From Lovers of Women to Lovers of Men

This chat we were dealing with authors who are heterosexual men or Lesbian and who write m/m slash. This is an intriguing concept to me and the other members of the office. We had invited three authors to be our invited guests, to take the hot seat, sweat a little, and answer any questions we might pose on this topic. These authors were Frogdoggie, Mik, MJ, Katherine F. and ARL.


Once upon a time, there was a kid from Liverpool who never quite grew up. He fooled enough people into thinking he did so he could become a clin-psych and play with other children all day, and in his spare time he started writing stories about a television show all the other kids told him about. Of course, his stories were not the type to read to the other children, so he put them out on the 'net so (alleged) grown ups could read them.

He is currently on the West Coast of the United States, living happily ever after with his wife, two cats who think they own him, and a very well behaved and long-suffering dog. His one attempt at replicating himself is at school in Leicestershire, England.

If you're curious about his stories, they can be found at here where his big brother, frog, built him a very nice place to store them.


Hi. I'm frogdoggie aka Jay Fox. Fortyish farmer, husband, (married to a goddess named June), French bull dog co-dependent (i.e. owner), and X-Files fan fiction writer.

I write a little bit of everything - but all my work has a strong erotic content, hence the NC-17 rating. My oeuvre includes, M/SK Slash, Skinnerotica and MSR. My wife and I are both tremendous Skinner fans so he's featured heavily in most of my fic.

I have two web sites where you can sample my writing efforts. My Geocities site and my Tripod mirror site, (which loads a little faster).  Feel free to surf over to either site and enjoy some of my offerings. I guess that's about it - a brief bio but succinct I think.

Oh one more thing - I stole my nick frogdoggie from the family dog. The genuine Frog was very generous to allow me to do so. As a result I shall forever remain the lower case frogdoggie out of deference to his generosity and humble sensibilities.


I'm MJ, the local slashdyke and webmistress. I'm also a lawyer, but that doesn't make me a bad person (well, not much, anyway).

I started writing slash in '98 after first stumbling onto XF slash, and deciding I could do that too. My first piece, "Post Coitum Omne Animal Triste," popped into my head as an entire piece during a boring Passoiver seder. Since then, I haven't been able to get Alex or Walt to shut up, which is why I write first person so much. In my copious free time, I write "The Professionals," "The Sentinel," and "Man From UNCLE" slashfic. I don't read or write hetfic...and I don't write f/f slash. Which, by the way, I can't explain other than the fact that none of the women on the shows I watch have pairings that do anything for me. I recently began zine writing, but am still a web junkie.

In real life, I teach, hang out in Atlantic City, read mysteries, and play with cats. And, of course, hang out on line, driving my girlfriend slowly insane. Visit MJ's fiction page here.

Katherine F.

My first name is Katherine, my second name is...well, the least said about *that* the better (when it comes to horrible names, Mulder has it easy, believe you me). I'm a half-Irish, half-English lesbian with too much time on her hands and not enough money, and a serious slash addiction which began sometime last September and has shown no signs of abating. I love both m/m and f/f slash, and m/f makes me gag, and I have a lot of strange theories about that, which I'd be
very willing to share. I've written both m/m and f/f stories as well, the finished versions of which can be found on my website, Purity's Room. I'm also the ringmistress of the ScullySlash webring, such as it is,  and a student, and a watcher-of-more-televison-than-can-possibly-be-healthy.

Continue to part one of the logs