, it just seems to be a style difference, I can't really explain it, but men and women just seem to tell slightly different stories.

<Guest5> I'm not very good at telling the gender

<Guest2> If I think of an example I'll tell you, Spooky. It's not specific words exactly, it's a way of describing things. It just hits me sometimes in the flow of a story..more rawness, less delicacy.

<SpookyBear> personally, I can only tell if its a woman writing whent ehy describe something sexaully that I know is physically impossible

<Guest5> I would like to read Alex and Mulder toppping walter, that should be interesting :)

<SpookyBear> but that's a rarity

<Host1> I htink it's in some of the less well-crafted stories...less experienced/talented writers...can tell if it's clearly male, or clearly female author

<Riticulan> I was discussing this very question the other night with a frien, I find that some women - not all - tend to write the anal receptive partner as though he was a female. That's the way it seems to me at least.

* Host1 was thinking that, too, Rit.

* Host4 nods

* Host1 sometimes almost can see Mulder sprouting boobies <g>

<Riticulan> Are we allowed to steal these ideas? hoping wildly for the affirmative <g>

* Host1 ducks

<SpookyBear> me more to think about

<Guest2> That happens much less in XF than other fandoms, imho.

<Host1> sure, that's the purpose of this chat <g>!

<Host1> yes, Guest2, I agree.

<SpookyBear> See, ive written Scully slash as well and have had people think that i was female so i was just wondering...

<Guest2> In TS, you start to wonder if Blair's taking estrogen sometimes, or something.. <rolls eyes>

<Guest1> Host1: naughty... :::smirk:::

<Guest5> Virtual chocolates will be given for A & M topping W

<SpookyBear> anyway...that about does it for my ?s - passing it back to Host1 to start the second portion

<Guest1> Aren't slash writers assumed to be female unless proven otherwise?

* UnChuck has to leave now. sorry.

<SpookyBear> not that I knew of...

<Guest8> :(

<UnChuck> But before I go, I have a "lovely parting gift" for the crowd.

<Host1> thanks for coming, pal!

<Riticulan> Bye Unchuck.

<UnChuck> If you visit my web site, there's a little surprize for everyone. <g>

<SpookyBear> {{{UnChuck}}}}


<Host1> kewl, Chuck!

* Guest6 likes mulder as a bottom but hates when he is feminised

<Host1> Okay, thanks, SpookyBear, for sitting in the hot seat!

* SpookyBear agrees with Guest6


Continued in Part 2.