Writing introductions for myself usually makes me want to run screaming from the room, so bear with me....I write mostly slash--angsty, funny, demented, dark, a tangled mutant version of the above, whatever--in many, many fandoms, but I started out in X-Files, and you never forget your first. I read my first XF slash story December 1997, started writing them myself February 1998, and have been around ever since. Prior to finding XF slash, I was stuck in a 6-month dry spell of writer's block, and it turns out that, for me, the only thing worse than voices in your head is being used to having voices in your head and suddenly having them stop. So getting story ideas again made me very happy, and I give kudos to the lovely and talented Mulder and Krycek for that.

To see my slash for X-Files (and Once a Thief, due South, Two Guys and a Girl, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, Angel, Hard Core Logo, X-Men, Doctor Who, etc.) check out my site, The Green Room, at

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