Sergeeva's challenge: Mulder and Skinner go shopping - in 200 words.

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by Blue Mohairbear

July 2000


He hated shopping on Saturdays. But his work didn't leave him a choice, so he endured screeching kids and unnerved mothers - until he reached the frozen food aisle and saw a familiar figure loading tons of pizza into a cart. The figure wore running clothes and looked deliciously disheveled and crumpled. Mulder in weekend morning look. Skinner's knees weakened.

He was still debating with himself - go over, invite the man home, ravish him? - when another cart rattled into Mulder's. The customer apologized, but the flow of words ebbed as the eyes behind the glasses roamed over Mulder.

Skinner saw Mulder's answering look... saw his Agent's eyes appreciate the hunk's big chest and bulging biceps, saw Mulder licking his lips at the sight of a sensual mouth, noticed how Mulder's eyes lit up as he looked at the glistening dome of a balding head, framed with a dark fringe of hair --

Skinner pounced. In a second, he stood beside Mulder and growled:

"Are you done, babe? I don't think we need that much pizza."

Smirked inwardly as the hunk retreated.

Hazel eyes stared at him, a luscious mouth grinned.

"But... sir... won't I need my strength...?"
